A Methodology for Deriving Evaluation Criteria for Software
Harald Papp
and Marc Hanussek
Department for Digital Business, University of Stuttgart, Institute of Human Factors and Technology Management (IAT),
Nobelstraße 12, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Keywords: Software Solution, Digitization, Requirements Management, Machine-Learning-as-a-Service,
Small-Medium-Sized Enterprises.
Abstract: Finding a suited software solution for a company poses a resource-intensive task in an ever-widening market.
Software should solve the technical task at hand as perfectly as possible and, at the same time, match the
company strategy. Based on these two dimensions, domain knowledge and industry context, we propose a
methodology for deriving individually tailored evaluation criteria for software solutions to make them
assessable. The approach is formalized as a three-layer model, that ensures the encoding of said dimensions,
where each layer holds a more refined and individualized criteria list, starting from a general software-
agnostic catalogue we composed. Finally, we exemplarily demonstrate our method for Machine-Learning-as-
a-Service platforms (MaaS) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).
Increasing digitization offers huge potential for
enterprises to streamline and automate processes and
services and thus increase the value creation in the
company (Loebbecke & Picot, 2015). Choosing the
right software solution for internal processes is a
crucial step towards optimal workflow. This requires
not only a constantly updated market overview to
catch up on the ever-increasing software-supply, but
an accurate assessment of the company needs
(Schmidt, et al., 2015).
However, the variety of services and the
specificity of solutions makes it difficult for non-
experts to choose the right product. On the other hand,
technical experts might not have the strategic insight,
as well as detailed industry knowledge.
For orderly assessment of such challenges,
requirements managers are employed. Their scope of
action includes leading the communication between
internal and external stakeholders, transforming
overall objectives into tangible requirements. They
aim to generate a mutual understanding of the
complex problem at hand between all involved parties
(Stellman & Greene, 2005).
Since the selection of a software solution for
company-internal purposes neglects external
stakeholders, we will address a subset of common
requirements management methodologies. In this
paper we hypothesize that the problem space for
choosing an optimal company-intern software
solution is comprised of two dimensions.
Accordingly, a requirements manager in the
context of this work is not to be understood from a
common project management perspective, but in the
role of flexibly adopting the two mentioned
dimensions: domain knowledge and industry context.
1.1 Domain Knowledge vs. Industry
For the scope of this paper we define two abstract
dimensions to describe the theoretical basis of our
approach. This simplifies a multi-dimensional
problem to a more manageable setting. Every
possible aspect is then part of either one of the
There is domain knowledge, the knowledge
coming from an expert of the field, where the new
software solution is to be employed. The expert works
Papp, H. and Hanussek, M.
A Methodology for Deriving Evaluation Criteria for Software Solutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0010203001450152
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2021), pages 145-152
ISBN: 978-989-758-485-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Schematic depiction of the theoretical foundation of the model. On the axes, the two presented dimensions are
depicted (although not necessarily orthogonal). A point on the graph is defined as the matching score: How well is a software
solution suited. Theoretical matching scores for a specific software solution are illustrated in form of an ellipse.
with the current suboptimal product, can assess its
perks and drawbacks, knows about the future
professional trajectory of his field and thus is able to
generate requirements from his perspective.
On the other hand, the term industry context
summarizes all information about company size,
market segmentation and niche of the company as
well as its strategy. It is a broader, coarser
perspective, inspired by KPIs (Key Performance
Indicators) and company policies, like interfaces,
personal resource allocations together with company
1.2 Different Actors Propose Different
These two dimensions must not be understood as
mathematical dimensions, where linear independence
holds, but from a pragmatic company-hierarchy
perspective. They depict the perspective of different
states of mind from individual actors in a company
and both need to be encoded into a criteria list for a
software solution, so that all requirements can be met.
If an actor, who thinks in industry context terms
proposes a list of criteria for assessing the optimal
software solution, simply by definition of human
nature, he encodes a bias to the criteria list (Evans,
1989). For example, low cost and low implementation
effort might be driving factors.
This holds for an actor, who thinks in domain
knowledge terms, vice versa. Here, the bias might be
directed towards performance and functionality.
1.3 Choosing the Wrong Search Space
Thus, a criteria list which stems from a single party
tends to be incomplete. The so-created search space
in the field of all possible software solutions, does not
necessarily allow for a global maximum (ergo the
best possible solution), but tends to result in a local
one (a solution which is subjectively optimal). Only
by bringing both dimensions into account, the optimal
solution can be found in the overlap of the respective
search spaces (see Figure 1). De facto, especially
large companies tend to struggle to bring the two
dimensions together (Lund & Gjerding, 1996).
However, there is a wide spectrum of proposed
methodologies to derive criteria for assessing the best
software solution, that try to solve such problems.
1.4 Related Work
In (Jadhav & Sonar, 2009) the authors review
evaluation and selection of software packages. They
discuss various software evaluation techniques such
as Analytic Hierarchy Process, feature analysis,
weighted average sum and a fuzzy based approach.
They also provide evaluation criteria which they
subdivide into categories such as Functional,
ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Personalizability, Portability, Maintainability,
Usability, Reliability, Efficiency, Vendor, Cost and
Benefits. The authors clearly state that “there is lack
of a common list of generic software evaluation
criteria and its meaning”.
In (Godse & Mulik, 2009) selection of Software-
as-a-Service Product is discussed. They use the
Analytic Hierarchy Process for calculating weights of
selection parameters and scores for products. The
selection parameters they quote, are Functionality,
Architecture, Usability, Vendor Reputation, and
Cost. They assert that “there is no explicit guidance
available on selection of SaaS product for business
The authors of (Ekanayaka, Currie, & Seltsikas,
2003) evaluate application service providers (ASP)
by using an evaluation framework that comprises
categories such as “security, pricing, integration,
service level agreement, and reliability, availability
and scalability”. They state that SMEs with limited
experience of IT outsourcing can “enter the ASP
market at reduced risk as long as they learn to
evaluate disparate ASP offerings”. At that time, it was
too early to assess the success of ASPs, which is also
stated in the paper. Nowadays we (continue to)
observe rapid growth in the Software-as-a-service
(SaaS) market. While the ASP model and SaaS are
not the same thing, the basic concept is resembling
and the need for well-defined specific evaluation
frameworks or criteria remains high.
Hence, we propose a three-layer method for
deriving a requirements criteria catalogue for
software products, tailored not only for specific use
cases, but also accounting for the industry context of
the company. Applying this catalogue to different
software solutions gives a rating score per solution
and allows comparison.
Our method is comprised of three layers, each a list
of criteria and two connections, defining the
transitions between the layers (Figure 1).
In a first step a list of generic requirements criteria
for software products is refined to a domain-specific
subset by employing domain knowledge. The second
step then weighs the criteria in the subset to mirror
industry context. The resulting list of criteria then
allows to rate a software solution on every criterion
A Likert scale (Likert, 1932) is the most widely used
approach for measuring personal opinions. The typical
five-level form of the Likert scale consists of the five
with a numeric value. Adding all values then results
in a Matching Score (MS) that reflects both:
How well does the software solution solve the
technical problem a business has?
How well does the software solution line up with
the business strategy?
While we will exemplarily apply this approach to
Machine Learning as a Service (MaaS) for small and
medium-sized enterprises in Section 3, the method
should allow for an employment in overall software
Figure 1: Illustration of the three-layer methodology to
derive a criteria catalogue for software solutions.
2.1 Layer 1 – List of Criteria for
General Software Solutions
The first layer of our method is a list of use case and
industry agnostic criteria formulated as questions.
Some are formulated in such a way, that they can be
answered on a Likert scale
, others can be answered
by numeric values. Scaling will become relevant in
the second layer-connection.
Every criteria list-element belongs to a different
shows a brief overview of those
categories, that hold most questions.
The list is partly composed from ISO Norms (ISO,
2011), as well as different requirements models
(Jadhav & Sonar, 2009), (Ekanayaka, Currie, &
Seltsikas, 2003), (Brand, 2017), (Godse & Mulik,
2009), (SoftGuide GmbH & Co. KG, 2020),
(Ludewig, 2011). Semantic overlap between different
models was resolved, by summarizing similar
questions from different models into one element.
manifestations Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither
agree nor disagree, Agree and Strongly agree.
A Methodology for Deriving Evaluation Criteria for Software Solutions
Actors form the domain specific field are free to
revise and add further elements.
In total, the list has 62 elements and tries to give
an as complete and generic as possible criteria
catalogue for software solutions. The complete list
can be found in the Supplementary Materials
, while
an exemplary sample can be found in the Appendix
(Table 2, “Question/criterion” column).
Table 1: Overview of criteria categories.
Number of Elements in
Documentation and
support for different
Costs 3
Performance 3
Requirement of workers
and their skill
2.2 Layer 2 – Deriving a
Domain-specific Criteria List
The second layer results in a list of domain specific
criteria or in other words, the search space should be
correctly localized in the domain knowledge
dimension (see Fig. 1). To assess the correct search
space boundaries, the connection from the first layer
(list of criteria for general software solutions) to the
second layer is to be specified:
Encoding domain specific knowledge and
information from experts of the field to the list of
general criteria is key. This is done in two steps:
Identify those criteria, that are impractical or
cannot be applied to the software solution under
scrutiny. Remove them.
Reformulate the remaining criteria to domain-
specific wording. Scaling is irrelevant at this stage.
2.3 Layer 3 – Deriving a Weighted
Domain-specific Criteria List
The final, third layer needs to have industry context
encoded into it. Further, it depicts the final list of
criteria that makes a software solution rate-able and
therefore comparable.
For this matter, a wide spectrum of methods,
spanning from analytic hierarchy processes to fuzzy
based approaches, is available. In (Jadhav & Sonar,
2009) a weight-based approach (weight average sum
(WAS)) was called to be the easiest to use. As a
downside, the arbitrariness of assigning weight-
values to criteria list-elements was criticized. We
therefore propose a corrected weight-based approach,
accompanied by a rule set to induce more objectivity
into the weighting process. The connection from layer
2 to 3 is defined as follows:
Before assigning weight-values, every criteria
list-element in layer 2 is rated based on
importance to the business, business-strategy,
etc.: an all-over industry context assessment,
where a high number shows significance to the
business and a low number insignificance. We
found that a 1 to 5 scale was sufficiently fine-
grained, but coarse enough to be distinct.
However, differently numbered scales are also
Every element from layer 2 is examined, whether
it represents a showstopper to the business.
Depending on the rating and on being a
showstopper or not, every element is assigned a
scale (Boolean, Likert, Numerical). Based on this
scale, a specific criterion is later rated and
reflected in the final assessment of a software
solution. The rule set to match a scale to an
element is defined as follows (Further above rules
overrule lower rules):
Element is a showstopper: Boolean
Element is rated 1-3: Boolean
Element is rated 4,5: Likert
Element specifically asks for a numeric value:
Thus, missing showstopper criteria impose a high
penalty, because they simply won’t appear in the MS.
Important (4, 5), but non-showstopper criteria leave
space to accurately weigh them, while unimportant
criteria (1, 2, 3) are not taken into account in such
detail and being Boolean, can be “turned” on and off,
reducing the noise in the MS.
Every criteria list-element is reformulated in such
a way, that it can be answered on the assessed
Weights are normalised and depicted as
2.4 Giving Matching Scores to
Software Solutions
Layer 3 is comprised of 𝑲 Numeric-scaled criteria
), 𝑳 Boolean-scaled criteria (𝑏
∈ 0,1)
ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
and 𝑴 Likert-scaled criteria (𝑐
1,2,3,4,5) and
thus total in 𝑵 criteria, so that holds.
= K + L + M (1)
A software solution is then respectively rated in
every criteria list-element with normalised
values (𝑎
), Boolean values (𝑎
) and
Likert-values (𝑎
). The Matching Score (MS) is:
MS =
This section exemplarily applies the methodology
described in Section 2 to a scenario in which a SME
is in search for a MaaS solution, hence intending to
prepare a selection process. This scenario is abstract
in order to address as many concerned parties as
possible and enable them to individually derive
specific insights (for further discussion see section 4).
Followingly, we establish a minimum of
Beginning with the complete list (see a sample in
Table 2, “Question/criterion” column), criteria which
are not relevant for the specific domain are removed.
Here, the domain is Machine learning as a Service,
which can be understood as the overlap of machine
learning on the one hand and cloud services on the
other hand. While there are several reasons that lead
to removal of criteria, we describe the three main
ideas in the following. A sample of the complete list
of removed criteria, complemented by the respective
reason, can be found in Table 2 (elements with no “X”
in the “Final List?” column).
The first reason is that, due to its nature, cloud
solutions do not need to be installed on a local
computer or connected to the corporate network.
More specifically, MaaS solutions usually run in
server clusters which are hosted by the vendor. The
customer can comfortably access the service via web
browser or APIs. Consequently, criteria such as 4.1
and 22.4 are removed.
High numerical values bias the Matching Score: although
a numeric criterion might be weighted with a 1,
following formula (2) it strongly outweighs even
showstopper-criteria. This is not negatively reflected in
the comparison between software solutions, because
Another reason for removal concerns servicing
and maintenance aspects. Normally, the vendor of
MaaS platforms manages all arising technical issues
such as (security) incidents, customer support,
preventive maintenance and updating software.
Ideally, the user is not even aware of these operations
and can fully concentrate on his business use case and
its implementation in the platform. This leads to
removal of, for example, criteria 9.1 and 20.2.
The third reason deals
with the fashion MaaS
solutions are used. Usually, the products are offered
in a highly service-oriented fashion. Next to servicing
and maintenance aspects, this particularly applies to
modification of the solution. Normally, vendors of
MaaS solutions provide complete services which do
not need to be customized by the customer. Vendors
strive to offer generic interfaces such that it is not
necessary (or possible, or desired, respectively) for
users or other agents to adjust the software to users’
needs. Consequently, structure, maintainability and
documentation of source code is not relevant for the
customer, at least not immediately. These are, among
others, criteria 22.6 and 22.7.
After the removal process, we face a list of criteria
which is relevant for MaaS solutions (see a sample in
Table 2, elements with “X” in the “Final List?”
column). For the next step, that is refinement to
specific target audiences, we investigate specific
needs and customs of the considered company or its
industry. Concretely, consider a SME whose primary
field of activity is not (machine learning centered) IT.
By weighting the remaining criteria, we aim to obtain
a final list of criteria of varying importance. Like the
previous step, we subsequently present the main
reasons and ideas behind this exemplary approach.
Note that, while different companies and business
sectors can have immensely differing needs and
customs, we try to focus on possible similarities. We
hereby invoke experiences from our project work in
diverse fields of application.
The first assumption is lack of machine learning
specialists in the company. This hypothesis should
hold true for most of the concerned businesses, since
we consider companies that do not primarily operate
in (machine learning centered) IT by assumption.
Furthermore, hiring such staff is hard, as the hype for
machine learning is a relatively new phenomenon,
hence limiting the number of graduates. Having the
every numeric value is on the same scale across the
different solutions, however a normalization of numeric
values to a proper range, ensures the consistency within
a single software solution. Through normalization,
differently scaled variables become comparable.
A Methodology for Deriving Evaluation Criteria for Software Solutions
aforementioned lack in mind, we assume that the
considered company will conduct comparatively
basic experiments on the MaaS platform.
Consequently, expert features of the MaaS solution
like 2.19, 6.2 and 13.1 are not of particular
importance and will be assigned minor weights.
Limited resources are another impact factor for
the evaluation. We suppose that SMEs neither have
sufficient reserve assets, nor enough staff for distinct
advance development. Instead, SMEs need decent
return on investment in a comparatively short time
period. Hence, the MaaS solution should either be
low in price or generate quick net product. Criteria
fulfilling these requirements will be assigned major
weights (e.g. 3.2, 3.3).
Lastly, like every other company, SMEs must deal
with showstoppers. Such criteria will be assigned the
highest possible weight. Apart from universal
showstoppers, like non-compliance with locally
applicable law, we identified one noteworthy MaaS-
specific criterion: reliability or the correctness of the
system’s output (15.1). In machine learning,
estimating model performance for unseen data is a
complex task. Small or biased datasets can
complicate this task even more. Combined with non-
expert users, this bears the pitfall of overestimating
model performance which, in turn, can have
economic consequences. Next to mere model
performance in terms of known evaluation metrics,
there are additional risks such as estimators learning
side issues instead of focusing on relevant aspects of
the data. In image classification, for example, there
are known cases in which this leads to unexpected
behavior of image classifiers (Han S. Lee, 2017).
Therefore, in our scenario it is utterly important for
MaaS solutions to feature robust model performance
estimates such as cross validation on the one hand and
provide model insight (possibly with methods of the
field of explainable artificial intelligence) on the other
hand. Thereby, the risk of misuse by non-expert users
can be reduced.
The three aforementioned assumptions, together
with additional considerations (see a sample in Table
2), lead to the weights column. By normalizing, as
described in Section 2.3, we obtain the final list
exhibiting the most import criteria which is adjusted
to the domain MaaS as well as to the target audience
We presented a transferable methodology for
deriving a criteria catalogue for software solutions. It
can be directly applied as is or used as an inspiration
for problems alike. As such, different software
solutions (of the same scope) on the market can
objectively be compared, so that the optimal solution
can be found for a business.
To allow for this, we proposed that two
independent dimensions – domain knowledge and
industry context – need to be encoded into a template
criteria catalogue (which we also compiled). The first
dimension ensures that the software solution indeed
solves the technical problem one faces, the second
dimension attests, that it is in line with business
strategy and branch context. Followingly, one could
consider domain knowledge, as a bottom-up process,
reflecting the skill of specialists, while industry
context mirrors a top-down process, reflecting the
market understanding of decision makers.
The method is formalized in a three-layer model
with two-layer connections in between. Because the
first layer is a general list of criteria, blended from
many sources, it should offer a software-agnostic
basis for tackling decision problems. The transition to
the second layer encodes domain knowledge and the
connection to the third layer encodes industry
context. Connections were presented as a step
sequence, accompanied by examples, to additionally
illustrate the approach.
The resulting catalogue in layer three can then be
used for the comparison of software solutions: Every
software solution under scrutiny, is assessed in every
criterion, yielding a final matching score.
The theoretically derived model here presented
in an abstract scenario – of course needs further real-
world validation. Thus, additional examination is
strongly suggested, and we plan to investigate this in
an empirical study.
Brand, K. (2017, April 27). www.xing.com. Retrieved from
Ekanayaka, Y., Currie, W., & Seltsikas, P. (2003).
Evaluating application service providers.
Evans, J. (1989). Bias in human reasoning: Causes and
consequences. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Godse, M., & Mulik, S. (2009). An Approach for Selecting
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Product. 2009 IEE
International Conference on Cloud Computing.
Han S. Lee, A. A. (2017, September). Why Do Deep Neural
Networks Still Not Recognize These Images?: A
Qualitative Analysis on Failure Cases of ImageNet
ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Classification. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/
ISO, I. (2011). Iec25010: 2011 systems and software
engineering--systems and software quality
requirements and evaluation (square)--system and
software quality models. International Organization
for Standardization, p. 2910.
Jadhav, A. S., & Sonar, R. M. (2009). Evaluating and
selecting software packages: A review. Information and
Software Technology.
Likert, R. (1932). A technique for the measurement of
attitudes. Archives of Psychology, pp. 22 140, 55.
Retrieved from
Loebbecke, C., & Picot, A. (2015). Reflections on societal
and business model transformation arising from
digitization and big data analytics: A research agenda.
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 24.3, pp.
Ludewig, E. (2011). https://www.usabilityblog.de.
Retrieved from https://www.usabilityblog.de/messen-
Lund, R., & Gjerding, A. (1996). The flexible company:
innovation, work organization and human resource
management. Danish Research Unit for Industrial
Dynamics (DRUID) Working Paper.
Schmidt, R., Zimmermann, A., Möhring, M., Nurcan, S.,
Keller, B., & Bär, F. (2015). Digitization–perspectives
for conceptualization. European Conference on
Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing.
SoftGuide GmbH & Co. KG. (2020).
https://www.softguide.de. Retrieved from
Stellman, A., & Greene, J. (2005). Applied software project
management. O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Table 2: Sample list of criteria and the refined criteria for the example in section 3. The “Question/criterion” column
respectively depicts the sample list of general criteria for software solutions. If an element is relevant for the example in
section 3 it is marked with an “X” in the “Final List?” column. It is reformulated in the “Domain-specific formulation” column
and rated, weighted and fitted with a scale (“Rating, Weighting, Scale” column). The “Justification” column bears a
description for the elimination from the list for the rating for the example. The complete table can be found on GitHub
Customizability: Can
output be presented
Can results be
displayed differently,
for example by
different error
Too detailed for the
What is the total cost of
ownership (TCO) for
the IT solution?
What is the total cost
of ownership (TCO)
for the IT solution?
X Limited budget.
What is the near-term
vs. long-term Return of
What is the near-term
vs. long-term ROI?
Financial lean period due
to limited reserves
Performance of the
IT solution
Does the IT solution run
at decent speed on
standard local
No installation of
software needed.
Further development:
Can the solution be
further developed?
Can trained models be
refined manually?
No ML experts available
in SMEs.
Is it easy to install,
operate, maintain, and
upgrade the IT solution?
Maintenance, upgrades
and running are
performed as a service by
the cloud service.
A Methodology for Deriving Evaluation Criteria for Software Solutions
Table 2: Sample list of criteria and the refined criteria for the example in section 3. The “Question/criterion” column
respectively depicts the sample list of general criteria for software solutions. If an element is relevant for the example in
section 3 it is marked with an “X” in the “Final List?” column. It is reformulated in the “Domain-specific formulation”
column and rated, weighted and fitted with a scale (“Rating, Weighting, Scale” column). The “Justification” column bears
a description for the elimination from the list for the rating for the example. The complete table can be found on GitHub
(https://github.com/Pappipapp/A-Methodology-for-Deriving-Evaluation-Criteria-for-Software-Solutions). (Cont.)
Does the IT solution
offer the ability to set up
multiple clients (such as
company codes) that
can run independently?
Is it possible to create
parallel ML
workflows and/or train
models at the same
No ML experts available
in SMEs.
reliability, fault
How mature, reliable, or
fault-tolerant is the IT
solution (e.g. restart
without data loss after
How mature, reliable,
or fault-tolerant is the
IT solution (e.g. restart
without data loss after
No resources to deal with
ever-changing platform
Analysability: What is
the effort required to
diagnose causes of
failure or to determine
arts in need of change?
Troubleshooting and
maintenance are
performed as a service by
the cloud service.
and support for
different languages
Is required hardware,
software, possible
operating systems,
standard libraries or
runtime systems,
installation, updates and
deinstallation properly
No installation needed
since this is performed as
a service by the cloud
and support for
different languages
Is there a test
Users generally are not
concerned with software
and support for
different languages
Is there a development
Users generally are not
integrated in the
development process.
ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems