Sentence Boundary Detection in German Legal Documents
Ingo Glaser
, Sebastian Moser and Florian Matthes
Chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems, Technical University of Munich,
Boltzmannstrasse 3, 85748 Garching bei M
unchen, Germany
Sentence Boundary Detection, Natural Language Processing, Legal Document Analysis.
Sentence boundary detection on German legal texts is a task which standardized NLP-systems have little or no
ability to handle, since they are sometimes overburdened by more complex structures such as lists, paragraph
structures and citations. In this paper we evaluate the performance of these systems and adapt methods directly
to the legal domain.
We created an annotated dataset with over 50,000 sentences consisting of various German legal documents
which can be utilized for further research within the community. Our neural networks and conditional random
fields models show significantly higher performances on this data than the tested, already existing systems.
Thus this paper contradicts the assumption that the problem of segmenting sentences is already solved.
For a human being, the segmentation of a given text
into sentences is a rather easy task. However, when
trying to summarize this segmentation in rules, which
could be utilized by a machine, one quickly realizes
how complex this task actually is. On the other side,
sentence boundary detection (SBD), which is the task
for a machine to detect sentence boundaries, is an im-
portant processing step in almost any natural language
processing (NLP) task. As a result, SBD has a long
history of research (Read et al., 2012) within the com-
munity of NLP.
Many SBD papers exist and reveal high perfor-
mances. (Read et al., 2012) provide an excellent and
comprehensive overview of such systems. Thus, one
could see the problem of SBD as solved. On the other
side, domains such as the legal domain significantly
differ from normal texts encountered daily. Content,
structure, and language are vastly different and more
difficult to comprehend. This is not only a problem
for every layman who tries to understand those laws
but also for a software system processing these texts.
There is no universal structure inherent to all texts,
which leads to a performance decrease when process-
ing structurally different documents without a ground
As already stated, the structure and contents of a
legal text differ from a normal text and even within the
legal domain there is a vast variation of documents.
The basic assumptions previously made when deal-
ing with SBD are not always applicable in the legal
domain. For example, it is often defined as an abbre-
viation disambiguation task, which is only a partial
solution in the legal domain. Here a sentence is not
always linked to dots and other characters denoting
an abbreviation.
That is why many researchers reported difficul-
ties with standard NLP tools in the legal domain.
(Wyner, 2010) achieved promising results when ex-
tracting rules from regulatory texts but also encoun-
tered problems with the Stanford Parser while pro-
cessing different phrase structures. ”Linguistic indi-
cators, structure, and semantic interpretations which
interact with domain knowledge” (Wyner and Pe-
ters, 2011) are utilized by legal experts, but a com-
puter is not entirely capable of modelling or utiliz-
ing those pieces of information. The legal domain
poses issues for automation of legal work because a
”large amount of linguistic, domain, and communica-
tive knowledge” (Moens, 2001) is needed for tasks
such as information retrieval. Furthermore, various
research in the field of AI&Law, revealed issues with
SBD for the legal domain. (Ashley, 2017) provides a
comprehensive overview of the most recent research
in this area.
For this research, we formulated the research hy-
pothesis, that SBD is not perfectly solved and requires
adaption of existing methods, particularly for the Ger-
Glaser, I., Moser, S. and Matthes, F.
Sentence Boundary Detection in German Legal Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0010246308120821
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 812-821
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
man legal domain. One could even generalize this hy-
pothesis across all domains and claim that with rising
complexity there might be a need to re-evaluate previ-
ous sentence segmentation systems on complex texts.
Therefore, we structured our paper as follows. After
this introduction, Section 2 describes the taxonomy of
sentences used in this paper. In Section 3 we describe
and publish a dataset from the German legal domain
to train and evaluate SBD systems. This dataset is not
just used for this purpose, but shall be also used within
the community for further research. Our experiments
are described in Section 4, while the evaluation, in-
cluding an error analysis, is discussed in Section 5.
Finally, this paper concludes with Section 6.
Most of the time, legal documents are structured in
smaller parts such as paragraphs, clauses, and so on.
Their content is often only loosely linked to the other
parts of the text. Sentences are long and might incor-
porate complex structures such as lists. Even within
one legal document type (such as judgments or laws)
there does not exist a uniform formatting style or
structure. These are all problems a sentence segmen-
tation system has to deal with in order to produce pure
sentences from the mixture of such distinct textual
units. As a result, a corpus constituting German le-
gal documents requires different approaches, partic-
ularly a different notion of sentences, in contrast to
other domains. That includes not only diverse do-
mains, but also different languages as the legal sys-
tem varies heavily between countries. Therefore, in
the following the taxonomy utilized in this paper is
A sentence can be seen as “a sequence of tokens
[...] that together form a full stand-alone grammatical
sentence” (Savelka and Ashley, 2017b). Translating
this to the legal domain is not trivial. There are a lot
of different textual structures which do not fit this def-
inition, but still need to be treated as stand-alone or in-
dependent segments of text. Thereby, distinguishing
structural information from normal text is a signifi-
cant challenge.
As a result, we came up with an own taxonomy
of sentences for German legal documents. That tax-
onomy is described in the remainder of this section.
A textual part of a legal document is seen as a sen-
tence if its combination with the next or previous sen-
tence destroys that sentence’s meaning or adds unre-
lated pieces of information. This is the basis of all
the sentence boundary decisions made in the follow-
ing section. This does also align with the critique by
Read et al. (Read et al., 2012), who saw the focus of
sentence boundary detection on sentence terminating
characters as an oversimplification.
To define a rule set for sentence boundaries, the
collected documents were analyzed and the different
types of sentences extracted. The following sentence
categories are heavily influenced by Savelka and Ash-
ley (Savelka and Ashley, 2017a) but adapted to the
German legal domain. They are motivated by the def-
inition found above and define the basis for the all the
Most of the sentences found in legal documents
are standard sentences, i.e. they have a subject, ob-
ject and verb in the right grammatical order. Addi-
tionally, they are concluded by a sentence-terminating
character such as a period, semi-colon, question or an
exclamation mark.
Another structure very closely related to standard
sentences are linguistically transformed sentences,
which are in some way altered, but still have the basic
building blocks of a standard sentence. By changing
the word order or making other small adjustments,
these sentences can be transformed into a standard
There are more complex structures in legal texts,
all collected in the category of special sentences.
Those are linguistic units with stand-alone content
that cannot be incorporated into other sentences. The
following paragraphs describe those different textual
units which are considered sentences in legal docu-
ments if not stated otherwise.
Headlines are one of the most common textual
units found in legal documents. They are used to de-
termine the structure of the text and to show which
parts of the documents are related to another, thus
they convey crucial information to understand the
overall structure of the text.
Citations are often part of judgments and thus
need to be addressed in this paper. They are used
to link different documents and passages. Citations
in the middle of a sentence are not annotated (if they
are not a sentence on their own), otherwise they are
treated normal sentences with additional tokens at the
beginning and the end. Ellipses/Parentheses are an-
notated in the same way.
One of the most obvious structures in legal docu-
ments are lists, which have a wide variety of different
types. Lists of stand-alone sentences or alternative
sentence ends convey no message beyond their own
list entry. Thus, they are annotated as individual sen-
tences. Another variation of lists are enumerations.
They consist of short entries, which lack a verb or a
concluded operation. These lists can be found in sen-
Sentence Boundary Detection in German Legal Documents
tences with a variable middle part, e.g. there are dif-
ferent possible subjects or objects for a clause. The
list items are not individual sentences but form one
whole sentence because they do not conclude any ac-
tion. All of those list variations may start with a sen-
tence concluded by a colon which is then individually
annotated. Lists of lists are treated in a recursive way
and the decision on the sentence boundary is based
on the sub-entries. If one entries consist of multi-
ple sentences, each is individually annotated. These
rules follow de Maat (de Maat, 2012) who states that
lists can form “single sentences [...] [though] the list
items are often referenced separately”. This more fine
grained segmentation is motivated despite the fact that
thus incomplete sentences can be created.
Definitions are a combination of a headline and
(multiple) sentences, thus their individual parts are
annotated accordingly. Data fields which hold the
information about dates, people, locations, etc. and
case names are similar. Endnotes/Footnotes can also
be seen as a combination of headline and sentences.
Page numbers are, if not already removed from
the text, only annotated if they are found between two
Mixed cases of all the previous structures are also
possible. The described textual units are only the ba-
sic building blocks found in a legal document. There
is a large amount of variation even within the same
legal document type. In such cases, the smaller seg-
mentation is chosen, e.g. in a list which combines
an enumeration and a list, the individual parts of the
enumeration would also be annotated as sentences to
avoid any inconsistency within the list.
The aim of this paper is not to create the perfect
definition for a sentence in the legal domain but to cre-
ate a logical, consistent and practical rule set to work
with. This paper sometimes produces textual parts
which cannot be described as complete sentences in
a grammatical way because they are lacking essen-
tial parts of speech. But those segments are needed
for further processing steps, as overall they reduce the
complexity of the given text part.
Table 1 provides a few examples for the different
types of special sentences based on our taxonomy. As
such examples can be quite complex, we provide the
reference to selected norms from the German Civil
Code (BGB).
In order to get a broad overview about the perfor-
mance of SBD in the (German) legal domain, a di-
verse set of different documents was collected. The
main focus was on judgments and laws with around
20,000 sentences each, but privacy policies (PRVs)
and terms of services (ToS) are also part of the col-
lection. The dataset consists of approximately 52,000
sentences. The judgments and laws are used for train-
ing and the other document types mainly for valida-
tion and testing.
The dataset contains the BGB, the German Consi-
titution (GG), Code of Social Law (SGB) 1 to 3 and
the Criminal Code (StGB), with the BGB being by
far the longest text. We have made this specific selec-
tion of laws on purpose to capture a broad variety of
different areas of law with it’s distinct linguistic char-
The judgments were collected from the website
, which is a collection of many judg-
ments from Bavarian courts. They are from different
legal domains and courts (Verfassungs-, Ordentliche,
Verwaltungs-, Finanz-, Arbeits- and Sozialgerichts-
barkeiten) and thus have a wide difference in struc-
ture and content. The PRVs of major tech companies
were collected and the ToS of online shops gathered
by Koller (Koller, 2019) are also used. A detailed
statistic on the documents and the number of sentence
boundaries can be seen in Table 2.
The documents are annotated with the help of an
already existing online annotation tool developed by
Savelka (not published yet) and later on with a newly
created graphical user interface which is also used to
display and analyze the classification results. The last
non-punctuation token or word in every sentence is
annotated as the end of the sentence. Each document
is saved as a separate JSON file containing the text
and the sentence boundary annotations with their po-
sition in the text. The annotations, based on the taxon-
omy described in Section 2, were performed by three
researchers. For this purpose an annotation guideline
based on the mentioned taxonom was utilized. Each
researcher annotated 33.33% percent of the whole
corpus, while we randomly selected 10.00% of each
annotator and assigned it additionally to all the other
two annotators. As a result, each annotator annotated
36.66% of the complete corpus and 9.99% were an-
notated three times. Table 3 reports on the numbers
which are relevant for the inter-annotator agreement
for this threefold annotated part of the corpus.
Annotator A is a data science student with three
years of experience in NLP applied to the legal do-
main. Annotator B is a PhD student in NLP with re-
search focus on the application of legal court rulings.
The third annotator C is a legal expert working with
a working experience of 10 years. For this work, we
report the inter-annotator agreement by means of the
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Some special examples from the sentence taxonomy.
Type Examples
Identical sentence start §55a, §79, §104, §126b, §199(1), §199(3), §212, §271a(2), §286
Variable sentence middle §207(1), §312h, §350, §438, §505a, §575, §595(1)
Standard §58, §75, §81, §101, §197, §204, §207, §271a(5)
Sentences §98, §310, §502(3), §576, §569, §651h(4), §1059a
Definitions §308, §309
List of lists §204, §207, §305a, §308, §309, §312, §356
Footnotes & Official notes §14, §241a, §247, §271a, §275, §286, §288, §304, §308, §310
Table 2: Statistics on the dataset created per document type.
Document type # Documents # Sentences # Tokens
Laws 13 20,322 498,403
Judgments 131 21,484 518,052
Terms of Service 100 8,297 175,529
Privacy Policies 11 2,186 53,552
Total 255 52,289 1,245,536
Table 3: Inter-Annotator agreement for the sentence bound-
Boundary No Boundary Total Tokens
A 5,229 119,325 124,554
B 5,104 119,450 124,554
C 4,818 119,736 124,554
Kappa coefficient (Cohen, 1960). As we had three
human annotators, we utilized the Fleiss Kappa coef-
ficient (Fleiss, 1971). Based on the annotations shown
in Table 3, p
is 0.0405 and p
no boundary
0.9594. Therefore, P
equals to 0.9222. In a next step,
for each of the 124,554 tokens the respective P
was calculated. As only two possibilities are possible
for each token (either all three annotators agreed, or
one annotator had a different perception) this value is
either 1.0 or 0.33. A discrepancy was found in 411
cases and thus the sum of P
is 124,278.63 resulting
in a P of 0.9978. This numbers were used to calculate
a Fleiss Kappa k of 0.9716.
Hence, the created corpus can be seen as very re-
liable. Additionaly, a manual inspection of the dis-
crepancies has shown that the legal expert ocassion-
ally did not annotate tokens such as headlines, which
represent a sentence boundary according to our guide-
line. This fact is also suggested by the overall lower
number of annotated boundaries by that annotator as
shown in Table 3.
Furthermore, sometimes typographical errors
were encountered and repaired to the extent possible.
In order to allow better processing later on, structural
information linked to a sentences is kept with the sen-
tence, e.g. the clause number in a paragraph is always
part of the first sentences of that clause. Thus, it is
possible to reconstruct the original text if desired.
SBD is a common pre-processing step which can be
found in almost any NLP framework. The tested,
existing methods in this paper are chosen based on
the reported performance by Read et al. (Read
et al., 2012). OpenNLP
had the best overall per-
formance on the combined dataset without any pre-
processing. The sentence segmentation module from
NLTK (Loper and Bird, 2002) is the only unsuper-
vised approach with a performance levels comparable
to the supervised approaches and a high robustness.
Unfortunately the best reported method on all individ-
ual datasets tokenizer could not be found and conse-
quently not tested, but the reported performance dif-
ference is only marginal. Hence, it was not necessary
to re-implement this method manually. The before-
mentioned methods are used as a baseline. We have
to stress that most older methods focus on sentence
boundaries found on sentence terminating characters,
thus especially NTLK is at a disadvantage in the legal
For the method chosen in this paper an aggres-
sive tokenizer is used, also utilized in other research
(Savelka and Ashley, 2017b). Words, numbers and
special characters are separated from one another. For
example, abbreviations are split from their terminat-
ing dot, thus making no previous, maybe misleading
Sentence Boundary Detection in German Legal Documents
assumptions. In this processing step, all escape se-
quences except the newline sequence is removed be-
cause it might indicate the boundary of certain tex-
tual structures such as headlines. These decisions are
motivated by the many ways legal documents can be
structured or written in. In most cases it is not possi-
ble to determine every possible writing style and com-
bination of special characters in advance.
4.1 Conditional Random Fields
As conditional random fields (CRF) (Lafferty et al.,
2001) are commonly used for sequence modelling,
i.e. assign labels for the items in a possibly correlated
input sequence, this work investigates the applicabil-
ity of such models for sentence boundary detection
in legal documents. The list of tokens provided by
the tokenizer is translated into a list of features for
each individual token by means of feature extractors.
Hereby, the surrounding tokens and their features are
also taken into consideration.
The features for a token are a combination of their
own properties and the specific properties of the to-
kens in the predefined window around the word or to-
ken. The size of the window is variable for each used
feature extractor. Table 4 shows all extractors and fea-
tures utilized.
Many different combinations of features were
tried. Therefore, based on the average F
score for a
single feature extractor, the respective word window
and feature was selected for further testing. This iter-
ative procedure revealed that the most important fea-
tures were (1) whether the token was a special charac-
ter, (2) the token in lowercase variation, (3) the length
of the token, (4) the token signature, (5) whether the
token starts with an uppercase letter or (6) lower-
case character, and (7) whether the token is a number.
These respective feature extractors were then used to
train the final models.
4.2 Neural Networks
We trained different neural networks, inspired from
related work, to predict the sentence boundary prob-
ability. Here we report on the best performing net-
work. As an input it receives the word embeddings of
the possible boundary and its context window, which
are the 7 preceding and subsequent token. If the con-
sidered token is at the beginning or end of a text, the
context window is padded with zero vectors to get a
uniform size. A symmetric window of token is used
as the input for the whole neural network with the
possible sentence boundary in the middle. If a word
is not in the embedding dictionary, its word vector is
set to zero. In this case, averaging the embeddings of
the context around the word to estimate the vector is
also possible, but the neural network already can ac-
cess the whole context around the word. Word2vec
(Mikolov et al., 2013) vectors are used in the paper
because of their simplicity. gensim (
rek and So-
jka, 2010) is used to train the embeddings with a win-
dow size of 5, a vector size of 100 and a minimal word
occurrence of 2. The whole dataset is used to train the
word embeddings.
The neural network is implemented in PyTorch
and can be seen in Figure 1. It consist of four bidi-
rectional layers of Gated Recurrent Units (GRU, sim-
plified in Figure 1 to one layer), which are followed
by two linear layers. The GRU uses its standard non-
linear activation function Tanh and between the lin-
ear layers there is one ReLU. The sigmoid function
generates the wanted probability. The hidden dimen-
sion size of the bidirectional GRU is 64 and its output
for each token is concatenated (two hidden states per
token), resulting in a 1920 dimensional vector. This
vector is then reduced to 64 dimensions in the first
linear layer.
The Adam algorithm is used for optimization. The
learning rate of 2.5e
is gradually decreased every
five epochs by half, while the network was trained
for 60 iterations or epochs over the whole training
The main focus of this evaluation is put on the law
and judgment collections. The other collections are
used as a reference value because they do not consist
of enough sentences to get reliable results for training
and testing. After evaluating each method on those
two collections, their performance is calculated on the
other previously unseen datasets.
To evaluate the neural network and to avoid over-
fitting, the laws and judgments are each split into the
three parts: train, validation and test dataset. The val-
idation and test dataset each consist of 10% of the
texts. Each different model is trained on the train
dataset and after every epoch evaluated on the vali-
dation dataset. The model with the highest F1 score
is saved and at the end of the training tested against
the test dataset. For the dataset the model was trained
on, the test score at the end of the training is reported.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: The features used as input for the CRF.
Feature Extractor Output
Special Categorizes the different special characters. If a token is not a special character, the
output is ”No”, otherwise ”End” stands for sentence-terminating characters, ”Open”
for opening parentheses, ”Close” for closing parentheses and ”Newline” for newline
characters. In all other cases, such as the paragraph sign, the output is ”S”.
Lowercase Extracts the individual tokens in lowercase. This way, it is possible for the system to
learn certain trigger tokens, which denote the end of a sentence.
Length Extracts the length of every token in the window. Also used to distinguish between
possible abbreviations.
Signature The signature of each token is extracted, which is as a feature a combination of the
length and the type of the token, e.g. numbers, words and special characters. The
token is then translated into the specific combination of numbers as ”N”, lowercase
characters as ”c”, Uppercase characters as ”C” and special characters as ”S”.
Upper Extractor which outputs the truth value if the token starts with an uppercase letter to
distinguish abbreviations from sentence ends. If the token after the dot is uppercase,
this is a strong indicator for a sentence end.
Lower Same idea as the Upper-extractor, but in this case the output is ”True” for all tokens
that start with a lowercase letter.
Number Extracts wheter the token is a number. Also useful to determine whether the token can
be found on a headline or not.
Figure 1: The neural network architecture used in this paper. A bidirectional GRU followed by a concatenation and two linear
5.1 Evaluation
The already existing approaches OpenNLP and NLTK
have a low performance, with the OpenNLP model
trained on judgments being slightly better (see Ta-
ble 7). Counter-intuitively, the OpenNLP model
trained on judgments outperforms the model trained
on laws when evaluated on laws. A reason for this
could be the higher complexity of the law texts, indi-
cated by the higher F1 scores on the judgments for
almost all methods (comparing the results for each
method specifically trained for that dataset). In this
case, OpenNLP might not be capable of modelling
the laws adequately, but can generalize the concept of
Sentence Boundary Detection in German Legal Documents
Table 7: Performance evaluation for NLTK and OpenNLP on laws and judgments.
Laws Judgments
F1 Rec Pre F1 Rec Pre
NLTK 73.0 61.2 92.1 69.9 66.4 73.9
OpenNLP Laws 72.9 61.1 90.4 64.4 64.5 64.4
OpenNLP Judgments 74.8 60.3 98.4 78.1 65.6 96.3
sentence boundaries well enough from the judgments.
When visually examining the results obtained
from the existing methods it is evident that most er-
rors are linked to textual structures such as citations,
headlines and lists. These methods shall be used as
the baseline, although it is advised not to use them in
the German legal domain.
First, we evaluated the performance of our CRFs.
While we tested many different feature combinations
(see Section 4.1), we encountered that widening the
scope of a feature extractor leads to better results, but
increasing the window over a certain threshold of-
ten degrades the performance of that extractor. Us-
ing more lowercased words as a feature increases the
model performance, but the computational and mem-
ory cost is to high to further increase the viewed
scope. Table 5 reports on the results of the best CRFs
trained on laws and judgments.
The best CRF trained on laws uses the following
features: Special with a window of 10, Lowercase and
Length with a window of 7, Signature with a window
of 5 and Lower, Upper and Number with a window of
Table 5: Performance of the best CRF on laws and judg-
Laws Laws
F1 Rec Pre F1 Rec Pre
CRF Law 95.4 94.4 96.4 77.3 68.4 89.0
CRF Jug 81.2 76.8 86.0 96.8 96.6 97.0
The best CRF for the judgments has following extrac-
tors: Length, Signature, Lowercase, Special with a
window of 5 and Lower, Upper and Number with a
window of 3.
Particularly the inclusion of special tokens is im-
portant for a good performance on the law documents.
The assumption here is that they are essential for a
better understanding about the overall structure. For
training on judgments, a smaller scope for each ex-
tractor yields the best performance.
Overall the performance of CRF increases signif-
icantly with the inclusion of the Lowercase extractor.
This extractor was introduced by (Savelka and Ash-
ley, 2017a), but they used a smaller scope. A simi-
lar model to the one introduced in their paper is also
Table 6: Performance of the CRFs on terms of service and
privacy policies.
ToS Privacy Pol.
F1 Rec Pre F1 Rec Pre
CRF Law 91.8 86.4 95.7 81.7 81.0 82.3
CRF Jug 81.1 82.4 79.8 84.5 81.6 87.6
tested but produces worse results with an F
score of
95.0% for laws and 96.0% for judgments.
The evaluation for the terms of service and privacy
policies showed a challenge already seen in (Read
et al., 2012). The performance of the SBD system sig-
nificantly decreases when processing unknown doc-
uments, see Table 6 . The F
score for the privacy
policies nearly reaches the baseline value from the
OpenNLP with 84.5%.
CRF are a versatile model, but their performance
levels are bound to the creativity while engineering
the features. As seen during testing, changes to fea-
tures often only have a marginal impact on the overall
performance. Additionally, there are only a limited
number of parameters possible. This is not the case
with a RNN, which will be evaluated next.
As a result, we evaluated the performance of the
created neural network. For this section we trained
models on three different parts of the dataset, one only
on the judgments (Table 8), one for the laws (Table 9),
and one using both as training input (Table 10). For
each such part five randomly-initialized models were
trained and their performance averaged. The maxi-
mum deviation from the average is also reported.
The best performance of each document type is
marked. As expected, the model trained on a docu-
ment type also yielded the best performance on that
specific dataset part. There is a performance decline
for the PRVs noticeable, which can at least be partly
explained by their more casual writing style. With an
increase of up to 22 points in the F1 score, a signif-
icant difference can be seen to the existing methods.
We can report performance levels comparable to the
state-of-the-art scores reported by Read et al. (Read
et al., 2012) on the WSJ, the Brown corpus, etc., al-
though it can be argued that the task of finding a sen-
tence boundary potentially anywhere in a text is sig-
nificantly harder.
In order to evaluate how our neural network
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 8: Performance of the neural network only trained
on judgments. Averaged over ve models with maximum
F1 Recall Precision
Law 87.80 ±0.60 84.38±1.90 91.59 ±0.77
Jug 98.51 ± 0.19 98.80 ± 0.33 98.23 ± 0.42
ToS 92.88± 0.90 88.25± 1.61 98.02± 0.49
Prv 81.32±0.90 77.02 ±1.43 86.13 ±0.34
Table 9: Performance of the neural network only trained on
laws. Averaged over five models with maximum deviation.
F1 Recall Precision
Law 97.46 ± 0.18 98.04 ± 0.77 96.89 ± 0.47
Jug 83.77±2.04 77.59 ±3.56 91.11 ±1.64
ToS 91.92± 0.32 90.56± 1.13 93.35± 1.22
Prv 82.55±0.53 83.49 ± 1.12 81.63 ±0.68
performs on normal text the TIGER corpus was
used (Brants et al., 2004) as a source for normal Ger-
man sentences. This corpus is already segmented into
sentences and in order to create a real-life setting we
introduce a simple formatting rule of only allowing a
maximum of eight alphanumeric tokens or words per
In Table 11, we tested each of the models from
above which were trained on the legal documents on
the TIGER corpus. Only focusing on legal documents
introduces performance issues with normal texts. In
order to overcome this problem, we also trained our
neural network on the whole dataset additionally with
the around 50,000 sentences from the TIGER corpus.
To test the effect of these added sentences, one half of
the test and validation data was taken form the TIGER
corpus and the other from our legal dataset. As seen in
Table 12, we can achieve a high performance for both
corpora with a non-legal F1 score of almost 99%.
5.2 Error Analysis
A manual analysis of the errors from the legal doc-
uments was performed by Annotator B. The anal-
ysis showed that 22.6% are wrongly annotated to-
kens, which nonetheless can be interpreted as cor-
rectly classified by the neural network. These are
either tokens, which were obviously overlooked by
the annotator, or unclear examples, where a decision
could have been made in both directions. As a re-
sult, the performance of our models can be even seen
as slightly better than actually reported. The remain-
ing errors are distributed as follows: 37.7% are re-
lated to lists or enumerations, 13.1% are numbers or
names and only 6.5% are abbreviations. The remain-
ing 21.1% are other errors which do not have a direct
A large portion of the errors are found within or
around lists and enumerations. When looking at these
examples, it is sometimes even for a human not possi-
ble to determine whether there is a sentence boundary
or not based on the given context. Classifying sen-
tence boundaries in such textual structures is some-
times only possible in a more global way, looking at
the list as a whole. Mixed cases and the lists spanning
over many lines further complicates this. In order to at
least partly solve this problem, we propose to increase
the size of the window.
The problem with the numbers and names, is that
they most of the time do not have an embedding. By
using character embeddings we could give the neu-
ral network information, even about words that it has
never seen before. In the following paragraphs we
want to evaluate the influence of zero embeddings on
the performance of the system.
In this paper, the strategy to deal with unknown
words or tokens was to insert a zero vector as a place-
holder. The neural network should then be able to
infer some meaning about that particular token. We
tested this assumption by extracting all the errors the
neural network produced when evaluated on the le-
gal sentences and Figure 2 a contradiction with this
assumption. A far larger portion of error is encoun-
tered, if at least one token is unknown. And if we en-
counter a context window with many missing tokens,
the probability of making an error is much higher.
When we have six or seven missing tokens this does
not hold true. This is simply the case, because we are
padding the context window at the beginning and end
of the text. 31 out of these 33 cases are found at the
beginning or the end of a text. With 255 documents,
we have over 500 such context windows which heav-
ily influence the probability.
To summarize this error analysis: We looked at
two error factors for sentence boundaries. On the
one hand the writing style of legal documents with
their long, complex and nested textual structures in-
troduces errors. On the other hand missing statistical
information for unknown tokens at least influences a
large part of the errors produced by the neural net-
In this paper, we firstly introduced the problem of
SBD in the German legal domain. Furthermore, we
created and published an annotated dataset consist-
Sentence Boundary Detection in German Legal Documents
Table 10: Performance of the neural network trained on the judgments and laws. Averaged over five models with maximum
F1 Recall Precision
Law&Jug 97.82 ± 0.14 98.33 ± 0.63 97.31 ± 0.40
ToS 95.00 ± 0.98 91.78 ± 1.98 98.46 ± 0.33
Prv 83.35 ± 0.30 81.90 ± 1.06 84.84 ± 0.49
Table 11: Performance of the models tested on the TIGER corpus. Averaged over five models.
F1 Recall Precision
Jug 88.14 ± 0.41 84.80 ± 1.18 91.75 ± 0.51
Law 87.97 ± 0.23 88.25 ± 0.68 87.71 ±0.87
Law&Jug 88.81 ± 0.29 86.93 ± 0.70 90.79 ± 0.74
Table 12: Performance of the models tested on the TIGER and Legal Corpus. Averaged over 5 models.
F1 Recall Precision
Total 98.21 ± 0.11 98.36 ± 0.11 98.05 ± 0.33
Legal 97.48 ± 0.14 97.95 ± 0.28 97.01 ± 0.52
Non-Legal 98.93 ± 0.09 98.77 ± 0.12 99.09 ± 0.15
Figure 2: The influence of missing/zero embeddings on the errors.
ing of various types of German legal documents
This dataset was then used to train and evaluate
newly developed methods of SBD and to compare
these against existing methods. However, this dataset
is now publicly available and can be used within
the community to perform further research on SBD
within the legal domain.
Our proposed models achieved state-of-the art
performance with regard to SBD. Hence, this research
can be utilized by other researchers to perform more
complex NLP tasks within the legal domain.
Even though we could show that our models per-
form on a very high level and that they therefore could
be utilized in NLP pipelines for various legal tasks,
some limitations exist. We only used simple word
The corpus and codebase is available at the
following repository:
embeddings (Word2Vec (Mikolov et al., 2013)) and
trained them on our corpus. For future work, it could
be even more beneficial for the models, to utilize
state-of-the art sequence-to-sequence language mod-
els such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2018).
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Sentence Boundary Detection in German Legal Documents