Table 2: Solutions and computational times for different in-
stances (Correlation valuation).
Instance s0 s1 s2 s3 s4
Benchmark p = 0.4, pSign = 0.6,n = 50
LP solution 321.0 339.4 324.0 332.0 336.2
ILP solution 321 339 324 332 336
Overall time (s) 2,893 7,108 4,197 4,458 6,487
Root time (s) 2,893 2,947 4,197 4,458 3,284
Per node (s) 2,893 473.8 4,197 4,458 1,297
# of nodes 1 15 1 1 5
# of integer sol. 1 1 1 1 2
# of variables 1,072 3,071 1,168 1,139 4,399
# of disc. coal. 239 554 6 131 3,207
Gap 0.00% 0.11% 0.00% 0.00% 0.20%
Benchmark p = 0.6, pSign = 0.6,n = 40
LP solution 291.0 298.0 289.0 311.0 313.5
ILP solution 291 298 289 311 313
Overall time (s) 880 1,558 1,379 1,039 3,289
Root time (s) 880 1,558 1,379 1,039 2,352
Per node (s) 293 1,558 1,379 1,039 657
# of nodes 3 1 1 1 5
# of integer sol. 1 1 1 1 1
# of variables 843 1,031 527 531 1,241
# of disc. coal. 78 64 7 9 127
Gap 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.16%
Benchmark p = 0.6, pSign = 0.6,n = 45
LP solution 369.0 374.0 383.0 380.0 378.0
ILP solution 369 374 383 380 378
Overall time (s) 6,646 8,009 6,140 5,241 6,176
Root time (s) 5,105 8,009 6,140 5,241 6,176
Per node (s) 2,215 8,009 6,140 5,241 6,176
# of nodes 3 1 1 1 1
# of integer sol. 1 1 1 1 1
# of disc. coal. 19 13 3 20 3
# of variables 1,380 1,230 846 1,264 657
Gap 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Benchmark p = 0.8, pSign = 0.6,n = 35
LP solution 304.0 294.5 299.0 307.0 298.0
ILP solution 304 294 299 307 298
Overall time (s) 988 1,254 1,557 1,077 952
Root time (s) 988 808 1,557 1,077 952
Per node (s) 988 139 1,557 1,077 952
# of nodes 1 9 1 1 1
# of integer sol. 1 1 1 1 1
# of variables 634 1,072 705 583 389
# of disc. coal. 4 10 0 1 1
Gap 0.00% 0.16% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Benchmark p = 0.8, pSign = 0.6,n = 40
LP solution 395.0 380.5 385.0 394.0 387.0
ILP solution 395 380 385 394 387
Overall time (s) 4,227 6,533 6,523 9,721 7,775
Root time (s) 4,227 3,782 6,523 9,721 7,775
Per node (s) 4,227 1,306 6,523 9,721 7,775
# of nodes 1 5 1 1 1
# of integer sol. 1 1 1 1 1
# of variables 840 1,728 851 886 735
# of disc. coal. 0 25 2 5 0
Gap 0.00% 0.13% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
We slightly generalized the correlation function by
supposing that some edges don’t have signs at all, i.
e., allowing an incomplete underlying graph. The ran-
Table 3: Solutions and computational times for different in-
stances (Coordination valuation).
s0 s1 s2 s3 s4
Benchmark p = 0.3, n = 35
LP solution 45.32 57.07 56.61 97.68 44.13
ILP solution 35.44 44.88 46.04 76.35 40.43
Total time (s) 1,852 3,234 8,458 6,450 5,119
Root time (s) 826 1,904 3,065 2,734 866
Per node (s) 45.2 78.89 206.31 157.4 124.9
# of nodes 41 41 41 41 41
# of int. sol. 4 3 2 3 2
# of vars. 4,165 2,275 15,566 3,298 2,152
# disc. coal. 3,462 1,710 14,995 2,555 254
Benchmark p = 0.4, n = 30
LP solution 69.08 90.62 79.88 51.72 88.14
ILP solution 54.92 90.34 79.52 51.43 87.92
Total time (s) 1,376 5,925 1,779 2,274 4,419
Root time (s) 727 3,014 1,143 1,202 2,312
Per node (s) 33.6 144.5 53.7 55.5 107.8
# of nodes 41 41 41 41 41
# of int. sol. 3 4 4 2 3
# of vars. 1,294 1,117 1,133 1,237 1,095
# disc. coal. 729 548 650 675 585
dom graphs were generated using the same model and
an edge has a ”+” or a ”−” sign with a prescribed
probability. The parameters of a benchmark file for
this valuation indicate the probability that an edge be-
longs to the graph (”p”), the probability of the plus
sign (”pSign”), the number of agents (”n”), and the
instance number (”s”).
The parameters of a benchmark file for coordina-
tion valuation indicate the probability that an edge be-
longs to the graph (”p”), the number of agents (”n”),
and finally the instance number (”s”). The probabili-
ties (weights) on the edges are randomly generated as
standard uniform variates.
Tables 1, 2, and 3 show the results of our numer-
ical tests; they contain the optimum value in the root
(LP problem), the (most of the time) optimum value
of the ILP problem found by branch and price al-
gorithm, the overall running time, the running time
for finding and solving the root LP problem, the run-
ning time per node, the number of nodes of the tree,
the total number of variables added during the exe-
cution, the number of nodes fathomed by integrality
(where the best integral solution improves the objec-
tive function), the number of disconnected coalitions
(which must be bypassed), and the gap between the
LP and the ILP optimum values where is the case.
For the edge-sum valuation the instances generated
with p = 0.8 or 1.0 the algorithm found no variables
corresponding to disconnected coalitions. The run-
ning time increases as the edge probability (hence the
density) of the graph increases, but the number of dis-
connected coalitions decreases.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence