time and resources needed to compute a new set of
solutions for the current state of the world, extracting
goals, defining the supporting organization and inject-
ing that in the running system (not trivial with the se-
lected JaCaMo framework). If no grounding config-
uration will be able to conclude the execution, a new
iteration will start from the calculation of a new set of
solutions with the PMR algorithm.
Indeed, there is also another optimisation possi-
bility we did not consider in this paper. The PMR al-
gorithm is usually perpetually run if new capabilities
are registered in the yellow pages or new agents enter
the system and could produce new solutions. The new
solutions could be better than the previous ones. Fur-
ther development of the proposed approach will con-
sider them, thus allowing their introduction during the
adaptation phase.
This paper presented an approach for a runtime goal-
driven adaptation of MOISE organizations in the exe-
cution of BPMN processes. The approach is based
on: 1) automatic generation of goals from BPMN
and 2) mapping goals and service-oriented solutions
into different schemes of the agent organization that
can be selected according to performance criteria or
to overcome a failure. Goals may relax BPMN con-
straints, and the proposed approach has the advantage
of automatically defining alternative organizational
solutions (several schemes inside one organization)
for pursuing the goals underlying the input workflow
(manually created by a business analyst). As a mat-
ter of fact, the availability of different organization’s
schemes allows selecting the scheme (goal decompo-
sition tree and set of missions) that provides the best
performance, according to the quality attributes reg-
istered in the yellow pages. It also allows switching
from the current scheme to another one, in case of
agent/service failures (runtime adaptation feature).
Although the proposed approach produces effec-
tive results, it could be improved in many ways. For
instance, agent roles may be optimized in number and
specialization. So far, different roles are defined for
different capabilities even when they have the same
pre- and post-conditions but different name. Future
works may propose some improvement on that.
As part of the future works (and limits of the cur-
rent work), we also would like to note that a few el-
ements of the BPMN metamodel have been omitted
in Fig. 4 for simplicity. While this is not relevant for
most of them, we consider the sub-process a signifi-
cant element that could lead to interesting extensions
to the proposed approach. In fact, dealing with that
as a kind of process in the process (as it is indeed),
the result could bring to the design of organizations
conceived to act within other higher-level (or lower-
level) ones in a kind of hierarchy that may resemble
a holarchy and some methodological issue may arise
from that (Cossentino et al., 2010).
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Automatic Definition of MOISE Organizations for Adaptive Workflows