SciModeler: A Metamodel and Graph Database for Consolidating
Scientific Knowledge by Linking Empirical Data with Theoretical
Raoul Nuijten
and Pieter Van Gorp
School of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Metamodel, Scientific Method, Theory-building, Software Tool, Graph Database, Health Behavior Change.
An important purpose of science is building and advancing general theories from empirical data. This process
is complicated by the immense volume of empirical data and scientific theories in some fields. Particularly,
the systematic linking of empirical data with theoretical constructs is currently lacking. Within this article, we
propose a prototypical solution (i.e., a metamodel and graph database) for consolidating scientific knowledge
by linking theoretical constructs with empirical data. We conducted a case study within the field of health
behavior change where the system is used to record three scientific theories and three empirical studies as well
as their mutual links. Finally, we demonstrate how the system can be queried to accumulate knowledge.
Over time, the scientific method has proven to be an
efficient strategy for accumulating knowledge. This
theory-building process serves to differentiate science
from common sense (Reynolds, 1971). The process
starts with an inductive phase, in which hypotheses
are formed from observations and original theories.
These hypotheses are evaluated empirically and then
either accepted, or rejected. Subsequently, in a de-
ductive phase, empirical data is interpreted to refine
the original theory. Knowledge has accumulated, and
the cycle can repeat itself.
Of course, in some domains, many different–but
related–theories exist for explaining the same phe-
nomenon. Still, if we assume the existence of a
ground truth, these theories will at some point con-
verge to the same equilibrium, if these theories con-
tinue to be refined according to the scientific method.
However, this may be a rather time-consuming pro-
cess, since especially the execution of empirical stud-
ies and the interpretation of empirical data to refine
original theories tends to take quite some time.
The execution of empirical studies seems hard
to accelerate, but the refinement of original theories
based on empirical data can be advanced by interpret-
ing the results of related empirical studies that were
performed by others. Of course, scholars have refined
their own theories based on related empirical data for
ages. However, the process is highly redundant and
scarce resources are often spent inefficiently in dis-
connected scientific communities. Especially since
the volume of literature keeps growing at an increas-
ing rate, there is a need to automate literature reviews.
Furthermore, automated reasoning across theories is
critical, not only to analyze results beyond one the-
ory, but also to explore opportunities for merging and
simplifying such theories.
Advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP)
and Machine Learning (ML) have enabled the auto-
mated construction of semantic models from scien-
tific articles (Tauchert et al., 2020). However, such
approaches build models that are relatively close to
the terminologies of scientific disciplines. At the
same time, critical details regarding the experimen-
tal setups underneath empirical studies are often lost
in the model-building process. That limits opportu-
nities for reliably combining empirical studies into
more generic theories across scientific communities.
We do acknowledge that significant results have been
achieved already, as evidenced also by commercial
tools such as IBM Watson™ Insights for Medical Lit-
erature (IML) but to the best of our knowledge, it was
not yet studied how one can encode in a transparent
knowledge representation: 1) what exactly makes up
a scientific theory, and 2) how exactly empirical stud-
ies support or refute one or more theories.
Nuijten, R. and Van Gorp, P.
SciModeler: A Metamodel and Graph Database for Consolidating Scientific Knowledge by Linking Empirical Data with Theoretical Constructs.
DOI: 10.5220/0010315503140321
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2021), pages 314-321
ISBN: 978-989-758-487-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We have encountered this general problem in the
specific discipline of health behavior change, where a
staggering number of theories have been developed
within communities like behavioral economics and
various subbranches of psychology. While promis-
ing work is being carried out to standardize on the
terminology, the field still struggles with too large
taxonomies, with too overlapping constructs (Michie
et al., 2014; Davis et al., 2015; Eldredge et al., 2016).
The result is that empirical studies are poorly coded,
which hampers theory consolidation.
This article presents SciModeler, a metamodel and
graph database to: 1) encode scientific theories in a
semantic structure; 2) record the outcomes of empiri-
cal studies and their relation to theoretical constructs;
3) query across theories and empirical data to explore
latent relationships; and 4) identify opportunities for
simplifying theories via graph transformations.
The next section surveys literature on the key con-
cepts in scientific theories and empirical studies in or-
der to identify which elements need to be covered by
the metamodel. The third section details the meta-
model that addresses these requirements. In the fourth
section we assess the potential value of the system in
the field of health behavior change. We conducted a
case study where the system was used to record three
scientific theories and three empirical studies as well
as their mutual links. Subsequently, we demonstrate
how the system can be queried to accumulate knowl-
edge. Finally, we discuss the principal results and
weaknesses from this exercise, and provide guidelines
for future work.
2.1 Components of a Scientific Theory
A theory comprises a set of abstract statements about
reality (Reynolds, 1971). Hence, informal explana-
tions, unfalsifiable statements and ideas are impor-
tant but they are not scientific theories (Popper, 1959,
p. 23). Instead, in a “theoretical system”, “theoret-
ical constructs” are introduced “jointly” (i.e., asso-
ciated to each other) (Hempel, 1952, p. 32), such
that a natural phenomenon and its antecedents are ex-
plained and their relations can be repeatedly tested
and verified. For this study, we have assumed that
a scientific theory comprises constructs, and the re-
lationships between these constructs. While some
related works proposed to model theories as claims
within separate models of individual articles (Cic-
carese et al., 2008; Clark et al., 2014), we explored a
graph-based approach where theoretical elements are
modeled centrally and supportive pieces of empirical
data are linked to them.
2.2 Components of an Empirical Study
Several frameworks for developing and reporting em-
pirical studies have proven valuable over time. Partic-
ularly, these frameworks have been used to assist the
definition of research questions, as well as system-
atic literature surveys (Cooke et al., 2012). Especially
the PICO framework is commonly used in evidence-
based practice (e.g., in Evidence-Based Medicine).
This framework suggests that a well-defined empir-
ical study comprises: 1) a population; 2); an inter-
vention; 3) a comparison; and 4) an outcome. Simi-
lar frameworks were coined to be applied to different
research fields. For example, the PECO (i.e., Popu-
lation, Exposure, Comparator, and Outcomes) frame-
work was tailored for environmental, public and oc-
cupational health research (Morgan et al., 2018); the
SPICE (Setting, Perspective, Intervention, Compar-
ison, and Evaluation) framework was introduced to
support qualitative research (Booth, 2006), as well as
the SPIDER (Sample, Phenomenon of Interest, De-
sign, Evaluation, Research type) framework (Cooke
et al., 2012); and lastly the ECLIPSE (Expectation,
Client group, Location, Impact, Professionals, Ser-
vicE) framework was introduced to support the field
of health management (Wildridge and Bell, 2002).
Across these frameworks, one can identify:
The Population: refers to the community that is tar-
geted within a study (e.g., Dutch high school stu-
dents, or older adults at risk of being overweight,
etc.). This concept is also referred to as the Patient
group, Sample, Perspective, or Client group.
The Setting: (or Location & Timing) describes when
and where an intervention was evaluated (Booth,
The Expectation: (from ECLIPSE, corresponding
to the Outcome from PECO or the Evaluation of
SPIDER) is the end point of interest. Once this
dependent variable is known, the impact of stud-
ies addressing a similar outcome variable can be
compared. Note that careful recording of this
outcome variable is necessary, as a variable can
sometimes be measured in different ways.
The Intervention: (or Phenomenon of Interest, Pro-
fessionals & Service) indicates the object that is
studies and that is expected to cause a difference
(e.g., the administration of a medical drug).
The Comparison: (or PECO’s Comparator, or SPI-
DER’s Design) is measured against the interven-
tionOften, the comparator is a different interven-
SciModeler: A Metamodel and Graph Database for Consolidating Scientific Knowledge by Linking Empirical Data with Theoretical
tion or treatment, or alternatively the absence of
an intervention or treatment.
The Impact: (from ECLIPSE, corresponding to the
Evaluation from SPICE) describes what results
the evaluation yielded (Booth, 2006).
The Research Type: (from SPIDER) captures the
study design that was adopted to evaluate the in-
tervention (Cooke et al., 2012).
2.3 Deriving Modeling Requirements
From Section 2.1, one can conclude that theories con-
sist of constructs and relations. While previous for-
malisms already support the encoding of claims of
individual articles, it is worth representing theories
as first-class modeling concepts, which can be linked
from individual studies. Regarding the coding of em-
pirical studies, various formalisms have already been
proposed. However, the systematic linking of empir-
ical data with theoretical constructs is lacking. In or-
der to overcome these limitations, we propose a new
metamodel that has two layers: The first layer should
support the encoding of scientific theories (ST) and
the second layer should support the encoding of em-
pirical studies (ES). While the requirements for each
distinct layer follows reasonably simply from Sec-
tions 2.1 and 2.2, we learned that especially the link-
ing of the two layers is non-trivial.
For layer ST, we identified three information re-
quirements, aimed at representing theories as graphs:
ST1 Record the name of the theory,
ST2 Record the primitive constructs of the theory,
ST3 Record the relations between these constructs.
For layer ES, our synthesis of Section 2.2 leads to:
ES1. Record the (characteristics of) the study pop-
ulation and study sample (i.e., to whom?)
ES2. Record the setting (i.e., place and time) of the
study (i.e., where, and when?)
ES3. Record the expectation of the study (i.e.,
ES4. Record the interventions and comparison
treatments (i.e., what? what else?)
ES5. Record the impact of the interventions and
treatments on the study sample (i.e., how
ES6. Record the research type (i.e., how?)
Regarding the interlinking of these two layers, one
would ultimately like to see how specific elements
of an empirical study relate to specific elements of
a theory. Regrettably, many empirical studies only
label interventions at the aggregate level of theories.
From our modeling requirements point of view, we
therefore need to support both ways of linking the
empirical layer with the theoretical layer. Further-
more, concrete interventions in empirical studies can
be coded differently according to one’s point of view
(even when aiming to minimize subjectivity). We will
illustrate this challenging issue by means of a case
study in Section 4 but regarding modeling require-
ments, we conclude here that there is a need to sup-
port competing classifications and leave it up to the
scientific discourse to decide which classification is
the best for a specific purpose.
ESST1. Record the relation between a theoretical
construct and an actual intervention
ESST2. Record the argumentation for why this
relation is appropriate
ESST3. Record the number of ‘votes’ for a sug-
gested relation
The metamodel presented in the next section is a first
attempt to satisfy all requirements that were identified
thus far.
3.1 Metamodel
The SciModeler metamodel is distributed via
Figshare (Nuijten and Van Gorp, 2020c). The colored
rectangles in the background demonstrate what
particular requirement is fulfilled by the rectangle’s
enclosed entities, attributes and associations.
The orange rectangle captures the entities, at-
tributes and associations that were necessary to sat-
isfy the requirements at layer ST. Particularly, to:
1) record the name of a theoretical framework us-
ing the theory entity [ST1]; 2) record the constructs
within a theoretical framework using the construct en-
tity [ST2]; and record the relations between the con-
structs of a theoretical framework via the relation en-
tity [ST3]. The relation entity has a type attribute that
can have the values: has an influence on, has a pos-
itive influence on, has a negative influence on, is a
component of, and is synonym of.
The blue rectangles depict the entities, attributes
and associations that were necessary to satisfy the re-
quirements at layer ES.
First, the entities population, sample, group, in-
dividual, demographic and characteristic are neces-
sary to record with whom a particular intervention
MODELSWARD 2021 - 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
was evaluated [ES1]. The population entity captures
information about the audience that was targeted for a
specific study. The sample entity records ho many
subjects from this population have actually partici-
pated in the study. The group entity distinguishes the
number of participants that were exposed to a spe-
cific treatment. The demographic entity can be used
to collect additional information about these groups
on different variables. For example, this entity, its at-
tributes and associations, may be used to record that
the average age of a sample was 27. In that scenario,
age is the dimension of the variable associated to the
demographic, the aggregation function of the demo-
graphic is average, and the value of the demographic
is 27. Note that the actual ages (i.e., recorded as char-
acteristics) of the individuals within the sample may
nevertheless be undisclosed.
Second, the context entity is used to record where
and when a study was executed [ES2]. For example, a
study may be executed at a high school (i.e., location)
during the winter of 2018 (i.e., timing).
Third the experiment entity records the rationale
behind a study [ES3]. Particularly, the point of inter-
est, or outcome variable is recorded.
Fourth, the entities treatment, treatment assign-
ment, intervention and platform are used to record
what treatments were assigned, and how these com-
pare to each other [ES4]. The intervention entity
records particularities that are present within all treat-
ments, whereas the treatment entity only records par-
ticularities that are unique for a specific treatment.
The platform entity can be used to emphasize that
a set of interventions relies on shared infrastructure.
For example, a marketing intervention may be admin-
istered via a phone call, and different interventions
may use similar infrastructure. As an example from
the software engineering domain, the Eclipse frame-
work could be a platform on which an empirical study
on plug-in development could be based. Lastly, the
entity treatment assignment can be used to assign a
particular treatment to a group of participants.
Fifth, the entity outcome records the impact of a
specific treatment [ES5]. Particularly, by capturing
the treatment result and the significance of that result.
Sixth, the entity source is used to record the scien-
tific article that describes the research method under-
pinning one or more experiments [ES6].
Finally, the yellow rectangle captures the entities,
attributes and associations that are used to map em-
pirical data onto theoretical constructs (i.e., linking
layer ES and layer ST). The classification entity can
be used to associate (parts of) a particular intervention
or treatment with a theoretical construct [ESST1].
Since this step relies on interpretation, an explanation
from a reviewer is required [ESST2]. Other review-
ers can support a given classification, or commit their
own [ESST3].
3.2 Recording Data
To instantiate the class diagram and store data, we
have adopted a graph-based approach. A graph-based
approach was chosen, for its flexibility, and extensive
coverage of database systems. Particularly, we have
used Neo4j v4.1.3 to define the type graph, store ex-
ample instances and evaluate queries, partly because
Neo4j provides extensive tools for visualizing data
and query results as an actual graph.
To record a scientific theory, or empirical study, a
reviewer would have to examine the original research
article presenting the theory or study. After a reviewer
examined the article, she can write a set of statements
(e.g., using Cypher, Neo4j‘s graph query language) to
commit the theory or study to the database.
For documenting a scientific theory this exercise
is generally relatively easy, as these theories are often
already visualized as graphs with constructs and rela-
tions. Nevertheless, the exercise of extracting the cor-
rect information from an article presenting an empiri-
cal study may be somewhat more challenging, as the
data is often presented in a mere text-based form. In
order to reliably extract empirical data, we have estab-
lished a workflow in which a reviewer can highlight
a particular passage in the PDF-version of the article
that details a certain attribute she wants to record (e.g.,
the sample size that was studied). These quotations
are also recorded in the database such that the source
of a piece of empirical data can easily be traced back
to the original article. Additionally, the data sets that
were obtained within an empirical study are typically
not shared at the individual participant level. Hence,
specific information about the characteristics of par-
ticular individuals, or the impact the intervention has
had on a particular individual are mostly not revealed
in scientific outlets. Note that therefore, the entities,
attributes and associations that are displayed below
the red dotted line in the class diagram (Nuijten and
Van Gorp, 2020c) are included for completeness, but
are known to be difficult to extract from most research
articles. Then again, future articles on empirical stud-
ies may cite SciModeler instances as online attach-
ments that document the study setup with greater pre-
SciModeler: A Metamodel and Graph Database for Consolidating Scientific Knowledge by Linking Empirical Data with Theoretical
4.1 Health Behavior Change as Context
Particularly in the field of health behavior change
many scientific theories are circulating. Still, there
is no consensually agreed theory of health behavior
change. Moreover, the process of developing a con-
sensually agreed theory seems to be rather inefficient
in this field, as empirical studies are originating from
unique–but related–theories, without systematically
contributing to each other.
The aim of this case study is to demonstrate how
SciModeler can facilitate the more systematic devel-
opment of scientific theory on health behavior change,
by facilitating the interpretation of empirical data.
4.2 Method
This case study demonstrates the potential impact of
our proposed system in the field of health behavior
change. We portray how three defying theoretical
frameworks within the more generic field of behavior
change could be encoded in our system. Additionally,
we illustrate how our system could record valuable
information from three empirical studies on health
behavior change. Subsequently, we discuss how the
theoretical frameworks and empirical studies relate to
each other, and how these relations could be repre-
sented by SciModeler. Finally, we highlight how the
system could be queried to accumulate knowledge.
4.2.1 Selecting Three Theoretical Frameworks
In the context of behavior change, theories seek to ex-
plain why, when and how a behavior does or does
not occur, and the important sources of influence to
be targeted in order to alter the behavior (Michie
et al., 2014). Theories on behavioral change are
prevalent: The book ABC of behaviour change the-
ories” reported 83 behavior change theories (Michie
et al., 2014); a scoping review on theories of behav-
ior change identified 82 distinct theories (Davis et al.,
2015); and the book “Planning health promotion pro-
grams” discussed more than 40 behavior change the-
ories (Eldredge et al., 2016). From these and other
sources, we have compiled a list of 103 unique be-
havior change theories.
In an online survey, we have challenged behav-
ioral scientists to express what theories they typically
use in their behavior change initiatives. The survey
was completed by 38 scientists who selected: 1) the
Self-Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan, 1985, 16
mentions), 2) the COM-B system (Michie et al., 2011,
15 mentions), and 3) the Goal Setting Theory (Locke
and Latham, 2002, 14 mentions) as the most useful
theories of behavior change.
4.2.2 Selecting Three Empirical Studies
To model three example empirical studies in the field
of health behavior change reliably, we drew from our
own collection of empirical studies. The examples
have quite diverse study setups, demonstrating the ex-
pressiveness of SciModeler and providing a good ba-
sis for illustrating the power of the model as a foun-
dation for query-based information retrieval.
4.3 Results: Proof of Concept
In this section, we demonstrate how to record scien-
tific theories, how to record empirical studies, how to
map those to theories, and how to query the resulting
graphs for extracting information relevant for accu-
mulating knowledge as well as theory building.
4.3.1 Recording a Theory
The data (i.e., constructs and relations between these
constructs) that was captured for the three selected
theories was taken from the descriptions of these the-
ories in their original research articles. This sec-
tion summarizes the content of each theory and high-
lights how some particularities for each theory were
recorded within SciModeler.
The COM-B System is a theory that proposes
that, in order for a behavior to occur, an individual
must have the capability (i.e., physical or psycholog-
ical) and opportunity (i.e., social or physical) to en-
gage in the behavior, as well as the strength of mo-
tivation (i.e., ‘reflective’ or ‘automatic’) to engage
in it must be greater than for any competing behav-
iors (Michie et al., 2011). The model emphasizes
that components can interact: for example, motiva-
tion can be influenced by both opportunity and capa-
bility, which can in turn influence behavior. Behavior
can then have a feedback influence upon a person’s
opportunity, motivation and capability to perform the
behavior again. Online Supplement A1 (Nuijten and
Van Gorp, 2020a) displays how the constructs within
the COM-B system relate to each other, and how
those relations could be captured within SciModeler.
The Self-Determination Theory (Deci and Ryan,
1985, SDT) provides a broad framework to study mo-
tivation, personality and behaviors. Central to the
theory’s explanation of behavior is the distinction be-
tween intrinsic motivation (i.e., motivation due to in-
herent interest or enjoyment) and extrinsic motiva-
tion (i.e., motivation due to external factors or con-
MODELSWARD 2021 - 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
trols), and people’s basic need for autonomy, com-
petence and relatedness (Deci and Ryan, 1985). The
SDT is a meta-theory comprised of five mini-theories.
The notion that theories can sometimes be composed
of other theories can be recorded in our system us-
ing the recursive relationship the theory entity has
with itself. Online Supplement A2 (Nuijten and
Van Gorp, 2020a) shows how SciModeler enables to
express such relationships between theories and mini-
The Goal Setting Theory explains the mecha-
nisms by which goals or intentions influence task per-
formance (Locke and Latham, 2002). The theory’s
basic premise is that an individual’s conscious ideas
regulate her behavior (i.e., task performance). Ad-
ditionally, performance can be moderated by a num-
ber of factors including the level of commitment, the
importance of the goal, levels of self-efficacy, feed-
back and task complexity (Locke and Latham, 2002).
Furthermore, Locke and Latham model impact of re-
lationships between goals and their impact on satis-
faction, as well as how goals act as mediators of in-
centives. Within the Goal Setting Theory, goal and
intention are used as synonyms. The notion of equiv-
alent constructs can be recorded in our graph using
a relation of type synonym, see Online Supplement
A3 (Nuijten and Van Gorp, 2020a).
4.3.2 Recording an Empirical Study
The information that was captured for the three em-
pirical studies was recorded from the description of
these studies in their original research articles (which
are cited in the next paragraphs). Specifically, we an-
notated those articles and used a script to translate
the annotation data into Neo4j data import scripts.
The related prototypical infrastructure–including the
example annotated PDF-files for the graphs in this
section–is available online (Nuijten and Van Gorp,
2020b). This section summarizes the content of each
study and highlights how some particularities for each
study where recorded within SciModeler.
Study 1: TVC (Nuijten et al., 2019). This study
evaluated two design elements of an mHealth solution
i.e., social proof and tangible rewards and their
impact on user engagement and argued that the intro-
duction of a sufficiently meaningful, unexpected, and
customized extrinsic reward can engage participants
significantly. During a four-week campaign, a sample
of 143 university staff members engaged in a health
promotion campaign. Participants were randomly dis-
tributed over one of three treatment groups. Online
Supplement A4 (Nuijten and Van Gorp, 2020a) dis-
plays how this information on the study’s population,
sample, and treatment groups could be recorded in
SciModeler (i.e., by means of the purple, violet, and
blue nodes). Additionally, the demographic informa-
tion about the sample that the study disclosed was
recorded as well (i.e., via the pink and grey nodes).
Study 2: VHC (d’Hondt et al., 2019). This study
evaluated the impact of personalized motivational
messages, as compared to randomized motivational
messages, and argued that personalized messages are
more appreciated than random messages, but also
that personalized messages do not necessarily cause
a change in long term behavior. Online Supplement
A5 (Nuijten and Van Gorp, 2020a) demonstrates how
the general intervention (i.e., motivational messages)
and the two treatments (i.e., personalized messages,
as compared to random messages) can be recorded in
SciModeler (i.e., by means of the red-shaded nodes).
Additionally, the outcomes are recorded in the yellow
nodes, as well as the variables. Finally, the orange-
shaded nodes in the top right of Online Supplement
A5 (Nuijten and Van Gorp, 2020a) depict the exper-
imental point of interest (and the variable that was
explicitly measured for this purpose), as well as how
the intervention was hosted on a particular platform.
Study 3: UCGS (Nuijten et al., 2020). This study
evaluated social comparison as a driver of engage-
ment with an mHealth application in preadolescents
and argued that a team-oriented environment with in-
volvement of a natural role model is more engaging
than an individually-focused setting. To draw this
conclusion, the authors designed a 12-week crossover
experiment, in which they studied three approaches
to implementing behavior change via social compari-
son. Every treatment group received their treatments
in 2-week periods, and hence received every treatment
twice. This advanced study design can be recorded in
our graph as depicted in Online Supplement A6 (Nui-
jten and Van Gorp, 2020a). Particularly, note how
treatment groups (i.e., blue nodes) are linked to the
treatments (i.e., red nodes) through instances of the
treatment assignment entity (i.e., brown nodes). The
attribute order number on the entity treatment assign-
ment is used to distinguish in what order the treat-
ments were assigned to a particular treatment group.
4.3.3 Mapping Theory and Practice
The final exercise was to link (elements of) the inter-
ventions and treatments of our empirical studies onto
theoretical constructs. We have ourselves coded our
studies’ interventions and treatments onto four theo-
retical constructs, see Online Supplement A7 (Nuijten
and Van Gorp, 2020a).
SciModeler: A Metamodel and Graph Database for Consolidating Scientific Knowledge by Linking Empirical Data with Theoretical
4.3.4 Querying to Accumulate Knowledge
In this section we present three ideas for querying the
graph that can be used to advance scientific theories.
First, one may query all interventions and treat-
ments that address a particular theoretical construct.
Then, one can evaluate the outcomes these interven-
tions and treatments had on the target variables and
check whether the theory under investigation would
suggest that same outcome. For our case, we may
query all interventions that were associated to the con-
struct relatedness, see query 1a of Online Supplement
A8 (Nuijten and Van Gorp, 2020a). We then find that
there are two interventions associated with this con-
struct, also see Online Supplement A7 (Nuijten and
Van Gorp, 2020a). Now we can evaluate whether the
outcomes are to be expected according to our theory
on relatedness, and we may update our theories ac-
cordingly. Note that a user of this system may de-
termine herself what theoretical constructs are inter-
esting to evaluate: she can even jointly evaluate the
empirical impact of multiple constructs, if she be-
lieves several constructs represent the same meaning,
see query 1b of Online Supplement A8 (Nuijten and
Van Gorp, 2020a).
Second, one may query all experiments target-
ing a particular population, or context to evaluate
whether an outcome can be replicated within that pop-
ulation or context, see query 2 of Online Supplement
A8 (Nuijten and Van Gorp, 2020a). Alternatively, one
may query all interventions and treatments that ad-
dress a particular theoretical construct (as suggested
in the first example), to evaluate whether suggested
theoretical outcomes also translate to other popula-
tions and contexts.
Third, one may query all experiments that have
used the same platform to evaluate whether a theoret-
ically suggested relationship is reported consistently
with (probably) similar interventions and treatments.
Using following statement one can find all interven-
tions and treatments that were hosted using a similar
platform, see query 3 of Online Supplement A8 (Nui-
jten and Van Gorp, 2020a).
Lastly, SciModeler enables its users to perform
automated updates on the graph structures. This paves
the way towards graph transformation systems that
automatically explore which variations of existing in-
dustries support the results of previously coded stud-
ies most naturally, in careful consideration of heuris-
tics like Ockham’s razor (Hoffmann et al., 1996).
We have demonstrated the potential value of SciMod-
eler by means of a case study. Even though the ex-
ample queries were relatively simple, they could de-
liver information which would be very hard to ob-
tain reliably when only reasoning about the original
manuscripts. We have also suggested that this ba-
sic infrastructure paves a way towards automating the
simplification and merging of theories. Still, the setup
in which SciModeler was demonstrated has various
limitations, that call for future improvements.
First, populating the SciModeler database is rel-
atively cumbersome such that in its current form it
would suffer from adoption problems. Hence, we aim
to explore the use of ontological languages to ease the
process of recording scientific theories. For encoding
empirical studies however, we have already proposed
a process that uses PDF annotations to extract data.
Still we aim to explore how existing scientific tools
for data annotation (Van Gorp et al., 2012) can poten-
tially ease this process, as we envision a future where
authors submit SciModeler data as a direct supple-
ment to their articles. Until then, one may also want
to leverage Natural Language Processing techniques
for automatically mining SciModeler models. Regret-
tably, these algorithms will also suffer from the fact
that many scientific publications are incomplete and
ambiguous. Particularly, from a peer review of 313
research studies it was observed that over half (54%)
of the studies did not report on the four PICO compo-
nents (Thabane et al., 2009). Regardless of whether
studies are labeled by their original authors, by an-
other scientist, or by an artificially intelligent agent,
one may want to collect community feedback on the
quality of a SciModeler model. We have anticipated
that by allowing users to review and ‘up-vote’ each
other’s classifications of experimental interventions
and treatments as theoretical constructs. Future revi-
sions should support that at the level of other entities
and attributes too, such that the truthfulness of a par-
ticular attribute value can be measured by the degree
to which reviewers agree on the information.
A second limitation is that we do not yet pro-
vide an interface for querying the graph, and for ‘up-
voting’ specific classifications. To also allow possible
non-expert end users to use the system, we plan to
provide an interface, for instance with a set of default
A third limitation is that we do not yet share a
substantial database of SciModeler models. We did
already invest significant efforts in the coding of 37
empirical studies on health behavior change. In fact,
those efforts were based on more primitive scientific
MODELSWARD 2021 - 9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
tools such as online spreadsheets and ultimately they
have driven us to the development of SciModeler. Our
aim is to revisit that initial exercise and demonstrate
to the behavior change community how the model-
based approach reported here can be used to develop
a more unified theory for that field. At the same time,
we aim to validate the current metamodel with other
researchers, especially from the field of health behav-
ior change. This may yield improvement directions
for our metamodel. For example, researchers may ex-
press the need to actually discuss classifications, in-
stead of only being able to ‘up-vote’ them.
Finally, at the level of the SciModeler metamodel,
future work is to decompose the text-based node at-
tributes into more fine-grained sub-graph structures.
That would for example enable the query-based re-
trieval of studies that are recorded within the con-
text of a high-school, with a duration of at least eight
weeks per intervention. Until then, the Neo4j’s query
language fortunately offers support for regular ex-
pressions on node attribute values.
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SciModeler: A Metamodel and Graph Database for Consolidating Scientific Knowledge by Linking Empirical Data with Theoretical