A Hybrid Model for Effective Fake News Detection with a Novel
COVID-19 Dataset
Rohit Kumar Kaliyar
, Anurag Goswami
and Pratik Narang
Department of Computer Science Engineering, Bennett University, Greater Noida, India
Department of CSIS, BITS-Pilani, Rajasthan, India
Fake News, Social Media, Machine Learning, Word Embedding, Neural Network.
Due to the increasing number of users in social media, news articles can be quickly published or share among
users without knowing its credibility and authenticity. Fast spreading of fake news articles using different
social media platforms can create inestimable harm to society. These actions could seriously jeopardize the
reliability of news media platforms. So it is imperative to prevent such fraudulent activities to foster the
credibility of such social media platforms. An efficient automated tool is a primary necessity to detect such
misleading articles. Considering the issues mentioned earlier, in this paper, we propose a hybrid model using
multiple branches of the convolutional neural network (CNN) with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) layers
with different kernel sizes and filters. To make our model deep, which consists of three dense layers to extract
more powerful features automatically. In this research, we have created a dataset (FN-COV) collecting 69976
fake and real news articles during the pandemic of COVID-19 with tags like social-distancing, covid19, and
quarantine. We have validated the performance of our proposed model with one more real-time fake news
dataset: PHEME. The capability of combined kernels and layers of our C-LSTM network is lucrative towards
both the datasets. With our proposed model, we achieved an accuracy of 91.88% with PHEME, which is
higher as compared to existing models and 98.62% with FN-COV dataset.
In the era of social media platforms and a rapid rate of
enhancement in technology (Shu et al., 2017; Kumar
and Shah, 2018), fake news has become one of the
major problem in both industries as well as academia
(Kumar and Shah, 2018) as it has the potential to
influence the decisions and opinions of the common
peoples of the society. Nowadays, fake news is inten-
tionally written by fakesters (Kumar and Shah, 2018;
Miller and Leon, 2017) to mislead readers and gener-
ating faith in biased news (Miller and Leon, 2017). In
traditional media, some news articles often published
unintentionally due to human neglect or incorrect data
extraction (Miller and Leon, 2017). Few examples of
fake news are shown with the help of Figure 1. The
evolution of Social Networking platforms like Twit-
ter, Facebook, and Weibo (Ghosh and Shah, 2018)
etc. is one of the remarkable breakthroughs in human
life and is available to publish news articles by the
public. Fake news is usually created with fabricated
data in the form of text, image, video, and audio. Due
to the availability of online platforms, it is indeed a
challenging task to detect fake news articles without
a prior fact check. Hence, there arises the need for
an automated model (Ghosh and Shah, 2018; Fazil
and Abulaish, 2018) for fake news detection, which
effectively detects the correctness and accuracy of the
news articles.
For the detection of fake news, neural networks
are quite popular in the area of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) for their remarkable performance. Convolutional
Neural Networks (CNN’s) and Recurrent Neural Net-
works (RNN’s) (Zhong et al., 2019; Wang et al.,
2018) have emerged as the two powerful architectures
for fake news classification. Through convolutional
filters, CNN’s are capable of learning with different
relations through pooling operations. RNNs are ca-
pable of handling a different sequence of any length
of word embedding vectors. Long Short Term Mem-
ory networks (LSTMs) (Ruchansky et al., 2017; Dahl
et al., 2011) were designed to handle the problem of
gradient exploding and memory accesses.
In this paper, we propose a hybrid model for fake
news detection using a combination of convolutional
layers having different kernel sizes with LSTM lay-
Kaliyar, R., Goswami, A. and Narang, P.
A Hybrid Model for Effective Fake News Detection with a Novel COVID-19 Dataset.
DOI: 10.5220/0010316010661072
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 1066-1072
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Examples of Fake News on social media (Source: Twitter and Facebook).
ers followed by three dense layers. We have designed
our neural network using two convolutional layers
with different kernel sizes for learning the model
with different word size vectors. The feature maps
of CNN are constructed as sequential features as the
input of LSTM. In this architecture, we have orga-
nized each sentence into successive input features to
help unravel factors of variations within the same sen-
tences. Experimental results demonstrate the effec-
tiveness of our proposed hybrid model compared to
other existing CNN and RNN networks. Our pro-
posed model utilizes the power of feature extraction
using advanced pre-trained word embedding model.
The embedding layer is a matrix of trainable weights
which produces the vectors for each word index and
improves the embedding of each word during train-
ing. The novelty of our proposed model lies in having
combined different sized kernels and filters in each
convolutional layer which are provided as an input
to LSTM before concatenated to a fully connected
layer. To make our C-LSTM model deeper, we have
taken three dense layers to enable the composition of
features from lower layers, potentially modelling the
data, to approach the end goal quickly, and a higher-
order decision boundary. Our model has performed
very well on both PHEME as well as the FN-COV
dataset with an accuracy of 91.88% and 98.62% re-
spectively. Our model achieved state-of-the-art re-
sults as compared to existing methods for fake news
In this section, work done in the field of fake news de-
tection is summarized using deep learning techniques.
Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2018) have proposed a
framework called Event Adversarial Neural Network
(EANN), which can learn transferable features for
unseen events. Experiments were conducted on two
large scale datasets collected from the popular social
media platforms: Twitter and Weibo. They have also
investigated with many deep learning methods using
a Kaggle fake news dataset and authenticated news
articles from Signal Media News. The authors ob-
served that LSTM (Long Short Term Memory), GRU
(Gated Recurrent Unit) and Bi-LSTM (Bi-directional
Long Short Term Memory) classifiers gave better re-
sults than CNN (Convolution Neural Network). Roy
et al. (Roy et al., 2018) have explored a combi-
nation of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and
Bi-directional Long Short Term Memory (Bi-LSTM)
model. Collobert et al. (Collobert et al., 2011) have
deployed neural networks in their research with dif-
ferent convolutional filters to extract global features
by max-pooling. Kim et al. (Kim, 2014) have pro-
posed a CNN model with multiple filters and dif-
ferent window size. Kalchbrenner et al. (Kalch-
brenner et al., 2014) have proposed a dynamic k-
pooling method for text classification. Hochreiter et
al. (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) have dis-
cussed different versions of RNN’s to store and access
A Hybrid Model for Effective Fake News Detection with a Novel COVID-19 Dataset
Figure 2: Proposed Model.
Table 1: Optimal Hyper-parameters for our proposed Hy-
brid Model.
Hyper-parameter Description or Value
No. of Convolutional layer 2
No. of Max-pooling layer 2
No. of Kernel-sizes 3 and 5
No. of Dense layer 3
No. of filters in conv-layers 128,64,32
No. of filters in dense-layers 128,64,32,2
Loss function binary crossentropy
Activation function Relu
Optimizer Adam
Metrics Accuracy
Batch-size 128, 32
Batch-Normalization Yes
Number of Epochs 20
Dropout 0.2
Zubiaga et al. (Zubiaga et al., 2016) have pro-
posed different machine learning models with differ-
ent word embedding models using PHEME dataset.
With their best approach, they were able to achieve
accuracy with 81%. Abedalla et al. (Abedalla et al.,
2019) have proposed a novel deep learning frame-
work for the detection of fake news. They have de-
veloped four different models to validate the perfor-
mance having different convolutional layers, LSTM
layers, filters, dropout, and batch-normalization pro-
cess. Ma et al. (Ma et al., 2018; Ma et al., 2016)
have proposed a new architecture for fake news de-
tection. With their model, they were able to achieve
accuracy with 86.12%. Ajao et al. (Ajao et al., 2018)
have proposed a framework to detects and classifies
fake news messages from Twitter posts using a hybrid
neural network model. Ruchansky et al. (Ruchan-
sky et al., 2017) have explored a detection approach-
CSI, which consists of three modules: Capture, Score,
and Integrate. The model tested on Twitter and Weibo
In this research, we stack CNN and LSTM layers
in a unified structure. This combination is effective
because of multiple-branch convolution having differ-
ent filters and kernel sizes for effective feature map-
ping with LSTM network having batch-normalization
process. LSTM layer is capable of extracting mean-
ingful information from convolutional layer for the
effective detection of fake news articles. This com-
bination of layers made our model more effective as
compared to other existing models. In our model,
we have considered different filter sizes across each
dense layer having the capability of varying length
feature mapping. We have trained our model with
mini-batches 32 and 128 for better learning. The ac-
curacy of our proposed model is better than the previ-
ously published models.
In this section, the methodology and architecture of
our proposed model have discussed.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
3.1 Dataset
In this subsection, the datasets used in this research
have discussed.
3.1.1 FN-COV
For creating the dataset, we have collected around
69,976 news articles with 44.84% of fake in total form
the GDELT project
supported by Google. It has re-
cently released brief snippets of worldwide English
language news coverage mentioning COVID-19. The
collection has included several topics that have been
trending during COVID-19. For our experiment, we
have selected COVID19, quarantine, and social dis-
tancing tag related news articles. This dataset con-
sists of five attributes: ‘Date’, ‘URL’, ’Title’, ‘Text’,
and ‘Label’. The date corresponds to the published
date of the news, ‘URL represents the web address
of the published news, ‘Title’ represents the headline
of the news, ‘Text’ represents the content of the news,
and ‘Label’ indicates whether the news is fake or not.
3.1.2 PHEME
PHEME dataset
is a collection of tweets scraped
from Twitter, posted at the time of breaking news
having ve events. The events included are: Char-
lie Hebdo shooting from which we have 38,290 in-
stances of news with 22% rumor content. Ferguson
event dataset consists of 24,177 instances with 24.8%
of rumor content. German wings plane crash, which
comprises of 4489 instances of tweet level text data
in the set with 50.7% rumor. Ottawa shooting which
took place in Ottawa Parliament Hills in 2014 com-
prises 12,284 instances with 52.8% rumor and Syd-
ney Siege where the gunmen took hostages at a cafe
in Sydney in December 2014, consists of 24,001 in-
stances tweet level text streams with 42.8% rumoured
3.2 Pre-processing
Text preprocessing is the practice of cleaning and
preparing text data. In short, preprocessing refers to
all the transformations on the raw data before it fed
to the machine learning or deep learning algorithm.
NLTK and re are standard Python libraries used to
handle text preprocessing tasks. Such transformations
are: Remove HTML tags, remove extra white-spaces,
remove special characters, lowercase all texts, convert
number words to numeric form, and remove numbers.
3.3 Architecture of Our Proposed
Hybrid C-LSTM Model
In this research, experiments have been conducted
with our proposed C-LSTM network using both real-
world fake news dataset. In Figure 2, the layered
architecture of our deep neural network is shown.
In our architecture, first layer is an embedding layer
which accepts the input as a vector of 1000 word in-
dices of length 32 following by a convolutional layer
which performs matrix multiplications-based opera-
tions (Vasudevan et al., 2019; Sainath et al., 2015;
Yang et al., 2018; Collobert and Weston, 2008). The
first convolutional layer consists of kernel size=3 and
32 filters, followed by max-pooling. The second con-
volutional layer consists of kernel size=5 and 64 fil-
ters, followed by max-pooling. In our network, we
have taken two pooling layer (Vasudevan et al., 2019;
Yang et al., 2018; Zhong et al., 2019) which effec-
tively down-samples the output of the prior layer, and
reduce the number of operations required for all the
following layers present in the network. Next layer
in the architecture is an LSTM layer which is used
to handle the nature of sequential data (Roy et al.,
2018). This layer takes convoluted word combina-
tions as input and the length of several units as out-
put. Next, we have a flatten layer as a function that
converts the features taken from the pooling layer and
map it to a single column that is further passed to the
fully connected layer. Then we have considered three
dense layers in our neural network. The functional-
ity of a dense layer as a linear operation (Vasudevan
et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020)
in which every input is connected to every output by
some weight. First dense layer has 128 nodes and
a dropout of 0.2. With small value of dropout, the
accuracy will gradually increase and loss will gradu-
ally decrease. We have selected the value of dropout
because it is helpful to reduce the complexity of the
classification model and prevent over-fitting (Vasude-
van et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020).
The second dense layer also has 64 hidden nodes with
a dropout of 0.2. The third dense layer has 32 hidden
nodes and a dropout of 0.2. We have taken ReLU
(Rectified Linear Unit) as the activation function. It
is capable enough to remove negative values from an
activation map by setting them to zero in a given net-
work and increases the non-linear properties of the
decision-making function without affecting any other
fields of the convolution layer. We can define the
equation of ReLU as:
σ = max(0, z) (1)
We have used binary cross-entropy as loss function
which measures the performance of a classification
A Hybrid Model for Effective Fake News Detection with a Novel COVID-19 Dataset
Table 2: Comparison with Existing classification results using publicly available dataset-PHEME.
Author Model Accuracy (%)
(Zubiaga et al., 2016) C-Random Forest 63.00%
(Zubiaga et al., 2016) BOW+NB 68.15%
(Yu et al., 2017) 1-layer CNN 79.74%
(Zubiaga et al., 2016) TF-IDF+KNN 80.94%
(Zubiaga et al., 2016) BOW+DT 81.00%
(Ajao et al., 2018) 1-layer LSTM 82.76%
(Ajao et al., 2018) LSTM-CNN 83.53%
(Ajao et al., 2018) BILSTM-CNN 84.66%
(Ma et al., 2018; Ma et al., 2016) RNN 86.12%
Our proposed model C-LSTM 91.88%
Figure 3: Accuracy and Cross Entropy Loss with C-LSTM using PHEME.
Table 3: Performance of our C-LSTM model with PHEME
and FN-COV.
Dataset Model Precision Recall F1-Score
PHEME C-LSTM 0.902 0.904 0.903
FN-COV C-LSTM 0.992 0.989 0.994
Table 4: Accuracy of our C-LSTM model with PHEME and
Dataset Model Accuracy (%)
model with a probability value between 0 and 1. It
also increases as the predicted probability diverges
from the actual label. In binary classification (num-
ber of classes M equals 2), cross-entropy can be cal-
culated as:
L = (ylog(p) + (1 y)log(1 p)) (2)
If M>2 (i.e. multi-class classification), we calculate a
separate loss for each class label per observation and
sum the result:
) (3)
Here, M - number of classes, log - the natural log, y -
binary indicator (0 or 1) if class label c is the correct
classification for observation o, p - predicted probabil-
ity observation o is of class c. In our network, we have
taken Adam as an optimizer. We have considered op-
timal hyper-parameters (see Table 1 for more details)
for our proposed hybrid model. Hyperparameter opti-
mization finds a tuple of hyperparameters that yields
an optimal model which minimizes a predefined loss
In this research, the work was carried using the
NVIDIA DGX-1 V100 machine. The machine is
equipped with 40600 CUDA cores, 5120 tensor cores,
128 GB RAM and 1000 TFLOPS speed.
Experimental and evaluation results have been tabu-
lated in Table 2,3, and 4 using real-world fake news
dataset: PHEME and our designed fake news dataset
(FN-COV). Selection of optimal hyperparameters is
shown in Table 1. Experimental results demonstrate
that our proposed model performs state-of-the-art re-
sults compared to other existing detection models for
fake news.
From Table 4, we can observe that the shallow ma-
chine learning models have resulted in a maximum
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 4: Accuracy and Cross Entropy Loss with C-LSTM using FN-COV.
of 81% accuracy using PHEME dataset. With deep
learning models (CNNs, RNNs, etc.), the recurrent
neural network architecture with glove pre-trained
word embedding has achieved with 86.12% accuracy.
Our proposed models, which are deep and hybrid
(a combination of both CNN and LSTM layers) in
nature, have performed exceptionally well and have
resulted in more than 90% accuracy using PHEME
dataset. It has also achieved an accuracy of 98.62%
with our designed fake news dataset: FN-COV.
Figure 3 and 4 show the accuracy and cross-
entropy loss using PHEME and FN-COV dataset. It
also traces the learning ability and generalizing power
of our proposed model. We can observe the perfor-
mance of our proposed model over 20 epochs itself
is quite remarkable on diverse and new dataset-FN-
COV, respectively.
Cross-entropy loss is minimal in case of FN-COV.
In Table 2, we have considered various performance
parameters like precision, recall, and F1-Score, to
validate the results. We have achieved the F1-score
with 99.40% with FN-COV and 90.30% with PHEME
dataset. In Table 4, a comparison with existing
classification results using publicly available dataset
(PHEME) is shown. We have achieved a 5% higher
accuracy than the state-of-the-art methods with our
proposed hybrid model. Our proposed model per-
formed well with an accuracy of 98.62% using FN-
COV. Classification results have shown a significant
improvement in fake news detection using social me-
dia data with our proposed model. We have validated
our proposed model with other real-world fake news
datasets. We have achieved motivated results with
other datasets also.
With our proposed C-LSTM model, we have achieved
exemplary results, as it could capture both, the tempo-
ral semantics as well as phrase-level representations
and achieved with optimized accuracies with minimal
loss. In addition, we have created a novel dataset of
fake news propagating during COVID-19. The ex-
perimental results empirically showed the effective-
ness of the proposed model for fake news detection
problem using both PHEME as well as the FN-COV
For future work, we will incorporate multiple
metadata for more accurate classification and graph-
based analysis to find the exact propagation path of
fake news articles.
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ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence