Figure 12: Up-down.
Gestures are a standard means of communication
used by people to exchange an information between
each other. Thus, it would also be natural for people
to use them to communicate with computers. Because
of this, the applicability of gestures in a human-
computer interaction seems to be relevant topic from
the scientific point of view. This paper proposes a
hand gesture recognition system using a dedicated
CNN-LSTM architecture. Our solution employs a use
of FMCW radar in conjunction with the low-power
microcomputer(s) Raspberry Pi3, Raspberry Pi4 and
deep learning techniques. The proposed model
achieves good performance on earlier unseen data. In
comparison to (Hazra and Santra, 2018), our model
achieves a real-time interaction performance on x86
class CPU and nearly real-time interaction
performance on ARMv8 class CPU(s). It uses less
number of parameters, what implies smaller size of
model, possibility of deployment on the low-power
micro-computer. In the future, we are planning to
introduce sensor-fusion capability and support for
user defined gestures.
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