We present generalized dilation neural networks, a
sub-module within the CNN architecture augmented
with dilated filters. The generalization to the exist-
ing framework is provided by two extensions. First,
the fixed dilation filters are made learnable by intro-
ducing an alternative continuous representation of the
dilation operation using masking vectors or matrices
which can be trained by standard gradient descent op-
timizers. To this end, we introduce a novel barrier
function approach together with a suitable initializa-
tion scheme to account for the constraints imposed
on the masking parameters. According to the au-
thors, this is the first study which makes use of such
techniques for constraining the dilation operation in a
CNN. Second, we generalize the fixed structure of di-
lation kernels to arbitrary structures, allowing for an
arbitrary coverage of the input space. We provide ex-
perimental evidence by testing the proposed architec-
ture on two benchmark image recognition data-sets.
The learned masking maps and distributions point to
a discrete optimization of parameters using continu-
ous gradient descent methods.
Although not presented in the results, the gener-
alized dilations can also be applied on the whole in-
put image rather than a receptive field, leading to a
form of barrier function based attention. Using this
architecture as the very first layer of a CNN with an
receptive field size equal to the input size, the layer
is forced to select only certain discriminative pixels
from the actual input. Also part of the future work is
the use of barrier function for selecting a certain num-
ber of channels in the convolution layers where com-
plete channels will be masked out from training lead-
ing to a sparse network. On the application side, we
will experiment with GDNN on domains like image
segmentation, object detection and sequential mod-
elling. Such tasks are suitable as the networks need
to produce even denser predictions, for e.g. a predic-
tion for each pixel.
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Generalized Dilation Structures in Convolutional Neural Networks