sufficiently high classification accuracies. Further-
more, it was verified that TrajNet-A, one of the pro-
posed networks, could classify the test trajectories of
the CROSS dataset in 40%, 59%, and 45% less time
than RNN, LSTM, and CNN, respectively, under the
setting of M = 16 along with the accuracy improve-
ments. In terms of memory space, TrajNet-A and
TrajNet-M require lower numbers of parameters than
LSTM and CNN. Also, we could see from the exper-
iments that the number of points included in a tra-
jectory has little effect on the classification accuracy
except for RNN.
In future work, the proposed networks will be ap-
plied in classifying the vehicle trajectories extracted
from various real traffic situations with trajectory gen-
eration methods for traffic flow measurement and
anomaly detection at intersections. Moreover, we ex-
pect that the proposed networks can be utilized in
classifying trajectories obtained in other applications
such as online handwriting recognition (Kim and Sin,
2014) and human activity recognition (Anguita et al.,
This work was supported by Electronics and Tele-
communications Research Institute (ETRI) grant
funded by the Korean government [20ZD1110, De-
velopment of ICT Convergence Technology for
Daegu-Gyeongbuk Regional Industry].
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TrajNet: An Efficient and Effective Neural Network for Vehicle Trajectory Classification