Others leave the system, corresponding to the 7.2%
arrow. These leaving members may be leaving the
forces completely through release or death, but could
also be moving to the Reserve Force, or to a non-
effective status (ill, injured or pre-release).
The training pipeline is divided into cohorts. After
having first appeared in the pipeline, members may
graduate (45.2%), remain for at least another year
(46.3%), or leave the system (8.6%). A total of 12
such similar stocks are modelled, with any remaining
trainees graduating after the twelfth year. In our
historical record, only one member was in the training
pipeline for 12 consecutive years. No occupation
requires this much training, but delays can result from
changes in occupation, or pauses in training. The
most frequent type of pause is parental leave – an
entitlement for new parents.
The remaining important flow is intake, which
here includes recruitment, but also return from ill or
injured status. On average, 19.9% of intake go
straight to the TES. This includes trained recruits (re-
hires or transfers from the Reserve Force), but also
recruits requiring less than a year of training, who
joined the Regular Force and move on to the TES
within the year (our model being based on annual
Markov Chains can be treated as deterministic or
stochastic. Davies (1982) introduced a partially
stochastic Markov model. In that model, attrition is
considered an uncontrollable flow, and treated as
stochastic, whereas promotions are decided by
management, and thus treated as deterministic. Our
model does not consider promotions, but does treat
the magnitude of total intake deterministically, and is
thus also partially stochastic. Intake is set to re-fill the
training pipeline each year (with a hard cap on total
strength, i.e. the total Regular Force population)
rather than varying stochastically. This intake is also
the only pull flow in our model. It is generated by
vacancies in the destination (pull), rather than arising
spontaneously from the source (push), as defined by
Bartholomew et al (1991).
Although we set the magnitude of intake
deterministically, we vary the proportion going to the
TES versus the training pipeline stochastically. This
treatment of TES intake as a direct proportion of total
intake resembles the proportionality constraint
introduced by Nilakantan and Raghavendra (2005).
Their constraint requires that a fixed proportion of
vacancies in a given grade be filled externally. Our
model is however different in that our proportion
varies according to the observed historical
We will now highlight three limitations of our model.
We do not believe that these limitations invalidate our
results, but they should be kept in mind when
interpreting them. A first limitation has to do with
using historical data to estimate the rates of flow out
of the training pipeline. Currently, delays result from
limitations on training institution capacity or from
their sub-optimal organisation. However, our results
are meant to be applicable to future force structures,
where sources of delay will hopefully have been
reduced. Historical observation could therefore
overestimate future training durations, and
consequently, over-estimate the number of required
training pipeline positions.
A second limitation of our model is that it is based
on annual-duration iterations (taken at fiscal year-
end: 31 March). However, that day does not
correspond to the annual peak for the training
pipeline. Typically, the peak will be in summer, when
more recruits begin their training. As such, slightly
more training pipeline positions are likely to be
required than is determined by our model. It would
however be possible to introduce a correction factor
for our results based on the historical differences
between end fiscal year and annual peaks. Finally, our
model’s last important limitation is that it only
considers an overall TES target, ignoring its
composition in terms of ranks and occupations. This
will mask specific gaps in trained personnel. In the
normal course of business, retention encounters ups
and downs at various ranks and occupations, leading
to local gaps. Certain positions can be filled from a
range of different ranks and occupations, but others
cannot, and a larger training pipeline cannot address
gaps in senior or specialized positions in the short
term. It should therefore be understood that some
vacancies in the establishment are to be expected,
even when the pipeline trains enough members to
counter the raw number of departures.
Fully addressing these three limitations with an
enhanced model is likely impossible, given data
constraints. For example, given that there are only so
many members in each occupation, and that it is only
relevant to look back so many years in the data record,
accurately estimating occupation-specific training
and attrition model parameters would not be feasible.
However, decision makers can appreciate the
constraints’ impact on our modelling results, and
consider them in developing policy. Overall, our
model outputs remain informative, especially if
interpreted as slightly under-estimating true training
pipeline requirements.