they fill out an account recovery form on Android
phones while sitting in a laboratory, we have per-
formed score-level fusion experiments, of two types,
namely, weighted score fusion and the likelihood ra-
tio based score fusion. In addition, we have also per-
formed both intra- and inter-session experiments.
By fusing both modalities, the likelihood ratio
based score fusion performs the best in both intra- and
inter-sessions, between the two score fusion strate-
gies, with EERs of 2.4% and 6.9%, respectively. An
average sliding window width of 80 for the best-
performing likelihood ratio approach is equivalent to
40 seconds of data per decision.
As shown in Table 1, in the score fusion of ac-
celeration experiment and score fusion of angular ve-
locity experiment, the average and the median EERs
are very close, which shows that the data is evenly
distributed. The standard deviation implies that the
EERs do not vary much among the users. Over-
all, the cross-modality fusion outperforms the within-
modality and the likelihood ratio based score fusion
performs the best in all experiments. Lastly, it is no-
ticed that in the score fusion experiments, the k and n
parameters of the sliding window are typically high.
Based on our sampling rate of 2 Hz, these would
amount to less than 2 minutes of data per authenti-
cation decision.
Our future work will include replicating this study
on other public data-sets to increase the reliability of
the reported performance. It will also be worthwhile
to investigate the fusion of motion events with other
modalities such as typing and swiping to identify the
optimal combination of multi-modalities while con-
sidering user experiences and usability.
This material is based upon work supported by
the Center for Identification Technology Research
(CITeR) and the National Science Foundation under
Grant No.1650503.
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Continuous Authentication based on Hand Micro-movement during Smartphone Form Filling by Seated Human Subjects