Data Scarcity: Methods to Improve the Quality of Text Classification
Ingo Glaser
1 a
, Shabnam Sadegharmaki
, Basil Komboz
and Florian Matthes
Chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems, Technical University of Munich,
Boltzmannstrasse 3, 85748 Garching bei M
unchen, Germany
Allianz SE, Munich, Germany
Data Scarcity, Natural Language Processing, Text Classification, Legal Text Analytics.
Legal document analysis is an important research area. The classification of clauses or sentences enables
valuable insights such as the extraction of rights and obligations. However, datasets consisting of contracts
or other legal documents are quite rare, particularly regarding the German language. The exorbitant cost of
manually labeled data, especially in regard to text classification, is the motivation of many studies that suggest
alternative methods to overcome the lack of labeled data.
This paper experiments the effects of text data augmentation on the quality of classification tasks. While a large
amount of techniques exists, this work examines a selected subset including semi-supervised learning methods
and thesaurus-based data augmentation. We could not just show that thesaurus-based data augmentation as
well as text augmentation with synonyms and hypernyms can improve the classification results, but also that
the effect of such methods depends on the underlying data structure.
With the burst of available textual data, automation
of certain processes in various areas, such as adver-
tisement, risk evaluation, or translation, is becoming
more and more attractive. As a result, text classifi-
cation became one of the essential tasks in natural
language processing (NLP) and knowledge discov-
ery. Classification as a supervised learning (SL) tech-
nique has been applied widely in different areas such
as language modeling, sentiment analysis, topic mod-
eling, and named entity recognition (Allahyari et al.,
2017). However, the other side of the coin is train-
ing data in certain domains. Supervised techniques
have to acquire enough amount of labeled data to be
able to generalize a model fitted to the labeled target.
Hence, data is not equal to training data. The domi-
nant source of these annotated training data is human
experts. However, it is not achievable easy to create
annotated corpora. The process of annotating is time-
consuming, expensive, and more importantly error-
prone. This challenge is even more relevant when it
comes to deep learning (DL) techniques that require
labeled data on a massive scale.
Many studies are addressing this challenge. As an
instance, the lack of training data was the primary mo-
tivation behind the advent of semi-supervised learn-
ing (SSL) methods. The most basic approach, self-
training (ST) was introduced back in 1960s (Chapelle
et al., 2006). Recently, graph-based SSL ap-
proaches have gained popularity due to the flexibil-
ity and ease of interpretation (Sawant and Prabuku-
mar, 2018). Also, state-of-the-art literature considers
multi-instance or transfer learning (Cheplygina et al.,
2019). However, domains such as the legal domain
rely on a vast amount of domain knowledge and as a
result, require extensive feature engineering. Further-
more, for these domains an explainable classification
result is crucial. The goal of this paper is to not just
support the traditional domains suited for NLP, but
also these highly specific domains. Hence, the scope
of this paper is limited to ST, label propagation (LP),
and thesaurus-based data augmentation as traditional
machine learning (ML) techniques.
As mentioned, many studies address the problem
of data scarcity, but yet there is no state-of-the-art way
to overcome it. This leads to our hypotheses behind
this paper: The effect of methods to improve clas-
sification tasks despite data scarcity depends on the
characteristics of the underlying dataset.
For that reason, three different scenarios in Ger-
man text classification have been considered: (1) clas-
sification of economic news, (2) classification of le-
Glaser, I., Sadegharmaki, S., Komboz, B. and Matthes, F.
Data Scarcity: Methods to Improve the Quality of Text Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0010268005560564
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2021), pages 556-564
ISBN: 978-989-758-486-2
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
gal norms and regulations, and (3) classification of
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 provides a short overview of the re-
lated work, the experimental setup along with the
used datasets are discussed in Section 3, finally, the
approaches and its performance is evaluated in Sec-
tion 4 before Section 5 closes with a conclusion and
Data scarcity is one of the most important obstacles in
many research areas, involving SL, but also in particu-
lar concerning real-world problems. A vast amount of
approaches to overcome this hurdle exist. These can
be divided into the categories (1) SSL, (2) data aug-
mentation, (3) multi-instance learning, and (4) trans-
fer learning.
Each one of them addresses a specific problem.
SSL techniques affect the algorithm directly by en-
abling it to consume unlabeled data as well as labeled
data. Data augmentation, on the other hand, trans-
forms and expands the data even before feeding it
to the algorithm. Multi-instance learning enables the
utilization of labels for a bag of instances instead of
each one separately. Transfer learning can apply the
knowledge in another domain with enough samples
to process the domain with less training data. As al-
ready briefly touched in the introduction, this paper
focuses on traditional ML approaches and thus only
investigates SSL and data augmentation.
The following sections describe relevant related
2.1 Semi-supervised Learning
Through SSL, both labeled and unlabeled data are
feed to the learning algorithm. The main idea behind
it is the fact that, despite scarce labeled data, there is
a large amount of unlabeled data available for many
applications (Zhu and Goldberg, 2009). In the follow-
ing, the most popular techniques in the SSL paradigm
and its applications in NLP are discussed.
2.1.1 Self-training
ST is the most common technique in SSL. In this
approach, first, a prediction model is learned based
on available labeled data. The model then is used
to predict the unlabeled data. These pseudo-labeled
data alongside the original labeled ones will be later
fed to a new model to be retrained. If the second
model is different from the base one, it is also called
co-training (Zhu, 2005). Various approaches in self-
training differ in the selection of these pseudo-labeled
data. As an instance of text classification, (Pavlinek
and Podgorelec, 2017) applied a threshold on the re-
sults to filter the more confident labels for the next
round of training.
2.1.2 Label Propagation
Among SSL methods, graph-based approaches
gained popularity recently because of their scalabil-
ity but with the cost of higher complexity (Sawant
and Prabukumar, 2018). In graph-based SSL, labeled
and unlabeled data are represented as vertices in a
weighted graph, with edge weights encoding the sim-
ilarity between instances (Zhu et al., 2003). Labeling
is done by smooth regularization of these weights in
a process called LP.
The graph is constructed in two steps: (1) the ad-
jacency matrix is constructed based on the k-nearest
neighbor with radius ε, and (2) the weight of each
edge is calculated by similarity functions such as
gaussian or the inverse Euclidean distance function.
In the next step, the classification problem can be
represented as optimization of the normalized graph
laplacian (Zhou et al., 2004).
2.1.3 Semi-supervised Learning in Text
Text classification is the task of assigning a cat-
egory to a sentence or document. These cate-
gories vary over many applications such as automatic
email reply (Kannan et al., 2016), news classifica-
tion (Howard and Ruder, 2018), question answer-
ing (Cer et al., 2018), or sequence modeling (Clark
et al., 2018) among others.
SSL has hosted many novel pieces of research in
NLP. ST, for instance, has been applied widely in
language modeling techniques such as part-of-speech
tagging and parsing (McClosky et al., 2006). Be-
sides, (Pavlinek and Podgorelec, 2017) applied ST
for increasing the training data size which improved
the performance of text classification. However, some
papers doubted the fact that self-training can be help-
ful as the errors are amplified in each iteration (Clark
et al., 2003).
On the other hand, SSL had been part of the state-
of-the-art classifiers in different applications. John-
son and Zhang (Johnson and Zhang, 2016) exploited
unlabeled data to categorize texts by driving the re-
gion embeddings from an LSTM network. LP also
has been shown to be effective in sentiment analy-
sis (Yang and Shafiq, 2018). Moreover, Google’s
Data Scarcity: Methods to Improve the Quality of Text Classification
smart reply project takes advantage of LP in an au-
tomatic email reply (Kannan et al., 2016). Another
application is the classification of legal data. (Waltl
et al., 2017) applied active machine learning (AML)
to approach legal norm classification. (Savelka et al.,
2015) utilized AML for the analysis of statutes.
2.2 Data Augmentation
Data augmentation techniques have addressed the
problem of a lack of labeled data as well. The ter-
minology comes originally from image processing,
where more data can be crafted by adding noise
or transforming existing images (Perez and Wang,
To adapt this definition to text, given a text or sen-
tence, a variation of the text is created without affect-
ing the meaning. The first hurdle is that a meaning of
a text is rather subjective and therefore hard to train.
Hence this technique has not been applied in NLP as
extensively as image or signal processing. However,
there are some breakthroughs recently, such as (Wang
and Yang, 2015), who proposed a novel data augmen-
tation approach.
The ideal way of varying a text can be paraphras-
ing, but it is a labor-intensive task. One alternative is
replacing the words with synonyms or similar words,
either using a thesaurus (Zhang and LeCun, 2015) or
embeddings (Miyato et al., 2016).
(Sun and He, 2018) have introduced multi-
granular data augmentation for sentiment analysis by
incorporating synonyms and word vectors as word
level and also some transformation for phrase and
sentence-level. The synonyms often are derived from
a thesaurus such as WordNet (Fellbaum, 2010). Un-
like WordNet, the German version, GermaNet (Hamp
and Feldweg, 1997; Henrich and Hinrichs, 2010) is
not open-source and requires a licence. (Zhang and
LeCun, 2015), who introduced a random selection al-
gorithm for replacing a synonym. Another nice dis-
cussion about data augmentation for NLP has been
made most recently by Wei and Zou (Wei and Zou,
3.1 Objective
As already briefly touched in the introduction, we
assume that the effect of methods to overcome data
scarcity depends on the respective dataset. Therefore,
we utilize three different datasets with varying charac-
teristics. However, when talking about data scarcity, it
Table 1: Distribution of labels in the LN dataset.
Semantic type Occurrences Rel occurr. (%)
Duty 117 19
Indemnity 8 1
Permission 148 25
Prohibition 18 3
Objection 98 16
Continuation 21 3
Consequence 117 19
Definition 18 3
Reference 56 9
can be distinguished between two different problems.
(1) the label problem, and (2) the data problem. While
in the former case enough data is existent, but just la-
bels are missing, the latter problem even misses suffi-
cient data instances. This paper investigates methods
to overcome both problems on different datasets.
3.2 Data
As mentioned, three diverse datasets were used to
show, that a generalization of the effects of the exam-
ined methods is not possible. The remainder of this
Subsection deals with the utilized data.
3.2.1 Legal Norms (LN)
This dataset has been introduced in (Glaser et al.,
2018). It contains 601 sentences of the German ten-
ancy law which were manually labeled according to
a taxonomy, constituting 9 semantic types. Table 1
shows the distribution of the different semantic types.
For more information about the legal definition of
these semantics, please have a look at (Waltl et al.,
As representation for formal and technical Ger-
man sentences, this dataset has been used. In other
words, exactness in the meaning of technical words
plays an essential role in this case. Moreover, the clas-
sification of semantics in the LN dataset is a multi-
class problem, while the next two datasets represent
binary classification.
Pre-processing of LN. In terms of pre-processing,
words were lemmatized, after their part-of-speech
tags had been extracted using the spaCy library (Hon-
nibal and Montani, 2017). For example, the word
”booked” is converted to the phrase ”book v”. In
the next step, the documents were transformed into
numeric vectors. There are many techniques in
this regard, such as TF-IDF, term-frequency, binary-
frequency, or different embeddings. The utilization
of a binary vectorizer leads to the best performance.
This setup was used for further experiments. The
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: Distribution of labels in the NB dataset.
Label Occurrences Rel occurr. (%)
Critical 282 12%
Non-critical 1996 88%
model achieved the best result when binary-frequency
was applied.
3.2.2 GermEval18: Offensive Tweets (GE18)
For the sake of analyzing the effect of different aug-
mentation methods in the social network context, we
have employed the GermEval-2018 dataset (Wiegand
et al., 2018). It is a publicly available dataset of tweets
in German with a binary label, providing the infor-
mation whether the tweet contains offensive content.
The authors offer two label sets for this purpose, a
coarse-grained and a more fine-grained. In this paper,
the coarse-grained label set was chosen. The dataset
includes 5.009 tweets, whereof 1.688 are labeled as
offensive. Due to its nature, this dataset contains in-
formal short texts in comparison to the formal content
of the LN dataset.
Pre-processing of GE18. Rule-based approaches
in order to remove superfluous special characters,
such as hashtags, the so-called mentions, or links have
been removed or replaced. Afterward, the same pre-
processing steps from the above were applied.
3.2.3 News Bulletin (NB)
This is a private dataset provided by a big German in-
surance company, which contains 2.278 news regard-
ing the German economy and industry. The dataset
has been labeled manually by experts into whether it
contains critically important information for the com-
pany or not. Being important is subject to differ-
ent criteria such as target company, industry, and any
other signals affecting the market of the companies
insured by the insurance company. The frequency of
labels is shown in Table 2.
Creating a model to extract critical news saves the
cost and time of experts in insurance industries by re-
ducing the risk of omission through crucial pieces of
information. Moreover, this dataset is particularly in-
teresting for the present research, because news in-
volves long texts which are mostly edited and formal-
ized in a standardized way. Hence, this dataset pro-
vides the opportunity to evaluate the methods of this
paper on longer texts, too.
Preprocessing of NB. After the removal of special
characters as well as links, the methods from the LN
dataset were applied.
3.3 Experiments
We implemented all the experiments in this research
in Python and scikit-learn (Pedregosa et al., 2011).
The code will be published on Github.
3.3.1 Effect of Graph-based SSL
The first experiment aims to investigate how well
graph-based SSL performs compared to classic SL
methods on textual data. The experiment was de-
signed by having different training sizes and consis-
tent test size.
LP with regularization is implemented in scikit-
learn by a function named LabelSpreading. This
function follows the work of (Zhou et al., 2004)
which suggested an affinity matrix based on the nor-
malized graph Laplacian and soft clamping across the
labels. There are two parameters that we tuned for
each dataset. (1) the parameter of the RBF kernel
defining how spread the decision region is (Gamma),
and (2) the parameter which configures the label prop-
agation and is the relative amount that an instance
should adopt the information from its neighbors as
opposed to its original label (Alpha).
3.3.2 Effect of Self-training SSL
For the second experiment, we investigated another
approach in SSL, called ST. The goal of this exper-
iment is to examine how much ST can compensate
for the lack of training data in the textual context.
To achieve this goal, each dataset was divided into
three parts: (1) constant-size test set, (2) constant-
size training set, and (3) variable-size augmented set
After the pre-processing steps, as described in
Section 3.2, we implemented the self-training frame-
work by means of scikit-learn models. Moreover, a
custom k-fold validator was required to adapt to the
implemented framework. Therefore, the evaluation is
repeated ve times, and then the average of F
is reported as the performance of the model instead
of employing a built-in cross validator. Moreover, a
threshold was introduced to filter the pseudo-labels
with confidence above it. The value of the threshold
was tuned during the training process.
As a base of comparison, first, we evaluated the
model without the presence of unlabeled data. Then
we evaluated the highest cut-off possible. It means we
fit the model by both augmented and training set with
correct labels in order to omit the first model error.
In other words, an ST model cannot achieve a better
result than this cut-off.
Data Scarcity: Methods to Improve the Quality of Text Classification
In the next step, we incrementally increased the
number of unlabeled data inserted to the next model.
We investigated the hypothesis if a larger number of
unlabeled data increases the performance of classifi-
cation. Moreover, the effect of the threshold on the
performance is reported.
3.3.3 Effect of Thesaurus-based Data
Augmentation: Synonyms and Hypernyms
As mentioned in the previous chapter, data augmenta-
tion is coming from the area of the image processing
where to create a more generalized model, different
variations of an image, e.g. picture of an object from
different angles, are added to the training set.
During text augmentation, for each training sam-
ple, the different variations are created by the replace-
ment of words with their synonyms or hypernyms.
The goal is to expand the training dataset to catch sim-
ilar words around a topic. To achieve this goal, XML-
based German synsets provided by GermaNet (Hamp
and Feldweg, 1997) are employed. However, due to
the licensing situation, it could not be applied to the
NB dataset. Therefore, this experiment is tested and
reported only on the two remaining datasets.
To better understand the effect of thesaurus-based
data augmentation, the following example is consid-
The weather is nice, labeled as +.
The weather is awful, labeled as -.
Assuming a classification model has been trained
with the sentences above, the polarity of the following
sentence shall be predicted:
The weather is decent.
For simplification, let’s assume the binary classifi-
cation is determined by the cosine similarity between
the binary vectors. In that case, the word ”decent”,
which is not among the training vocabularies, is ig-
nored by the binary vectorizer. As a result, the model
determines the similarities incorrectly:
cos similarity(sent1, unseen) = 0.86
cos similarity(sent2, unseen) = 0.86
Using a synonym thesaurus, the training set can
be augmented to include ”decent” as a synonym of
”nice”. Most of the studies replace synonyms ran-
domly and add new documents to the training. How-
ever, in the following experiment, all alternatives
were compared. For better understanding, the sim-
ple example is expanded: Let ”decent” stand as the
synonym of ”nice” and the adjective ”bad” as the
synonym of ”awful”, we get different possibilities for
data augmentation. The remainder of this section de-
scribes these.
Horizontal Augmentation by Synonyms. In this
case, the number of training data is consistent while
the extra words are concatenated to the sentences. No-
tably, in this case, the unseen or test data should also
be transformed. For example:
The weather is nice decent, +
The weather is awful bad, -
The weather is decent nice, ?
Consequently, the unlabeled sentence moves to-
ward the correct label:
similarity(set1, unseen) = 1
cos similarity(sent2, unseen) = 0.6
. It is essential to consider the feature space is in-
creased. In reality, words have more than one syn-
onym. This fact can degrade the similarity of close
sentences. Moreover, synonym relations are not tran-
sitive. As an example, in WordNet, the word ”nice”
is a synonym of ”decent” and ”decent” is a synonym
of ”clean”. However, ”nice” does not count as the
synonym of ”clean”. This fact can enforce concate-
nating irrelevant words. The following sentences are
created by synonyms extracted from WordNet:
The weather is nice decent good
pleasant, +
The weather is awful bad, -
The weather is decent nice adequate
modest, ?
This example shows adding too many irrelevant
words can have side effects for the similarity function:
cos similarity(set1, unseen) = 0.72
cos similarity(sent2, unseen) = 0.54
Besides, the increase of dimensionality can affect the
assumptions made in ML algorithms which should
be revisited. In the next section, we show how this
method performs in the mentioned datasets.
Vertical Augmentation by Synonyms. As the sec-
ond alternative, the original document remains intact,
and combinations of synonyms for the word in the
document are added to the training data. This ap-
proach is more related to the original concept of data
The weather is nice, +
The weather is decent, +
The weather is awful, -
The weather is bad, -
The weather is decent, ?
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Mainly, it generalizes the training data and is able
to catch similar words. However, this approach has
a significant downside when it comes to text process-
ing. TF-IDF is a common technique for vectorizing
the text. DF in the denominator normalizes the fre-
quency of the words which repeats in different doc-
uments. This approach affects TF-IDF dramatically.
In the above sample, for instance, ”The weather is”
is more likely to be degraded in the final vector. This
is one of the reasons we utilized a binary vectorizer
instead of TF-IDF.
Another important observation is that, in this case,
the unlabeled data is not transformed. Still, the most
critical challenge of this approach is the fact that
all combination of synonyms of the words implies
a vast number of variations. Following the work of
(Zhang and LeCun, 2015), we introduced a parameter
n random which selects a specific number of varia-
Let’s assume each document has |W | number of
words and each one has in average N
number of
synonyms. Hence, there are |W | N
varieties for
each document. Therefore, n
andom of these combi-
nations is selected. In the next step, the same label of
the original sentence is assigned to these augmented
The last consequence is the fact that we can not
easily apply cross validators to the augmented train-
ing dataset. Because an augmented version of a doc-
ument should not appear in the test set. Otherwise, it
results in over-fitting.
Generalization with Hypernyms. Another possi-
bility to transform the text data is the utilization of
hypernyms. GermaNet offers a similar structure as
synonyms. Instead of co-meaning, they represent the
generalization or abstract version of a word. As an
example, the word ”color” is the hypernym for the
words ”red”, ”blue” , and ”green”. In the previous
example, assuming pos adj would be the hypernym
for ”nice and neg adj to be the hypernym for ”awful”
then the transformed data will look like:
The weather is pos adj, +
The weather is neg adj, -
The weather is pos adj, ?
The disadvantages of the latter approaches are less
relevant here. Yet, hypernyms are not transitive and
therefore can increase the chance of adding irrelevant
words. Although, compared to the synonyms, fewer
words will be added to the feature space.
For the sake of implementation, we developed a
transformer to add the respective words given the
original data. The transformer searches the synset
structure in GermaNet and finds the most probable
synset of the word from which synonyms and hyper-
nyms are extracted. Moreover, in the case of verti-
cal augmentation, it selects n variation of sentences
by randomly combination synonyms and hypernyms.
For extraction of the synonyms though, we repeated
this process to find synonyms of synonyms and there-
fore extend the possible alternatives. This helps the
method by increasing the chance that two similar
words have enough common synonyms. However,
there is a trade-off between enforcing irrelevant words
and an increasing number of common synonyms be-
tween two words. Finally, the same process as the
previous approaches is taken into account to trans-
form the text documents into binary vectors.
4.1 Results of Graph-based SSL
To evaluate the performance of classifiers, a 5-fold
cross validator was employed, while the data was
shuffled and then split by a stratified method to en-
sure the ratio of the labels is intact.
Designed the experiment as mentioned in Sec-
tion 3, the results are shown in Figure 1. For each
dataset, the results of LP are compared to a super-
vised method, linear support vector classification, or
logistic regression, implemented by scikit-learn. The
tuned parameters for each set of data are shown in
Table 3. Logistic regression has been chosen for
the NB dataset to be comparable with the previous
results, which were achieved internally on the NB
dataset. Nevertheless, logistic regression and linear
support vector classification share a similar optimiza-
tion function which yields to the same hyperplanes as
the solution, and therefore our results are comparable.
The results show, by increasing the training size,
both SSL and SL performances improve. Moreover,
at some point, the amount of data does not add any
information to the classification problem, and there-
fore the performance reaches a ceiling. Comparing
SSL and SL, the results do not show a clear superior-
ity of LP over the linear models. Only in NB, it shows
a marginally increase in performance. Moreover, we
observed that the LP technique is susceptible to the
configuration of parameters, despite the linear mod-
4.2 Results of Self-training
Figure 2 compares the performance of ST in the dif-
ferent datasets given the various number of unlabeled
Data Scarcity: Methods to Improve the Quality of Text Classification
Table 3: Comparison of F
between SSL and SL.
Labeled NB LN GermEval18
100 0.75 0.7 0.81 0.73 0.71 0.59
50 0.67 0.63 0.75 0.63 0.7 0.58
25 0.56 0.58 0.69 0.51 0.66 0.59
12.5 0.4 0.58 0.58 0.49 0.64 0.56
Tuned C=35.38 γ=30 C=1 γ=10 C=1 γ=20
Params α=0.7 α=0.2 α=0.2
Figure 1: Effect of SSL LP by increasing the training size.
data. The solid yellow line shows the performance
of the model without considering any unlabeled data.
The dashed yellow lines show maximum performance
that the model can reach assuming all data is labeled.
The right axis, as well as the lines, show the perfor-
mance of self-training and the left axis and the bars
are showing the gradual increase of unlabeled data
while the base labeled remains intact.
The result shows in presence of a threshold, ST
boosts the performance. That is a very positive re-
sult, as usually there is a large number of unlabeled
data available in different applications, which could
be used for training as well now. Interestingly, ST
improves the performance of each dataset.
4.3 Results of Data Augmentation
Table 4 shows the performance of text classification
on two datasets, LN and GE18, compared to the dif-
ferent augmentation techniques. The horizontal tech-
nique using synonyms performed poorly in compari-
son to the other techniques and decreased the perfor-
mance. This was expected as we discussed it in the
previous section. It must be noted that in the hor-
izontal synonym method, despite the horizontal hy-
pernym, new data is not transformed. However, for
hypernyms, we have to transform the new sets as the
categories are not necessarily meaningful word units.
The other techniques, on the other hand, could
increase the performance slightly in the LN dataset.
However, they are competing closely, and they are not
showing any better results for the GE18. This is is
a larger dataset that provides one explanation. Fur-
thermore, the data in social networks is rather diverse
and informal, whereas the news data as well as legal
norms constitute more formal data.
Table 4: Effect of different methods of data augmentation
on the F
in text classification.
DA LN GermEval18
total # data 601 5009
% training 0.9 0.8
original 0.819 0.736
syn. horizontal 0.799 0.734
hypernym horizontal 0.822 0.734
syn. vert. random 5 0.841 0.728
syn. vert. random 10 0.837 0.726
This work examined the effects of methods to im-
prove the quality of text classification despite a lack
of data. We divided the issue in two distinct problem:
(1) the label problem, and (2) the data problem. For
the former problem, we investigated the application
of SSL in different datasets. The latter problem was
tackled by means of data augmentation.
We could show, LP, although promising, can-
not improve the performance in either dataset. This
method is very sensitive to the parameters and noises
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Effect of ST on the three datasets.
compared to classical linear models. Besides, we
showed ST with consideration of a threshold can in-
crease the performance and enables the model to take
advantage of a vast number of unlabeled data. On the
other hand, a self- or co-training method without a
threshold has undoubtedly a negative impact.
Utilizing thesaurus-based data augmentation, a
new variation of documents is created by replacing
synonyms or hypernyms. Out experiments revealed,
that data augmentation can be useful only in formal
contexts. Furthermore, the experiment with horizon-
tal data augmentation shows, that it was enforcing
more irrelevant data which caused a negative impact
on the classification. Finally, we could show that text
augmentation with both, synonyms and hypernyms,
can slightly improve the classification performance.
However, the parameters must be fitted specific to
each application and dataset. Also, it is essential to
note that vertical data augmentation affects the vec-
torizer technique. TF-IDF as an instance has an ad-
verse effect on the words which do not have a syn-
onym. Hence, the augmentation techniques should be
applied with binary vectorization.
Last but not least, the varying results observed
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