company can achieve. Some extensions to our work
are possible. It could be interesting to develop so-
phisticated revenue management strategies to support
cruises business, by optimizing the cabins allocation
and boosting revenues growth. In particular, it could
be interesting to define policies with upgrading, that
allow to sell superior-type cabins to a lower price if
some booking requests for cabins of a certain lower
type cannot be accepted, because of the capacity con-
straints. In this case, the main decision is to accept the
risk of selling a superior cabin at lower price, given
that unknown but, probably, more profitable demand
will arrive in the future. The development of buy-
up policies represents another important topic for fu-
ture investigation. It is important to note that, the
implementation of revenue management policies re-
quires the efficient solution of the cabin capacity allo-
cation problem, studied in this paper. Thus it could be
also interesting to deeply investigate the mathematical
structure of the models proposed and to exploit the re-
lated features to improve the solution approaches.
The authors are grateful to Dr. Roberto Tenuta, for his
assistance in the experiments and to the three anony-
mous reviewers for their insightful suggestions and
careful reading of the manuscript.
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ICORES 2021 - 10th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems