Scene Detection in De Boer Historical Photo Collection
Melvin Wevers
Department of History, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Digital History, Computer Vision, Scene Detection, Digital Heritage.
This paper demonstrates how transfer learning can be used to improve scene detection applied to a historical
press photo collection. After applying transfer learning to a pre-trained Places-365 ResNet-50 model, we
achieve a Top-1 accuracy of .68 and a Top-5 accuracy of .89 on our data set, which consists of 132 categories.
In addition to describing our annotation and training strategy, we also reflect on the use of transfer learning
and the evaluation of computer vision models for heritage institutes.
Computer vision algorithms have become capable of
locating and identifying objects represented in images
with high accuracy. While this specific technology is
commonplace in self-driving cars, drone technology,
and the analysis of social media posts, its use for her-
itage institutes has only recently been growing (Bhar-
gav et al., 2019; Bell et al., 2018; Mager et al., 2020;
Niebling et al., 2020). The possible benefits for her-
itage institutions range from automatically enriching
collections, to improving search capabilities, or en-
abling large-scale analysis of visual collections. The
latter is of particular interest for historians with an in-
terest in the visual representations of the past.
While computer vision technology advanced
rapidly in the last decade, most computer vision re-
search focuses on use cases that require contempo-
rary data as training material. Exceptions include
art-historical research that relies on computer vi-
sion (Madhu et al., 2019; Bell and Impett, 2019; Of-
fert, 2018). Training on contemporary material re-
sults in models not tuned to detect objects in heritage
collections. In other words, the models have diffi-
culty detecting past representations of objects, which
often looked noticeably different. Moreover, the list
of categories of objects in existing models are not al-
ways existent or relevant to heritage collections. In
addition to objects changing, the visual medium it-
self has often-times changed, granting contemporary
visual medium a different materiality. Compare, for
example, a grainy black and white image of a traffic
situation in the 1950s to a high-resolution color image
taken with a zoom lens of a highway in 2020. In this
instance, the cars will look different, but the improved
technological capabilities of the camera also shaped
the materiality of the picture. Models that are trained
on millions of contemporary images do not have the
sensitivity to deal with the color schemes and object
representations in older images.
One approach to counter this blind spot in mod-
els trained on contemporary data is to fine-tune their
performance by feeding them with historical material.
This method builds upon the categories existent in the
modern data sets. However, these categories do not
always map onto the categories present in the collec-
tions of heritage institutes, or they do not align with
the search interests of users of such heritage collec-
tions. Another approach is transfer learning, which
adds new categories to existing models, which are
trained using the historical material that has been an-
notated with these new categories. Because the mod-
els have already been pre-trained with large collec-
tions of images, we often only require a small number
of images to learn a new category. Of course, this de-
pends on the visual complexity of the category and the
diversity present in the training data for that category.
In other words, an object that always looks the same
is easier to learn than one that shared visual aspects
but also differs considerably.
Existing research that applies computer vision
methods to historical photographs looks into automat-
ically dating images (Palermo et al., 2012), match-
ing images taken from different viewpoints (Maiwald,
2019), photogrammetric analysis of images (Maiwald
et al., 2017), and the classification of historical build-
ings (Llamas et al., 2017).
As part of this research, we set out to discover
Wevers, M.
Scene Detection in De Boer Historical Photo Collection.
DOI: 10.5220/0010288206010610
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 1, pages 601-610
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
what type of computer vision tasks were seen as most
relevant in the context of heritage institutions. For this
purpose, we conducted fourteen interviews with digi-
tal humanities experts, visitors of historical archives,
and heritage experts.
We discussed several computer
vision tasks, from which the respondents showed the
most interest in object and scene detection, with a spe-
cific interest in tracing buildings. Other tasks such as
the estimation of group sizes, facial emotion detec-
tion, detection of logos, and posture estimation, the
respondents deemed less relevant.
This paper focuses on one particular computer vi-
sion task: scene detection. This task tries to describe
“the place in which the objects seat”, rather than clas-
sifying the object depicted on an image, or locating
particular objects in a picture by drawing bounding
boxes around them (Zhou et al., 2018). More specif-
ically, this paper applies transfer learning to Places-
365, a scene detection model trained on contemporary
data. We reflect on creating training data, the train-
ing strategy, as well as the evaluation of the model.
Finally, we discuss the benefits of this type of com-
puter vision algorithm for heritage institutes and vi-
sual archives. Rather than merely detecting objects,
the ability to search for images based on the scene
represented in them is a useful feature for heritage
institutions, especially since this information is often
not included in the metadata. Using such informa-
tion, historians could examine the representations of
particular scenes, for example, protests, at scale.
This data set for this study is the photo collection of
press agency De Boer for the period 1945-2004.
De Boer collection focuses on national and regional
events, although over time the collection’s focus grad-
ually shifted to the region Kennemerland. This re-
gion, just north of Amsterdam, includes cities such
as Haarlem, Zandvoort, Bloemendaal, and Alkmaar.
The value of the collection was recognized locally,
nationally, and internationally. In 1962, the founder
of the press photo agency, Cees de Boer, was awarded
the World Press Photo and the Silver Camera (Zilv-
eren Camera). He won the World Press Photo for a
picture showing Dutch singer Ria Kuyken being at-
tacked by a young bear in a circus. Seven years later,
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we had to conduct these
interviews virtually. We originally intended to invite more
people in person to the archive to conduct face-to-face in-
This data has been kindly provided by the Noord-
Hollands Archief.
Figure 1: Arrival of Martin Luther King Jr. at Schiphol
Airport, August 15, 1964. Taken from De Boer Collection.
Cees’ son Poppe won the national photojournalism
award. The photo collection depicted a wide range
of events, ranging from the first and only show of The
Beatles in the Netherlands in Blokker—a small vil-
lage just north of Amsterdam, the arrival of Martin
Luther King in 1964 (see Figure 1), to the opening of
restaurants, and sports events. The photo press agency
was one of the main providers of pictures to the re-
gional newspaper Haarlems Dagblad.
The photo collection consists of approximately
two million negatives accompanied with metadata for
the period 1945-2004. The metadata is extracted
from physical topic cards and logs kept by the photo
agency. On approximately nine thousand topic cards
with over a thousand unique topics, the agency de-
tailed what was depicted in the pictures. For the pe-
riod 1952-1990, these logs have been transcribed us-
ing volunteers.
The archive is currently in the process of digitiz-
ing the two million negatives and linking these to the
already-transcribed metadata.
At the moment of this
pilot study, the archive has only digitized a selection
of images. This pilot study explores whether transfer
learning can be applied to the data and how we should
categorize and label the data. During the larger dig-
itization project, we will use the annotation strategy
developed in this study to label a selection of images
to further improve the scene detection model. This
ranh tagselection deboer
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
model will also be used to automatically label images
or detect images that are more difficult to label and
which require human annotators. The enriched photo
collection will be used to improve the search func-
tionality of the archive. The labeled data and result-
ing model will be made publicly available to serve as
a starting point for other historical photo collections
that want to apply computer vision to their collection.
For this pilot study, we relied on a subset of
2,545 images that had already been digitized by the
Noord-Hollands Archief. Together with archivists
and cultural historians, we constructed scene cate-
gories for these images.
We used the categorization
scheme used in Places-365 as a starting point. As the
name implies, this scheme contains 365 categories of
scenes, ranging from ‘alcove’ to ‘raft’.
We combined
the categories in Places-365 with categories from the
catalog cards that De Boer used. These catalog cards
could not be linked to the categorization scheme di-
rectly, because these cards often contain categories
that are too specific or categories that were repre-
sented visually. These categories could only be in-
ferred from contextual information but not from the
image itself. During the process, we encountered that
the creation of categories is always a trade-off be-
tween specificity and generalization. In making these
categories, we kept in mind whether there remained a
historical and visual consistency in the categories and
whether the category would be of use for users of the
collection. At the same time, we had to make sure we
were not too specific, which would impact the amount
of training data.
During the annotation process, we noticed the dif-
ficulty in distinguishing between scenes that were
characterized by a particular object and scenes de-
fined by the location or the action performed in the
image. For example, the images in Figure 4 contain
specific objects, while the images in Figure 3 depict
scenes. Still, the images in the latter also contain ob-
jects such as flags, wreaths, cranes, and trees that are
not necessarily exclusive to a specific scene. This
particular challenge is also discussed by developers
of scene detection data sets. The developers of the
SUN database, for example, describe how scenes are
linked to particular functions and behaviors, which
are closely tied to the visual features that structure the
space. In the case of large rooms or spacious areas,
these allow for different types of behavior, opening
up the possibility for different scene categories (Xiao
In the Appendix, we added annotation guidelines,
which will be used for the annotation of the further data
An overview of the categories can be found here: http:
Figure 2: Distribution of categories (N > 50) in the training
et al., 2010). Moreover, there are instances of large
inter-class similarity between scenes, for instance, be-
tween the categories ‘library’ and ‘bookstore’. At
the same time, we find large intra-class variations, in
which the depicted scenes that belong to one category
are actually quite diverse (Xie et al., 2020).
After annotation, we used an initial baseline
model to correct incorrectly annotated images. Dur-
ing the annotation process of the larger dataset, we
will iteratively evaluate the training categories and
possibly add new categories and merge or remove ex-
isting ones. Our resulting dataset includes 115 unique
categories that can be found along with their descrip-
tions in the Appendix. The distribution of the cate-
gories in our training set is heavily skewed and long-
tailed (Figure 2). For training, we removed categories
with less than twenty images, this included categories
such as: ‘houseboat’, ‘castle’, and ‘campsite’. How-
ever, we intend to again include these categories when
we are annotating the newly digitized photographs.
The categories ‘soccer’ and ‘construction site’, for in-
stance, are very well represented, while most others
appeared much more infrequently. Even though trans-
fer learning can produce accurate results with few
training examples, more training data, especially in
categories with greater visual variations, is to be pre-
Scene Detection in De Boer Historical Photo Collection
The authors of the Places-365 data set describe a
scene as an “environment(s) in the world, bounded by
spaces where a human body would fit” (Zhou et al.,
2018). Scene detection is aimed at detecting such an
environment, or scene, from visual material. Humans
can quickly recognize the functional and categorical
properties of a scene while ignoring the objects and
locations in a scene (Oliva and Torralba, 2001). Still,
this does not mean that humans recognize scenes in
an unequivocal manner. Contextual factors that are
necessarily part of the image aid humans in describ-
ing scenes depicted in the image. Users of heritage
collections rely on search not only to discover for rep-
resentations of particular objects (Petras et al., 2017;
Clough et al., 2017). Especially in the context of press
photography, photographs often captured a particular
historical event or setting. Press photos are highly di-
verse and more often than not contain more groups of
people or objects placed in a particular setting.
In the De Boer collection, we find depictions of
scenes, such as memorials, construction sites, or pa-
rades (see Figure 3). Even though these events are
characterized by the presence of particular objects, in
many cases, they cannot be described by just a single
object or person. At the same time, the collection also
includes images that can accurately be described by
a single object (see Figure 4). Scene detection, how-
ever, is also able to learn such representations.
We decided to not focus on object detection and
the segmentation of possible objects, but rather to
focus on the image as a whole using scene detec-
tion. The category schemes in existing object detec-
tion models were not directly applicable to the pho-
tographs in this collection. Using existing object de-
tection models did not yield useful categories. For ex-
ample, for a picture of a shopping street, object detec-
tion would identify people, bags, and perhaps a traffic
light. To be able to detect objects represented in our
photo collection, we would need to draw bounding
boxes around these objects and annotate them, which
would prove to be a very time-consuming task. Nev-
ertheless, in future work, we would like to explore the
development of a framework that would provide his-
torical descriptions based on the relationship between
different objects in an image.
3.1 Transfer Learning
For the adaptation of existing scene detection models
to our data set, we turn to transfer learning (Rawat and
Wang, 2017). This method refers to using “what has
been learned in one setting [...] to improve generaliza-
(a) Memorial.
(b) Parade.
(c) Construction Site.
Figure 3: Three photographs with scene labels from De
Boer collection.
tion in another setting” (Goodfellow et al., 2016). In
our case, we use what has been learned about scenes
captured in the Places-365 models to learn how to de-
tect the scenes in our training data using our catego-
rization scheme. Rather than training a model from
scratch, transfer learning is known for reaching good
accuracy in a relatively short amount of time. Basi-
cally, we build upon the information already stored in
the places model, which is based on millions of la-
beled images.
As a starting point, we use a ResNet-50 model—a
convolutional neural network of fifty layers— trained
on the Places-365 dataset.
This dataset consists of
1.8 million images from 365 scene categories. The
Places-365 data set builds upon the SUN database,
for code and data see:
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
(a) Artwork.
(b) Castle.
(c) Train.
Figure 4: Three photographs characterized by a central ob-
ject from De Boer collection.
consisting of 899 categories with short descriptions.
For our annotation guidelines, we used the SUN de-
scriptions as a starting point. Given that our data set
consists primarily out of black and white images, it
is worth noting that this type of image was excluded
from the SUN data. Next, we create a random vali-
dation set, containing twenty percent of the training
images. We use this validation set, to estimate the
model’s performance in terms of accuracy and its fit.
In the context of a heritage institute, scene detection
is a meaningful task.
Applied to the Places-365 validation data set, the
Places-365 ResNet-50 model reaches a 54.74% top-1
accuracy and 85.08% top-5 accuracy. Top-1 accuracy
refers to the percentage of images where the predicted
label with the highest probability matches the ground-
truth label. Top-5 accuracy calculates whether the
ground-truth label is in the top-five predicted labels.
Because of the ambiguity between scene categories,
top-5 accuracy is generally seen as a more suitable
criterion than top-1 accuracy (Zhou et al., 2018).
The Places-365 model outperforms the widely-used
ImageNet-CNN on scene-related data sets, underscor-
ing the benefit of using tailor-made models for scene
detection over more generic models, such as Ima-
geNet. Due to its performance on the places-365,
we also turned to the ResNet-50 implementation. We
have also experimented with simpler model architec-
tures, but these were less able to capture the complex-
ity of the images.
For our study, we load a pre-trained Places-365
model, which we then tune to our categories us-
ing the deep learning framework Fast.AI (Howard
et al., 2018). We transfer learn using the One-
Cycle method, an efficient approach to setting hyper-
parameters (learning rate, momentum, and weight de-
cay), which can lead to faster convergence (Smith,
To account for the unevenly distributed and often
small number of training data and to prevent over-
fitting, we experiment with different data augmenta-
tion methods, including image transformation, label
smoothing, MixUp, and CutMix. Overfitting refers
to the model adapting too closely to the training data,
making it less suitable for working with images the
model was not trained on. The image transformations,
in this case, include, flipping, rotating, and zooming
of the source image. These transformations increase
the number of training images the model sees and
makes it harder for the model to overfit to a particu-
lar image. Labels Smoothing adds a small amount of
noise to the one-hot encoding of the labels, making it
more difficult for the model to be confident about the
prediction. This reduces overfitting and improves the
generalizability of the model (Szegedy et al., 2014).
MixUp and CutMix are two relatively recent data
augmentation techniques. MixUp basically overlays
two different images with different labels. For exam-
ple, one can have an image of a cat with an overlay
of a dog. This makes it more difficult for the model
to determine what’s in each image. The model has to
predict two labels for each image as well the extent to
which they are ‘mixed’ (Zhang et al., 2018). CutMix
is an extension of a random erasing technique that
Scene Detection in De Boer Historical Photo Collection
has often been used in data augmentation. In random
erasing, a random block of pixels is removed from the
image, making it harder for the model to learn the im-
age. CutMix cuts and pastes random patches of pixels
between training images. The labels are also mixed
proportionally to the area of patches in the training
image. CutMix pushes the model to focus on the less
discriminative parts of an image, making it suitable
for object detection (Yun et al., 2019). The downside
of MixUp and CutMix can be that they make it too
difficult for the model to detect features, causing un-
We train the model for a maximum of 35 epochs,
with early stopping at five epochs monitoring changes
in validation loss. To account for underfitting, we ex-
perimented with varying the α parameter of MixUp
and CutMix, which controls how much of the aug-
mentation is applied. Too much of the augmentation
would make it too difficult for the model to extract
generalizable features. Training a model is finding a
balance between underfitting and overfitting, which is
dependent on the size and complexity of the training
data. In the domain of cultural heritage, we are often
working with limited sets of annotated training mate-
rial, making it worthwhile to examine to what extent
transfer learning can be applied and how we can cope
with overfitting to these limited sets of data. In our
use case, we want to model to classify unseen data,
which requires a model that can generalize.
Our baseline model which only uses image transfor-
mations achieves a top-1 accuracy of 0.62 and a top-5
accuracy of 0.88 (see Table 1). Adding MixUp with
a low α (0.2) and Label Smoothing slightly improves
the top-1 accuracy to 0.68, but these augmentations
have no effect on the top-5 accuracy. The addition of
CutMix and Label Smoothing has a similar effect with
a Top-1 accuracy of 0.67. It is noteworthy that the
baseline model already achieves good results, which
underscores the power of transfer learning and the use
of the Places-365 model as a starting point for more
specific scene detection tasks. We can see that in al-
most nine out of ten cases, the correct result can be
found in the top 5 results. For our larger data set, we
will again explore to what extent MixUp and CutMix
can boost the performance of the model.
There was one category that was never correctly
identified, namely ‘accident stretcher’. This category
depicts people carried away on a stretcher. The cat-
egory consists of only 6 training images, which are
also quite diverse. The category ‘funeral‘ also scores
Table 1: Training Results.
Top 1-Acc Top 5-acc
Baseline + Aug 0.62 0.88
Label Smoothing (LS) 0.61 0.87
MixUp (0.2) 0.62 0.86
MixUp (0.2) + Aug 0.63 0.87
MixUp (0.2) + Aug + LS 0.68 0.89
MixUp (0.3) 0.63 0.88
MixUp (0.3) + Aug 0.61 0.87
MixUp (0.3) + Aug + LS 0.60 0.86
MixUp (0.4) 0.67 0.89
MixUp (0.4) + Aug 0.61 0.86
MixUp (0.4) + Aug + LS 0.67 0.89
CutMix (0.2) 0.63 0.87
CutMix (0.2) + Aug 0.63 0.87
CutMix (0.2) + Aug + LS 0.64 0.87
CutMix (0.5) 0.62 0.87
CutMix (0.5) + Aug 0.66 0.89
CutMix (0.5) + Aug + LS 0.67 0.89
CutMix (1.0) 0.61 0.86
CutMix (1.0) + Aug 0.63 0.87
CutMix (1.0) + Aug + LS 0.67 0.89
low on precision (0.25) and recall (0.1). This cat-
egory contains ten training images, but again they
are quite diverse and show a strong resemblance to
‘church indoor‘, ‘parade’, and ‘memorial’. We ex-
pect this accuracy to improve with more training ma-
terial. The categories that the model most often con-
fuses with each other includes the categories: ‘cer-
emony’, ‘handshake’, ‘portrait children’, ‘residential
neighborhood’, ‘harbor’, and ‘portrait group’. These
categories were commonly predicted as respectively:
‘handshake’, ‘ceremony’, ‘portrait group’, ‘street’,
‘boats’, and ‘ceremony’. The predictions offered by
the model are sensible since they are for the most part
closely related to the correct labels. For example, the
distinction between the category street and a residen-
tial neighborhood is difficult, and actually, it might
be more appropriate to attach both labels to the im-
age. Also, the former might be better described as
an object and not a scene, while in some contexts a
street can also be an environment in which objects
are housed. This example foregrounds the concep-
tual overlap between an object and scene. Figure 8
shows the images with the top losses, which indicates
that among the predictions the correct answer had
a low probability. Upon closer inspection, we have
to conclude that these predictions are not necessarily
wrong. We see, for example, an image that shows a
handshake but also people in military attire. This im-
age was labeled as ‘military‘ but classified as ‘hand-
shake’. This leads us to conclude that it might be
worthwhile for the annotation of the larger dataset to
allow multiple labels and creating a multi-label clas-
sifier. This type of classifier requires more training
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
Figure 5: Top-5 predictions for a picture with the label ‘Din-
ing Room’.
Figure 6: Top-5 predictions for a picture with the label ‘Har-
Figure 7: Top-5 predictions for a picture with the label ‘Por-
trait Group’.
data, but in future work, we will explore how much
more training data is required in order to reach accu-
rate predictions.
This paper demonstrated how we annotated a data
set of historical press photographs and applied trans-
fer learning to leverage existing scene detection mod-
els to a new domain. We highlighted the diffi-
culties of categorization and possible solutions for
working with skewed data sets. While our base-
line model with basic image transformation already
reached good accuracy scores, further augmentations
including MixUp and Label Smoothing improved our
top-1 accuracy (from 0.62 to 0.68). Our top-5 accu-
racy was only very slightly improved by these addi-
tional augmentations (0.88 to 0.89). The latter indi-
cates that the correct answer was often among the top
5 answers given. While there still exists some am-
biguity about labels, in some instances one of these
five labels was understandable from a visual perspec-
tive, but it might cause some ethical concerns. For ex-
ample, images of a funeral with lots of flowers were
occasionally labelled as ‘parade’. Such mistakes are
Figure 8: Top Losses.
more impactful than mistaking, for instance, an auto-
mobile for a truck. In future work, we want to explore
how we can penalize such mistakes; hence, improving
the learning process. Furthermore, once more images
of the collection have been digitized, we can further
refine the presented model and improve and expand
our presented categorization scheme.
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tions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Here we list our annotation guides lines per cate-
gories. Some of these categories have been not been
included in the training, because they included fewer
than twenty images.
Accident Car. Traffic accident involving an automo-
Accident Stretcher. Accident involving an person on
a stretcher
Accident Train. Traffic accident involving an train
Aerial. Picture with an aerial perspective
Amphitheater. The collection contains many pic-
tures taken at an outside amphitheater in Bloemen-
Animals cow. Pictures of live and dead cows.
Animals dog. Pictures of dogs
Animals horse. Pictures of horses
Animals misc. Animals that do not fit in the previous
categories. For final dataset, this might be subdivided
in more categories.
Artwork. Artwork without people, the focus is on the
art work. There is also a separate category for statues.
Auditorium. Public building (used for speeches, per-
formances) where audience sits. Pictures with and
without audiences. Overlap with categories ‘confer-
ence room‘ and ‘speech’
Bakery. Photos inside bakery, baking bread, present-
ing bread indoor/outdoors Overlap with Kitchen
Bar. Area where drinks are served/consumed. Over-
lap with Dining Room/Game Room
Baseball. People playing baseball
Basketball. People playing basketball.
Beach. If the beach is the picture’s main focus, we se-
lect beach. Dunes is a separate category. Overlap with
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
crowd/horse/running. When there is only water visi-
ble, we still select Beach. Possibly ‘sea’ or ‘ocean’ as
a category.
Beauty Salon. Images that feature hairdressers or
beauty salons
Bicycles. Features bicycles or people riding bicycles.
Overlap with cycling, category for professional cy-
cling and street/
Boat Deck. Picture that focus on the deck of a boat,
either with or without people. Not showing entire
ship/boat from a distance. Overlap with boats cate-
Boats. Category focusing on a boat or multiple boats.
Overlap with harbor/shipyard. If boat is harboured
and harbor is taking up large area of picture. Ship-
yard depicts construction area for boats, boats under
construction Overlap with beach, canal, river, water-
front. Difference is focus on boat
Bookstore Library. Bookstore or library as a com-
bined category, as they are often difficult to sepa-
rate. The pictures feature rows of books and/or people
reading. Overlap with office, room which also often
features books.
Bridge. Picture should feature a bridge as a central
element. Overlap with street/canal/river/boat
Building Facade. Depicting the facade of a build-
ing/rows of buildings. Not showing the full build-
ing from a distance. Overlap with residential
area/mansion. Latter are single large house, former
pictures of areas without a clear focus on the facade.
Overlap shopping area/residential area/mansion
Bus/truck. Focus on large busses and trucks. Overlap
with street
Butchers Shop. Butcher shop from inside,
or people preparing meat. Overlap with ani-
Canal. Flow of water, also includes nat-
ural flow of water rivers. Overlap with
Car. Pictures that focus on a car
Car Shop. Showroom in which cars are sold
Catwalk. Models on a catwalk
Cemetery. Pictures taken of a cemetery. Important
element includes tombs, or tomb stones.
Ceremony. A group of people bundled together for a
ceremony. This could be awards, flowers, or a medal.
Note that there is also a specific category for hand
Chess Checkers. People playing either chess or
checkers. These are visually quite similar, for larger
dataset, this category might be divided into two, if
there are enough images.
Church Indoor. Pictures taken inside a church. This
could include masses, but also view of the church
without people.
Church Outdoor. Pictures of the church/cathedral
Circus. Pictures taken of a circus, inside of a circus
tent. The outside of the circus tent is categorized as
City Hall Stairs. Pictures taken of a group of people
on the stairs outside of the city hall of Haarlem. This
is quite a specific categories, but there are quite a few
pictures that fit this category.
Classroom. Students inside a classroom
Clergy. Pictures of clergy indoors or outdoors.
Construction Site. Construction site, this also in-
cludes pictures of demolitions. It is quite difficult to
separate the two visually. If enough images of both,
we could separate the two.
Courtyard. Area between buildings, or outside yard
in a group of buildings.
Circus. Pictures taken of a circus, inside of a circus
tent. The outside of the circus tent is categorized as
Cricket. People playing cricket
Crowd. Gathering of people, where individuals are
not clearly discernible. When posing for picture put
in portrait category.
Cycling. Professional cyclists
Dancing. People dancing Overlap with bar, music
performance, plaza
Dining Room. Area where people eat, both in restau-
rants and houses
Drive Way. Drive way in front of buildings
Dunes. Photos of dunes. Overlap with pa-
Excavation. People digging up something, archeo-
logical finds Overlap with construction site
Exhibition. Room with artwork(s) and people. The
focus is more clearly on the setting
Factory Indoor. Pictures taken with facto-
ries/assembly lines/production facilities
Farm Field. People working in farm fields/pictures
of crops/farm fields Overlap with animals
Field Hockey. People playing field hockey
Fire. Pictures of fires, or building destroyed by fires.
Fishery. Pictures of fishing industry
Flag. People holding or raising flags Overlap with
parade in which people hold flags
Flowers. Pictures that include flowers
Forest/Park. Picture taken in a forest or park
Funeral. Pictures of a funeral. Similar to memorial
and cemetery. Here we only choose pictures that show
a casket or burial itself.Overlap with memorial, pa-
rade, cemetery, flowers, church indoor
Gymnastics. People performing gymnastics indoor
and outdoor Overlap with circus/dancing
Scene Detection in De Boer Historical Photo Collection
Handshake. People shaking hands, subcategory of
Harbor. Ships docked at a harbor, focus is not ships,
but context of the harbor. Overlap with boats and wa-
terfront ¿ waterfront is focus is on waterfront/kade
Historical Plays. People dressed up in historical gar-
ment enacting historical plays
Hospital. Pictures taken in a hospital/dentist/medical
lab setting
Ice Skating. People skating on ice
Kitchen. People in kitchen, preparing food Overlap
with butcher store
Living Room. People situated in a living room space.
Overlap with portraits, which are often taken in a liv-
ing room. To learn the living room category, I placed
pictures in here taken in living rooms, with enough
information on the living room. Overlap with portrait
Mansion. Large houses, separated from housing
Market Indoor. Indoor market/shopping fair
Market Outdoor. Outdoor market Overlap with
Marriage. Depicting a marriage couple, marriage
ceremony Overlap with portrait group
Meeting Room. Setting features meeting table with
people sitting around it
Memorial. Depicting a memorial site. Overlap with
Military. Pictures depicting military personnel
or military equipment. Overlap with parade and
Motorcycle. Depicting motorcycle(s)
Musical Performance. People performing music
Overlap with dance
Office. Pictures set in an office environment
Parade. People parading, marching bands
Parade Floats. Pictures with flower trucks/floats
Patio. People on patio’s sitting
Playground. People/Children playing in a play-
ground. Overlap with funfair and portrait children
Pond. Scenery of a pond. Overlap with
Portrait Child. One child
Portrait Children. More children
Portrait Individual.
Portrait Group.
Protest. People protesting, banners clear signal
Racecourse. Pictures taken on racecourse. Also cat-
egory soapbox race Overlap with car, accident.
Residential Neighborhood. Living area. Overlap
with street/building facade
Rowing. People rowing
Running. People running in a sports event
Saint Niclaus. Pictures of the Saint Niclaus festivities
Shed. Wooden buildings, beach houses, living trailers
Shipyard. Construction area for ships. Overlap with
boats and harbor.
Shop Interior. Photos of different kinds of shop inte-
Shop Front. Picture of a shop front, ‘etalage’
Shopping Street. Depicting street of shops/shoppers
Sign. Signs, plaques, maps
Snowfield. Scenes set in snow, people skiing, sled-
Soapbox Race.
Soccer. people playing soccer
Soccer Indoor. People playing indoor soccer
Soccer Team. Portrait of soccer team
Speech. Focus on person specking
Statue. Pictures of sculptures/statues
Street. Depicting street sceneries. Overlap with car,
residential neighbourhood
Swimming Pool Indoor.
Swimming Pool Outdoor.
Theatre. Plays performed in a theatre setting
Tower. Pictures of towers, not church towers.
Train. Pictures of trains. Overlap with train station
Train Station. Pictures of train stations, trains at sta-
tions etc..
Tram. Pictures of trams
Volley ball. Pictures of people playing volley ball
Water Ski. People on water skis
Water Front. Scenes that focus on the water front
Windmill. Pictures that contain a windmill
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities