Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Detection using Machine
Learning Techniques
s Kotlaba, Simona Buchoveck
a and R
obert L
Department of Information Security, Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University in Prague,
Czech Republic
MS Active Directory, Machine Learning, Kerberoasting, Attack Detection, Cybersecurity.
Active Directory is a prevalent technology used for managing identities in modern enterprises. As a variety
of attacks exist against Active Directory environment, its security monitoring is crucial. This paper focuses
on detection of one particular attack - Kerberoasting. The purpose of this attack is to gain access to service
accounts’ credentials without the need for elevated access rights. The attack is nowadays typically detected
using traditional ”signature-based” detection approaches. Those, however, often result in a high number of
false alerts. In this paper, we adopt machine learning techniques, particularly several anomaly detection al-
gorithms, for detection of Kerberoasting. The algorithms are evaluated on data from a real Active Directory
environment and compared to the traditional detection approach, with a focus on reducing the number of false
Active Directory (AD) is a directory service based
on Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
It stores information about objects on a domain net-
work, such as users, groups, computers, and many
others, together with their attributes in a hierarchi-
cal structure. It is typically used for a broad range
of identity-related services in a domain; basic exam-
ples are authentication, authorization, and accounting
(AAA) services for users and computers. (Desmond
et al., 2013)
Although AD is a proprietary service developed
by Microsoft, it represents an essential part of enter-
prise networks, integrating both Windows and non-
Windows devices. Nowadays, the usage of AD tech-
nology spans even further, to hybrid and public cloud
environments with products such as Azure AD or
AWS Directory Service.
Understanding what data AD stores, and consid-
ering its significance, it is not surprising that it repre-
sents an interesting target for cyber attackers. Once
adversaries get access to AD, the consequences can
be fatal, often resulting in full domain compromise.
Our research focuses on Kerberoasting attack. In
this attack, adversaries target service accounts with
the aim to crack their passwords. If successful, the ob-
tained credentials may enable privilege escalation and
further lateral movement to other domain accounts.
In response, organizations put a lot of effort into
securing their AD environments and developing coun-
termeasures. Besides preventive actions in the do-
main administration, real-time security monitoring
and attack detection are the essential defense mech-
anisms against AD threats.
Traditional detection of AD attacks, including
Kerberoasting, is based on a rule-based analysis of
relevant data. Detection rules contain specific con-
ditions that are checked against Windows logs col-
lected from machines over the network. If the log data
matches the defined conditions, the rule is triggered,
and a security alert is generated.
However, in practice, it turns out that rule-based
detection has its limitations and is not always suffi-
cient. Firstly, static rules may have high false alarm
ratio (FAR). The rules should have the ability to catch
malicious activity even if the attackers use legitimate
computers and user accounts to perform their actions.
On the other hand, such rules may trigger on regu-
larly occurring events with these accounts, e.g., login
failures due to wrong passwords or actions carried by
administrators. A high number of false alerts may re-
sult in a real alert being overlooked or ignored.
Rule-based detection may also have other down-
sides. Since the rules are defined statically, they of-
ten contain various manually defined thresholds, con-
Kotlaba, L., Buchovecká, S. and Lórencz, R.
Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Detection using Machine Learning Techniques.
DOI: 10.5220/0010202803760383
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 376-383
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
stants, or signatures. These are difficult to determine
in the creation process, but on the other hand, rela-
tively easy for an attacker to overcome.
Adversaries may modify their attack procedure to
evade detection, such as limit the number of attempts
to fit under a numeric threshold used in the detection
rule, change various values in the attack tools to avoid
signature detection, or spread the attack over a more
extended time period to limit the rate of attempts per
time unit.
In our previous research (Kotlaba et al., 2020), we
developed a set of signature-based rules that can be
used to detect Kerberoasting. We found out that the
FAR of the designed rules may vary, especially in di-
verse environments with many users. Non-standard
approaches that used honeypots or PowerShell mon-
itoring for detection, performed better compared to
the rules based only on the number of service ticket
requests. However, those carry on implementation
overhead and therefore may not be suitable for usage
in every environment.
In this paper, we propose applying machine learn-
ing (ML) techniques for detecting Kerberoasting. ML
may improve existing signature-based methods, help
to overcome their limitations, improve detection accu-
racy by reducing FAR, and further enhance detection
Multiple anomaly detection algorithms are dis-
cussed, especially in terms of their suitability and effi-
ciency for detection of Kerberoasting. Several config-
urations of ML models are compared. The evaluation
is done using log data originating from an AD envi-
ronment of a real organization, which is diverse in its
structure and contains hundreds of daily users.
The paper is structured as follows: Section 2 con-
tains background information on Kerberoasting at-
tack, followed by a discussion about the possibilities
of its detection. Further, details of the used ML al-
gorithms are provided. Section 3 is dedicated to the
existing research related to the topic of AD attack de-
tection, as well as applications of ML techniques in
cybersecurity. Our proposed detection approach is
presented in Section 4, together with a summary of
achieved results. Section 5 concludes the paper.
2.1 Kerberoasting Attack
Kerberoasting attack was first presented by Tim
Medin to attack the credentials of a remote ser-
vice without sending any traffic to the service itself.
(Medin, 2014)
In Mitre ATT&CK framework, Kerberoasting is
listed as a sub-technique of Steal or Forge Kerberos
Tickets technique, which falls under Credential Ac-
cess tactics. The attack differs from the other two sub-
techniques (Golden and Silver Ticket) in the level of
permissions required. Kerberoasting can be executed
without the need for a local administrator account or
an account having higher permissions in the domain.
A valid domain account or the ability to sniff traffic
within a domain is enough for an attacker to carry on
Kerberoasting. (The Mitre Corporation, 2020)
Kerberoasting takes advantage of how service ac-
counts leverage Kerberos authentication. Kerberos
is the default protocol used within an AD domain.
It allows users to access services on the network by
merely using tickets (instead of passwords), generated
for every session and used over a short time period.
Users can access remote services by simply re-
questing a service ticket from a domain controller
(DC), which serves as the key distribution center
(KDC) in the AD implementation of Kerberos. When
clients request service tickets for given services from
a DC, they use unique identifiers called service prin-
cipal names (SPNs). To enable Kerberos authentica-
tion, it is required that SPNs are registered in AD with
at least one service logon account (an account specif-
ically dedicated to run the service). (The Mitre Cor-
poration, 2020)
The course of Kerberoasting attack can be sum-
marized in the following steps:
1. Services are identified by their SPNs registered
in AD. An attacker that controls a valid user ac-
count may obtain these identifiers by an enumera-
tion technique called SPN Scanning.
2. The attacker requests a service ticket by specify-
ing the SPN value to a DC. In response, the DC
presents the service ticket, part of which is en-
crypted with the target service account’s password
hash. In case a weak cipher suite is negotiated,
such as RC4-HMAC-MD5, the service account’s
NT password hash is used to encrypt the service
ticket. There is no communication with the sys-
tem hosting the target service.
3. NT password hash is prone to brute-force pass-
word cracking. The cracking can be done offline,
without any communication to the target service
or the DC, meaning no events indicating failed lo-
gins are recorded. If the ticket is exported from
memory, the cracking can be done on a different
machine, outside of the target domain.
4. If the service account’s password was not com-
plex enough, the attacker would recover it in
Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Detection using Machine Learning Techniques
In order for Kerberoasting attack to be success-
ful, it is enough that service accounts are set-up
with a weak password (typically not long enough or
dictionary-based). The attack also requires older en-
cryption types to be enabled. That is, however, the
default behavior, and often a necessity for backward
compatibility. Therefore, the Kerberoasting attack re-
quirements may be, unfortunately, easily fulfilled by
underrated administration of service accounts in or-
ganizations. Furthermore, if these accounts are over-
permissioned, an attacker controlling such an account
may be able to access sensitive data or simply pivot
through the domain.
There are plenty of tools available to perform Ker-
beroasting beyond proof of concept. Furthermore,
SPN Scanning and subsequent requesting of service
tickets can be also performed using PowerShell com-
mands only. (Metcalf, 2017b)
Kerberoasting technique uses Kerberos authenti-
cation as designed and intended, without exploiting
any part of the process. This makes the attack chal-
lenging to detect because service tickets are requested
regularly as users access resources in the domain. To
detect Kerberoasting, it is necessary to distinguish be-
tween legitimate and malicious requests.
Kerberos service ticket requests are logged in
Windows Event ID 4769 A Kerberos service ticket
was requested (both for success and failure), which
is generated every time DC receives a service ticket
request. Valuable information contained in this event
includes account name, target service, source IP ad-
dress, encryption type used, and failure code. (Mi-
crosoft Corporation, 2017)
There is no default way of detecting Kerberoast-
ing, and thus building custom detection rules is neces-
sary. As proposed by (Metcalf, 2017b), the detection
logic can be built on top of the event 4769, using the
following indicators:
excessive requests for different services with a
small-time difference from the same user,
Kerberos service ticket requests with a weak en-
cryption (such as RC4).
We utilized these indicators in our previous re-
search (Kotlaba et al., 2020), where we developed
several static rules applicable for detection of Ker-
beroasting. The rules were set to trigger an alert if
there was higher number of service ticket requests
with weak encryption types from a particular source
than a specific predefined threshold.
However, these rules require that the threshold
would be set to a reasonable value, which may be
challenging to determine. The rules do not contain
any built-in capability of reflecting normal vs. abnor-
mal number of requests in the domain.
To overcome these limitations, we propose utiliz-
ing machine learning in addition to the used detection
logic with the aim to gain the self-adopting capability
and improve detection accuracy.
2.2 Machine Learning Algorithms
Detection of Kerberoasting technique represents a
problem of differentiating between normal and un-
usual behavior in terms of service ticket requests. In
our research, we have focused on the possibility of
solving this problem by applying machine learning.
Given the nature of our problem, we utilized ML al-
gorithms suitable for anomaly detection.
Anomaly detection is intended for detecting ab-
normal or unusual observations in the data. As de-
scribed in (Pedregosa et al., 2020), we may further
distinguish between two slightly different types of
anomaly detection:
outlier detection - unsupervised anomaly detec-
tion, where the training data contains outliers
which are defined as observations that are far from
the others,
novelty detection - semi-supervised anomaly de-
tection, where the training data is not polluted by
outliers, and we want to decide whether a new ob-
servation is an outlier.
In our approach, we have chosen one representa-
tive algorithm of each kind, in particular One-Class
Support Vector Machine (SVM) for novelty detection,
and Local Outlier Factor (LOF) for outlier detection.
2.2.1 One-Class SVM
One-Class SVM is an algorithm introduced by
olkopf et al., 1999), developed as an extension
of SVM for the purpose of novelty detection. SVM is
a method that performs classification by constructing
hyperplanes in a multidimensional space that separate
points of different classes. One-class classification
differs from standard classification in the sense that
it learns data from one class only - the normal class,
while there are no or few samples from the other class
- the abnormal class.
To identify suspicious observations, the algorithm
estimates a distribution that encompasses the major-
ity of the data and then labels the data points that lie
far from it as suspicious, with respect to a suitable
metric. The solution is built by estimating a probabil-
ity distribution function which makes most of the ob-
served data more likely than the rest, and a decision
rule that separates these observations by the largest
possible margin. If the new data points lay outside
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
of the determined margin, we can say that they are
abnormal with given confidence in our assessment.
One-Class SVM can be used with multiple param-
eters, out of which the most important is the choice of
a kernel and a scalar parameter ν. Usually, the ra-
dial basis function (RBF) kernel is chosen due to its
non-linear properties. The ν parameter, also known
as the margin of the One-Class SVM, corresponds to
the probability of finding a new observation outside
the frontier, which can also be interpreted as the pro-
portion of outliers we expect to find in our data. (Pe-
dregosa et al., 2020)
2.2.2 Local Outlier Factor
Local Outlier Factor (LOF) is an unsupervised algo-
rithm proposed by (Breunig et al., 2000), which can
be used to find outliers in a given dataset. The sep-
aration is made based on a score that represents the
likelihood of a particular data point being an outlier.
LOF is based on the concept of local density. The
density is obtained for every data point by estimat-
ing its distance from k-nearest neighbors, where the
distance is computed according to the chosen metric.
A normal instance is expected to have a local density
similar to that of its neighbors, while an abnormal is
expected to have much lower density. Thus, the main
idea is to detect the samples that have a significantly
lower density than their neighbors. (Pedregosa et al.,
The advantage of LOF is that due to the local ap-
proach, it is able to identify outliers that would not
be identified in a global perspective. The focus on
locality can be directly influenced by setting the num-
ber of neighbors for the LOF calculation. By setting a
small value, LOF considers only nearby points, which
may be prone to errors when having much noise in the
data. On the other hand, setting a large number may
cause local outliers to be missed.
There are multiple publications and existing research
that deals with detecting attacks against AD or Win-
dows environment. The majority focuses on elements
such as signatures and characteristics of attacks that
can be used to build detection rules.
(Metcalf, 2017a) mentions various artifacts and
signatures that can be found in Windows Security
events and are usable for detection of multiple AD at-
tack scenarios, especially attacks related to Kerberos
protocol, including Kerberoasting.
CERT-EU published whitepaper Kerberos Golden
Ticket Protection (Soria-Machado et al., 2016), where
detection of Golden Ticket is proposed based on mon-
itoring specific string signatures in the events and the
lifetime of Kerberos tickets.
However, a common disadvantage of the men-
tioned approaches is that the attacks would remain
undetected if attackers were able to evade the used
signatures, e.g., by changing the tools’ filenames or
timing of the attack. Furthermore, false positives can
occur if legitimate administrators use commands that
match the defined signatures during their daily opera-
Apart from detection methods based on static
rules and signatures, there is research available at-
tempting to utilize machine learning to discover
anomalous behavior in Windows environments and
detect attack techniques related to lateral movement
in AD infrastructure.
(Hsieh et al., 2015) propose a threat detection
method built on accounts’ behavior sequences. For
each account, the probability model based on Markov
chains is built and used to detect abnormal behavior.
By testing this approach, it was able to give the best
performance of about 66.6% recall and 99.0% preci-
sion rates when combined with prior knowledge.
(Goldstein et al., 2013) suggest monitoring abnor-
mal user behavior by utilizing unsupervised learning,
in particular with the k-NN algorithm. The algorithm
was used to find anomalies in Windows authentica-
tion logs. Besides misconfigurations, it was able to
find some interesting insights about the infrastructure.
(Matsuda et al., 2018) propose a method for out-
lier detection using unsupervised learning with the
One-Class SVM algorithm. The detection is based on
Windows Events 4674 An operation was attempted
on a privileged object and 4688 A new process has
been created, and focused on detecting attacks that
require Domain Administrator privilege. The chosen
approach showed high recall and precision ratios.
omer and R
aberg, 2019) utilized a super-
vised machine learning approach for detection of lat-
eral movement. Attack activities related to lateral
movement included AD enumeration, Pass the Hash
and Pass the Ticket attacks. Several classifiers were
compared on a semi-synthetic dataset. In the men-
tioned experiments, high accuracy was observed with
all tested classifiers, but they performed differently in
terms of recall and precision.
Anomaly-based methods based on clustering and
principal component analysis were applied and com-
pared by (Meijerink, 2019) for detection of lateral
movement in Windows environments. The results
showed that clustering generally performed better, but
Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Detection using Machine Learning Techniques
with a relatively high false-positive ratio, which fur-
ther reduction is desired.
To our best knowledge, there is currently no re-
lated research published that would study the possi-
bilities of adopting machine learning techniques for
detection of Kerberoasting attack.
Our research aims to utilize machine learning for de-
tecting Kerberoasting attack. Our idea is to apply al-
gorithms suitable for anomaly detection to identify
unusual patterns, especially a higher number of ticket
requests for non-typical services from sources that
usually do not perform this kind of activity. If identi-
fied, such activity is worth investigating for the possi-
bility of Kerberoasting attack execution. To validate
our approach, we compared Kerberoasting detection
based on static rules to several models based on ML
techniques on real log data.
4.1 Implementation
4.1.1 Technology
For practical implementation, we have chosen Splunk
platform, as it offers capabilities for both developing
static detection rules and using ML techniques. Also,
Splunk is commonly used by organizations for secu-
rity monitoring purposes, which might help to apply
our results in real environments easily.
Splunk is a platform for analyzing machine data.
From a technical perspective, Splunk ensures collect-
ing, parsing, and indexing Windows Events and other
log sources. Ingested data can be queried by using its
proprietary Search Processing Language (SPL) syn-
tax. (Splunk Inc., 2020)
ML support is provided by Splunk Machine
Learning Toolkit add-on, which provides an inter-
face for using ML algorithms from the Python library
Scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011), directly within
the Splunk platform. Together with the underlying
Scikit-learn library, the add-on supports both One-
Class SVM and LOF algorithms that we have chosen
to implement our approach.
4.1.2 Dataset Preparation
The dataset used for the experiments is non-synthetic,
originating from an AD environment of a real orga-
nization with hundreds of daily users. It consists of
Windows Events 4769 collected over the time span of
six weeks.
As the event 4769 belongs to one of the most
numerous events logged in a Windows domain, the
dataset was further filtered. Only ticket requests with
weak encryption types were preserved. Further, re-
quests made from a domain controller itself, or re-
quests for service names ending with a dollar sign
(that identify computer accounts) were filtered out.
Filtered data were then split into bins, where a
single bin represents a time frame of one day. Then
statistics were calculated across the events by day, IP
address, and source username. As a result, one data
point in the dataset represents cumulative statistics of
ticket requests per unique combination of username
and IP address, per one day. Having aggregated statis-
tics per day is more suitable, as the amount of activity
differs significantly over the day (business vs. out-of-
business hours).
For the purpose of applying ML techniques, the
dataset was split into training, validation, and testing
dataset based on time as follows:
training – 4 weeks, 6265 events, 0 malicious,
validation – 1 week, 1601 events, 1 malicious,
testing – 1 week, 1489 events, 3 malicious.
Training data contains only regular traffic from the
environment. A few crafted malicious events, which
are to represent Kerberoasting activity, were injected
into validation and testing datasets. Those events
were designed to look very similar to regular events,
each with a different number of services requested -
both higher and lower values were used, compared to
the numbers observed in the regular events.
4.1.3 Feature Engineering
Since detection of Kerberoasting is based solely on
Event 4679, the number of possible features usable
for ML models is limited by the fields contained in
this event. The most important fields for detection of
Kerberoasting identify the source (Account Name and
Client Address) and the service for which a ticket was
requested (Service Name/ID).
Extracting features from Windows events is prob-
lematic due to the small number of available fields,
and the categorical nature of their values. That means
the majority of fields cannot be used directly as fea-
tures in most ML models, as those usually require nu-
meric features.
Account Name values cannot be directly con-
verted to a numeric equivalent. Furthermore, this field
may theoretically contain an unlimited number of dif-
ferent values, thus encoding is not the option either.
In environments where users choose their own user-
names, we may attempt to obtain numeric or statisti-
cal values, such as username length. On the contrary,
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
in environments where standardized naming conven-
tion is in place, the account’s properties may be ex-
tracted, such as the type of the account, i.e., personal,
non-personal, or system account.
Service Name field is quite similar to Account
Name. Depending on the naming convention used for
service identifiers, features identifying service prop-
erties or its purpose may be extracted.
Client Address field typically contains an IPv4 ad-
dress. Although IP addresses seem to be numeric,
they cannot be treated as such. An IP address rep-
resented as a 32-bit binary or decimal number does
not represent an ordinal value.
Common approach of representing IP addresses is
obtaining location information and representing it as
GPS coordinates. However, this is not applicable in
our scenario, as we are dealing with private IP ad-
dresses. In environments with strict network segmen-
tation, where different IP subnets are assigned to dif-
ferent network segments, IP addresses can be labeled
based on their segment, which may reveal valuable
information about the type of source computer.
Apart from using existing fields, several numeric
fields can be calculated. An example would be the
number of services requested for a specific source,
which is the most important indicator for Kerberoast-
ing detection. Moreover, the number may be split into
several numeric features, representing a count of ser-
vice tickets per service type, if we were able to distin-
guish service types based on their identifiers.
Based on the properties of our dataset and the dis-
cussion above, we selected the following features for
use with ML models in our experiments:
number of requests for distinct services from a
particular source,
number of requests for distinct services from a
particular source split by service type (applica-
tion, database, etc.),
type of source account requesting the ticket (per-
sonal, non-personal, system account, etc.).
4.2 Experiments and Results
Experiments were conducted with the goal to deter-
mine the best combination of features and values of
hyperparameters for the ML models that can be used
to solve the given problem. To achieve that, the fol-
lowing methodology was used:
1. ML algorithms were fitted on training data with
different values of hyperparameters. Their influ-
ence on the output was measured on the valida-
tion dataset. Appropriate values of hyperparame-
ters were selected for every algorithm.
2. Models with the selected configuration of hyper-
parameters were applied to the dataset using dif-
ferent combinations of features. The best combi-
nation of features was chosen for every algorithm.
3. The algorithms were evaluated and compared on
the testing dataset, using the best-determined con-
figuration for every algorithm.
4.2.1 Static Threshold Rule
Kerberoasting can be detected by a static rule contain-
ing a numeric threshold for the number of requested
service tickets, as proposed in (Kotlaba et al., 2020).
The key is to define the right threshold, as this value
greatly influences the number of false alerts, as well
as the detection sensitivity of the rule.
Based on the distribution of the number of re-
quested services in the training dataset, the threshold
value for service count was set to 15. This means that
an alert would be generated for every data point with
a higher number of service requests. Table 1 summa-
rizes the results of the rule applied to the datasets.
Table 1: Detection results for the static rule.
Dataset Training Test
TP 0.0% 0.1%
TN 98.2% 97.7%
FP 1.8% 2.1%
FN 0.0% 0.1%
4.2.2 One-Class SVM
As described in Section 2, One-Class SVM requires
choice of a kernel and the ν parameter. Our mea-
surements with different kernels unambiguously con-
firmed the advantages of the RBF kernel. The γ pa-
rameter, which is a coefficient for the RBF kernel,
seems to be greatly influencing the number of FP re-
For the experiment with different feature combi-
nations, the ν parameter was set to the value of 0.001,
as we expect approximately 0.1% of malicious events
in the validation dataset. The γ parameter of the RBF
kernel was adjusted experimentally for every model
due to its sensitivity. Other parameters were kept at
their default values.
The use of different feature combinations greatly
influences the results of One-Class SVM. The pri-
mary indicator - the number of requested services was
present in all the combinations. Adding one more fea-
ture, such as service count by type, or the type of user,
helped to reduce the number of false positives com-
pared to the model fitted only on aggregated service
Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Detection using Machine Learning Techniques
Table 2: Comparison of the approaches for Kerberoasting detection.
Static rule One-Class SVM Local Outlier Factor
TP 2 0.1% 3 0.2% 1 0.1%
TN 1455 97.7% 1452 97.5% 1457 97.8%
FP 31 2.1% 34 2.3% 29 2.0%
FN 1 0.1% 0 0.0% 2 0.1%
On the other hand, when the service count was
used as scaled, its importance among other features
was not captured, and the model performed worse.
The best results achieved the model using features
representing both source user and target service types.
4.2.3 Local Outlier Factor
LOF is an unsupervised algorithm, and as imple-
mented in Splunk, it cannot be fitted on training data
and saved as a model. It is meant to be applied di-
rectly with a particular configuration of hyperparam-
eters to a dataset that is to be scanned for outliers.
The output of LOF varies significantly for differ-
ent counts of neighbors considered. Too big focus on
locality was notable for values lower than 20, but on
the other hand, there was almost no difference in FP
detections on a scale from 20 neighbors to all points
in the dataset. For the experiments with different fea-
ture combinations, the number of considered neigh-
bors was set to all data points.
Another parameter influencing the output is the
expected contamination of the dataset. This parame-
ter seems to have linear impact on the number of FPs.
However, when set to a value too low, the malicious
event was not evaluated as an outlier.
In further experiments, we were changing the way
local density is computed. However, the parameters
as metric, algorithm, or even leaf size had little impact
on the output of LOF models.
Surprisingly, results of LOF showed almost no
sensitivity to different combinations of features used.
We measured consistent numbers of false positives
among the output of different configurations. Due
to this property, the same features as with One-Class
SVM were chosen for the comparison.
4.2.4 Comparison
The models with the best-determined configurations
and the static threshold rule were all applied to the
testing dataset. The comparison of the results is pre-
sented in Table 2.
In the static rule, the numeric threshold for the
number of requested services was set to a relatively
high value (15) to reduce FP detections. However, this
resulted in one malicious event not being detected,
as the number of requested services in the event was
lower than the threshold set in the rule.
One-Class SVM model was able to detect all the
three malicious events, but with a slightly higher num-
ber of false-positive detections. However, if we were
to use the static rule with a lower threshold set - to
be able to detect all three malicious events - the num-
ber of false-positive detections would be significantly
higher than with the One-Class SVM model. This
is illustrated in the Table 3, which demonstrates the
comparison of results between the static rule with the
threshold value set to 5 and One-Class SVM.
Table 3: Use of the static rule with a lower threshold.
Static rule One-Class SVM
TP 3 0.2% 3 0.2%
TN 1342 90.1% 1452 97.5%
FP 144 9.7% 34 2.3%
FN 0 0% 0 0%
Local Outlier Factor in the used configuration
yielded the least number of false positives, but on the
other hand, it also missed two malicious events. This
could be avoided by increasing the value of the con-
tamination parameter, but in that case an increase in
the number of FP events is also expected.
In this paper, we proposed adopting machine learn-
ing techniques to improve detection of Kerberoasting
attack. Adversaries use this attack to target Active
Directory environments, with the goal of extracting
credentials of service accounts. Detection of Ker-
beroasting relies traditionally on custom signature-
based rules that may not be effective in diverse en-
We utilized anomaly detection algorithms to iden-
tify unusual patterns in authentication to remote ser-
vices that may indicate the possibility of Kerberoast-
ing attack execution. The algorithms were compared
and evaluated on log data originating from a real orga-
nization. The solutions were implemented in widely-
used Splunk technology, making them applicable in
practice easily.
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
We conducted extensive experiments with One-
Class SVM and Local Outlier Factor algorithms, us-
ing different configurations of their hyperparameters
and features extracted from Windows Events. As the
results have shown, ML approach significantly re-
duced the number of false-positive detections com-
pared to the signature-based approach. At the same
time, we did not observe an increase in the number of
false negatives.
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positives, the One-Class SVM algorithm helped im-
prove detection capabilities, as it detected one attack
that was missed by the static rule. LOF algorithm has
not proven to be equally effective but offers the ad-
vantage of no need for training data.
This work was supported by the Student Summer
Research Program 2020 of FIT CTU in Prague and
the grant no. SGS20/212/OHK3/3T/18. The au-
thors acknowledge the support of the OP VVV MEYS
funded project CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16 019/0000765
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Active Directory Kerberoasting Attack: Detection using Machine Learning Techniques