Adaptive Semantic Routing in Dynamic Environments
Stefan Jakob, Harun Baraki, Alexander Jahl, Eric Douglas Nyakam Chiadjeu, Yasin Alhamwy
and Kurt Geihs
Distributed Systems Group, University of Kassel, Wilhelmsh
oher Allee 71 - 73, Kassel, Germany
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Knowledge-based Systems, Semantic Routing.
Digital cities increasingly depend on IT and communication infrastructure. They can be seen as large dis-
tributed systems consisting of heterogeneous and autonomous participants. Especially during emergency sit-
uations and natural disasters, crucial knowledge about injured people and damaged infrastructure has to be
discoverable by rescuers. Since knowledge discovery is about finding semantic information, IP-based routing
mechanisms have to rely on flooding as they have to query each node to locate matching information. This
leads to additional stress on the potentially damaged communication infrastructure. Therefore, we propose
a semantic routing mechanism tailored for loosely-coupled networks that can dynamically change and are
unstructured. By providing a multi-agent system, devices are enabled as part of the network to support the
communication infrastructure. The focus of the network is set on discovering semantically structured knowl-
edge, which can change at run-time. The main contributions of this paper are routing tables that incorporate
semantic information to aggregate semantically close knowledge. They are only updated if new knowledge
is available or new aggregates are created, to avoid network flooding. Based on a search & rescue scenario,
we explain our new routing and update algorithms. Finally, we discuss the message complexity of the routing
mechanism and the suitability of the used knowledge representation.
Future digital cites will increasingly depend on IT
and communication technologies. This includes un-
manned aerial vehicles (UAVs), mobile robots, au-
tonomous cars, and smart infrastructures. The city
infrastructure, for example, comprises smart street
lights, that can be used to charge electric vehicles,
camera systems for traffic surveillance and Internet
access points. Therefore, a future digital city can be
seen as a distributed system with heterogeneous par-
ticipants that rely on communication infrastructure to
interact with each other. Hence, the underlying net-
work and the exchange of information have to be re-
silient. This is especially important for rescuers in the
case of emergency situations or during natural dis-
asters. One example is an earthquake. In this case,
parts of the communication infrastructure could be
destroyed; thus, the communication and reachability
could be limited. Buildings could collapse, gas and
water leaks could occur, and humans could be injured.
To overcome such emergency situations, rescuers
need an overview of the current situation. Therefore,
UAVs and mobile rescue robots are used to detect in-
jured people and dangers like gas leaks.
Additionally, reliable access to knowledge is
needed, which includes, among other information:
available supplies, free hospital beds, and positions
of injured people. Since parts of the communica-
tion infrastructure are damaged, access to a central
coordinator that manages the necessary knowledge is
not always given. Mission-critical knowledge, thus,
has to be maintained and stored on the nodes of the
communication network. To integrate heterogeneous
devices as part of the communication infrastructure,
a multi-agent system (MAS) is presented in (Jakob
et al., 2020). In this system, agents run on the nodes of
the network, e. g., on robots, UAVs, and smart street
lights. The agents can join and leave the MAS dy-
namically. Furthermore, the agents manage and store
knowledge, and thus, form an unstructured distributed
knowledge base. To associate a semantic meaning
with the stored knowledge, an ontology formulated
in Answer Set Programming (ASP) (Brewka et al.,
2011) has been presented in (Jakob et al., 2021). By
applying this ontology, initially classified knowledge
is assigned to more general classes in order to group
semantically related knowledge. For example, knowl-
edge about patients that have been injured during the
emergency situation may be aggregated with knowl-
Jakob, S., Baraki, H., Jahl, A., Nyakam Chiadjeu, E., Alhamwy, Y. and Geihs, K.
Adaptive Semantic Routing in Dynamic Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0010300609971004
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 997-1004
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
edge about other people. This is the case since each
patient is a person, and thus, they form a semantic
sub-class relation.
Rescuers using this system are mainly interested
in the contents of the knowledge base and not in the
location of the knowledge. Classical IP-based rout-
ing does not support the localisation of specific con-
tents if its address is unknown. Therefore, a seman-
tic routing mechanism is needed. Additionally, sev-
eral challenges arise. The routing mechanism has to
be performant since the network and its communica-
tion capability are limited due to the emergency sit-
uation. Central servers have to be prevented because
they would introduce a bottleneck and single point of
failure. Last but not least, knowledge can change dy-
namically. Hence, we present a novel semantic rout-
ing mechanism, which is the main contribution of this
Instead of annotated files, we focus on seman-
tically structured knowledge, which can be located
in remote parts of the network and can dynamically
change during run-time. Moreover, we assume that
the structure of the network may also change dynam-
ically in disaster scenarios. Thus, the semantic rout-
ing has to dynamically adapt to these changes. Ad-
ditionally, the semantic routing applies ASP ontolo-
gies presented as in (Jakob et al., 2021). It incor-
porates parts of the ontology to aggregate semanti-
cally close knowledge under a common base class.
These common base classes are used to create and
provide semantic routing tables, that support access to
knowledge based on its content instead of its location.
These tables dynamically adapt if the network struc-
ture changes. To prevent network flooding, agents ag-
gregate semantically close knowledge and tables are
updated if new knowledge is available or new aggre-
gates are created.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 introduces Answer Set Program-
ming, which is the used non-monotonic reasoning and
knowledge representation formalism. The semantic
routing is presented in Section 3. Section 4 discusses
the message complexity of the presented semantic
routing. Related work is shown in Section 5. Finally,
Section 6 concludes this paper.
Answer Set Programming (ASP) has its origin
in logic programming, constraint satisfaction, and
knowledge representation. Furthermore, ASP is a
declarative and non-monotonic logic programming
language. An ASP program contains rules, which are
divided into three parts. The rule head, the positive
body, and the negative body. The head is derived if all
predicates in the positive body hold and all predicates
in the negative are false. A typical example is shown
in Listing 1.
1 bi rd ( twee ty ) .
2 pen gu i n ( tux ) .
3 bi rd ( X) : - pe ng u i n ( X ) .
4 fly ( X ) : - bi r d (X ) , no t pe ng ui n ( X ) .
Listing 1: Example ASP Program.
Line 1 and 2 of Listing 1 are facts. They do not have a
body and thus are unconditionally true. Additionally,
these facts state that tweety is a bird and that tux is
a penguin. Line 3 and 4 are rules. Informally speak-
ing, Line 3 states that penguins are a bird, too, and
Line 4 states that all birds can fly if they are not a pen-
guin. The solution (Answer Set) of this program is:
{penguin(tux), bird(tux), bird(tweety), fly(tweety)}.
Since ASP is a declarative logic language, a solver
is needed to determine the solution of an ASP pro-
gram. The interested reader is referred to (Brewka
et al., 2011) for a comprehensive specification of
ASP. Clingo (Gebser et al., 2014) is a state-of-the-
art ASP solver. It introduces several features, which
include multi-shot solving, External Statements, and
Program Sections. Multi-shot solving enables the us-
age of Clingo as a knowledge base since already de-
rived predicates can be queried and reused. External
Statements are predicates marked with the keyword
#external and their truth value can be dynamically
adapted at run-time. Finally, by defining Program
Sections, ASP programs can be divided into param-
eterisable and reusable sub-programs. Hence, using
Clingo provides mechanisms for the creation of a dy-
namically adaptable and extendable knowledge base.
Queries given to this knowledge base are formu-
lated as ASP programs, which consists of rules and
optimisation statements. A typical query in a search
& rescue scenario is the closest patient that has to be
saved. An example of a semantic query is shown in
Listing 2.
1 { p at ie nt ( " A " , 1) ; pa ti en t ( " B " , 2) ;
pa ti en t ( " C " , 1) } = 1.
2 # m in im i z e { Y@1 : p at ie nt ( X , Y ) }.
Listing 2: Example Semantic Query.
The first line lists all known patients with their
name and distance parameter by using a choice
rule (Brewka et al., 2011), which creates three possi-
ble solutions containing exactly one patient. The sec-
ond line is a query containing an optimisation state-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ment, which selects the patients which are closest.
Solving this query results in two optimal solutions
A and C. To retrieve knowledge about all known pa-
tients, the query has to be efficiently routed and de-
ployed to the corresponding parts of the distributed
knowledge base.
To locate contents in an unstructured distributed
knowledge base, the most simple way is to rely on
flooding. However, in scenarios with impaired com-
munication like emergency situations or natural dis-
asters, flooding would introduce further stress on the
network. Therefore, an intelligent way of routing is
needed. One way would be the use of structured
P2P like Distributed Hash Tables (DHT). However,
DHTs are not suited for highly dynamic networks,
since the content is equally distributed on their nodes.
This could lead to a broad distribution of contents and
queried contents could be on remote nodes of the net-
work and thus often not reachable in highly dynamic
networks. A suitable approach is the use of routing
tables. They provide information about routes to net-
work destinations. Furthermore, they can easily be
updated by adding, altering or removing entries. Yet,
in many application scenarios, like search & rescue,
the emphasis is on the content instead of its location.
Therefore, we have developed a new way to create
routing tables that focus on contents and their seman-
A major challenge is to provide a routing of se-
mantic queries in unstructured networks. The first
fundamental requirement for solving semantic queries
are knowledge bases that provide semantic informa-
tion. Commonsense knowledge sources provide re-
lations between their classes or concepts to structure
the represented knowledge. One of these sources is
ConceptNet 5 (CN5) (Speer et al., 2017), which has
been created from verified sources like Wiktionary,
WordNet, and Wikipedia. It consists of a hypergraph
that connects concepts by directed edges that are an-
notated with predefined relations. For example, the
relation IsA indicates a subclass relationship and the
relation Synonym is used to connect concepts with
similar meaning. Furthermore, each edge in CN5 is
annotated with a weight that indicates the reliability
of the represented knowledge. A weight greater than
1.0 indicates, that the edge has been extracted from a
verified source.
We leverage the structure of commonsense knowl-
edge to extract a taxonomy of classes. Taxonomies
can be used to support a hierarchical aggregation of
knowledge. An extraction of a taxonomy is shown
in Figure 1. The taxonomy is marked in green and
has been identified by relying on a subset of relation
types and a selection of the highest edge weights. In
the given example, this leads to selecting the edge be-
tween patient and person instead of patient and
human. Additional knowledge provided by CN5 is
marked in red. As you can see in this figure, the
hypergraph provides a mesh-like structure and can
contain additional types of edges, while taxonomies
provide tree-like structures. Since tree-like structures
ease the aggregation of semantically close knowledge,
we apply taxonomies to automatically generate se-
mantic routing tables that are used to distribute se-
mantic queries to the corresponding nodes of an un-
structured network.
FormOf hasPropertyhuman
humans good
Figure 1: Taxonomy Extracted from a Hypergraph
In other works, the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
is used to model ontologies or taxonomies since it is
the de facto standard for knowledge representation in
the semantic web. Since our focus is set on constantly
changing networks and information, OWL is inappli-
cable. Its full specification is undecidable. The result-
ing ontologies are monotonous, which prevents the
invalidation of already derived knowledge if contra-
dicting knowledge arises. In addition, OWL does not
allow the definition of defaults, which prevents to in-
corporate commonsense knowledge that can be over-
written in individual cases. In contrast to this, ASP
is decidable and non-monotonous. Thus, already de-
rived knowledge like defaults can be invalidated. Fur-
thermore, current ASP solvers, for example, Clingo,
enable a dynamic adaption of ASP programs and thus
supports dynamic ontologies and taxonomies.
For the extraction and transformation of common-
sense knowledge into ontologies and taxonomies in
ASP, we provide a framework (Jakob et al., 2021) that
enables their automatic generation but also the man-
ual adaptation and extension with properties. Using
this framework, a taxonomy can be created by limit-
ing the considered relations of CN5 to IsA, FormOf,
and Synonym. Furthermore, only edges with a weight
of at least 1.0 are considered to extract knowledge
Adaptive Semantic Routing in Dynamic Environments
supported by a verified source. The general idea of the
taxonomy extraction shown in (Jakob et al., 2021) is
to provide a starting concept and applying an adapted
breadth-first search that uses a set of relations to se-
lect edges and a minimum weight as a stopping cri-
terion. Following the search & rescue example pre-
sented above, a taxonomy is needed that provides
classes for human patients. During design time, a
rescuer can use our modelling framework to start the
generation of the ontology. Therefore, the concept
human is selected as the base concept and the weight
of 1.0 is chosen as a stopping criterion. This results
in the following excerpt of the resulting taxonomy:
1 # e xt er n a l is A ( " p at ie nt " ," pe rs on " ,1) .
2 wei gh t (1 ,100 ,0)
: - i sA ( " p at ie n t " ," p er so n " ,1) .
3 # e xt er n a l is A ( " p er so n " ," hu ma n " ,2) .
4 wei gh t (2 ,100 ,0)
: - i sA ( " p er so n " ," h uma n " ,2) .
5 wei gh t (2 ,200 ,1)
: - i sA ( " p er so n " ," h uma n " ,2) .
Listing 3: Excerpt from the Taxonomy.
Line 1 of Listing 3 states, that a patient is a person.
Furthermore, the UUID 1 is provided which is used
to link the corresponding weight rule that is shown
Line 2. Informally speaking, it states the edge with
the UUID 1 has a weight of 100 at time 0. Manu-
ally adapting weights in our framework would lead
to an additional weight rule containing the same
UUID would but a higher timestamp. Line 3 and 4
analogously define the relation between human and
person. After the extraction of the taxonomy and its
translation into ASP, a rescuer increases the weight of
edge 2 to 200 as shown in Line 5. This is done since
the inference rules presented in (Jakob et al., 2021)
only apply further base classes if their weight in-
creases to prevent impractical classifications or loops.
The resulting taxonomy is then used to classify pa-
tients and to filter knowledge not necessary in the res-
cue missions.
The novel semantic routing consists of four parts,
which are explained in the following paragraphs.
These are semantic routing tables, semantic aggrega-
tion, an update mechanism, and propagation of indi-
viduals. In the following, the four parts are presented
by the example shown in Figure 2
. In this scenario,
rescuers try to locate patients after an earthquake. The
patients are labelled A, B, and C. Each patient is asso-
ciated with a corresponding smartphone that provides
communication with robots, UAVs, and the smart en-
Created with (December 16,
vironment. Furthermore, each node in the presented
network represents an agent that has a UUID. The
dashed arrow in Figure 2 represents a query to the
system. Solid arrows indicate that nodes can commu-
nicate with each other.
1 ro ut e ( p ath ( " hu man " ," pe rs on " ,
" pa ti en t " ) , uui d ( sp1 ) , dis t (2 ) ,
uui d ( r2 ) ) : - nod e ( u u id ( r2 )) ,
not - ro u te ( pa t h (" h um a n " , " per so n "
," p a t ie nt " ) , uui d ( sp1 ) , di s t (2 ) ,
uui d ( r2 ) ) .
2 ro ut e ( p ath ( " hu man " ," pe rs on " ,
" pa ti en t " ) , uui d ( sp2 ) , dis t (1 ) ,
uui d ( sp2 ) ) : - no de ( u uid ( sp2 ) ) ,
not - ro u te ( pa t h (" h um a n " , " per so n "
," p a t ie nt " ) , uui d ( sp2 ) , di s t (1 ) ,
uui d ( sp2 ) ) .
3 ro ut e ( p ath ( " hu man " ," pe rs on " ) , uu id (
uav 2 ) , d ist (1) , uui d ( u av2 ) ) : -
nod e ( uu id ( uav2 ) ) , not -r out e (
pat h ( " h u ma n " ," p er so n " ) , uuid (
uav 2 ) , d ist (1) , uui d ( u av2 ) ) .
4 # e xt er n a l node ( uu i d ( r2 ) ) .
5 # e xt er n a l node ( uu i d ( sp 2 ) ) .
6 # e xt er n a l node ( uu i d ( u av2 ) ) .
7 # e xt er n a l - r ou te ( pat h ( " h uma n " ,"
pe rs on " , " pa ti en t " ) , uui d ( sp1 ) ,
dis t (2) , uu id ( r2 ) ) .
8 # e xt er n a l - r ou te ( pat h ( " h uma n " ,"
pe rs on " , " pa ti en t " ) , uui d ( sp2 ) ,
dis t (1) , uu id ( sp 2 ) ) .
9 # e xt er n a l - r ou te ( pat h ( " h uma n " ,"
pe rs on " ) , uui d ( u av2 ) , di st ( 1 ) ,
uui d ( ua v2 ) ) .
Listing 4: Semantic Routing Table of Robot 1.
Semantic Routing Tables. The base of the adaptive
semantic routing are routing tables that contain se-
mantically aggregated entries. The entries point to the
neighbouring nodes, which are closer to a queried se-
mantic piece of information. These tables consist of
ASP rules and Externals Statements. While ASP rules
are used to model the entries of the table, External
Statements are applied to keep track of the availability
of a node and the validity of the entries. Furthermore,
each entry indicates the type of the knowledge based
on the taxonomy, the node of the network that either
aggregated the knowledge or is its origin, the distance
to the corresponding node, and the neighbouring node
that provides access to this knowledge. The distance
is measured by the hops. Listing 4 shows the semantic
routing table of Robot 1 (r1) according to Figure 2.
The Lines 1 to 3 of this listing are the actual en-
tries of the semantic routing table. As can be seen in
Line 1, a path indicates the base classes, which have
been obtained through aggregation and updating pro-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
sp4 1
r1 2
Smartphone 3Smartphone 2
Smartphone 1
Street Light 2Street Light 1
Robot 2
Robot 1
human/person/patient/B human/person/patient/C
Smartphone 4
r1 2
uav2 2
r1 1
r1 1
sp2 2
sp2 3
sp1 1
sp1 1
sp1 2
sp2 1
sp2 1
sp3 1
Text UUID of Node
Number Distance
Knowledge available from Node
concept/Individual Knowledge
r1 1
Figure 2: Semantic Routing Information
cesses or are part of the initial classification of an in-
dividual. In this line, the path states that knowledge
about patients with the base classes person and
human can be found at Smartphone 1 (sp1), which
is reachable in 2 hops via robot r2. To derive this
route, the External Statement in Line 4 has to be set
to true, which indicates that robot r2 is reachable.
Additionally, the External Statement in Line 7 has to
be false since it is used to invalidate the route in
case r1 receives contrary information. Thus, routes
can be adapted dynamically during the run-time of the
system. The remaining combinations of rules and Ex-
ternal Statements work analogously.
In contrast to the routes presented in Listing 4,
individuals that are managed on a node are modelled
as External Statements. This enables a node to
remove knowledge on its own, e. g., if it is outdated.
For example, sp1 in Figure 2 manages knowledge
about individual A. Therefore, the External Statement
uuid(sp1), dist(0), uuid(sp1)) is added to
the semantic routing table. This External Statement
indicates, that knowledge about patient A is available
on this node, because the distance is 0. Since the
node manages the knowledge about patient A itself,
it can set the External Statement to false if this is no
longer the case. To minimise the size of the tables,
semantically close knowledge is aggregated.
Semantic Aggregation. A central aspect of the se-
mantic routing tables is the aggregation of semanti-
cally related knowledge. As already discussed above,
a taxonomy is used since it provides a tree-like clas-
sification which eases the aggregation based on its
branches. Furthermore, several distinct taxonomies
can be applied which allows managing knowledge
originating from several independent base classes.
There are two situations when knowledge can be ag-
The first one is the aggregation based on the
taxonomy. In this case, entries of a routing table are
aggregated if they represent individuals that share
the same base classes. Figure 2 shows an example
for this kind of aggregation. All possible aggregation
points of this scenario are marked with a blue dot.
Smartphone 2 (sp2), which has knowledge about
patient B aggregates a routing table entry provided by
Smartphone 3 (sp3), which has knowledge about
patient C. After sp3 receives the knowledge about
patient C, it propagates a corresponding routing
table entry to sp2, which already has knowledge
about patient B. Since both, B and C, share the
same base classes, the knowledge is aggregated to
a new routing table entry, which associates both
individuals to a base class. In this case, the route
uuid(sp2), dist(0), uuid(sp2)) is created
on sp2 and is propagated to the neighbouring
nodes except the origin of the routing entry that
caused the aggregation. Base classes are aggre-
gated analogously. For example, UAV 2 aggregates
knowledge about path("human","person") with
The second type of aggregation is based on
Adaptive Semantic Routing in Dynamic Environments
distance. In the case that a node receives a routing
entry, which has the same base classes, a lower or
the same distance, and has the identical origin of
information (second UUID entry of a route), an
aggregation step is conducted. For example, r1
receives an entry from sp2 while its routing table
already has an entry from r2. Both entries share
the same base classes and the entry received from
sp2 has a lower distance, thus, the new aggregation
uuid(r1), dist(1), uuid(r1)) is created and
forwarded to the remaining neighbours. The routing
table entries are added by an update mechanism.
Updates. Besides the aggregation of routing en-
tries, a reliable update mechanism is needed to keep
the semantic routing tables viable. The update mech-
anism is responsible for three kinds of updates, which
are conducted if corresponding messages are re-
The first kind is the arrival of additional
routes. During this kind of update, new routes
are received via a message containing corre-
sponding ASP rules. First, possible aggregates
are checked. If an aggregation is possible,
the negative External Statement, for example
uuid(sp1), dist(2), uuid(r2)), of the corre-
sponding existing routes are set to true and thus the
routes are removed from the routing table. After-
wards, the created aggregate is added to the table and
propagated to the neighbouring nodes. In case that no
aggregation is possible, the received route is added to
the table.
The second kind of updates are overwrites. They
occur if new routing table entries arrive which match
existing ones, i. e., if they have the same classes and
origin. In case that a new routing table entry has a
lower distance, the old entry is removed by setting
the corresponding external statement to false and by
adding the new entry to the routing table. In the last
step, it is checked if any aggregation is possible.
The third kind of updates happens if a neighbour-
ing node is no longer reachable. For example, con-
sider that in Figure 2 r1 is no longer able to reach r2,
which is detected by periodical ping requests. Since
r2 can no longer provide the knowledge accessible
via the corresponding routing table entries, the entries
have to be removed. Therefore, r1 sets the Exter-
nal Statement that represents r2 (node(uuid(r2)))
to false. Since this External Statement is set to false,
all routing entries are removed from the table, as their
rule body positively depends on it. During this kind of
update, no aggregation is needed since no new knowl-
edge is received.
Propagation of Individuals. A key aspect of se-
mantic routing is to distribute knowledge about man-
aged individuals. Therefore, their existence needs to
be published. Once a node of the system receives
knowledge about a new individual, e. g. individ-
ual path("human","person","D") is introduced to
Smartphone 4 (sp4), corresponding routing entries
are created. To prevent the distribution of unaggre-
gated routes, the routing table is checked for potential
aggregations. If possible, the entries are aggregated
and the routing table is updated. Finally, the appear-
ance of a new entry is published to the neighbouring
nodes via messages.
By combing these four steps, dynamically
adaptable semantic routing tables are created.
Queries to these tables are formulated as ASP
programs, too. Therefore, the arity of the path
predicate can be used to reduce the possible an-
swers. For example, the rule patientEntry(X) :-
uuid( ), dist( ), uuid(X)). selects all aggre-
gated patient entries of a semantic routing table and
returns the UUIDs of the nodes which provides the
corresponding knowledge. In case of the semantic
routing table of r1 shown in Listing 4, r2 and sp2
are returned, since the corresponding routing entries
indicate that they are able to provide the knowledge
about patients.
A central aspect of the evaluation of a routing algo-
rithm is its message complexity. Achieving a low
message complexity in a loosely-coupled network
with dynamic configuration is particularly challeng-
ing, since nodes and information may enter and leave
the system at any time. Content-based routing algo-
rithms rely on semantic information and, hence, no
distance metric and no clear addressing are given,
which adds to the challenge. In the case of content-
based routing, queried information can be located
on any node of the network. A typical approach is
to use flooding to reliably discover all information
corresponding to a search query. However, flood-
ing has a high message complexity. Considering a
fully connected network, naive flooding, which sim-
ply forwards messages to all neighbours except to the
origin of the message has a message complexity of
O(n (n 1)) in the best and the worst case. Al-
ready received messages are ignored. If a mesh net-
work is not fully connected, the message complex-
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ity is reduced to O(n m), where m is the number
of neighbours of each node. Again, this complexity
holds for the best and the worst case. To further re-
duce the complexity, selective flooding can be intro-
duced, which has a message complexity of O(n) since
it relies on a tree-like structure to forward messages.
However, the direction leading to the target, a distance
metric, and the approximate location of the target are
In the worst case, our semantic routing mecha-
nism has the same message complexity of O(n m)
like flooding in a mesh network. There are two pos-
sible cases in which this complexity can arise. The
first case is the introduction of the first individual of
a completely new taxonomy path to the system since
there are no possibilities to form aggregates. The sec-
ond case can occur during the first aggregations, as
the aggregated path has to be disseminated. Since
there are no other aggregation points, all routing ta-
bles have to be updated. However, after the first ag-
gregations have been introduced, the message com-
plexity is reduced since aggregation points summarise
routes, and thus, may stop the propagation. For exam-
ple, this is the case if routes containing more specific
taxonomy paths are received. In the best case, this
results in a message complexity of O(0) if a new in-
dividual is introduced at an aggregation point, which
already contains a routing entry with the correspond-
ing taxonomy path. Furthermore, aggregation points
reduce the message complexity of additional aggrega-
tions to O(m) if neighbouring nodes already possess
routes with the corresponding aggregate.
Besides the creation of routing tables, the message
complexity of query resolution is of high relevance.
The worst message complexity of O(n) emerges if in-
dividuals that match a given concept query are dis-
tributed on the nodes of the whole network, for exam-
ple, a query for all humans in Figure 2. In contrast,
a complexity of O(0) is achieved if the answer solely
exists in the own routing table. Adding a new node to
the network has a complexity of O(1), due to transfer
of the routing table from a neighbouring node.
A prototypical implementation of the semantic
routing is available at Bitbucket
. For the scenario
given in Figure 2 the presented semantic routing ta-
bles are roughly 10 times faster than naive flooding.
The suitability of ASP for the creation of ontolo-
gies and taxonomies has been shown in (Jakob et al.,
2021). Ontologies and taxonomies are extracted from
a hypergraph-based knowledge source and formulated
in a way that enables dynamic adaptations at run-
time. Furthermore, it is shown that several hundreds
2 routing
(December 16, 2020)
of thousands ASP rules are usable in a reasonable
time. Typical queries can be solved in a few millisec-
onds. Clearly, the more complex the query, the higher
is the run-time. Nonetheless, queries to a routing table
have a simple structure.
Typical well-known P2P search and routing mecha-
nisms, such as flooding, random walks, distributed
hashing, and central repositories, do not provide an
efficient solution for knowledge discovery in an un-
structured or unstable network. Extensive flooding of
an unstable network by many users, authorities and
rescue teams may lead to a complete communica-
tion breakdown in disaster situations. Random walks
cannot guarantee to find information, irrespective of
whether it is available in the network or not. Cen-
tral repositories constitute a bottleneck and a single
point of failure. Distributed hashing approaches such
as (Visala et al., 2009) violate the autonomy of nodes
and are not designed for unstable and dynamic net-
works. The key of a document or information may
map to a remote node that is not reachable.
Related works that try to optimize knowledge
discovery in dynamic networks can be found in
the areas of Semantic Query Routing and Content-
Based Routing in P2P and mobile ad hoc networks.
In (G
omez Santill
an et al., 2010), Gomez et al. ex-
tend and combine different approaches known from
unstructured P2P systems to address the Semantic
Query Routing Problem. The problem can be sum-
marized with locating textual information, more pre-
cisely documents annotated with topics, in a P2P net-
work. They apply an Ant Colony algorithm to adapt
the pheromone level of routes depending on the hit
rates and hops for a certain topic query. The rout-
ing for a certain query converges, the more often the
query is sent through the network. Since a learn-
ing phase is required, rather static networks with re-
curring topic queries will benefit from this approach.
Michlmayr et al. (Michlmayr et al., 2007) apply ad-
ditionally a taxonomy to search for similar concepts.
Concepts are considered as similar, if they share the
same super concepts in the taxonomy. However, in
contrast to our work and to (Pireddu and Nascimento,
2004), taxonomies are not used to aggregate entries
in routing tables. Pireddu and Nascimento utilise tax-
onomies to summarise the number of documents each
neighbour has in each category. A node is aware
of these numbers for each direct neighbour, whereas
only the aggregated numbers for upper-level cate-
gories are known for the neighbours of neighbours.
Adaptive Semantic Routing in Dynamic Environments
If the number of hops to a remote node exceeds the
depth of the taxonomy tree, no information is kept
about this remote node. The taxonomy thus serves
here as a summarised directory of documents in the
local neighbourhood and is not designed for routing
queries to far distant nodes.
In (Koloniari and Pitoura, 2004), knowledge is
kept in XML files by nodes that are organised in a
hierarchy. Each node possesses a local Bloom filter
that is triggered whenever an incoming query poten-
tially matches with locally stored knowledge. Nodes
also contain a merged Bloom filter that encompasses
the Bloom filters of the child nodes. A query match-
ing to a merged filter is redirected to child nodes. If
no positive local or child matching is obtained, the
query is redirected to the parent node. The approach
is rather suited for static P2P networks as nodes have
to stay in a hierarchy. The resource capacities of the
root node have to be sufficiently dimensioned since it
has to handle the most search and update queries. In
addition, the usage of Bloom filters may lead to a high
number of false positive matchings and thus routings,
if they are not configured and adapted well.
In (Jacobson et al., 2009) and (Gritter and Cheri-
ton, 2001), hierarchical names, similar to the taxon-
omy paths in our work, are used for content-based
routing. Also, routing entries are merged to reduce
the size of routing tables. However, taxonomies are
not applied. Instead, a hierarchical name could start
with the URL of the owner of a content. Consistent
names and annotations of content are not given. Ad-
ditionally, typical semantic queries cannot be used as
no solver is included in the routing procedure.
In this paper, we have presented a novel routing mech-
anism for loosely coupled networks. The main con-
tribution are the creation of semantic routing tables
and an efficient update mechanism. Their entries are
based on semantic aggregations, which rely on tax-
onomies and a distance measure to obtain the shortest
path to queried individuals. The usage of ASP enable
the application of the same formalism for knowledge
representation, reasoning, and query resolution. The
applied taxonomies are automatically extracted from
a commonsense knowledge source and are provided
as an ontology in ASP. Additionally, they can be dy-
namically adapted to the current situation. The frame-
work for the extraction has been presented in (Jakob
et al., 2021).
In our future work, we plan to integrate the
presented semantic routing mechanism into the dis-
tributed and multi-agent-based knowledge base intro-
duced in (Jakob et al., 2020). To prevent that all rout-
ing entries are merged to the same base class, we plan
to provide methods to adjust the depth of the aggre-
gation. Finally, we want to comprehensively evaluate
the proposed routing algorithm in a large scale search
& rescue scenario simulation
and aim to compare the
presented approach with other semantic or content-
based approaches.
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ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence