A Lemon by Any Other Label
Vaibhav Garg
Comcast Cable, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
IoT, Security, Labeling, Energy Star, Economics.
Apparent under-investment in IoT security is often explained by the lack of consumer demand engendered by
information asymmetries. One proposed solution is to create IoT security labels as a market signal of differen-
tiation. Such labeling may be binary, graded, or descriptive. Each label type can be further differentiated based
on distinct implementations. This paper surveys the existing efforts to create IoT security labels along with
the inherent limitations of individual approaches. Overall, we find that there is limited research in this area,
which makes it difficult to ascertain the components of an effective IoT security label. We recommend that
label designs should limit complexity and leverage existing institutions, such as trade groups, for sustainability
as well as adoption.
Security is rated as the most important factor that
drives consumer purchasing decisions in IoT (Ipsos
Public Affairs, 2019). IoT security is not just a tech-
nical issue, but also one of economics (Anderson and
Moore, 2006). If consumers are unable to distinguish
between secure and insecure products, they will be
unwilling to pay a premium for security and merely
differentiate products on price. Manufacturers in re-
sponse would have no incentive to invest in IoT secu-
rity, thus creating a market of security lemons (Smith,
2019). One solution to address this information asym-
metry is to create IoT security labels (Morgner et al.,
2020; Knowledge, 2019; Communicating Upgrad-
ability and Improving Transparency Working Group,
2017). This has garnered new found advocacy with
the emergence of highly publicized cyber attacks such
as the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack
on Dyn, where attackers leveraged poorly designed
internet-connected cameras.
Any effort to create IoT security labels incurs
three distinct challenges. First, it necessitates defin-
ing a security assessment that any proposed label sat-
isfies (Fagan et al., 2020; C2, 2019; DCMS, 2019).
Second, it requires determining the kind of label that
will usable for non-expert consumers (Harris Interac-
tive, 2019; Knowledge, 2019; Johnson et al., 2020).
Finally, to design an effective label it will be critical
to determine how and what information is being com-
municated (Baldini et al., 2016; Emami-Naeini et al.,
2020; Johnson et al., 2020; Morgner et al., 2020).
This paper surveys the extant research in these
three distinct areas to provide a representative view.
There are related questions that are outside the scope
of this paper. For example, researchers have noted
that consumers are willing to pay a 30% premium for
security, and as such there is an incentive for manu-
facturers to invest in certification and labeling (Ipsos
Public Affairs, 2019). These considerations are be-
yond the scope of this paper.
We begin in Section 2 by reviewing the current
efforts to define ‘security’. Section 3 presents an
overview of labeling and associated efforts in other
risk domains. In Section 4 we present examples of
security risk communication, including current pro-
posals for IoT security labels. Section 5 discusses the
implications of this research for the design of IoT se-
curity labels. Finally, Section 6 concludes with a dis-
cussion of future work.
Proponents of a security label for IoT reference the
success of Energy Star labels for energy consump-
tion (King and Gallagher, 2020). However unlike
energy, there is no unit for security. Thus, any ef-
fort to create an IoT security label must begin with
a definition of ‘security’. The oft repeated assertion
to follow ‘best practices’ can be less than promis-
ing, as many such efforts fail to address basic secu-
Garg, V.
A Lemon by Any Other Label.
DOI: 10.5220/0010295205580565
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 558-565
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
rity practices that will prevent brute forced attacks
such as Mirai (Dingman et al., 2018). The average
manufacturer is then left to differentiate between nu-
merous distinct best practices, recommendations, and
guidelines across industry, government, as well as
academic sources (Bellman and van Oorschot, 2020).
The Department of Digital, Culture, Media, &
Sport (DCMS) analyzed over 100 documents across
50 organizations and mapped them across 13 distinct
guidelines, to create a Code of Practice for consumer
IoT security (Copper Horse, 2018; DCMS, 2019).
However, since their effort in 2018, many prominent
additions have been made to the space of IoT security
guidance (Copper Horse, 2018). In the United States,
for example, the National Institutes of Standards and
Technology, or NIST, in May 2020 published NISTIR
8259A (Fagan et al., 2020), which defines a set of six
high level baseline capabilities that should be satisfied
by a plurality IoT devices (or their controller/hubs).
NIST notes that not all baseline requirement may be
applicable to all IoT devices. Thus, in practice a de-
vice may be able to satisfy only a portion of the six
capabilities and still adhere to the spirit of NIST’s
expectation. Furthermore, NIST’s capabilities relate
specifically to the device itself.
In contrast, the Council to Secure the Digi-
tal Economy (CSDE), in coordination with twenty
other trade groups, created another IoT security base-
line (C2, 2019), which consists of 10 device capabili-
ties as well as three product lifecycle management ca-
pabilities. Others like Consumer Reports go even fur-
ther by requiring specific business practices, such as
making software open source, as well as non-security
related requirements, such as protection from harass-
ment (Ditigal Standard, 2020). Choosing the right
IoT guidance is critical to ensuring good security out-
comes (Momenzadeh et al., 2020).
To facilitate this discussion, researchers investi-
gated the meaning of ‘best practice’ in IoT secu-
rity (Bellman and van Oorschot, 2020). They note
that most of the guidance, more than 90%, does not
relate to actual practices but is outcome-based. Si-
multaneously, much of the guidance focuses on early
stages of the IoT lifecycle and therefore is targeted to-
wards manufacturers. More importantly they note the
absence of a common and consistent vocabulary.
From a labeling perspective, this further compli-
cates the situation. For an Energy Star style label,
manufacturers must define security as well as differ-
entiate between security level 1 and security level 1+.
Is C2 better than NIST simply because it has a longer
list of recommendations? Is the Digital Standard even
better merely because it is more onerous?
Choosing the wrong set of requirements to sat-
isfy can fail to provide security (Dingman et al.,
2018). This may exacerbated by vulnerabilities intro-
duced in implementation. Furthermore, manufactur-
ers must have some confidence in the lifetime of both
requirements and labels. For example, manufacturers
who spent resources investing in Mozilla’s Trustable
Technology Mark will be disappointed that this label
no longer exists (Trustable Technology Mark, 2020).
Thus, choosing the wrong ‘security guideline’ may
impose costs on both the manufacturers and down
stream customers, without any long term security
Section 2 notes the difficulty in defining security. As-
suming that the manufacturers, along with appropri-
ate stakeholders, are able to coalesce around a specific
definition, e.g. the C2 consensus, the next step will be
determine which kind of label will be the most effec-
tive at informing consumer behavior. Prior research
notes that there are traditionally three different kinds
of labels (Blythe and Johnson, 2018): 1) binary, 2)
graded, and 3) descriptive. These are listed in increas-
ing order of design complexity. In addition, new tech-
nical solutions also allow for Smart Labels (Emami-
Naeini et al., 2020). These combine a traditional label
with a QR code that can be used to find additional in-
formation via an online resource. This section details
the properties of these different label types as well
as their benefits and inherent limitations. However,
given that most consumers do not find QR codes to
be usable we do not cover Smart Labels as a separate
category in this paper (Harris Interactive, 2019).
3.1 Binary Labels
Binary labels act as seals of approval to show a prod-
uct satisfies a baseline set of criteria. They are con-
sidered to be more usable, compared to alternatives,
as they merely require consumer awareness of the la-
bel’s existence (Knowledge, 2019). Binary labels are
commonly used in the food and agricultural indus-
tries, e.g. USDA organic, Fair Trade, etc. In these do-
mains binary labels may, however, bring a false sense
of security, i.e. halo effects (Andrews et al., 2011).
They may also wrongly portray that the product with
a label is better than the one without, i.e. dichotomous
thinking (Blythe and Johnson, 2018).
Previous research in security labels suggests that a
binary label may not always create the impression that
a IoT device was unhackable (Johnson et al., 2020).
However, the researchers did not use an existing IoT
A Lemon by Any Other Label
security label for their study. Instead they employed
Secure by Design which has been designed for phys-
ical security rather than cybersecurity (Police Crime
Prevention Initiatives, 2020). Participants may have
had prior awareness of that label, a limitation that may
confound their findings. Prior research in Web Assur-
ance Seals notes that consumer behavior is informed
by familiarity and awareness (Odom et al., 2002). De-
spite that Johnson et al. noted that while binary la-
bels were effective, they may be less so compared to
graded and descriptive alternatives at informing pur-
chasing behaviors.
Outside of academia, there are multiple proposals
for binary IoT security labels. British Standards Insti-
tute, for example, simply extended their KiteMark ef-
fort to IoT security trustmarks (BSI, 2018). IoT Secu-
rity Foundation offers a targeted trustmark which uses
a lock icon to indicate security (IoT Security Founda-
tion, 2020). Additionally, multiple governments are
creating voluntary labeling programs that employ a
binary certification label. For example, Finland’s vol-
untary IoT security indicator, Tietoturvamerkki, also
employs a lock icon (National Cyber Security Cen-
ter, 2019). Australian government has similarly pro-
posed a trustmark based on IoT Alliance Trust Frame-
work (IoT Alliance Australia, 2020).
However, there is a dearth of published studies
examining the effectiveness of binary labels for IoT
security. In fact, given that the effectiveness of bi-
nary labels is highly correlated with familiarity, such
studies may be difficult to design until a specific label
reaches sufficient market adoption.
3.2 Graded Labels
Unlike binary labels, a graded label asserts both that
a product meets a specific standard and the degree
to which that standard is satisfied. The most promi-
nent example of such a label is the Energy Star label.
These are intended to inform consumer purchase de-
cisions to decrease the overall energy consumption of
the population. Thus, Energy Star labels report the en-
ergy efficiency of a specific device. Critics note that
consumers’ focus on energy efficiency ignores energy
consumption. This may result consumer purchases
with higher overall energy consumption (Waechter
et al., 2015). However, most experts conclude that
Energy Star labels are intuitive and in general drive
purchase behaviors in the right direction.
The success of Energy Star has made graded la-
bels the preferred choice of many government inter-
ventions in IoT Security. For example, the Singapore
government proposed the introduction of a graded la-
bel based on EN 303 645 for Wi-Fi routers and smart
home hubs (Cyber Security Agency of Singapore,
2020). In United States, the Cyber Solarium Com-
mission’s report similarly advances the need for an
Energy Star-like label for IoT security (King and Gal-
lagher, 2020). However, developing an Energy Star
style label for IoT security not only requires one to de-
termine the definition of ‘security’ but also be able to
differentiate between distinct levels of security. Sec-
tion 2 notes the difficultly in determining the former;
the latter can only be less tractable.
Despite that Jameison proposed the first Energy
Star-styled label for IoT security (Jameison, 2016).
His proposal differentiates security based on Logi-
cal Security Posture or LSP, which assigns negative
points for each additional logical interface. This pro-
posal is yet to be examined for both its technical as-
surance as well as usability. UL, however, has pro-
posed a commercial offering that also uses a ve
dimensional security label based on precious met-
als (UL, 2020).
Johnson et al. studied the effectiveness of a UK
Energy Star style label for IoT security to inform
consumer behaviors (Johnson et al., 2020). Their
study also examined the interplay between security
and other competing consumer interests such as func-
tionality. Their study covered four different products
- cameras, TVs, wearable, and thermostat. They note
that participants were more likely to select the high-
est level of security, Grade A, rather than the mid-
dle level, Grade G. Simultaneously, participants were
more likely to choose an unlabeled device than one
with the lowest security level, Grade D. More inter-
estingly, participants expected to pay less for a device
with Grade G label than one without any label.
None of these proposals, academic or otherwise,
have demonstrated external validity, i.e. there is no
way to ascertain that the highest level of security of-
fered by one of these labeling schemes exposes the
device to less risk, compared to similar guarantees
from the lowest level label. In fact, establishing a de-
terminant of external validity in itself is a non-trivial
issue. For example, it may be possible to correlate
the devices and their associated labels with the num-
ber of compromised instances of those devices, such
as through Shodan. However, more popular device
types are more likely to be targeted by bad faith ac-
tors. Thus, an effort to demonstrate external validity
may have to address popularity as an additional vari-
able. Similarly, deployment context is important. A
device deployed behind multiple layered controls will
be less likely to be infected compared to another de-
vice that is simply exposed to the Internet.
Thus, developing a graded schema for IoT secu-
rity labels is constrained by all of the challenges of a
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
binary label with the added requirement to differenti-
ate between different levels of security. Furthermore,
research indicates that some label types, i.e. towards
the middle or the lower end of the security spectrum,
may either be ignored or, worse, penalized by the con-
sumer. Consequently, while Energy Star styled labels
have found much traction in policy discussions, few
real solutions exist, with the exception of UL.
3.3 Descriptive Labels
To avoid the dichotomous thinking imbued in binary
labels as well as the difficulty of grading security lev-
els, a third option is to develop descriptive labels.
These labels simply list the security properties sat-
isfied by an offering, without suggesting an ordinal
benefit as with graded labels. Descriptive labels offer
the most amount of information, compared to alter-
natives. As such they may be more helpful for an
informed consumer but offer unnecessary cognitive
overload for the less technically literate (Klopp and
MacDonald, 1981). For example, prior studies have
noted that many consumers are unable to understand
the information presented by nutrition labels, possi-
bly the most popular instance of a descriptive label to
date (Rothman et al., 2006).
However, descriptive labels are being explored as
a potential solution for IoT security by many govern-
ments. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media,
and Sport (DCMS) in the UK conducted a study that
found that consumers preferred to have more informa-
tion on their IoT security labels than less (Harris In-
teractive, 2019). Consequently, DCMS proposed a la-
beling scheme similar to a security lifetime label that
requires the manufacturer to make declarations about
three security requirements (DCMS, 2019):
That the IoT device uses a unique password that
cannot be reset to a non-unique factory default.
That there is a public venue for third party re-
searchers to report any security findings against
the IoT device.
That the length of time during which the manu-
facturer will provide security updates is specified.
Morgner et al. proposed the design of a security
lifetime label that explicitly looks to avoid third party
certification due to the associated costs (Morgner
et al., 2020). Their proposal requires manufacturers to
declare: 1) the duration for which automatic security
updates will be made available to the customers and
2) the speed with which the manufacturer will pro-
vision an update to address a reported vulnerability.
They found that the effectiveness of these labels to in-
form more secure purchases is highly correlated with
the perceived risk of the IoT device.
Emami-Naeini et al. designed a descriptive
IoT label with both security and privacy informa-
tion (Emami-Naeini et al., 2020). Their label had two
layers with a shorter label on the first layer and more
details on the second layer. The security information
on layer one consists of: 1) firmware version, 2) up-
date date, 3) whether the security updates are auto-
matic, 4) how long the security dates will be available,
and 5) information about access control. They also
found that while their label was helpful at informing
purchase decisions for higher risk devices, it did not
have an impact on lower risk devices.
Shen et al. also explore a descriptive label
with five categories of ‘nutrition’: 1) system (secu-
rity), 2) communication (security), 3) sensory (pri-
vacy), 4) data (privacy), and 5) connectivity (infor-
mation) (Shen and Vervier, 2019). System, in this con-
text, consists of information about certificates, secure
boot, firmware/software update methods, passwords,
and authentication. Communication constitutes infor-
mation related to encryption, internet access, as well
as the device’s ability/intention to communicate with
other devices on the local network. Their proposed
label style uses two additional design elements com-
pared to prior efforts. The first style uses common
knowledge color coding, i.e. red indicates severe. The
second style complements colors with icons.
Section 3 notes the distinct types of labels as well as
the associated limitations of each structure. Label de-
sign goes beyond just the structure and must address
the content of the label as well, i.e. what information
should be communicated to the end-user and how it
may be framed. For binary labels, designers need
to determine the icon used as the seal of approval.
Similarly, the design of graded labels, for example,
may choose between a three dimensional, four di-
mensional, or n dimensional scale for some n. The
scale itself may be framed as a grade, a star rating,
etc. As mentioned earlier, ULs IoT rating, for exam-
ple, is based on precious metals (UL, 2020). Finally,
a descriptive label requires designers to determine the
specific information that needs to be displayed as well
as the associated format.
When designing a binary label, the choice of icon
may leverage distinct mental models used to commu-
nicate security risks. Camp et al. notes that secu-
rity experts employ one of five mental models: 1)
physical, 2) medical, 3) criminal, 4) warfare, and 5)
market (Camp, 2009). Physical and criminal men-
A Lemon by Any Other Label
tal models are employed through the use of a lock
symbol to indicate the presence of https. However,
this may have an unintended consequence: That non-
expert consumers may assume the presence of secu-
rity guarantees that are not, in fact, present. For exam-
ple, the use of a lock icon in HTTPS has been known
to confuse non-experts, who mistakenly conflate con-
nection security with website security (Wu and Zap-
pala, 2018). Similarly, for IoT security, a binary la-
bel like a lock icon may be misintepreted as a sign
that the device is unhackable, as opposed to merely
satisfying some baseline security requirements. Yet,
both Finland’s Tietoturvamerkki (National Cyber Se-
curity Center, 2019) and the IoT Security Founda-
tion’s (IoT Security Foundation, 2020) binary labels
employ a lock sign to indicate security. Given the
prior use of lock icons to indicate connection security,
its use in IoT security might similarly confuse users
who may assume that the IoT device merely provides
the same and no greater security guarantees. Thus,
lock-based IoT labels may potentially incur either un-
derestimation or overestimation of risk by non-expert
Simultaneously, Johnson et al. note that partici-
pants recommended a more ‘cyber’ centric label as
opposed to one that targeted physical security (John-
son et al., 2020). Their study uses a Secure by De-
sign (Police Crime Prevention Initiatives, 2020) label
that is currently used for physical security. Since this
label is used by customers in the UK to differenti-
ate products, it may benefit from existing consumer
brand awareness. Previous research has shown that
the successful adoption of binary labels is driven pri-
marily by consumer awareness. Thus, BSI’s approach
to simply extend their well known KiteMark logo for
residential IoT security may be a more effective ap-
proach to change consumer behavior (BSI, 2018).
The use of icons to indicate security is not lim-
ited to binary labels. For example, the ULs IoT secu-
rity label employs a ‘shield’ icon in addition to their
precious metals-based rating (UL, 2020). A shield as
an indicator of IoT security has also been proposed
by Public Knowledge, though they stopped short of
proposing an actual icon (Knowledge, 2019). Shields,
like locks, invoke a mental model of physical security.
However, they also differ. While locks can be associ-
ated with a mental model of criminal behavior, shields
are more aligned with a warfare mental model.
In addition to the icon, graded labels also have
to pick the framing of their rating. As noted previ-
ously, the UL chose a rating based on precious metals.
This employs a market-based mental model, i.e. as
the professed security of the device goes up, so does
its value, as indicated by the more expensive precious
metals (UL, 2020). Even the least secure product then
has some inherent value.
In contrast, Johnson et al. use a A-G grade based
rating (Johnson et al., 2020). This is not grounded
in any mental model or metaphor that the consumer
can reference. However, the grades are combined
with color codes from green to red, for A-G, respec-
tively. Thus, green is the ‘best’ choice while red is
the worst. This is again grounded in the notion of
physical safety, where we often correlate green with
safe and red with danger. Unsurprisingly, participants
in the study expected a discount to purchase the red-
labeled/G-grade IoT devices.
Descriptive labels, unlike graded labels, have to
provide more details on the security of the IoT de-
vice. However, to balance awareness with usability,
the label should only display the most relevant infor-
mation that is relevant to a non-expert consumer. The
label proposed by DCMS, for example, only conveys
two pieces of information (DCMS, 2019): 1) whether
important security features are included and 2) the du-
ration of time for which the manufacturer will pro-
vide security updates. Johnson et al. extends this to
two additional properties: 1) whether the device can
connect directly to the Internet and 2) whether the in-
formation collected by the device is shared with third
parties (Johnson et al., 2020). Emami-Naeini et al.
in their study identify five items: 1) firmware ver-
sion, 2) update date, 3) whether the security updates
are automatic, 4) how long the security dates will
be available, and 5) information about access con-
trol (Emami-Naeini et al., 2020). There is then little
consensus on what are the must-have pieces of infor-
mation that should be communicated to a non-expert
to inform their device purchase based on security.
Even when researchers agree, e.g. duration of
availability of security updates, this information can
be presented using different language, such as dura-
tion of availability of security patches. A security
update aligns more closely with the market mental
model, whereas a security patch indicates a medical
mental model. Furthermore, lifetime must be defined
from either the time of production or the time of pur-
chase. Additionally, once the device is past its update
lifetime should it be discarded, will the manufacturer
reduce functionality, or is the device expected to be
only used in contexts with lower risk?
The individual risk items on any descriptive label
can be combined with other risk indicators. For ex-
ample, Shen et al. use colors to indicate the risk level
of the specific information item (Shen and Vervier,
2019). The use of colors leverages affect heuris-
tic (Garg and Camp, 2013); red is typically associated
with ‘bad’ in a western context. These colors can then
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
provide a shortcut for consumers to assess the risk of
a device. But these shortcuts may not be appropriate
for all information. Shen et al. label the ability of a
device’s Internet connection with a yellow color indi-
cating ‘caution’ (Shen and Vervier, 2019). Yet, given
that these labels are being generated for Internet con-
nected devices, the presence of such connectivity can
not reasonably be expected to be a cause for caution.
Aside from affect, other heuristics may also in-
form the effectiveness of a label design. For example,
Shen et al. use a shield icon to indicate a category of
device factors rather than the presence of appropriate
security capabilities (Shen and Vervier, 2019). How-
ever, the availability heuristic may inform a differ-
ent user understanding of this icon (Garg and Camp,
2013). Thus, users may conflate it with good security.
IoT security labels have been proposed as one solu-
tion to the security information asymmetry between
manufacturers and consumers, to thereby avoid a mar-
ket of security lemons. Well designed labels may help
make consumers choose products with a security ex-
posure commensurate with their risk tolerance. Si-
multaneously, manufacturers may be able to differ-
entiate their products on security and thereby charge
a premium for greater security assurance. However,
designing security labels that satisfy these criteria is
non-trivial. Sections 2-4 detail three primary chal-
lenges. First, there has to be commonly accepted def-
inition of ‘security’. Second, stakeholders must de-
termine the type of label that is appropriate for the
context. Third, designers must identify the security
information that should inform consumer behaviors
as well as a presentation that makes it usable for non-
expert consumers.
There is preponderance of security best practices,
baselines, and standards in IoT (Copper Horse, 2018;
Fagan et al., 2020; C2, 2019). This creates multi-
ple challenges for manufacturers. They must ‘define’
security for their use case. This may include follow-
ing one specific guidance or even a combination of
multiple sources. This choice will be mediated by
applicable regulatory mandates, which may vary or
even conflict across jurisdictions. Furthermore, there
will be a direct as well as an indirect opportunity cost
to designing a product against a specific definition of
security. If these definitions do not persist over an
acceptable time frame, it will result in loss for the
manufacturer. An example of this is the conclusion
of Mozilla’s Trustable Technology Mark. Manufac-
turers may have designed products to show compli-
ance against TTM’s specification (Trustable Technol-
ogy Mark, 2020). However, they will no longer be
able to use that to communicate security to their cus-
One solution may be for sector-specific trade
groups to define baselines for individual products or
even the sector itself. This may be particularly effec-
tive in mature sectors with long standing trade groups.
They can bring to bear the combined expertise of the
various constituent companies, while ensuring that
the failure of any one company will not result in a
defunct labeling scheme, assuring sustainability. Fur-
thermore, trade groups will be able to assure consis-
tent labeling within individual classes of IoT offer-
ings. Different labels for the same device type for the
same deployment context will likely make it challeng-
ing for consumers to compare them.
There are multiple extant examples of IoT security
certifications from sector specific trade groups. For
example, the trade association for the wireless com-
munications industry in United States, i.e. CTIA, has
an IoT certification program (CTIA, 2020). For now
these certifications have not resulted in correspond-
ing labels. In fact, of the multiple IoT security labels
described in Section 3, none are based on a broader
security specification. This argues the difficulty of
translating technical security guidance aimed at en-
gineers and experts into a public-facing label aimed
at non-experts.
Ignoring the technical underpinnings, label design
must at least be informed by user experience. Bi-
nary labels are more usable for consumers. Blythe et
al. note that consumers would prefer security specific
labels (Blythe and Johnson, 2018). This approach
has, for example, been adopted by Tietoturvamerkki.
However, given that the effectiveness of binary labels
is driven by awareness, any new security specific la-
bels may need to be complemented by public educa-
tion campaigns. Additionally, there is need to under-
stand whether consumer mental models align with the
symbols currently being used to communicate secu-
rity, i.e. lock and shield. These icons have not accu-
rately communicated security exposure in other secu-
rity contexts.
The alternative is to piggyback on existing indi-
cators of trust, with security being appended to make
explicit the property addressed by the label. This is
the approach adopted by BSI. In this case security be-
comes one of the many other indicators of product
quality. The latter may be easier to understand for
consumers with low levels of technical literacy. Fur-
thermore, this approach may be more effective where
lack of security does not impact the customer them-
A Lemon by Any Other Label
selves. Anecdotal evidence posits that reframing se-
curity as quality has led to software developers paying
more attention to the former. Unfortunately, there is
but one study that examines the impact of binary IoT
security labels.
Beyond binary labels, graded and descriptive la-
bels result in additional complexity. For graded la-
bels, devices at the middle or bottom of the grade
scale may be ignored or penalized by consumers. Fur-
thermore, given the difficulty of defining security, it is
more challenging to define multiple levels of security.
Ideally, these levels should be externally validated in
some manner, assuming that they are an indication of
security risk exposure. Alternatively, they can be de-
termined in terms of technical maturity. For example,
it is reasonable to state that AES256 is more resilient
than AES128. Regardless there should be clear dis-
tinctions between the different security levels, so that
the average consumer can understand the differences.
From a design perspective it may be better to have
fewer levels to make the distinctions clearer.
For the descriptive labels discussed in this paper,
effectiveness is correlated with the perceived risk of
the device. As these label types are more information-
rich there is a temptation to add more design ele-
ments, such as color and icons. However, a simpler
label with fewer design elements may be better than
one with more. Every additional element incurs a
decision point that needs additional investigation to
understand its impact on both consumer understand-
ing and corresponding behaviors. While none of the
studies covered in this paper address it, consumer un-
derstanding and behaviors may vary based on demo-
graphic factors, technical literacy, and prior risk expe-
rience. Thus, as labels increase in complexity, design
becomes more challenging.
Even when communicating limited elements, it
is important to consider the usability as well as the
whether the specific element is meaningful. One
often-argued factor is the lifetime of software patches.
However, it is unclear what happens if a company that
advertised a long patch lifetime goes out of business.
Alternatively, a company may release patches but
choose not to address a specific vulnerability. Simul-
taneously, the same device factor may be made more
or less usable for non-experts. For example, merely
stating the firmware version on the label may be less
usable than also declaring whether the firmware ver-
sion was the latest version at the time of manufactur-
Overall, there are many factors to be considered
when designing an IoT security label. There are few
studies that have studied these labels in detail and only
one that we could find that compares multiple labels.
Thus, the path to an effective label design remains un-
This paper surveys the current research in IoT secu-
rity labels. Overall, there is only one study that com-
pares different types of labels. This indicates the need
for significant future investigation. Barring that, la-
bel designs should be kept simple with low levels of
complexity. For binary labels it may be useful to per-
sist with an existing label and extend it to security.
For graded labels, designers should mitigate the pos-
sibility of low to medium tier devices being penalized.
Finally, the descriptive labels may not be effective for
low risk devices (or those that are perceived as such).
Thus, the use of descriptive labels should be limited
to high risk devices.
Manufacturers must start by differentiating be-
tween existing security best practices, baselines, and
standards. Next these have to be translated into an
appropriate label. Trade groups may be able to assist
manufacturers in both areas, while ensuring labeling
consistency and sustainability. As IoT devices differ
significantly across risk - a car is not a camera, and
as such different types of labels may be needed for
distinct classes of devices.
Information asymmetry between IoT device man-
ufacturers and consumers threatens to create a mar-
ket of security lemons. One solution is IoT security
labeling. However, poor designs will simply result
in a lemons market of security labels. Once poorly
designed labels have been deployed they may harm
consumer confidence in security labeling for the long
term. Thus, it is imperative that IoT security label de-
sign is addressed with the same diligence as technical
aspects of IoT security.
I would like to thank Mark Walker of CableLabs and
Prof. Eric Jardine from Virginia Tech for reviewing
early drafts of the paper. The author, however, is
solely responsible for any errors in this paper.
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A Lemon by Any Other Label