Fourth, we aim to analyse our proposed method in
combination with ensemble-based classification sys-
tems. Therefore, for instance, one could design an
ensemble in which each base classifier/regressor is
trained on 1) different target label intervals, and/or 2)
different assignments between training samples and
target labels. Moreover, one could include different
classification/regression models, or combine our pro-
posed method with some approaches from the dif-
ferent class imbalance solution categories, which we
briefly discussed in Section 1.
Finally, after adapting our method specific to some
or all of the modifications proposed above, we aim to
provide a detailed comparison to latest state-of-the-art
techniques including highly imbalanced data sets.
The work of Friedhelm Schwenker and Peter Bell-
mann is supported by the project Multimodal recogni-
tion of affect over the course of a tutorial learning ex-
periment (SCHW623/7-1) funded by the German Re-
search Foundation (DFG). The work of Daniel Braun
and Heinke Hihn is supported by the European Re-
search Council, grant number ERC-StG-2015-ERC,
Project ID: 678082, BRISC: Bounded Rationality in
Sensorimotor Coordination. We gratefully acknowl-
edge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the do-
nation of the Tesla K40 GPU used for this research.
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