multiple tasks (2, 3, or 4 detection tasks) simultane-
ously increases the complexity of the problem. While
the network successfully learned to produce better de-
tections in the case of 2 bands, it was difficult to find a
generalised yet optimal model for 3 or 4 bands at the
same time.
Furthermore, since bands imaging consecutive
layers of solar atmosphere are expected to be highly
correlated, we test our framework by combining di-
rectly neighbouring bands together, such that a pre-
diction for a band is performed using the band’s own
feature map combined with the feature map(s) of its
available (1 or 2) direct neighbour(s). This approach
gets the highest recall score on the UAD band 284
of all tests, where it is combined with the 195
A band.
However, it does not improve the performance on the
other bands comparing to the single-band and 2-band
based experiments.
We compare against state-of-the-art SPOCA (Ver-
beeck et al., 2013) on the SPOCA subset, and against
the first stage of (Jarolim et al., 2019) (sequentially
fine-tuned networks) by adapting their approach to
Faster RCNN and testing it on UAD. SPOCA de-
tections were obtained from 171
A and 195
A im-
ages only, combined as two channels of an RGB im-
age, and SPOCA produces a single detection for both
bands. We compare this detection against the ground
truth of each of the bands individually. To prove the
robustness and versatility of our detector, we also ex-
periment with a combination of chromosphere, tran-
sition region, and corona bands on the SPOCA subset
in addition to the whole UAD.
On the SPOCA subset, over the bands 171
A and
A for which it is designed, SPOCA gets the poor-
est performance of all multi-band and single-band ex-
periments. It is worth noting that this method relies
on manually tuned parameters according to the devel-
opers’ own definition and interpretation of AR bound-
aries, which may differ from the ones we used when
annotating the dataset. While supervised DL-based
methods could integrate this definition during train-
ing, SPOCA could not perform such adaptation. This
may have had a negative impact on its scores. Fur-
thermore, visual inspection shows a poor performance
for SPOCA on low solar activity images. This may
be due to the use of clustering in SPOCA, since in
low activity periods the number of AR pixels (if any)
is significantly smaller than solar background pixels,
which makes it hard to identify clusters.
Moreover, the fine-tuned networks of (Jarolim
et al., 2019) suffer from a high rate of false positives,
and show a close performance to single band detec-
tion using Faster RCNN with an identical precision,
recall and F1-score over the band 304
A and a slight
decrease over the other 3 bands. This may be due
to the fact that its transfer learning does not incor-
porate the inter-dependencies directly when analysing
the different bands.
We presented MSMT-CNN, a multi-branch and multi-
tasking framework to tackle the 3D solar AR detec-
tion problem from multi-spectral images that observe
different cuts of the 3D solar atmosphere. MSMT-
CNN analyses multiple image bands jointly to pro-
duce consistent detection across them. It is a flexi-
ble framework that may use any CNN backbone, and
may be be straightforwardly generalised to any num-
ber and modalities of images. MSMT-CNN showed
competitive results against baseline and state-of-the-
art detection methods.
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