fied in comparison to expert knowledge. If, for exam-
ple, the agent would increase the action (acceleration)
when the velocity is very large, this would be a strong
indicator of misbehavior.
The goal of this work was to develop a methodol-
ogy to explain how a trained Reinforcement Learning
agent selects its action in a particular situation. For
this purpose, SHAP values were calculated for the dif-
ferent input features and the effect of each feature on
the selected action was shown in a novel RL-SHAP
diagram representation. The proposed method for ex-
plainable RL was tested using the LongiControl envi-
ronment solved using the DDPG DRL algorithm.
The results show that the RL-SHAP representa-
tion clarifies which state features have a positive, neg-
ative or negligible influence on the action. Our anal-
ysis of the behavior of the agent on a test trajectory
showed that the contributions of the different state
features can be logically explained given some do-
main knowledge. We can therefore conclude that the
use of SHAP and its integration within RL is helpful
to explain the decision-making process of the agent.
As future work, it would be interesting to study
if prior human expert knowledge can be inserted in
the agent using the same RL-SHAP representation.
Finally, we want to study methods that can explain
the decision-making process of DRL agents in high-
dimensional input spaces.
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Explainable Reinforcement Learning for Longitudinal Control