for solving the master problems. Hence, a feasible
rather than an optimal solution is considered, at each
It is worth noting that we consider a simplified dis-
charging model of the battery, in which the discharg-
ing is a linear function depending on the distance trav-
elled. Actually, the discharge is influenced by sev-
eral factors, such as the speed, the load of the vehicle,
the gradient, and so on. Hence, the discharging func-
tion is non-linear. As future work, investigating how
a more realistic discharging function influences the
transportation system under uncertain waiting time,
should be worthy.
An interesting version of the problem is to con-
sider uncertain discharge rate. This assumption al-
lows to avoid to take into account complicating non-
linear discharging function and to prevent energy dis-
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ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems