cooling, boiling water and charging electric cars in a
parking garage; solar panels and wind turbines. These
models are quite involved and diverse.
To be able to scale the development of diverse
microgrid model instances, we would like to create a
reusable extensible repository of component models,
so that specific microgrid models can be easily
composed based on model components, similar to how
it is done in simulation-based systems (Lambert et al.
2006). At the same time, we would like to get
efficiency of the best mathematical programming
algorithms, such as for Mixed Integer Linear
Programming (MILP), which significantly outperform
simulation-based optimization algorithms. To bridge
the gap, we envision to leverage some research ideas
from our prior work, the work on microgrid component
models (Altaleb & Brodsky 2013, Levy et al. 2016b,
Levy et al. 2016a, Ngan et al. 2014), as well Unity
Decision Guidance Management System (Unity
DGMS) (Nachawati et al. 2017, Brodsky & Luo 2015).
It allows modular simulation-like modeling,
automatically generates mathematical programming
models, and solves them using the best available
mathematical programming algorithms. We plan to use
mixed integer linear programming solvers as well as
gradient-based non-linear programming solvers on
power system optimization.
To support the three-step market system we
envision the development of a Decision Guidance
solution based on Unity DGMS. The decision
guidance solution will be based on formal modular,
extensible analytic performance model which
expresses metrics of interest and feasibility
constraints as a function of investment and operation
decision variables. Metrics of interest include benefit,
cost and overall value of power system operation over
a number of time intervals. Feasibility constraints
include capacity limitation of physical resources,
power flow equation, contractual terms, and power
demand. Decision variables include all power system
operational controls over the planning time intervals
such as (1) power flows in the network as a whole, (2)
specific controls for each physical network
component such as power generators, transmission
lines, distribution, power storage, and renewable
sources of energy, and (3) financial instruments such
as contracts with power providers.
3.3 Market Privacy, Security,
Pseudo-anonymity, and
Entities involved in the energy marketplace will need
to expect that the market value of energy will be
computed fairly. The fair-market-value must be
computed by evaluating what each participating
consumer is willing to spend, how much energy is
needed, and (under appropriate circumstances) how
much power a customer may be willing to provide to
the power grid (and at what price). The ability to
audit how this price is computed and set will build
confidence in the fairness of the ecosystem.
Nevertheless, these data elements expose some
aspects of entities’ financial interests and disposition,
and the privacy and security of these data must be
enforced by the implementing architecture. To
ideally accomplish this, the information used will
need to be publishable to a set of entities (who may
not necessarily be market participants, but may be
regulatory), so that the market’s fairness can be
inspected and regulated. However, because exposure
of this level of consumer-interest in pricing would be
considered private information, it may result in
gaming of the system, and many market participants
may not want it to be publicly discoverable and
attributable, a pseudo-anonymous approach that
provides non-repudiation is critical. Such a viable
architecture will need to provide the necessary
transparency that allows inspection into how the fair-
market-value of energy was arrived at by a
community of auditing/regulatory entities, while also
protecting the security and privacy of consumers so
that their private data and interests maintain a
sufficient level of privacy protection, and must offer
non-repudiation facilities so that entities can be held
accountable after committing to asks/ bids.
The necessary properties of such an architecture
will be to create a model which allows market
participants to “bid” on energy (as previously
described), to be able to create an “ask” to provide
energy to the grid (as previously described). These
properties must also allow audit and regulatory
entities to verify the existence of any and all bids that
have been made by the set of market participants, the
existence of any and all asks that have been made by
the set of market participants, to protect the privacy
of sensitive information (such as the identity of
clients that can be associated with ask and bid
information), and non-repudiation (so that once bids
and asks are published and used to calculate the fair-
market-value of power, the submitting client cannot