The initiative implemented by LepidaScpa and
funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region has the
following main objectives:
1. create a public IOT Network where citizens,
private companies and PAs can integrate their own
sensors, making them available to owners and PA
entities limitedly to institutional and public interest
2. allow citizens and private companies to collect
data from their own sensors wherever they want to
install it.
3. allow PA access to data collected by all the
sensors installed in the territory for monitoring
4. enable IOT development through a unique Lo-
Ra™ network managed by PA with a rational usage
of the frequencies and resources optimization.
5. map all the existing sensors in the territory
through a sensor register providing all the technical
parameters and the owner identification.
On top of the data collection, transport, storage
and data retrieval services, LepidaScpa also offers the
decoding service of the payload, for immediate use of
the data by the owners of the sensors and, in
anonymized form, by the PA.
Their use in terms of business intelligence or in a
holistic perspective, by the Public Administrations is
constantly evolving and monitored because it not only
depends on the type of sensors installed and on their
location on the territory, but also on the future needs
or opportunities.
Any development of applications or specific
interfaces for analysis and synthesis, however, is
entrusted to individual owners of the sensors,
according to the purposes for which they have
installed them.
4.1 Care Residence of Novi
ASP Terre d'Argine di Carpi is a non-economic
public body, which aims to deliver social and health
care services to people in not self-sufficient
conditions (seniors or disabled) in the Municipalities
of the District (Campogalliano, Carpi, Novi of
Modena and Soliera).
The hospitality centres managed by the ASP are:
• Casa Residenza “Ten. L. Marchi” – Carpi
• Care-Residence “R. Rossi” – Novi di Modena
• Centro Diurno “Il Carpine” – Carpi
• Centro Diurno “Borgofortino” – Carpi
• Centro Diurno “De Amicis” – Carpi
• Centro Diurno “R. Rossi” – Novi di Modena
• Centro Ospitalità per Adulti Ex-Carretti – Carpi
With the aim to providing innovative services,
using digital technologies to support vulnerable
people, a case study was launched at the Care
Residence in Novi di Modena to detect some
environmental parameters of the apartments where
guests live independently, in order to constantly
monitor their well-being conditions and report any
abnormal or critical ones.
In particular, in about ten apartments, one or two
motion sensors have been installed, capable of
detecting the passage and time of stay of a person in
a certain area, and an environmental sensor for
monitoring temperature, humidity and lighting level.
Continuous monitoring of the aforementioned
simple parameters makes it possible to verify that
guests lead a regular life, moving during the day and
resting at night, in a comfortable, properly lit and air-
conditioned environment at different times of the day.
Any detections of lack of movement during the
day or vice versa, of frequent movements or
prolonged levels of light during the night, can be
indicators of abnormal conditions and as such
reported to the operators responsible, so that they can
evaluate the importance and possible intervention.
Figure 4 shows the floorplan of the apartments of
the Care Residence in Novi di Modena and the typical
positioning of the motion sensors (blue) in the kitchen
and in the bedroom in the case of two motion sensors,
or in the kitchen in the case of a single sensor. The
environmental sensor (green) in the kitchen in both
Figure 4: Apartments Floorplan in the Care-Residence “R.
Rossi” – Novi di Modena.