Table 1: Model-checker timing results (low values are bet-
Model Property Time MC (ms) Time UPPAAL (ms)
ebook RG 3832 /
ebook D 14 755
ebook LeadsTo 5659 2235
ebook A[]x<12 (BFS) 10 287
ebook A[]x<13 (BFS) 3478 1303
ebook E[] (BFS) 14 282
ebook A<>(DFS) 29 279
ebook E<>(BFS) 3604 1292
ebook R, L, D, CTL 17529 12068
telecom final R, L 1242 2927
AD V2 R, L, D 82 433
CM async R, L, D 126 393
CM async CTL 2776 1328
UAV R, L, D, CTL 688 2505
PC R, L, D, CTL 198 748
model-checker has verified them, a green check or a
red cross indicates for each property whether they are
satisfied or not. Additionally, a counter example can
be generated in some situations. We now intend to im-
prove this trace generation facility. We also intend to
extend this model-checker to other profiles supported
by TTool. Furthermore, we plan to tackle new opti-
mization techniques to make our model-checker even
more competitive among the available ones. Linking
this model-checker to other UML/SysML framework
is also part of our future work.
The AQUAS project is funded by ECSEL JU under
grant agreement No 737475.
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