ers. An attack on the container can affect the entire
system, including the host OS, which is a clear differ-
ence from the VM. Against such attacks, it was con-
firmed that container type virtualized environments
are unsuitable for cyber range exercises. Similarly,
vulnerabilities such as kernel vulnerabilities, host OS
configuration, and files required for container execu-
tion, and attacks against them, should be excluded
from container-based cyber range exercises.
With the shortage of information security personnel,
the cyber range is expected to be highly effective in
education. However, the cost of cyber range is high,
making it difficult for educational institutions to im-
plement them independently.
Therefore, to disseminate an inexpensive and de-
ployable cyber range using container-based virtu-
alization, we confirmed the superiority of contain-
ers and the performance of reproducing vulnerabili-
ties through comprehensive experiments. Comparing
the performance of containers and VMs in a typical
cyber-range environment, the containers consumed
less than 1/10th of the resources of the VMs. Con-
tainers can run more virtual instances than VMs on
the same host, building a lower cost cyber range.
We also compared the reproducibility of vulnera-
bilities between containers and VMs in an exhaustive
experiment using the vulnerability assessment tool
and the exploit module. We can confirmed a very high
similarity J of 0.993. Although content derived from
container characteristics must be excluded, contain-
ers have a very high vulnerability reproduction perfor-
mance, confirming that container-based virtualization
can be fully used in the cyber range.
These contents can be used as a benchmark for
developing scenarios and conducting exercises for
container-based cyber ranges. In the future, we will
experiment with more situations and conduct more
detailed research, including the ability to carry out
attack and defense scenarios. We will also promote
research and studies to increase the container-based
cyber range’s effectiveness, such as examining the ef-
fectiveness of education and refining exercise scenar-
ios based on behavioral analysis, to broaden the base
of security personnel training.
This work is supported in part by the Telecommuni-
cation Advancement Foundation.
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ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy