is one of the popular and most used open source plat-
form (Noten et al., 2017), hence the contribution of
this research is useful for fellow researchers in this
Internal Threats. Internal risks of this study is that
considering UML files as the only UML model based
repository. We used UML files since they are defacto
standard (Ozkaya and Erata, 2020). There are many
other file formats are available that also present UML
Risks exist in profiling information for the soft-
ware engineers who participate in software modeling.
It could be the case that the targeted software engi-
neers do not perform modeling frequently and this is
the reason, we find fewer updates on models.
Another risk is that the identified UML models are
created only for teaching or academic purpose for a
short period time. And these models are not repre-
sentative for the models in open source projects. To
mitigate this risk we manually checked the reposito-
ries and confirmed that the selected repositories are
non trivial.
In this paper, we investigate a sub set of projects that
has UML modeling and the usages of model files in
the open source. Model file commits provide use-
ful information on the updates and maintenance of
the UML models. Additionally, this study investigate
how often contributors update model files. Study re-
sults show that the models are created and maintained
by experienced software engineers.
Further, this study reveals that often UML model
files are created at the very first phase of software
development. Modification or updates are made on
the files mostly at the beginning and in the middle
of software development phase. Study results show
that the model life span is shorter compared to project
life span. Often, repositories with fewer model files
get updated frequently than repositories with higher
number of model files.
This study investigate 17 repositories which are
a small data set representing open source projects. In
the future, we have a plan to include more repositories
in our data set which will be a broad representation of
models usages in the open source.
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