be used by a planner (evaluating operational quality).
Similarly, we can classify the type of learning by its
inputs, such as training examples taken from the do-
main specification D. In this way, the activity of using
machine learning to learn parts of the model external-
isation M can be cast within the Framework to clarify
quality goals and classifications of procedure, leading
to a sounder footing for the evaluation of such domain
model learning techniques.
Generalisation to Other Areas of Automated Rea-
soning. It may be argued that the introduced frame-
work, as well as some of the peculiarities of plan-
ning knowledge models described in the correspond-
ing section, are shared by other approaches for au-
tomated reasoning. This is, to some extent, cor-
rect. Answer Set Programming (ASP) and Satisfiabil-
ity (SAT) components can be seen as components of
larger frameworks, potentially providing support and
automated reasoning capabilities to autonomous sys-
tems. However, a significant difference lies in the fact
that in areas such as ASP and SAT, there is less em-
phasis on the shape of generated solutions. In fact,
ASP solvers are usually bounded to return all the pos-
sible solutions. In SAT, instead, it is important to
show that there exists a solution, or to demonstrate
that a formula is unsatisfiable. Sub-areas of SAT, such
as MaxSAT, can accommodate preferences about the
structure of solutions, but solvers tend to be more fo-
cused on optimality –by including preferences in the
overall quality of generated solutions. From a lan-
guage perspective, both SAT and ASP show a smaller
degree of variability than planning: the selection of
the language is therefore much easier and less im-
portant for the overall modelling process. Therefore,
components such as P, and L are less relevant for the
ASP and SAT modelling process.
The engineering of automated planning applications
–and in particular the knowledge model– is of great
importance as research advancements lead to applica-
tions, particularly in autonomous systems. To support
this, a deeper understanding of quality in the devel-
opment process needs to be derived. Utilising gen-
eral frameworks for conceptual modelling, we have
introduced a quality framework for use in viewing the
development of the knowledge model in automated
planning. This links previously distinct research ef-
forts in areas such as post-design analysis, automated
model acquisition, model debugging, and tool devel-
We have shown how past research in this area can
be given a more holistic setting within this frame-
work, and have exploited the framework for assess-
ing the support provided by existing knowledge engi-
neering tools for automated planning, and, finally, we
pointed out a list of potential benefits to the planning
community. The results of the performed analysis,
beside demonstrating the usefulness of the introduced
framework, confirms the lack of support for engineer-
ing automated planning knowledge models of state-
of-the-art tools and indicates the areas where further
work is needed. For instance, the analysis put a spot-
light on the lack of support for the Reflection process,
and on the limited ability of existing tools in support-
ing the encoding of additional knowledge that is not
strictly part of the models.
For future work, we are interested in synthesising
metrics that can be used for quantitatively evaluating
processes and components of the quality framework,
and to develop approaches that, by leveraging on the
introduced processes and quality concepts, can help
in addressing robustness issues of planning engines
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A Quality Framework for Automated Planning Knowledge Models