process for system migration, but it does not include
any elements that can be used to model a test case
migration scenario. ARTIST (Menychtas and et al.,
2014) advocates an approach that provides support
for the migration of test cases to some extent, namely
the consideration of the test context, as well as the
analysis of the impact that the system changes have
on the test cases. In (Mirzaaghaei et al., 2012), a
semi-automatic approach is presented that supports
test suite evolution through test case adaptations. Ex-
isting test cases are repaired and new test cases are
generated to react to incremental changes in the soft-
ware system. In (Rapos, 2015), a method is proposed
which should improve the model-based test efficiency
by co-evolving test models. In this work, the effects
of software evolution models on test models are stud-
ied so that updates can be applied directly to tests.
None of these approaches provide tool support for
modeling test case co-migration methods.
In this paper, we presented a modeling workbench
that enables a modular construction of context-
specific, model-driven migration methods for test
case migration. The method development process
consists of situational context identification and trans-
formation method construction. Correspondingly, ap-
propriate modeling layers were defined in the mod-
eling workbench for each step in the method devel-
opment process. Evaluation of our tool was done by
conducting a feasibility study and by conducting sci-
entific interviews with experts in the field of software
migration. Full or partial automation of co-evolution
analysis is one possible direction for future work. Fur-
thermore, it can be helpful to provide distinct views
on different parts of the system, as the models in the
industrial test case migrations can be quite large. In
recent work (Jovanovikj et al., 2020a), mutation anal-
ysis was suggested as a validation technique for test
case migration. Creating such validation methods can
be also supported in a future extension.
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A Modeling Workbench for the Development of Situation-specific Test Co-migration Methods