Leveraging Dynamic Information for Identity and Access Management:
An Extension of Current Enterprise IAM Architecture
Alexander Puchta
, Sebastian Groll
and G
unther Pernul
Nexis GmbH, Franz-Mayer-Str. 1, 93053 Regensburg, Germany
Chair of Information Systems, University of Regensburg, Universit
atsstraße 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany
Identity and Access Management, IAM, Access Control, Architecture, Big Data, Stream Data, Real Time
Identity and access management (IAM) functions as a core component for today’s enterprises managing digital
identities and their access to resources. However, IAM systems are quite isolated from other applications with
useful information resulting in individual data pots. By interconnecting these systems, important information
on relevant IAM entities like criticality or usage information can be additionally gathered for further improve-
ment. Current IAM landscapes within enterprises are not prepared for such challenges as the data needs to
be harmonised, analysed, and verified. Within this work a state-of-the-art IAM architecture in enterprises and
existing shortcomings are defined. Based on these, an extended IAM architecture scheme is proposed and
described in detail. Key component is the integration of additional information sources for mutual benefit in
IAM and external applications. Finally, the approach is applied to two use cases based on real data. They
originate from our conducted IAM projects and show the feasibility of the proposed architecture.
Identity and access management (IAM) has increas-
ingly become a core component in today’s enterprise
IT as it is vital to fulfil internal and external require-
ments and obligations. SOX (SOX, 2002) or Basel
III (Basel Comittee on Banking Supervisions, 2010)
require the application of various processes, policies
and technical solutions. This also includes a change
of the current IAM architecture as it is mainly cen-
tralised around one IAM system being connected to
managed applications. IAM currently is rarely and if
then only partially linked to other important systems
like SIEM or real time information systems. How-
ever, there potentially exists a great mutual benefit
in tighter connections of IAM with further informa-
tion sources. On the one hand IAM systems may re-
trieve additional information which is helpful for ex-
isting IAM processes like access reviews, also known
as recertification (Osmanoglu, 2013). On the other
hand analytical findings inside the IAM system are
also valuable to be automatically exported into other
systems to enhance quality and process duration.
Within this work, we want to define how existing
information can be integrated in IAM, analysed and
exported back into other systems if needed. In order
to reach this goal, we focus on the following three
research questions:
RQ-1. What does a current IAM architecture look
like and which shortcomings exist?
RQ-2. What could be an extended IAM architec-
ture for better integration of dynamic information
from external (= non-IAM related) systems?
RQ-3. How can the extended IAM architecture be
implemented and is there a practical applicability?
By answering these research questions our work
provides two main contributions. We propose a
generic IAM architecture based on scientific research
and experience from IAM practitioners which de-
scribes how the integration of external information (=
information from external systems) can be carried out.
Besides that, we show exemplary solutions how the
architecture can be implemented and demonstrate the
feasibility by applying anonymised real world IAM
data to the approach.
The remainder of this work is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 introduces the relevant background
on IAM and related work as well as the definition
of a current IAM architecture (RQ-1). Within Sec-
tion 3 we define the extended architecture and give
an overview of the relevant building blocks to answer
Puchta, A., Groll, S. and Pernul, G.
Leveraging Dynamic Information for Identity and Access Management: An Extension of Current Enterpr ise IAM Architecture.
DOI: 10.5220/0010315706110618
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 611-618
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
RQ-2. Section 4 gives a more fine-grained view of
each building block (RQ-3). We demonstrate the fea-
sibility of our approach within Section 5 with several
use cases based on real world data from our IAM
project work (RQ-3). Section 6 concludes our work
and highlights possible future research directions as
well as current limitations.
Within this section the key concepts of IAM are de-
fined. Furthermore, we introduce a typical state-of-
the art IAM architecture which can be commonly
found in practice and show related work regarding the
integration of dynamic information into IAM. We re-
fer to dynamic information in this work as all kind of
information being not exclusively IAM data from ap-
plications. This comprises static data as well as con-
tinuous information flows (e.g. data streams).
2.1 Background on IAM and IAM
When speaking of IAM it primarily supports two pur-
poses: Managing identities and granting them access
to resources (e.g. files or applications). Within the
scope of this paper we are assuming an enterprise fo-
cused IAM limited to a single company’s context.
Based on their status in the identity management
process, access control is applied to identities to reg-
ulate access to documents, applications or other in-
formation (Samarati and de Vimercati, 2000). In or-
der to achieve this, various access control models are
enforced in IAM. One of the most common types
is role-based access control (RBAC) (Sandhu et al.,
1996). Today it is one of the most commonly found
access control models in IAM systems but remains a
quite static approach (Kunz et al., 2019). By leverag-
ing identities’ attributes and predefined policy rules,
attribute-based access control (ABAC) enables enter-
prises to apply a more dynamic access management
(Hu et al., 2014). Please note that there exist various
other access control models. However, for the sake of
clarity we focus only on the core models RBAC and
ABAC as these are also the most common models in
Enterprises employ large pieces of software, so
called IAM systems like SailPoint or OneIdentity to
manage thousands of identities. As such IAM sys-
tems are a key component of IAM, enterprises often
leverage a centralised system architecture. The con-
nection to other systems being no part of the IAM
cosmos is typically rather loose. For example it may
only consist of one monitoring system connecting to
the IAM system database to read out logs. Thus, the
company can react in the case of a failure (e.g. data
could not be loaded into the IAM system).
However, such approaches leave IAM isolated
from other relevant information systems like SIEM
systems or data streams of connected applications.
Within this paper we want to propose a new archi-
tecture and procedure to leverage such existing in-
formation. This improves the system as a whole.
On the one hand additional information relevant for
IAM can be retrieved from the IAM system. On the
other hand critical information which may be gener-
ated within IAM systems via data analysis and is vital
for other processes can be exported to connected sys-
tems. Thus, SIEM systems may get information of a
possible data breach faster, resulting in an overall im-
proved performance of the company’s IT processes.
2.2 Related Work
Regarding access control a large body of literature can
be found. When it comes to defining various access
control models, like the previously mentioned RBAC
(Sandhu et al., 1996) or ABAC (Hu et al., 2014) mod-
els, there is a huge variability in existence. However,
as this is only one part of IAM, our work is not pre-
dominantly focused on access control itself. When it
comes to IAM-specific topics not as much literature
can be found. Literature is mainly focused on spe-
cific problems within IAM, like role mining or mod-
elling (Colantonio et al., 2012; Elliott and Knight,
2010). Regarding the integration of dynamic infor-
mation there already exists some fundamental work,
however it is not focused on defining an overarching
architecture but is more focused on the introduction
of attribute-based approaches in enterprises (Hummer
et al., 2015; Hummer et al., 2016; Kunz et al., 2015).
To the best of our knowledge none of these or
other existing approaches define a suitable architec-
ture for enterprise IAM in order to connect IAM with
external applications or mechanisms to gain mutual
benefits by leveraging external information. Our ar-
chitecture comprises of several building blocks with
different use cases in mind. In advance to this work
we already published related work on various of these
building blocks (Kunz et al., 2019; Nuss et al., 2018;
Puchta et al., 2019). Within this work we aim to span
the arch around these individual topics to generate a
unified architecture to interconnect IAM with external
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
In this section we define the current shortcomings of
IAM architecture and today’s IAM in general more
formally as this represents the baseline for our im-
proved approach. Based on this, we give an overview
of our proposed extension of an IAM architecture and
the underlying building blocks.
3.1 Current Shortcomings of IAM
As mentioned before, current IAM architecture is
centred around an IAM system connected to relevant
applications. This connection is predominantly lim-
ited to database access to retrieve or change IAM rel-
evant data (e.g. account and entitlement information).
There may also be a loose connection to other systems
not in the IAM cosmos. However, based on our prac-
tical experience this is mainly a one-way connection.
Additionally, we conducted interviews with three dif-
ferent IAM consultants having four to 15 years expe-
rience with IAM projects in order to verify this struc-
Such architecture results in several shortcomings
for current IAM solutions when it comes to integra-
tion of external information. IAM systems have quite
static procedures as they are mainly based on an im-
port and export cycle of assignments to the respec-
tive connected systems. This often results in relevant
information missing or being erroneous in IAM sys-
tems (Kunz et al., 2019). Examples for this would
be the lack of data on responsibilities or criticality of
entitlements. Besides that, a further relevant infor-
mation is often not present within current IAM sys-
tems, namely usage of entitlements per (individual)
account. Such usage information is especially of high
importance, when it comes to decision making within
IAM (e.g. access reviews) as shown in Section 5.
Because decisions are often made from managers re-
sponsible for employees or entitlements they need to
rely on quickly comprehensible information.
Besides the points stated above, further literature
can be found defining shortcomings or challenges
within the current IAM generation. In one of our pre-
vious works we already analysed existing IAM liter-
ature and practice to derive relevant IAM challenges
(Puchta et al., 2019). Please note that we do not refer
to each individual underlying literature source for the
sake of brevity. The relevant literature per challenge
can be taken from the referenced work. These chal-
lenges may also be interpreted as shortcomings of cur-
rent IAM architecture. Namely the missing priority of
privacy within IAM, heterogeneity of IAM data, data
quality management, and the transformation from an
RBAC centred approach to an attribute based one.
All these shortcomings indicate that the approach
to IAM in general needs to be revised. When speak-
ing of enterprise IAM this can mainly be achieved via
a profound architecture as a basis for the technical im-
3.2 Overview of the Extended IAM
Our proposed extended IAM architecture can be
found in Figure 1. We added a central component to
handle the input of IAM and external data, in the fol-
lowing it is called InterConnectivity Module (ICM).
The arrows indicate the information flow within our
generic IAM architecture. Please note that the ICM
could also be an integral part of the IAM system and
must not be a standalone component. However, for
the sake of clarity we treat them as two different parts
of the architecture. The ICM is used as a mediator be-
tween connected IAM applications, the IAM system,
and external applications. Here information from
connected and external applications is harmonised to
allow for a homogeneous data flow to the IAM sys-
tem. Furthermore, data quality approaches can be ap-
plied to the imported data (Kunz et al., 2019).
As data may need to be combined, the connected
applications are not directly connected to the IAM
system but are rather communicating via the ICM
with the IAM system. The ICM may need to con-
vert this information into a suitable format. Where
possible, information is represented as an attribute of
the respective IAM entity to enable the application of
ABAC (Hu et al., 2015). However, when it comes
to pure IAM operations (e.g. provisioning of entitle-
ments), the IAM system is still able to perform such
actions independently from the ICM to guarantee per-
formance of the basic IAM operations.
When exporting information to external applica-
tions the ICM handles these operations as well. On
the contrary to current IAM architecture there is a
bidirectional interface in existence. This also enables
the IAM system to receive a response from external
applications. For this, a use case would be an auto-
matically started emergency process to deactivate a
specific user in case a SIEM system detects an insider
attack (Anderson et al., 2007).
Regarding user experience nothing will change as
users like analysts or decision makers are still access-
ing the front end of the IAM system. The only change
they will notice, is the enhancement of information
available or additional tasks to be available like fur-
Leveraging Dynamic Information for Identity and Access Management: An Extension of Current Enterprise IAM Architecture
Figure 1: Extended IAM architecture.
ther data analysis steps (c.f. Section 4.2) or verifica-
tion of information to be exported (c.f. Section 4.3).
As the ICM consists of different building blocks
the internal structure is described in the following.
Figure 2 shows the internal structure of the ICM. We
created four different steps while the arrows indicate
the information flow within the ICM:
Data Harmonisation & Quality Monitoring.
IAM data is integrated with external information.
Furthermore, privacy and data quality related pro-
cedures are applied.
IAM Data Analysis. Information is provided for
the IAM system for analysis. Valuable informa-
tion for external systems is generated.
Result Verification. Results from the IAM data
analysis can be verified by experts and marked for
export to external applications.
Data and Result Storage. The relevant combined
data sets are immutably stored if proof is needed.
Within the next sections we describe each building
block more detailed and hint at possible implementa-
tions. Please note that we provide a generic architec-
ture which shall be suitable for as many enterprises as
possible. Thus, the mentioned implementations are
not exhaustive measures but rather exemplary ones.
Some enterprises may even decide not to fully imple-
ment all procedures for individual reasons.
4.1 Data Harmonisation & Quality
As soon as new dynamic information is sent to the
ICM module the first step is started. First the infor-
mation from the connected external applications need
Figure 2: Building Blocks within the ICM module.
to be harmonised with the already existing IAM data
set. In order to ensure compatibility with existing
IAM systems, our approach integrates the external in-
formation as attributes in the context of ABAC. Thus,
for each information a suitable data type can be found
(e.g. boolean attribute, string attribute or numerical
attribute). Based on already existing IAM data mod-
els this results in attribute connections with identities,
accounts, permissions or roles (Kunz et al., 2019).
Within this work we extend the scope such that exter-
nal information can also be linked to an assignment
of two IAM entities (e.g. information on the usage
value of a specific assignment of one permission to
an account). For better understanding Table 1 shows
suitable examples which external information may be
relevant per entity.
Table 1: Exemplary external information per IAM entity.
IAM entity Potential external information
Identity Business function or trust score
Account Necessity of account
Permission Responsible person, criticality
Role Usage, business relevance
Assignment Usage of assignment
During this approach additional privacy measures
are to be applied. In order to preserve the possi-
bility to export identified anomalies back to external
applications like a SIEM system, pseudonymisation
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
methods instead of anonymisation are to be preferred
within our approach. Thus, relevant identities or per-
missions can be depseudonymised during the export
process or after the transmission to a SIEM system.
One method for pseudonymisation is the encryption
of privacy related attributes (e.g. first and last name
of identities). As many enterprises already have a key
infrastructure in existence, suitable public and pri-
vate keys can be generated and distributed to the rel-
evant systems. Although existing IAM literature does
not cover this topic yet, please note that this work
does not focus on an in-depth procedure how to ap-
ply pseudonymisation within IAM.
Finally, data quality measures are applied to the
harmonised data set in order to improve the informa-
tion base used by IAM analysts and decision mak-
ers. As data from various different sources are used
data quality problems are imminent. One example
would be several different location attribute values in-
dicating the same location (e.g. Munich, MUC, and
unchen). There are already existing measures for
general data quality management as well as measures
specifically suited for data quality within IAM which
can be used for implementation (Batini and Scanna-
pieco, 2016; Kaiser et al., 2007; Kunz et al., 2019).
4.2 IAM Data Analysis
Within this step the harmonised IAM data set is pro-
vided to the IAM system for further analysis. On the
one hand additional information from external appli-
cations can support several already existing IAM data
analysis measures. Examples of this extensive collec-
tion would be visual analytics, role mining or policy
management (Colantonio et al., 2012; Puchta et al.,
2019; Fuchs and Pernul, 2008; Hummer et al., 2016).
Besides that additional information also has major im-
pact on the conduction of access reviews (Osmanoglu,
2013; Reinwarth, 2019). Further information can be
displayed for the decision maker to improve the re-
sult quality of access reviews (i.e. improved rate of
removed assignments).
On the other hand new automated analysis pro-
cedures can be established. Having information on
the usage of specific permissions or their criticality
for business processes related requests can be anal-
ysed from the IAM system and automatically denied
(e.g. if an identity requests a specific permission to be
added to her account although none of her coworkers
have used this permission). Furthermore, anomalies
can be identified when comparing permission usage
within specific identity groups.
4.3 Result Verification & Data Export
All information that needs to be exported to external
systems is verified within this step. Especially when it
comes to automatically identified anomalies, a human
domain expert should be responsible to verify if the
anomaly is indeed potential threat information or if
there exist explainable reasons for the anomaly (e.g.
administrative work during the weekend).
After successful verification, the data can be ex-
ported to the respective external application. Within
this work, we are focusing on threat information as
an example. Thus, a suitable application for this use
case would be a SIEM system. The ICM module has
to prepare the data by including all relevant informa-
tion from IAM or other applications and converting it
into a suitable data format. When speaking of threat
information there exist various languages for threat
exchange as well as an in-depth analysis (Menges
and Pernul, 2018). Based on this outcome, STIX2
or the more generic MISP
may be suitable for our
approach. Especially MISP allows for an export ap-
propriate for our use case as individual MISP objects
suitable for IAM can be defined.
4.4 Data and Result Storage
As the integration of data is an ongoing process, we
decided to introduce a storage module specifically for
the ICM besides the fact that IAM systems already
have their own databases. Reasons for that are the
possibilities to integrate information as soon as they
are sent to the ICM as well as the usage of immutable
and more flexible storage technologies. To solve this
redundancy of storage, the IAM system could also ac-
cess the result storage provided by the ICM module.
However, in reality this may be quite challenging as
established IAM systems typically have their individ-
ual database structure needed for fully functionality.
Furthermore, the ICM is able to harmonise all in-
formation on its own such that the IAM system only
receives completely integrated and privacy-respecting
data. Thus, no additional data operations need to
be conducted within the IAM system. Addition-
ally, as potential threat information is to be exported
via the ICM module we want to ensure immutabil-
ity of existing records as well as the possibility to
depseudonymise affected IAM entities.
The technical implementation could be done via
traditional SQL databases. However, if enterprises fo-
cus on immutability of stored records as well as flexi-
Leveraging Dynamic Information for Identity and Access Management: An Extension of Current Enterprise IAM Architecture
bility upcoming storage technologies like blockchain
may be a suitable implementation as well (Nuss et al.,
2018; Dunphy and Petitcolas, 2018).
Within this section we will show the feasibility of our
proposed approach. However, as our approach also
has generic elements included, we focus on evalu-
ating the applicable parts of our research. For this
we are using aforementioned access reviews as the
outcome heavily relies on the quality of information
given (Osmanoglu, 2013). Furthermore, within ac-
cess reviews, decision makers in IAM can either con-
firm or remove an assignment which leads to binary
results when measuring the results. Thus, we want to
show that the quality of results of reviews is signifi-
cantly improved by leveraging the extended IAM ar-
chitecture. Typically within IAM projects, one way to
measure quality of access reviews would be to look at
the numbers of removed assignments. The better the
quality of information provided, the higher the confi-
dence of decision makers to remove assignments in-
stead of confirming them (Osmanoglu, 2013).
The foundation of this section is represented by
two anonymised real-life use cases from our IAM
project experience. Firstly, FinCorp working within
the finance & insurance sector, and secondly En-
gineCorp active in the engineering sector. During
these projects we (partly) applied our proposed archi-
tecture resulting in having external information inte-
grated into the IAM system. Subsequently, we con-
ducted the reviews together with the individual en-
terprise by leveraging parts of the existing IAM an-
alytics and governance platform Nexis Controle
. Af-
ter concluding the reviews during 2019 and 2020, we
extracted and analysed the decisions made by the in-
dividual employees. As the rate of removed assign-
ments may greatly differ depending on the individual
enterprise and its culture we conducted two access re-
views within each use-case with only one of them in-
cluding external information. Thus, by having a con-
trol group per company, we can ensure comparability
of our results. Furthermore, we can secure that the de-
cision makers for both access reviews mostly remain
the same. Based on these reasons, we only compare
the results within each company.
Table 2 shows the overview of our results. Per
anonymised enterprise we used one additional exter-
nal information during the reviews. Both enterprises
have more than 5,000 employees and respectively re-
viewed more than 20,000 assignments in the time pe-
riod 2019 to 2020. When looking at the indicator of
removed assignments our results for each enterprise
show an extensively higher confidence to remove as-
signments when having additional external informa-
tion integrated via our approach. We also applied a
hypothesis test to both of our use cases to show
the significance of the results and thus to proof that
our approach is linked with the rate of removed as-
signments. With FinCorp having
1328.12 and
EngineCorp having
178.25 both use cases show
a statistically significance with a significance level of
α = 0.001.
In the following the individual use cases are de-
scribed more precisely
5.1 FinCorp
Our first use case covers a finance and insurance com-
pany having a centralised IAM system as well as vari-
ous connected applications (e.g. Microsoft Active Di-
rectory, SAP, and databases). As a member of this
sector, FinCorp needs to comply with various internal
as well as external regulations regarding the manage-
ment of IT systems. The company currently is in the
final steps of a role modelling project. Additional in-
formation of external applications proved also to be a
critical success factor for that. During the process ad-
ditional information from the individual departments
was gathered in role modelling sessions (e.g. if an re-
source is still needed). Subsequently, we integrated
the information into the IAM system using parts of
Nexis Controle as our ICM resulting in additional at-
tributes for entitlements. Therefore, the domain of an
entitlement could be described (e.g. accounting en-
titlement or customer service entitlement) as well as
its necessity. Furthermore we applied attribute quality
mechanisms by identifying duplicate values or miss-
ing key attributes.
Parallel to the role modelling, access reviews
including this external information were conducted
from 03/2019 to 06/2020. Various managers had to
recertify the entitlements assigned to employees and
not already included in modelled roles. The previ-
ously assessed information on permission necessary
was added as external information to the review. The
information was expressed as binary value, if the per-
mission was still needed or not. In total, 23,260 as-
signments could be reviewed while 21.62% of these
assignments were removed.
The second access review examined the existing
roles, their included employees and entitlements as
well as the assignments of functional accounts used
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 2: Conducted real-life IAM access reviews.
Use Case Total assignments Removed assignments (%) External information Date
FinCorp 23,260 21.62% Necessity of permission 06/2020
FinCorp 9,006 4.67% 09/2020
EngineCorp 3,635 7.21% Usage of assignment 12/2019
EngineCorp 17,212 2.72% 12/2019
for trainees. These accounts were not recertified dur-
ing the first review. No additional external informa-
tion was included during this review and 9,006 assign-
ments were reviewed. However, only 4.67% of these
assignments were removed. Although this is quite a
high number compared to other IAM projects from
our experience, there is clearly a significant difference
when comparing the results with the first review.
By applying our approach during the role mod-
elling and review process FinCorp was able to im-
prove the quality of their modelled roles by integrat-
ing additional information in the process. Further-
more, existing assignments beside their role model
could be effectively removed.
5.2 EngineCorp
EngineCorp develops and builds machine parts within
the engineering sector. Access reviews are conducted
on a regular yearly basis with a focus on SAP role
hierarchies and account permission assignments. For
the review conducted in 2019, we added further ex-
ternal information for the recertification of the SAP
composite roles. In detail we included the informa-
tion if a SAP single role within the SAP composite
role was used by any of the SAP composite role mem-
bers during the last 6 months. Thus, decision mak-
ers are able to quickly identify the single roles which
may not be required by the users. We did not include
this information when it comes to the access review of
individual account permission assignments (= second
The usage information itself can be gathered
within the SAP application. We extracted the data
from several SAP tables and aggregated it to show
only the usage within SAP composite roles but not
for individual accounts. In this use case SAP func-
tions both as connected application and as external
application with regards to our extended IAM archi-
tecture. We are aware of potential privacy issues when
it comes to SAP composite roles assigned to only
one account. After discussion with EngineCorp, these
composite roles should be reviewed as well, however
we did not include the list of the accounts assigned to
the respective composite role during the review.
In total, 3,635 SAP role hierarchy assignments
were reviewed including the usage information.
7.21% of these assignments were removed by the de-
cision makers. Similar to our first use case there is a
significant difference to the review conducted with-
out having external information. Although, 17,212
account permission assignments were audited, only
2.72% of these assignments should be removed. The
reviews were conducted in parallel while the decision
makers for both recertifications remained the same for
the most part.
Enterprises constantly have to face a rising number
of internal and external regulations. While IAM has
already proven its value for these scenarios, it lacks
of interconnections with other IT systems for mu-
tual benefits. Within this work we carved out the
look of current IAM architecture as well as potential
shortcomings (RQ-1). However, the extended IAM
architecture should still be compatible with already
existing approaches. By adding the ICM and struc-
turing the information flow we proposed a new IAM
component where information from external applica-
tions can also be considered (RQ-2). The introduced
ICM was further detailed with four different building
blocks and descriptions with a more practical point of
view for each of them (RQ-3). To show the practical
applicability of our approach two real-life use cases
from our IAM project experience were introduced.
By conducting two reviews per use case with one hav-
ing applied our procedure we were able to show a sig-
nificant improvement regarding the rate of removed
However, as our use cases are based on real data,
we could not grant an identical setup of our reviews
per company. Exemplary, EngineCorp reviewed as-
signments of SAP roles with external information and
account assignments in the control group review. Also
the number of reviewed assignments differed. This
is a natural limitation when applying real enterprise
data. It would be uneconomic behaviour if differ-
ent employees should conduct the same review while
adding external information to one review would be
the only difference. Additionally, we made the re-
views as similar as possible by using the same graph-
ical interface, the same emails, and the same support
Leveraging Dynamic Information for Identity and Access Management: An Extension of Current Enterprise IAM Architecture
documents. Finally, the comparably high
per use case indicate a clear difference when applying
our proposed work.
In the future we want to further apply our architec-
tural approach to more IAM use cases in order to col-
lect even further data. By using our extended archi-
tecture, enterprises can achieve the integration of such
additional information. As we provide a more generic
approach for this, it has to be specifically tailored to
the individual enterprise. This is a step not covered
within our work and needs to be done within an IAM
project in cooperation with the respective business.
One aspect of this is also the appliance and extent of
privacy measures or IAM processes in general.
This research was supported by the Federal Ministry
of Education and Research, Germany, as part of the
BMBF DINGfest project (https://dingfest.ur.de).
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ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy