A Two Step Fine-tuning Approach for Text Recognition on
Identity Documents
Francesco Visalli
1 a
, Antonio Patrizio
and Massimo Ruffolo
1,2 b
High Performance Computing and Networking Institute of the National Research Council (ICAR-CNR),
Via Pietro Bucci 8/9C, Rende (CS), 87036, Italy
Altilia.ai, Piazza Vermicelli, c/o Technest, University of Calabria, Rende (CS), 87036, Italy
Text Recognition, Identity Documents, Transfer Learning, Fine-tuning, Scene Text Recognition, Deep
Learning, Transformer.
Manually extracting data from documents for digitization is a long, tedious and error-prone job. In recent
years, technologies capable of automating these processes are gaining ground and managing to obtain surpris-
ing results. Research in this field is driven by the strong interest of organizations that have identified how the
automation of data entry leads to a reduction in working time and a speed-up of business processes. Doc-
uments of interest are heterogeneous in format and content. These can be natively machine readable or not
when they are images obtained by scanning paper. Documents in image format require pre-processing before
applying information extraction. A typical pre-processing pipeline consists of two steps: text detection and
text recognition. This work proposes a two step fine-tuning approach for text recognition in Italian identity
documents based on Scene Text Recognition networks. Experiments show promising results.
Feeding enterprise information systems with data
coming from documents often requires manual data
entry that is a long, tedious, and error-prone job.
Nowadays, automatic information extraction can of-
fer a big boost in efficiency, accuracy, and speed in
all those business processes where data capture from
documents plays an important role. Therefore, au-
tomating data entry can save a lot of time and speed-
up the execution of business processes allowing em-
ployees to focus on core and more valuable aspects of
their daily activities.
Organizations in all industries may require to pro-
cess myriads of documents with a variety of formats
and contents. Usual examples of documents of inter-
est are invoices, orders, bills, receipts, payrolls, appli-
cation forms, passports and other identity documents,
and so on. Such documents are often digitized as
images, so they require pre-processing before apply-
ing information extraction. A typical pre-processing
pipeline consists of two steps: text detection and text
This work addresses the text recognition task for
identity documents. This is a particularly difficult
problem because while the text detection step can be
performed by many different computer vision algo-
rithms (Ren et al., 2017; Baek et al., 2019b; Wang
et al., 2019; He et al., 2020), classic Optical Char-
acter Recognition (OCR) algorithms (e.g. Textract
or Calamari
), that work well on standard
documents such as receipts or invoices, fail in rec-
ognizing texts within identity documents. In particu-
lar, identity documents are paramount in business pro-
cesses related to customer subscription and on board-
ing where users frequently submit photos taken via
smartphones, or poor-quality scanned images that are
blurred, unclear, and with very complex framing an-
The text recognition method we present in this
work is based on transfer learning and Scene Text
Recognition (STR) networks. Transfer learning is a
widely used technique within machine learning and,
in particular, in the fields of computer vision and natu-
ral language processing (Yosinski et al., 2014; Devlin
Visalli, F., Patrizio, A. and Ruffolo, M.
A Two Step Fine-tuning Approach for Text Recognition on Identity Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0010252208370844
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 837-844
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
(a) Italian identity card. (b) Italian tax code.
Figure 1: Examples of identity documents processed. On the left an Italian identity card, on the right an Italian tax code where
sensitive data has been bleared for privacy reasons.
et al., 2019). It relies on the fact that models trained
to perform a specific task in a given domain (source)
can be applied to do a similar task in another domain
(target), thus reducing the need for labeled data in the
target domain. STR is a special form of OCR aim-
ing at recognizing text in natural scenes. Text in the
wild presents much more complex problems than that
found in scanned documents. Some of these problems
concern, for example, complex backgrounds, multiple
font colors, irregular fonts, different font sizes, differ-
ent text orientations, imperfect image conditions such
as non-uniform illumination, low resolution, motion
blurring, and so on. Many of these problems are
also found in identity documents. For these reasons,
STR networks are ideal candidates to experiment with
transfer learning approaches in order to tackle our text
recognition problem on identity documents.
To validate the approach we propose we built two
datasets, one composed of text extracted from real-
world identity documents (i.e. Italian identity cards
and tax codes, Figure 1) and another one composed
of synthetic text examples randomly generated. We
created synthetic texts having same visual and content
features of real documents (Figure 2) in order to have
more training examples and get better text recognition
performances. To train the STR algorithm we adopted
a two phase fine-tuning procedure. In the first phase
we used synthetic examples, then we used real-world
documents to get the final model. In order to prove
the effectiveness of our method, we propose a section
of ablation studies (Section 4.4). It is important to
underline that although we experimented with Italian
documents, the approach we propose is general.
The main contributions of this work are:
the definition of a transfer learning approach for
identity documents based on STR algorithms;
an exhaustive experimental evaluation of the pro-
posed approach that shows the achievement of re-
sults that allow the application of the obtained
model in real-world scenarios.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in Sec-
tion 2 we introduce and discuss a list of works related
to the extraction of text on identity documents; in Sec-
tion 3 we describe Scene Text Recognition networks
and principles underlying our two step fine-tuning ap-
proach; in Section 4 we present the creation process
of the datasets leveraged for the experiments along
with the discussion of the results of these and a series
of ablation studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of
our method; finally, in Section 5 we draw conclusions
and present the future work.
Information extraction from document images is a re-
search field that is attracting a lot of attention. In the
following, we describe works that carry out the whole
information extraction process on identity documents.
The work presented by (Llad
os et al., 2001) shows
that information extraction from identity documents
is a well known problem in literature. The authors ex-
perimented with Spanish identity cards, Spanish drive
licenses and passports achieving 94.50%, 70.00% and
65% of accuracy, respectively. Text regions are pre-
processed for background removal and image bina-
rization. OCR is performed as a combination of vot-
ing strategy combining several classifiers. The final
step of the recognition pipeline consists in a parser
designed to consider linguistic and geometric context
to overcome typical OCR confusions (e.g. ”D” and
”O” or ”B” and ”8”).
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(Bulatov et al., 2017) propose an information ex-
traction pipeline for mobile applications. They focus
on Russian driving license and internal Russian pass-
port, achieving an average per-frame accuracy over
five field of 89.34%, 92.51% and 94.29% calculated
on Russian driving license captured by smartphone,
internal Russian passport captured by smartphone and
internal Russian passport captured by webcam, re-
spectively. Text recognition is performed by per-
character field segmentation (Chernov et al., 2016).
Results are very good but multiple frames contain the
same document. Moreover, a correction step of the
text recognized through language model is performed.
(Viet et al., 2019) present an end-to-end informa-
tion extraction systems for Vietnamese identity cards.
Text bounding boxes are recognized by an encoder-
decoder attention model that follows the architecture
of STR networks (Shi et al., 2017). Dataset is com-
posed of real examples and data augmentation is per-
formed. The authors reach an average accuracy of
92.00% over fields of interest. However, they only
focus on three fields (ID number, name and date of
birth), this makes the task easier. Moreover, because
of the data augmentation, the distribution of the char-
acters in the fields is almost always the same.
(Attivissimo et al., 2020) propose a method that
starts with the classification of the document and ends
with the recognition of the text areas detected. They
created a synthetic dataset of Italian identity docu-
ments composed of paper identity card, electronic
identity card, driving license, health insurance card
and passport. Text recognition is performed with
a typical STR encoder-decoder architecture (Yousef
et al., 2018), reaching 92.72% of accuracy on the
text fields extracted from the document photos. Al-
though results are good, they are obtained on a syn-
thetic dataset. Typically, these synthetic images can
hardly replicate those of real scenarios.
As further evidence of the strong interest in au-
tomated information extraction systems from identity
documents, in recent years, several commercial sys-
tems have emerged
In this section we first provide basic concepts about
STR networks and their architecture, then we intro-
duce principles underlying our two step fine-tuning
3.1 Model
Scene Text Recognition (STR) has a wide range of
applications and is attracting a huge interest in the
research community. In last years, the use of deep
learning methods (Chen and Shao, 2019; Chen et al.,
2020), has evolved this field very rapidly. STR net-
works, due to their nature, are able to recognize text
on complex backgrounds while state of the art OCR
tools usually fail.
STR deep learning solutions typically follow a
standard encoder-decoder architecture (Shi et al.,
2019; Baek et al., 2019a). The encoder module per-
forms feature extraction and sequence modeling. The
feature extraction is the stage in which the model ab-
stracts an input image and outputs a visual feature
map. It is performed by a Convolutional Neural Net-
work or some variant of this (Simonyan and Zisser-
man, 2015; Lee and Osindero, 2016; He et al., 2016).
In order to enlarge the feature context, the extracted
features from the previous stage are processed by a
sequence model (e.g. Long Short-Term Memory net-
The decoder module performs the prediction
stage. It takes the sequence map output from the
encoder and transforms it in a sequence of charac-
ters. Predictions are usually made through Connec-
tion Temporal Classification (CTC) (Graves et al.,
2006) or attention-based mechanism. The former al-
lows predicting a non-fixed number of characters even
though a fixed number of features are given, the latter
enables a STR model to learn a character-level lan-
guage model.
In this work we leverage the so called Self-
Attention Text Recognition Network (SATRN) (Lee
et al., 2019). It follows the encoder-decoder archi-
tecture described above. This network is inspired by
Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017), which has deeply
revolutionized the NLP field (Devlin et al., 2019; Liu
et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2019) and also influenced the
CV (Computer Vision) world (Parmar et al., 2018).
Visual features extracted by the encoder are passed to
self-attention modules which are modified version of
the original Transformer self-attention modules. The
decoder retrieves these enriched features from the en-
coder and passes them through multi-head attention
and point-wise feedforward layers. The output of this
process is a sequence of characters.
Due to the full-graph propagation of self-attention
mechanism, SATRN is able to recognize text with ar-
bitrary arrangements and large inter-character spac-
ing. This is an important feature for our text recog-
nition task on identity documents. In fact, these kind
of documents are often photographed or scanned with
A Two Step Fine-tuning Approach for Text Recognition on Identity Documents
very complex angles. Because of this, text areas result
not horizontally aligned unless the document is pre-
viously rotated in a pre-processing step. This align-
ment step is quite common in pipelines for extract-
ing data from document images. Using an STR such
as SATRN allows avoiding an explicit phase of text
3.2 Two Step Fine-tuning Approach
Transfer learning is a widely used technique in the
world of deep learning. It allows transferring the
knowledge learned by a model from one task to an-
other (or from one domain to another for the same
task). Models that leverage the transfer learning need
less data than those trained from scratch. It is a must
when the architecture is a deep one. In fact, deep
learning models usually require lot of data in order
to learn a task. Fine-tuning is a transfer learning ap-
proach that consists in some minor adjustment of the
weights of the network.
SATRN is pretrained on two large datasets which
are MJSynth (Jaderberg et al., 2014) and SynthText
(Gupta et al., 2016). It is important to note that these
two datasets are designed for STR, more details about
them are provided in Section 4.1. The key concept
here is that SATRN needs to be fine-tuned in order
to properly recognize text on identity documents. In
fact, unlike problems they share, text areas in identity
documents are different from those in natural scenes
both from a visual and linguistic point of view.
Starting from real Italian identity documents (Fig-
ure 1), our goal is to train SATRN in order to recog-
nize text on them. The language gap is the biggest one
to bridge. Character distribution learned on natural
text scenes is completely different from that learned
on identity documents. Moreover, most of the text in
MJSynth and SynthText is in English while the doc-
uments we want to recognize are in Italian, thus in-
creasing the language gap. Due to privacy reasons,
identity document datasets are not distributed. To pro-
vide more examples to the model, we created a big
synthetic dataset of text areas. These were created
trying to replicate the real ones as much as possible
(Figure 2, more about it in Section 4.1). Since syn-
thetic examples can never be like real ones and to
avoid overfitting the synthetic distribution, we fine-
tuned SATRN in two distinct phases: first with the
synthetic dataset and then with the real dataset. In
this way we can use more synthetic examples than
we could have used by training the network with both
synthetic and real ones in a single training set. This is
why we talk about two step fine-tuning approach.
In this section we describe experiments carried out in
order to train SATRN for the text recognition task on
Italian identity documents. First we present datasets
used and how we made them. Then, we describe in
depth the experiments and the results obtained. The
section concludes with some ablation studies demon-
strating the effectiveness of our two step fine-tuning
4.1 Datasets
SATRN was originally trained with the combination
of MJSynth (Jaderberg et al., 2014) and SynthText
(Gupta et al., 2016), which are two very big datasets
of Scene Text Recognition. The first contains 9 mil-
lion text boxes while the second 8 million. As de-
scribed in Section 3.2, in order to fine-tune the net-
work on identity document texts, our two step ap-
proach leverages two different datasets.
The first training step is performed on a synthetic
dataset created by us. Our goal was to recognize most
of the fields from paper identity cards (front and back)
and plastic tax codes (front) for a total of 13 and
8 fields, respectively. Identity cards fields include:
name, surname, date of birth, place of birth, citizen-
ship, residence, address, civil status, profession, mu-
nicipality of issue, date of issue, Identity card code
and expiration date. While tax codes fields include:
tax code, name, surname, place of birth, county, date
of birth, sex and expiration date.
In order to create text areas of interest we lever-
age a data generator
. It takes as input dictionaries of
fields and a set of backgrounds. Generality dictionar-
ies were created by taking the fields randomly from
the web
, field dictionaries like data were randomly
generated, tax codes were calculated by a REST ser-
. In order to reproduce real documents we add
some text skewing and text blurring to the boxes (Fig-
ure 2). We balanced the examples for each field. We
experimented with two synthetic datasets of different
sizes: 8886 and 14762.
We further fine-tuned the model on a real-world
dataset. Fields are the same of those synthetics, de-
scribed before. The size of the dataset is 714. To
extract text areas from documents we leveraged ob-
ject detection algorithms (Ren et al., 2017; He et al.,
2020). Because we work on documents having a stan-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
dard layout, the object detection model can be trained
with few examples.
(a) Real example
cropped from an Italian
identity card.
(b) Real example
cropped from an Italian
tax code.
(c) Synthetic example
similar to those cropped
from real Italian
identity cards.
(d) Synthetic example
similar to those cropped
from real Italian tax
Figure 2: Comparison between real and synthetic text
4.2 Experimental Setting
We leveraged the implementation of SATRN pro-
posed in vedastr
. SATRN was originally tested with
three different architectures: SATRN-small, SATRN-
middle and SATRN-big. Differences are in the chan-
nel dimension per layer, encoder and decoder lay-
ers. We chose SATRN-small which guarantees a good
trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. The num-
ber of channel dimension per layer, encoder and de-
coder layers in SATRN-small is 256, 9 and 3, respec-
tively. The model was trained using default hyperpa-
rameters: Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015) as optimizer,
16 as batch size dimension and 1e 4 as initial learn-
ing rate.
We trained our models for 6 epochs taking each
time the best one in terms of validation loss and met-
rics. In order to evaluate the models we used two dif-
ferent metrics: the case sensitive accuracy at bound-
ing box level (i.e. a bounding box is correct if all the
characters inside it are correctly recognized) and the
mean character error rate (mCER). The CER is de-
fined in Equation 1, where ed(s1, s2) is the edit dis-
tance of two sequences s1 and s2 normalized by the
maximum length (Wick et al., 2018). The learning
policy is different from that of the original work. In-
stead of using Cyclic learning rate (Smith, 2017) we
used a simple weight decay setting the gamma at 0.1
and the decay at the second and fourth epoch.
ed(s1, s2)
max(|s1|, |s2|)
4.3 Results and Discussion
All results presented from now on are calculated
through 5-fold cross validation. For each fold, we
took the 80% of the original size of the dataset as
training set and the remaining 20% as validation set.
Unfortunately, a direct comparison on public identity
documents is not possible because datasets are not re-
leased for privacy reasons.
Table 1 shows the results of the two step
fine-tuning approach. On the rows there are
pairs of dataset used for each experiment.
× REAL is the model
first fine-tuned on the smaller synthetic dataset
(the one that contains 8886 examples) and then
fine-tuned again on the real dataset, whereas
× REAL is the model first
fine-tuned on the larger synthetic dataset (the one that
contains 14762 examples) and then fine-tuned again
on the real dataset. On the columns there are results
expressed in accuracy and mean character error rate
Table 1: Results of the two step fine-tuning approach.
Accuracy mCER
× REAL 88.44% 2.71%
× REAL 86.98% 3.02%
We can observe that the model trained on the smaller
synthetic dataset during the first step performs better
than the model trained on the larger, both in terms of
accuracy and in terms of mCER. Usually, the larger
is the dataset the better are results. This conflicting
behaviour could be due to the fact that during the first
fine-tuning the model overfits the synthetic distribu-
tion when trained on more examples. It could be a
first clue that shows us how synthetic datasets are dif-
ferent from real ones even if very similar.
(a) Example of poor
quality text box.
(b) Example of outlier.
Figure 3: Examples on which the model makes mistakes.
Studying the predictions of the model we noticed
that most of the errors are made on very noisy ex-
amples or on examples with character distributions
completely different from all those seen in both the
synthetic and the real dataset (3). We are confident
A Two Step Fine-tuning Approach for Text Recognition on Identity Documents
that by increasing the size of the real dataset results
can be further improved. It is noteworthy that results
presented here are obtained without any kind of im-
age pre-processing to reduce noise. Results can be
further improved by applying post-processing tech-
niques such as OCR correction or dictionaries match-
ing. Some of the errors made by the model could be
easily corrected applying some of the techniques just
mentioned. For example it could be very easy and
effective match some fields (i.e. name of people) on
4.4 Ablation Studies
In this section we present a series of ablation stud-
ies to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
First we carried out experiments to demonstrate how
synthetic datasets are different from those real. Table
2 shows the evaluation of the models trained on the
synthetic datasets without the fine-tuning on the real
one. Results are calculated on the five folds of the
real dataset. On the rows there are the datasets and on
the columns the metrics. We can observe far worse
results than those obtained after performing a further
fine-tuning on the real dataset. Best results are ob-
tained on the smaller synthetic dataset following the
trend of the experiments in Section 4.3.
Table 2: Results of the models fine-tuned only on the syn-
thetic datasets calculated on the validation folds of the real
Accuracy mCER
77.31% 6.80%
73.95% 7.92%
Table 3 has the same structure of previous ones. The
first row shows results of the evaluation of SATRN
on the five folds of the real dataset without any fine-
tuning. Results confirm the need and the effective-
ness of transfer learning from natural scenes to iden-
tity documents domain.
The second row shows results of the fine-tuning of
SATRN only on the real dataset. They are compara-
ble to those in Table 1. We can observe that the model
fine-tuned only on the real dataset performs way bet-
ter than the models fine-tuned only on the synthetic
datasets (Table 2). This once again confirms the im-
portance of having real data. However, best results
are those presented in Table 1 obtained performing
the training both on the synthetic dataset and then on
the real one. This confirms the effectiveness of our
Table 3: Evaluation of SATRN from scratch and results of
the model fine-tuned only on the real dataset.
Accuracy mCER
NO FINE TU NING 39.69% 23.39%
REAL 85.15% 3.47%
In this work we proposed a transfer learning proce-
dure to tackle the problem of text recognition on iden-
tity documents. To do this we leveraged Scene Text
Recognition (STR) networks. In order to better trans-
fer knowledge from text in natural scenes to those
within Italian identity documents we carried out a two
step fine-tuning approach.
We created two datasets of text areas, one com-
posed of cropped text extracted from real-world ex-
amples through object detection algorithms and an-
other one composed of synthetic text examples ran-
domly generated. We created synthetic texts having
the same visual and content features of real docu-
ments. Therefore, we first trained the STR network
on the synthetic dataset and then on the real one.
We achieved an accuracy of 88.44% (consider-
ing a text box correct if all the characters inside it
are correctly recognized) and a mean character er-
ror of 2.71%. Results reported are obtained directly
from the network without any form of pre or post-
processing. Finally, we demonstrated the effective-
ness of our approach through a section of ablation
We plan to perform further experiments extending
datasets with examples on which the network misbe-
haves. We also intend to experiment with some pre
and post-processing techniques in order to improve
input images and correct output results. These ex-
periments will include per-field analysis. Afterwards,
we want to integrate the work presented here into a
complete pipeline of information extraction for iden-
tity documents.
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ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence