different competences embraced by the proper man-
agement structure are important for SOC. The peo-
ple should be able to extent permanently their knowl-
edge and skills following the technological progress,
emerging attack methods and IT users’ behaviours.
SOC is based on well–defined processes fo-
cused on security monitoring, security incident man-
agement, threat identification, digital forensics and
risk management, vulnerability management, security
analysis, etc. The processes are foundation of the
SOC services offered to customers. The SOC pro-
cesses, run by the SOC personnel, use advanced soft-
ware and hardware solutions for security monitoring,
network infrastructure readiness, events collections,
correlation and analysis, security control, log man-
agement, vulnerability tracking and assessment, com-
munication, threat intelligence, and many others. The
SOC operations and technology are presented in many
publications, including the (Muniz et al., 2015) book.
The RegSOC project is aimed at the development
of certain components needed to create the RegSOC
system, including: the hardware and software equip-
ment working as network-based intrusion detection
systems (NIDS), able to operate as standalone au-
tonomous devices within a local administration do-
main, as well as integrated with RegSOC, the cyber-
security monitoring platform embracing software and
organizational elements, the procedural and organiza-
tional model of operation of the regional centres in co-
operation with the national cybersecurity structure.
Network traffic data are sampled, ordered and re-
searched to reveal potential known or unknown at-
tacks. Two basic approaches are used: rule-based
correlation and anomaly-based correlation. The first
approach is focused on the previously known threats
(signature attacks). Anomaly detection based on ma-
chine learning is able to detect both kinds of attacks,
especially if it is supported by the rule based system.
The effectiveness of such a mixed–mode system de-
pends on how deep and precise the knowledge about
network traffic acquired by the machine learning pro-
cess is. The context of the network traffic is extremely
important to distinguish what the normal behaviour
and what the suspected behaviour are. The research
presented in the paper concerns solutions to be imple-
mented in the specialized NIDS.
Outliers (anomalies, abnormal observations) do not
have a formal definition. One of the proposals
(Grubbs, 1969) claims that “an outlying observation is
one that appears to deviate markedly from other mem-
bers of the sample in which it occurs” which success-
fully fulfills the intuitive feeling of this concept. How-
ever, in the literature some other propositions may
be found (Weisberg, 2014; Barnett and Lewis, 1994;
Hawkins, 1980).
For decades many outlier detection approaches
have been developed. Generally, most of the outlier
detection methods may be divided in two groups: sta-
tistical and density based. Statistical approaches anal-
yse only one dimension. Such an approach requires
— in the case of multidimensional data analysis —
further postprocessing of the obtained results. It is re-
quired to define when the object become an outlier:
whether at least one variable value is pointed to be
an outlying value, an assumed percentage of variables
behave in such a way or values of all variables are
pointed as outlying observations. As the members of
the first mentioned group the typical 3𝜎 test, Grubb’s
test (Barnett and Lewis, 1994) or finally the GESD ap-
proach (Rosner, 1983) may be presented.
The second group of methods base on local data
dispersion: objects from the region of their high den-
sity are mostly interpreted as normal (typical) obser-
vations while other (from the sparse region of the
space, very distanced from other objects) observations
are considered as outliers. Such an approach is used
in methods that base on k–nearest neighbours (Ra-
maswamy et al., 2000) , in several ranking methods
like LOF (Breunig et al., 2000) or RKOF (Gao et al.,
2011), partitioning algorithm (Liu et al., 2008) and
many more.
Apart from these two groups of outlier detec-
tion it is also worth to mention a completely differ-
ent approach that bases on Support Vector Machine
(Boser et al., 1992) and introduces the One–Class
SVM scheme (Schölkopf et al., 1999). Such an ap-
proach searches for the optimal separating hyperplane
that separates typical objects from the noise. How-
ever, the search is performed in the high–dimensional
projection of original variables. Moreover, one of the
state–of–the–art methods of density-based clustering
— DBSCAN (Ester et al., 1996) — can also be used
for the outlier detection: observations that did not be-
come the member of any created clusters may be in-
terpreted as outliers. On the other hand, the following
density based approach application may be invoked:
(Ramaswamy et al., 2000; Knorr and Ng, 1998; Byers
and Raftery, 1998).
Commonly applied Intrusion Detection Systems
(IDS) are based on rules which describe certain de-
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods