ChronSeg: Novel Dataset for Segmentation of
Handwritten Historical Chronicles
Josef Baloun
1,2 a
, Pavel Kr
1,2 b
and Ladislav Lenc
1,2 c
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Univerzitn
ı, Pilsen, Czech Republic
NTIS - New Technologies for the Information Society, University of West Bohemia, Univerzitn
ı, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Page Segmentation, Dataset, Chronicle, Historical Document, Image, Text, Background, Fully Convolutional
Neural Network, Pixel Labeling, Artificial Page.
The segmentation of document images plays an important role in the process of making their content elec-
tronically accessible. This work focuses on the segmentation of historical handwritten documents, namely
chronicles. We take image, text and background classes into account. For this goal, a new dataset is created
mainly from chronicles provided by Porta fontium. In total, the dataset consists of 58 images of document
pages and their precise annotations for text, image and graphic regions in PAGE format. The annotations are
also provided at a pixel level. Further, we present a baseline evaluation using an approach based on a fully
convolutional neural network. We also perform a series of experiments in order to identify the best method
configuration. It includes a novel data augmentation method which creates artificial pages.
Nowadays, considerable efforts are being made to
digitize documents and make them accessible elec-
tronically in most areas like business or archives. The
goal is usually to reduce storage costs or to make doc-
uments available to the general public. This effort
is also covered by the project Porta fontium, which
aims to combine extensive digitization and web pre-
sentation of the archival documents from the Czech-
Bavarian border area. The goal of the project is the
reconnection of related archival documents that were
divided due to the events of the World War II. The
archival documents should be published via the web-
to the general public, the scientific world and
regional researchers. There are also efforts to im-
prove the search options by automatic annotation of
the archival document pages.
This work focuses on pages of chronicles and their
segmentation and classification into text, image and
background classes. These segments are crucial for
further processing. For example, an Optical Charac-
ter Recognition (OCR) system requires a text input,
but it could behave unpredictably when the input is
an image of a house. In such a case, the usability of
the result could be reduced due to the produced noise.
Image segments can be used to search for related im-
ages. The result also provides information whether
the page contains image or text.
To solve this task, there is a need for a precisely
annotated dataset with similar characteristics as the
chronicles. Ideally, the pages in the dataset should
contain the annotation of correct regions and also
should be realistic and representative. Because of in-
appropriate training data in existing datasets and the
lack of training data for deep learning methods in gen-
eral, it is beneficial to create a new annotated dataset.
The new dataset consists of scanned pages pro-
vided by Porta fontium portal and contains precise
text, image and graphic region annotations. The main
emphasis is placed on the chronicles that form the
largest part of the dataset. In total, there are 58 an-
notated pages or double-sided pages of scanned doc-
Further, we performed a series of experiments on
the dataset with a fully convolutional neural network
(FCN) that is used as a baseline method. Generally,
the pages do not have common or regular pattern, so
the task is solved as a pixel-labeling problem. The
network takes the whole image as input and produces
masks for given classes. The experiments show that
Baloun, J., Král, P. and Lenc, L.
ChronSeg: Novel Dataset for Segmentation of Handwritten Historical Chronicles.
DOI: 10.5220/0010317203140322
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 314-322
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the page segmentation task can be successfully solved
even with a small amount of data. We also present an
approach to automatically create artificial pages that
can be used for data augmentation.
The issue of locating text in document images has
a long history dating back to the late 1970s when
OCR was addressed and it was necessary to extract
these characters. ”In order to let character recognition
work, it is mandatory to apply layout analysis includ-
ing page segmentation. (Kise, 2014) Today, there is
also a need for extracting images from pages. The ex-
tracted images can be also further processed to allow
image search for example.
This section first summarizes recent methods
for page segmentation and then it provides a short
overview of available datasets.
2.1 Methods
Today, there are lots of methods for page segmenta-
tion. The methods can be categorized into top-down
and bottom-up categories. Historically, the segmenta-
tion problem was usually solved by conservative ap-
proaches based on simple image operations and on
connected component analysis. Recent trend is to use
neural networks for this task.
A method for segmenting pages using connected
components and a bottom-up approach is presented in
(Drivas and Amin, 1995). The method includes digiti-
zation, rotation correction, segmentation and classifi-
cation into text or graphics classes. Another approach
based on background thinning that is independent of
page rotation is presented in (Kise et al., 1996). These
conservative methods usually fail on handwritten doc-
ument images, because it is hard to binarize pages due
to degraded quality. It is also hard to extract char-
acters since they are usually connected. These prob-
lems are successfully solved by approaches based on
convolutional neural networks (CNN) that brought a
significant improvement in many visual tasks. An ex-
ample of a CNN for page segmentation of historical
document images is presented in (Chen et al., 2017).
Briefly, super-pixels (groups of pixels with similar
characteristics) are found in the image and they are
classified with the network that takes 28x28 pixels in-
put. The result of the classification is then assigned to
the whole superpixel.
Alternatively, every pixel could be classified sep-
arately in a sliding window manner. The problem is
computational inefficiency because a large amount of
computation is repeated as the window moves pixel
by pixel. This problem is solved by FCNs like well-
known U-Net (Ronneberger et al., 2015). U-Net was
initially used for biomedical image segmentation but
could be used on many other segmentation tasks in-
cluding page segmentation. Another FCN architec-
ture is presented by (Wick and Puppe, 2018), this
network is proposed for page segmentation of his-
torical document images. In contrast with U-Net, it
does not use skip-connections and uses transposed
convolutional layer instead of upsampling layer fol-
lowed by convolutional layer. The speed improve-
ment is achieved mainly thanks to the small input of
260x390 pixels. In order to achieve the best results in
competitions, there are also networks like (Xu et al.,
2017). This network uses the original resolution of
images and provides many more details in the outputs.
2.2 Datasets
There are many architectures that solve the problem
of segmentation very well. The main problem is the
corresponding training data because appropriate data
are the key point of approaches based on neural net-
works. There are several datasets for a wide range of
tasks. Unfortunately, a significant number of datasets
are inappropriate for our task or they are not publicly
Diva-hisdb (Simistira et al., 2016) is a publicly
available dataset with detailed ground-truth for text,
comments and decorations. It consists of three
manuscripts and 50 high-resolution pages for each
manuscript. These manuscripts have similar layout
features. The first two manuscripts come from the
century. They are written in Latin language
using the Carolingian minuscule script. The third
manuscript is from the 14
century and shows a
chancery script. The language is Italian and Latin.
Unfortunately, there are no images on pages.
Handwritten historical manuscript images are
available in the repository IAM-HistDB (Fischer
et al., 2010) together with ground-truth for hand-
writing recognition systems. Currently, it includes
three datasets: Saint Gall Database, Parzival Database
and Washington Database. The Saint Gall Database
(Fischer et al., 2011) contains 60 page images of
a handwritten historical manuscript from 9
tury. It is written in Latin language and Carolin-
gian script. 47 page images of a handwritten his-
torical manuscript from 13
century are available in
the Parzival Database (Fischer et al., 2012). The
manuscript is written in Medieval German language
and Gothic script. The Washington database (Fischer
et al., 2012) is created from the George Washington
ChronSeg: Novel Dataset for Segmentation of Handwritten Historical Chronicles
Papers. There are word and text line images with tran-
scriptions. The provided ground-truth is not intended
for page segmentation, but Saint Gall Database con-
tains line locations that can be used for text segmen-
Another dataset is Layout Analysis Dataset (An-
tonacopoulos et al., 2009), that is precisely annotated
for page layout analysis and contains suitable regions
for our task. The dataset contains a huge amount of
page images of different document types. There is
a mixture of simple and complex page layouts with
varying font sizes. The problem is that the documents
are printed and consist mostly of modern magazines
and technical journals so the page layout is totally dif-
ferent to our chronicles in most cases.
There are also competition datasets at PRImA
. These datasets has to be requested first and
consist mainly of newspapers, books and typewrit-
ten notes. The number of annotated pages is usually
around ten per dataset. Like in the Layout Analysis
Dataset, the text is printed and page layout is differ-
ent to our chronicles.
The dataset is a collection of documents for the task of
historical handwritten chronicles segmentation. This
collection is closely described in this section together
with provided ground-truths and terms of use.
3.1 Content
The dataset is composed of scanned pages provided
by Porta fontium portal. The main part of the dataset
consists of 5 chronicles in a total of 38 double-sided
pages from which 18 contain images (see Figure 1).
We used chronicles from the rectory of Bud
etice, the
rectory of Petrovice u Su
sice, the town of Blovice, the
town of Chudenice and the village of Hrozn
This set is chosen with emphasis on realism and
representativeness in a wide range of chronicles that
appear in Porta fontium. These documents had been
created for many years. For example, the chronicle
from the rectory of Bud
etice is dated from 1649 to
1981. However, the latest chronicle from the village
of Hrozn
ın was written from 1949 to 1954. Usu-
ally, there are several writers and page layouts in one
chronicle. There are also printed text cuttings glued
into some pages. These facts make the dataset really
Figure 1: Dataset examples: double-sided page (on the left)
and its ground-truth (on the right).
We have selected a representative set of pages
from the main part of the dataset and divided it into
train, test and validation sets. The test and valida-
tion parts of the dataset consist of 8 and 4 pages
with images respectively. In the training set, there
are 26 pages: 6 pages with images and 20 no-image
There is also an experimental part that contains
20 printed pages from documents of different types.
This set contains rare pages (see Figure 2 for exam-
ple) that can be used in different application areas.
Additionally, this part contains 29 standalone images
of old photographs. The experimental part is further
used in experiments.
Totally, there are images of 58 good-quality pages
of documents and their dimensions vary from 2000
to 5777 pixels. The detailed summary of the dataset
content is provided in Table 1.
Table 1: Content of the created dataset.
Main part Exp. part Total
Pages 38 20 58
Text regions 553 423 976
Image regions 33 31 64
Graphic regions 6 38 44
Images 0 29 29
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Page example of the experimental part.
3.2 Ground-truth
Every page image in the dataset contains annotation in
the widely used XML-based PAGE format
and also
the generated pixel-labeled ground-truth.
The annotation is provided for text, graphic and
image regions. The text regions are used for any block
of text, e.g. handwritten text paragraph, glued printed
text cutting or text over images. The image region
represents a picture or drawing. Finally, the graphic
regions are used for decoratives and stamps. The an-
notations are created with the document analysis sys-
tem Aletheia (Clausner et al., 2011). The annotation
process is visualized in Figure 3 and is as follows:
1. Page binarization using Otsu or adaptive binariza-
2. Noise reduction in binary image
3. Annotation of regions
a tool To Coarse Contour is used for text
a tool To Fine Contour is used for image and
graphic with complex shape
4. Inspection and manual correction
Figure 3: The process of annotation: After the image is
binarized, the noise is filtered out. Then, the region is anno-
tated and a tool To Coarse Contour is used for text. Finally,
the annotation is manually corrected.
Additionally, the pixel-level ground-truth is generated
and provided in png files, where R channel contains
ground-truth for text, G channel for image/graphic
and B channel is used as a background. Since the ex-
perimental part contains the main part of the graphic
regions (38 of 44), we treat graphic region as the
same class as image. Since the task is solved as a
pixel-labeling problem, the number of samples corre-
sponds to the number of pixels rather than number of
page images. Totally, there are more than 773 million
pixels labeled, which represents enough samples for
training, validation and testing.
3.3 Terms of Use
This dataset is licensed under the Attribution-
NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International Li-
. Therefore, it is freely available for research
purposes at
We also provide a baseline evaluation on this dataset
to offer to researchers a possibility of straightforward
comparison of their methods.
For the testing phase, the evaluation is as fol-
lows: The output of the system is compared with the
ground-truth separately for each class. The final re-
sult is computed as the average of all images results
for the given class. Finally, the average of classes is
Since each pixel is binary labeled for a given class,
it can be figured in True Positive (TP), True Nega-
tive (TN), False Positive (FP) or False Negative (FN)
sets. Based on these sets the metrics accuracy, pre-
cision, recall, F1 score and Intersection over Union
are applied (see Equations 1). (Wick and Puppe,
2018) proposed the Foreground Pixel Accuracy which
is practically an accuracy calculated only over fore-
ground pixels. In this work, foreground pixels are ob-
tained with an adaptive document image binarization
method (Sauvola and Pietik
ainen, 2000).
accuracy =
T P + T N
T P + T N + FP + FN
precision =
T P + FP
recall =
T P + FN
F1 score = 2 ·
precision · recall
precision + recall
IoU =
T P + FP + FN
ChronSeg: Novel Dataset for Segmentation of Handwritten Historical Chronicles
48 x 48
32 32
conv 3x3 ReLU
conv 1x1 sigmoid
upsampling 2x2
max-pooling 2x2
96 32 32
24 x 24
64 64
192 64 64
12 x 12
128 128
384 128 128
6 x 6
256 256
768 256 256
3 x 3
512 512
Figure 4: Neural network architecture: Example for
48x48 input. Each box represents a feature map. The num-
ber of channels is marked above the box. Dimensions are
the same for the whole level and are described on the left of
the leftest box.
The U-Net like fully convolutional neural network ar-
chitecture used as a baseline model is described in
Figure 4. It is designed to process the whole page
(double-sided page) all at once so it uses padding
for convolutional layers to preserve dimensions. The
padding also lets the network process differently bor-
ders of the input, where increased amount of noise
Convolutional layers use ReLU activation func-
tion except the last one that uses sigmoid and maps
feature vectors to desired classes. Thanks to the
shared parameters in the convolutional layers, the ar-
chitecture can take practically any input dimension as
long as the input dimension satisfies the Equation 2.
This equation is given by four max-pooling layers.
Max-pooling layers need to have even input. Other-
wise, the dimension inconsistency will appear during
concatenating feature maps for skip-connections after
the upsampling layer.
x = i · 16, i = 1, 2, . . . , (2)
In image overlayed with text, we want the pixel to
be classified as both text and image. For this goal, the
Binary Cross-Entropy loss function is chosen, so ev-
ery output channel is processed independently on the
other output channels. The optimization during train-
ing is done with Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba,
2014). For the training, dropout (dropout rate = 0.2)
is applied and the technique of early stopping is used.
If the IoU does not improve during the last 30 epochs
(could be more, depends on the experiment), the train-
ing is stopped and the model with the best IoU score
is selected for the evaluation.
The input image size is limited to 512x512 pixels
to save time and satisfy the memory limitations. We
found this setup reasonable according to the results of
experiments in the Section 6.
Figure 5: Prediction of an input image with FCN
model. Boxes before and after FCN represent the limit of
512x512 input.
The processing of the page image starts by con-
verting it to a gray level image. Secondly, the de-
sired input image size is computed to satisfy the
512x512 input limit in a way that maintains the aspect
ratio of the image. In this step, the smaller dimension
may not fit Equation 2 so it is eventually fixed as the
nearest correct dimension. Finally, the image is re-
sized to the computed dimensions. The predicted out-
put is then resized back to the input image dimensions
as could be seen in Figure 5. We emphasize that the
input size could be different during both training and
prediction. For example, there could be 512x400 and
also 512x416 input.
We made several experiments with extending the
number of training samples, weighting loss function
and input resolutions to find out their influence on
the result and to choose the correct setup for the fi-
nal model training. We also present a data augmen-
tation approach for automatic creation of artificial
pages from existing ones. This approach deals with
the problem of class imbalances and significantly im-
proves accuracy. The experiments are compared to
the baseline model. For the baseline model, only the
pages that contain images are used for training. The
evaluation of the experiments is done on the valida-
tion part of the dataset. The test part of the dataset is
used only for the evaluation of the final model.
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Average results (in %) of the experiments: Baseline is a referential model. Augmentation, artificial pages and printed
pages are the experiments to extend the number of training samples presented in Subsection 6.1. Weighting loss function is
an experiment described in Subsection 6.2. Final denotes the final model results.
Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score IoU FgPA
Baseline 95.3 91.8 92.6 92.0 85.5 98.5
Augmentation 95.5 93.2 92.7 92.8 86.7 98.4
Artificial pages 96.1 94.0 94.3 94.0 88.9 99.2
Printed pages 95.5 94.2 92.1 93.0 87.1 98.8
Weighting loss function 95.3 94.6 90.7 92.3 85.9 99.0
Final 96.4 94.5 94.3 94.2 89.2 99.2
6.1 Extending the Number of Training
Although the task could be solved with a baseline
model and 6 pages for training, more training data
should provide better results.
A good approach for extending the number of
training samples is an image augmentation (see Fig-
ure 6), where the same transformations are applied on
the input image and its ground-truth. We were exper-
imenting with the library Augmentor (Bloice et al.,
2019) and methods random distortion, skew and ro-
tate. This combination led to an improvement (see
Augmentation in Table 2). It is good to mention that
the random distortion is the most suitable for this ar-
chitecture since it preserves the image borders and lets
the network to learn that the borders are often labeled
as a background and contain noise.
Figure 6: Image augmentation. From left: (1) input image
and its ground-truth, (2) augmented image, (3) image aug-
mented only with random distortion.
There are pages in the dataset that do not contain
any image. These no-image pages are causing class
imbalances and problems during training. The solu-
tion is to add images into a no-image page in a way
that is presented in Figure 7. The images are added
randomly with reasonable position and size restric-
tions so that the image can not appear at the borders
of the page image, the image size has to be at least
10x10 and image dimensions can not be bigger than
60 % of the page dimensions. This way, new artificial
pages are created and the training set could be easily
Figure 7: Artificial page creation: Document page is ran-
domly extended with images.
Although the training process (see Figure 8) is not
completely smooth, there is no evidence of problems
caused by generated samples. Overall, the result of
artificial pages presented in Table 2 shows a remark-
able improvement.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
accuracy V
loss V
Figure 8: Training process during epochs (artificial pages):
accuracy, IoU and loss on training and valid (denoted as V)
The training set could be also extended by the
printed pages from the experimental part of the
dataset and Layout Analysis Dataset (Antonacopou-
los et al., 2009). This approach also led to an im-
provement but has not worked well in combination
with previously described approaches.
ChronSeg: Novel Dataset for Segmentation of Handwritten Historical Chronicles
Table 3: Average results (in %) with different input limits.
Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score IoU FgPA
512x512 96.1 94.6 93.8 94.1 88.9 99.1
1024x1024 96.6 94.7 94.0 94.2 89.2 99.2
6.2 Weighting Loss Function
This experiment faces the problem of separating com-
ponents by weighting the loss function as proposed
in the U-Net paper (Ronneberger et al., 2015). The
weights are computed separately for text and image
ground-truth channels. For these channels, the weight
map is calculated according to Equation 3:
w(x) = w
· exp
(x) + d
·(1 gt(x)) + 1
where x denotes the pixel position, d
(x) and d
denotes the distance to the nearest and second nearest
component. Value given by ground-truth at specified
pixel is denoted as gt(x) so more weight is added to
the gaps between components as illustrated in Figure
9. During the experiments, we set w
= 10 according
to the U-Net paper and increased σ = 10 because of
wider gaps between components.
Figure 9: Example of calculated weights for weighting the
loss function.
Although the results presented in Table 2 do
not show noticeable improvement, the separation be-
tween components is much better as could be seen in
Figure 10.
6.3 Input Resolution
We tried to increase the input resolution to provide
more detail in the output and improve accuracy. The
first approach was to train the network on random
512x512 crops of the image limited to 1024x1024.
After the training, the prediction was done for the
whole 1024x1024 page. This could be done thanks
to the shared parameters in convolutional layers. This
approach led to wrong predictions at image borders as
presented in Figure 10. The explanation for this be-
haviour is the usage of padding in convolutional lay-
ers. Padding provides a lot of information for border
(a) (b)
(c) (d) (e)
Figure 10: Prediction examples: (a) input image, (b)
ground-truth, (c) prediction of the model trained on crops
(example training sample in green box of (a) and (b)), (d)
prediction of the base model, (e) prediction of a model with
weighting loss function.
predictions. At the page borders, the input image con-
tains noise, whereas training samples usually contain
other classes than background. Then, it is much easier
to mispredict the noise as the wrong class.
We also trained the network with 1024x1024 in-
put but there was no huge improvement as could be
seen in Table 3. During the training the augmenta-
tion and artificial pages were used for both 512 and
1024 inputs.
6.4 Final Model
Figure 11: Final model: An example prediction of the page
from test set.
For the final model, an input was limited to
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Final evaluation on the test part of the dataset (in %).
Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score IoU FgPA
Text 96.3 95.8 92.1 93.8 88.4 98.7
Image 99.1 93.7 98.0 95.7 91.9 98.7
Background 96.1 96.5 96.4 96.4 93.1 99.0
Average 97.2 95.4 95.5 95.3 91.2 98.8
512x512 pixels and the weighting of the loss function
with parameters set to w
= 5 and σ = 10 was used.
The training part was extended by artificial pages and
only random distortion was applied for image aug-
mentation since it preserves the image borders. With
this training setup, the best results on the validation
set were achieved. The results on the test part of the
dataset are presented in Table 4 and an example pre-
diction could be seen in Figure 11.
This paper introduces a novel dataset for page seg-
mentation with a particular focus on handwritten
chronicles. We consider text, image and background
classes. The dataset contains 58 annotated pages in
total from which 38 are double-sided pages of chron-
icles. Furthermore, we performed several experi-
ments on the dataset to provide the baseline evalua-
tion. Based on the experiments, we can say that the
page segmentation task could be successfully solved
even with a small amount of data. Also, the artificial
pages can be created and used for training to improve
accuracy with no problem. This step allows us to sig-
nificantly increase the number of training samples.
Even though the presented baseline method
achieved promising results of 97.2 % accuracy and
91.2 % IoU in average, there is still space for im-
We plan further processing of the network output
with approaches based on the connected components
to improve the results of segmentation. There is also
a possibility of transfer learning. Finally, we plan to
integrate the system into Porta fontium to improve
search options.
This work has been partly supported by Cross-border
Cooperation Program Czech Republic - Free State of
Bavaria ETS Objective 2014-2020(project no. 211)
and by Grant No. SGS-2019-018 Processing of het-
erogeneous data and its specialized applications.
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ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence