Field Studies on the Impact of
Cryptographic Signatures and Encryption on Phishing Emails
Stefanie Pham
, Matthias Schopp
, Lars Stiemert
, Sebastian Seeber
, Daniela P
and Wolfgang Hommel
at M
unchen, Munich, Germany
Research Institute CODE, Universit
at der Bundeswehr M
unchen, Munich, Germany
Phishing, Social Engineering, Security, Email, Signatures.
Phishing is a type of scam designed to steal users’ personal information, e.g. passwords, credit card informa-
tion, or other account details. Phishing websites look similar to legitimate ones, making it difficult for users to
differentiate between them. Phishing attacks are constantly being improved and the range of techniques used
are continuously expanded. Signatures and encryption in emails are security mechanisms that phishers could
attempt to misuse. This paper analyses the potential of these methods. Two comparative studies on the effect
of Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) signatures and encryption in phishing mails were conducted. The effect was
analysed in social and security-related contexts and with computer-savvy as well as regular recipients. We
examined the factors computer experience, signature, encryption, signature and encryption, as well as inter-
action between computer experience and signatures. The results indicate a potential for misuse. Observations
made during this study are stated along with future work.
Phishing is one of the leading causes of data breaches
and a method for identity theft, financial fraud,
and skimming trade secrets or military informa-
tion (PhishLabs, 2019). Thereby, phishing is a sig-
nificant threat to the security of individual internet
users and companies up to states. Attackers attempt
to obtain confidential data, such as passwords or bank
details, through digital communication using decep-
tion. Traditionally, phishing messages are sent by
email and, under a trustworthy pretext, prompt you
to visit a website that requests personal information.
The collected data is then used for further attacks.
Phishing attacks typically adapt to seasonal events;
for example, phishing emails are currently tailored for
COVID-19, where, e. g. the World Health Organiza-
tion (WHO) (World Health Organization, 2020) and
the US Center of Disease Control (Centers of Dis-
ease Control and Prevention, 2020) were imitated as
For successful attacks, emails must appear trust-
worthy and authentic. Phishers use a repertoire of
techniques and tools, which is constantly being im-
proved and expanded. This makes it increasingly dif-
ficult for users and detection systems, like spam fil-
ters, to identify these attempts of fraud. The tech-
niques include professional design, clever fake sender
addresses, and inconspicuous links (Chaudhry et al.,
2016). Persuasion strategies are used to manipulate
recipients (Ferreira et al., 2015) and publicly available
or otherwise acquired data enable the personalisation
of messages (Benenson et al., 2017). Furthermore,
phishers attempt to make their attacks appear secure,
in order to gain their victims’ trust. They increasingly
incorporate security mechanisms such as HTTPS to
feign security on their websites (PhishLabs, 2019);
It can be expected that further security mechanisms
will be exploited in the same way. Other security
mechanisms that have the potential to be misused
and are yet under-investigated in research are end-to-
end encrypted and cryptographically signed emails.
OpenPGP and Secure / Multipurpose Internet Mail
Exchange (S/MIME) are standards that provide these
security services. OpenPGP creates confidentiality
and authenticity in emails with the underlying web
of trust. Similarly to HTTPS, OpenPGP encryption
does not guarantee authenticity, signatures however
are a means to authenticate senders. If used and un-
derstood correctly, they are in fact an instrument to
prevent phishing. In addition, encryption can be seen
as a form of personalisation, as the recipient’s public
Pham, S., Schopp, M., Stiemert, L., Seeber, S., Pöhn, D. and Hommel, W.
Field Studies on the Impact of Cryptographic Signatures and Encryption on Phishing Emails.
DOI: 10.5220/0010206003840390
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 384-390
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
key is used. Detection systems running on the mail
servers of individual organizations or cloud service
providers cannot analyse encrypted mails, increas-
ing the probability of successful attacks. To examine
whether signatures and encryption can be misused for
phishing, we conducted two field studies investigat-
ing the mechanisms’ influence on the effectiveness of
phishing attacks.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Re-
lated approaches are described in Section 2, which
build the basis for our studies in Section 3. The out-
comes of our two field studies are described in Sec-
tion 4 and discussed in Section 5. Section 6 concludes
the paper and gives future directions.
Several researchers have published work on phish-
ing. We want to highlight phishing mediums and how
different factors impact the success of phishing at-
tempts. Phishing research has so far mainly focused
on webpages and was mostly conducted via user stud-
ies (Ferreira and Vieira-Marques, 2018). This may
be the case because websites are the most common
phishing medium, followed by email. Other means of
communication used for phishing are text messages
or phone calls (Yeboah-Boateng and Amanor, 2014),
social media like Facebook (Jagatic et al., 2007; Be-
nenson et al., 2017) and Twitter (Seymour and Tully,
2016), or recently QR codes (Vidas et al., 2013).
Signed emails can be embedded into anti-phishing ap-
proaches (Ren et al., 2007; Crain et al., 2010), but
to our knowledge no study targets signatures and en-
cryption as a means for phishers.
Recent related work researched the impact of var-
ious factors on the effectiveness of phishing attacks.
The factors can be categorised into user-based fac-
tors and the overall phishing setup. The follow-
ing related work describes the correlation between
demographic characteristics and phishing vulnerabil-
ity: (Sheng et al., 2010) and (Kumaraguru et al., 2009)
show that individuals between 18 and 25 years are
more vulnerable than older people. This result is con-
firmed by (Diaz et al., 2020), including only young
and mid-aged people. Another study extends the
scope of this research by including older people (Lin
et al., 2019). They observed a maximum vulnerability
to phishing in women over the age of 60 years. Fur-
ther studies (Sheng et al., 2010; Jagatic et al., 2007;
Halevi et al., 2015) confirm that women are overall
more vulnerable to phishing than men. Recent work
supports the thesis that computer-savvy people are
less vulnerable to phishing and that web skills cor-
relate to lower phishing susceptibility (Downs et al.,
2007). In a study at a university, researchers anal-
ysed how publicly available information in social net-
works can be misused for phishing attacks (Jagatic
et al., 2007). They observed that students from tech-
nology majors were the least vulnerable group. The
success rate for phishing attempts from an unknown
sender was as low as 0%, whereas it was up to 50%
for students from other departments. A comparable
result was found in (Diaz et al., 2020) during simu-
lated phishing attacks. Information technology and
engineering students had the lowest click rates in this
study. Low susceptibility was also related to frequent
interaction with computers and participation in com-
puter training. In contrast, (Alsharnouby et al., 2015)
found no correlation between technical competences
and the ability to identify phishing correctly. Unlike
computer experience, IT security experience is often
described as a factor that distorts the results of a study.
To eliminate this factor, knowledge in IT security was
an exclusion criterion in a set of phishing studies, e.g.
(Jakobsson et al., 2007) excluded students who at-
tended an IT security lecture and (Downs et al., 2006)
excluded subjects if their answers in a survey indi-
cated increased security awareness. The setup of the
phishing attack itself is pivotal for its effectiveness.
Targeted content raises the success rate of phishing
messages, but the effectiveness depends on the recip-
ient. A widespread spear-phishing experiment was
performed by (Williams et al., 2018). They observed
that people are more vulnerable at their workplace if
phishing messages use persuasion techniques such as
authority and urgency. The impact of different per-
suasion techniques in relation to the recipients’ de-
mography was explored by (Lin et al., 2019). They
determined that young adults are most responsive to
scarcity and older adults to reciprocation.
These observations support our assumption that
the effect of signatures and encryption depends on the
recipients and the email context. Therefore, computer
experience and security-related email content are fac-
tors considered in our studies.
This paper presents the results of studies on whether
signatures and encryption can be misused to increase
the effectiveness of phishing attacks. The relationship
is examined both in a security-related and in a social
context. Additionally, it is determined whether the
recipient being computer-savvy has an impact on the
effectiveness of encryption and signatures in phish-
ing emails. Two field studies with realistic OpenPGP
Field Studies on the Impact of Cryptographic Signatures and Encryption on Phishing Emails
signed emails were designed and carried out. Publicly
available email addresses were collected and emails
were sent with links to websites that asked for sensi-
tive data in some manner.
The emails were sent in four different variants:
plain, plain with signature, encrypted, and encrypted
with signature. In order to examine the effects in dif-
ferent contexts, two studies were conducted. In the
first study, the message was non-security-related (so-
cial) and in the second one it was security-related.
The number of subjects clicking the link was collected
as well as the number that entered data on the web-
sites. Those two values were used to measure the ef-
fectiveness of the phishing approach.
The studies were designed in such a way that
no login data for existing online services were re-
quested. No sensitive data was transmitted to the
servers. The email accounts used to send the mails
were locked when the study was concluded and the
subjects’ email addresses were deleted. Before con-
ducting these studies, we conferred with the chairman
of the ethics committee of the Universit
at der Bun-
deswehr M
unchen. We concluded that we would per-
form our research as a pilot study with a small sample
size. For future large-scale studies, approval will be
requested from an ethics board.
The following two sections describe the imple-
mentation of the studies. The first section describes
the setup and implementation of study 1 and the ac-
quisition of the subjects as well as the data collection
and the final steps. This is followed by the setup and
implementation of study 2. The results of both studies
are outlined afterwards.
3.1 Study 1: PhotoBay
In the first study, the influence of the following fac-
tors on the effectiveness of the phishing attempt was
1. Computer experience of the subject receiving an
unsigned email.
2. Computer experience of the subject receiving a
signed email.
3. Signing an email with an OpenPGP signature sent
to a non-computer-savvy subject.
4. Signing an email with an OpenPGP signature sent
to a computer-savvy subject.
5. Encrypting an email with the subject’s public key.
6. Signing an email with an OpenPGP signature and
encrypting it with the subject’s public key.
7. Interaction between the effects of computer expe-
rience and signatures.
The email sent in this study allegedly contained a
link to party pictures. The link led to a fake cloud-
service website. In order to see the pictures, the web-
site requested registration as shown in Figure 1. The
email was an adapted version of the one used by (Be-
nenson et al., 2017):
Figure 1: Website Study 1 PhotoBay.
Subject: Pictures from party last week
The party was awesome! Here are the pic-
But please don’t share them with people who
haven’t been there!
See you next time,
The alleged sender was a fictitious person with a
common gender-neutral English name. The link in-
cluded in the email used an anonymised ID to track
the subject in order to identify duplicates, i. e. the
same recipient following the link multiple times. The
subjects were acquired by using a script that collects
publicly available email addresses on search engines.
This decision was made to simulate a realistic phish-
ing attack by using publicly available and easy-to-use
tools and data sources. The collected subjects were
divided into six groups:
Not computer-savvy, receive a plain email (N =
Computer-savvy, receive a plain email (N = 110).
Not computer-savvy, receive a signed email (N =
Computer-savvy, receive a signed email (N =
Computer-savvy, receive an encrypted email (N =
Computer-savvy, receive a signed and encrypted
email (N = 99).
For this study, computer-savvy refers to a per-
son who is presumed to use computers more fre-
quently or to have better comprehension of comput-
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
ers than average. In order to find computer-savvy
subjects, email addresses were collected from web-
sites with computer- and programming-related topics,
such as linux and coding forums. Respectively, non-
computer-savvy refers to a person who is presumed to
have average computer knowledge. These email ad-
dresses were extracted from social networks, where
published personal information can be expected, such
as (LinkedIn, 2020) and (Instagram, 2020). OpenPGP
certificates were created for the sender addresses and
published on the Synchronizing Key Server (SKS)
network. These were used for the signatures that were
attached to the emails. To send an encrypted email,
the recipient needs an OpenPGP key pair. The re-
quired public keys were retrieved from a key server.
Consequently, only subjects with a published public
key were in the groups receiving encrypted emails.
It can be assumed a person with keys is computer-
savvy (Braun and Oostveen, 2019) and, therefore,
there was no group of non-computer-savvy subjects
receiving encrypted emails.
The efficiency of the phishing attack was then
measured based on the access requests of the website
and the input of data by the subjects. To determine
the number of subjects that followed the link in the
email, the ID included in the link was saved on the
server side for every access request. The IDs were
then compared to a list of valid IDs for this study to
filter out access requests that were not the result of a
subject following the link in the email. The IDs were
16-character strings containing the group and study
affiliation and the hashed email address of the sub-
ject. Thus, a conclusion to the group, but not to the
individual subjects was possible. To track the num-
ber of subjects that entered data, a subject’s ID was
logged when they attempted to register. The stored
IDs for access requests and data input allowed us to
detect duplicates, so it was possible to determine if the
same subject had visited the website multiple time or
if the same subject had attempted to register multi-
ple times. In order to filter bots, a captcha had to be
solved in order to register. In addition, a robots.txt
file was used for the website.
The website was available for two weeks. After-
wards, the OpenPGP keys that had been published for
the signed emails were revoked and the collected IDs
were deleted after evaluation. The phishing website
was replaced by one informing about the study, which
included contact details for questions and further in-
3.2 Study 2: EvilGnome
In the second study, the influence of the following fac-
tors was analysed:
1. Signing an email with an OpenPGP signature.
2. Encrypting an email with the subject’s public key.
3. Signing an email with an OpenPGP signature and
encrypting it with the subject’s public key.
The subject acquisition, data collection, and fi-
nal steps were similar to study 1. The study aimed
to analyse the effect of signatures and encryption of
phishing mails in a security-related context. The sub-
jects were warned of a malicious software by a fake
security magazine. The link led to a maintenance
website for this magazine with the option to register
for a newsletter as shown in Figure 2. The email con-
tent was as follows:
Figure 2: Website Study 2 EvilGnome.
Subject: New wave of EvilGnome A
backdoor implant spies on Linux users
A premature test version of the EvilGnome
spyware was first discovered by security
researchers in July. Several devices have
now been infected by a newer version which
includes several added malicious modules.
Security and antivirus products are currently
failing to detect the malware.
Read more: https://www.<ID>
The email was only sent to subjects with imputed
IT security experience to ensure a basic interest. To
collect suitable email addresses, IT security websites
such as forums and news websites were searched. The
subjects were divided into four groups:
Receive a plain email (N = 110).
Receive a signed email (N = 110).
Receive an encrypted email (N = 92).
Receive a signed and encrypted email (N = 92).
Field Studies on the Impact of Cryptographic Signatures and Encryption on Phishing Emails
In the first study, 3.5% of the subjects followed the
link in the phishing mail and more than 50% of these
requested the website multiple times. Only three sub-
jects tried to register on the page from study 1. There-
fore, no significant information about the registra-
tion attempts was observable, but all attempts resulted
from signed emails. To evaluate the influence of the
analysed factors, the click rates were tested for statis-
tical significance. Factors one to six were analysed
by exact Fisher-tests (α = 0.05). The only significant
factor was the signature for non-computer-savvy sub-
jects. Table 1 shows the results for study 1.
Factor seven, i.e. the interaction between the com-
puter experience of the subject and signing the email,
was analysed with a Breslow-Day test. For this, the
click rate was used as the dependent variable and
the computer experience and signature as indepen-
dent variables. The result shows that the interaction
between the variables computer experience and sig-
natures is significant (p < 0.05). This means the ef-
fect of either independent variable on the click rate
depends on the other independent variable. So, the
factor computer experience lessens the positive effect
of signatures on the click rates. The test might be in-
sufficient due to small input values resulting from the
study’s small sample size. The results are listed in
Table 2.
In study 2, the small sample size combined with
low click rates led to no significant differences being
The results show that the success rate among non-
computer-savvy subjects was higher when the link
was sent in a signed email than in an unsigned email.
This effect could not be observed with computer-
savvy subjects. A possible explanation is that the
signed emails were regarded as unusual and therefore
drew attention. According to (Benenson et al., 2017),
curiosity is the most common reason for following the
link in a phishing email. An alternative explanation
for this behaviour is that the signatures were correctly
identified as a method of authentication, but falsely
interpreted by the non-computer-savvy group. Other
security indicators are often misinterpreted as (Downs
et al., 2006) explain. Most participants perceived,
e.g., the padlock symbol, which indicates encrypted
transmissions in browsers, as a sign that it was safe
to enter their personal data. Similarly, a signed email
may appear to be more secure even from an unknown
sender due to a lack of understanding. This inter-
pretation is consistent with the interaction effect ob-
served between signatures and computer experience.
Computer-savvy subjects will be more likely to un-
derstand the proper usage of signatures. If knowledge
on the topic is the reason for computer experience to
weaken the positive effect of signatures on the click
rate, then education and awareness training may be
effective countermeasures.
Although study 2 did not yield significant infor-
mation in regard to the research questions, the low
click rate itself is notable. Since the subjects were
specifically chosen to have an interest in IT security,
it is likely they correctly identified the email as phish-
ing and therefore did not follow the link.
The primary limitation to these studies were the
sample sizes. The small study setup was caused by
legal restrictions, which can be addressed in future
work. Furthermore, the method used to acquire sub-
jects did not guarantee to return actively used email
addresses. In (Benenson et al., 2017), where an email
similar to the one used in study 1 was sent, a click
rate of 20% was recorded, compared to 3.5% in this
study. The main difference between the two studies
was that the other study was conducted at a univer-
sity and, therefore, the email addresses were known
to be actively used. Due to the acquisition method,
there was further information that could not be estab-
lished on the subjects. The subjects’ presumed com-
puter experience and security interest or lack thereof
could not be verified and the reasoning behind their
behaviour could not be determined. Collecting the
email addresses at an institution or recruiting subjects
for a cover-up study can address these issues in future
studies. However, the method used in this study por-
trays a more realistic common phishing attempt. In
future work, the issue of small values in the data can
be mitigated by larger test groups.
Phishing attacks are constantly being improved. Var-
ious techniques are used to increase the success of
phishing attempts, including security mechanisms.
Using digital signatures and encryption for phishing
emails are strategies that attackers could take advan-
tage of. In this paper, we conducted two field stud-
ies to assess the effectiveness of these strategies. The
studies additionally take the recipients’ computer ex-
perience into consideration as well as the context of
the phishing email. The results offer first insights
on the misuse potential of signatures, suggesting they
can be exploited by attackers. These and future stud-
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Exact Fisher-tests results.
Factor Followed link p-value
Computer experience (unsigned) Non-computer-savvy: 1/110 (0.91%)
Computer-savvy: 7/110 (6.36%)
Computer experience (signed) Non-computer-savvy: 8/110 (7.27%)
Computer-savvy: 2/110 (1.82%)
Signed (non-computer-savvy) Unsigned: 1/110 (0.91%)
Signed: 8/110 (7.27%)
Signed (computer-savvy) Unsigned: 7/110 (6.36%)
Signed: 2/110 (1.82%)
Encrypted Unencrypted: 7/110 (6.36%)
Encrypted: 1/99 (1.01%)
Signed & encrypted Neither: 7/110 (6.36%)
Both: 3/99 (3.03%)
Table 2: Breslow-Day test result.
Followed link p-value
Non-computer-savvy / Unsigned: 1/110 (0.91%)
Non-computer-savvy / Signed: 8/110 (7.27%)
Computer-savvy / Unsigned: 7/110 (6.36%)
Computer-savvy / Signed: 2/110 (1.82%)
ies are critical because only if research stays ahead of
attackers in phishing strategies, preventive measures
can be developed to protect users from phishing at-
For future work, we plan to extend our field stud-
ies to confirm our results and to gather more conclu-
sive data on the effects of encryption and security-
related context, and to examine further aspects. These
include authority figures, different persuasion tech-
niques, and using S/MIME as opposed to OpenPGP.
Additionally, we plan to consider legal aspects and a
more comprehensive mail selection in terms of con-
fidentiality. Finally, we intend to investigate the rea-
sons for people’s behaviour in response to phishing
and the effect of awareness training.
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ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy