A Dynamic Access Control System based on Situations of Users
Hirokazu Hasegawa
and Hiroki Takakura
Information Security Office, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
Center for Cybersecurity Research and Development, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
Cyber Security, Targeted Attacks, Network Separation, Access Control, Telecommuting, Working from Home.
Recently, cyber attacks have been sophisticated and cause serious damages. As one of the solutions for miti-
gating the damages, the network separation and fine granularity of access controls are effective against attacks.
However, the COVID-19 changes human work style, and telecommuting comes to be generally. It may give
many chances to attackers for invading the organization’s internal network by infecting user’s vulnerable home
terminals, which are out of control by the organization. To ensure the security of organizations, we propose
a dynamic access control system based on the situations of users. The system evaluates communications
based on the user’s risk and the importance of resources in destination terminals. When a user connects to
the organization network from the outside, the system dynamically changes the access controls according to
the evaluation results. The such situation requires stricter access controls than usual ones. For example, the
communication by the high-risk user and the communication to servers storing important resources are re-
stricted. By applying such dynamic access controls, the system enables us to ensure our network security with
maintaining the convenience of users telecommuting.
Recently, cyber attacks have been so sophisticated
that it is difficult to protect our networks completely.
Especially, targeted attacks, which is one of the cyber
attacks, cause serious damages. In the case of targeted
attacks that target specific governments or companies
and so on, its purpose is information theft or sabotage
activities. To achieve the purpose, attackers investi-
gate targets thoroughly in advance, and they prepare
dedicated malwares for the targets. Such malwares
slip through our traditional security measures for pre-
venting the intrusion of malwares.
Because of such a situation, recent counter-
measures has focused on the mitigation of dam-
ages by the attacks after the intrusion of mal-
wares(Cichonski et al., 2012). A separated net-
work is one of the most effective countermeasures
for targeted attacks(Information-technology Promo-
tion Agency, 2011). The separated network is a net-
work design to separate the internal network into
several segments and conduct fine access controls
among separated segments. In the separated net-
work, access controls among segments can restrain
unintended communications by malwares. In addi-
tion, we can minimize the impact of the attack when
we detect malwares because we can isolate infected
hosts quickly. By applying the separated network, we
can effectively prevent attacks regardless of the types
of malwares. Recently, a lot of organizations apply
such network design for security measures, and also
the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
recommends network segmentation and unnecessary
communications limitation(Cybersecurity and Infras-
tructure Security Agency (CISA), 2020).
The separated network is an effective measure,
however, it is heavy burden for network administra-
tors to construct such network construction. To solve
such a problem, we have proposed several systems
to support the construction of the separated network.
Our previous system judges the necessity of commu-
nications in the organization network based on the
user’s access authority to files stored in servers. If
a user has no access authority against all files in the
server, the system prohibits communication between
the server and the user’s equipment. Furthermore, we
have also proposed a system that judges the neces-
sity of communication based on the analysis of cap-
tured packets. Our previous systems make it possible
to construct a separated network easily.
However, in 2020, the COVID-19 makes the
change to human’s work style. Almost all organi-
Hasegawa, H. and Takakura, H.
A Dynamic Access Control System based on Situations of Users.
DOI: 10.5220/0010327406530660
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2021), pages 653-660
ISBN: 978-989-758-491-6
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
zations all over the world adopted telecommuting to
reduce the risk of employee virus infection. Orga-
nizations were forced to construct the environments
of the telecommuting quickly, therefore, many or-
ganizations adopted stopgap ways, e.g., employees
are forced to connect their organization’s network via
VPN.. In such cases, the security level may reduce
even if the separated network is constructed because
the client terminals running the remote desktop may
not secure.
To ensure the security of the organization network,
we have to dynamically change the access controls
based on the situation of the users not only on the
necessity of the communication. In other words, we
need to control the intensity of the access controls
based on the situation. For example, we should re-
strict the communication by a user according to the
situation of the user even if the communication is
judged as necessary and permitted in the ordinary sit-
uation. However, it is difficult for network adminis-
trators to conduct such dynamic access controls.
Therefore, this paper proposes a dynamic access
control system based on the situation of users. The
system limits the communication according to the risk
of a user and the importance of accessible resources.
The system makes us possible to control access cor-
responding to various situations of the organization’s
employees and maintain the security of the networks
even if the way of working changes.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In
Section II, we introduce related works. Section III
presents the proposal system. In Section IV, we dis-
cuss the effectiveness of our proposed system. Fi-
nally, we conclude this paper in Section V.
Because the separated network is effective in sup-
pressing malware activities, many research works
have done to construct separated networks.
Watanabe et al. proposed a VLAN configuration
method(Watanabe et al., 2005). In this method, they
focused on the frequency of communications. When a
certain amount of traffic among terminals is observed,
such terminals are coordinated into the same VLAN.
Nayak et al. proposed Resonance(Nayak et al.,
2009) that is a framework of dynamic access controls
based on the security policy. It also based on real-time
monitoring, and it can isolate suspicious terminals.
As the system proposed by Tian et al. (Tian et al.,
2019), Jinjing can read the network operator’s inten-
tion and update network ACL configuration automat-
In our previous work, we proposed the system
supporting the construction of the separated network.
The system refers to the employees’ human resource
information and their access authorities to resources
in the organization, and it generates access con-
trols based on the collected information automati-
cally. Moreover, to increase the accuracy of the access
control, the system also refers to the network traffic to
judges the necessity of the communication.
However, these researches focus on preventing
unnecessary or malicious communications, therefore,
the communication judged as necessary is always per-
mitted in the network. For example, although our
previous system can follow the personnel changes or
changes of access authorities and can dynamically up-
date the access controls because it automatically gen-
erates access controls based on the collected informa-
tion, the system always permits necessary communi-
On the other hand, as described in Section 1, we
need flexible access controls according to the user’s
situation. There are many researches of constructing
secure network for the Internet of Things (IoT) (At-
lam et al., 2017)(Rath and Colin, 2017). The recent
network situation, in which telecommuting forces al-
most every user to connect to the resources from the
external network, is an unexpected structure in con-
ventional networks. As with the IoT network, we
need a new construction method of the secure net-
work from the different viewpoint of conventional
In recent years, methods of network configuration
have been improving. As one of such methods, Soft-
ware Defined Networking (SDN) is often studied. As
Nguyen and Kim proposed(Nguyen and Kim, 2016),
we can flexibly manage a large scale network, e.g.,
campus networks, by using SDN technics. By using
such methods, we can configure the network flexibly.
Therefore, we propose the method to judges the per-
mission of users according to the situation.
In this paper, we propose a dynamic access control
system based on the situation of users. When a user
connects to the internal network from the outside net-
work via the internet, the system dynamically assigns
the ACL different from the usual ACL.
3.1 Assumption
First of all, the proposed system assumes a network
that is separated into several segments and managed
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
fine access controls. For example, we assume the or-
ganization network constructed by our previous sys-
tem, and all clients in the network can conduct only
necessary communication.
As similar to the conventional networks, there are
several ways for users to connect the resources on the
separated network from the outside of the organiza-
tion network. As one of the simple ways, for example,
a user connects to the organization’s internal network
via VPN and uses his/her own client in the office by
the remote desktop applications, e.g., Microsoft Re-
mote Desktop. Otherwise, a user uses the terminal in
the home by directly connecting to the organization
network via VPN.
Because this paper focuses on the precise access
control supposing telecommuting, the control to users
at an office is out of scope. Thus, to simplify the dis-
cussion, it is assumed that all users connect to their of-
fice PCs by the remote desktop applications via VPN,
and our system can identify their situation based on
access information of VPN servers.
3.2 System Overview
The proposed system classifies the usually permitted
communications concerning the connected user into
three types shown below by evaluating the security
risk of communication. According to the classified
result, the system generates the new ACL automati-
Communication permitted like a user at the office.
Communication permitted within a certain period.
The period is automatically calculated by the pro-
posed system.
Communication permitted only when a responsi-
ble person permits.
3.2.1 Evaluation of Communications
The system evaluates the security risk of each com-
munication usually permitted to conduct by a user and
decides its type based on the evaluation results. The
system defines the RC
as the risk of communication
c. To evaluate RC
, the system applies two factors,
i.e., risk of users and importance of resources.
The first factor is the risk of users because a secu-
rity incident is sometimes caused by human error. To
calculate the risk of users, the system uses the mail
quarantine log and the security log. The mail quar-
antine log indicates the volume of deleted malicious
messages. If the volume of deleted malicious mes-
sages against the user is high, the user has a high risk
of malware infection. The security log includes var-
ious logs concerning the user. In this paper, we take
the incident logs that the user caused, malicious activ-
ities, and the learning state of the information security
seminar. However, the system can apply various types
of information to calculate the risk depending on the
actual environment. If a user caused a security inci-
dent previously, the system considers the user as high
risk. Similarly, the malicious activity of the user, e.g.,
he/she neglects to perform security updates, is taken
into account in risk calculation. In addition, the sys-
tem checks the learning state of employee education
about information security by the organization, and
the system treats the user as high risk if the user has
not taken the education.
The system defines RU
as the risk of the user u. In
addition, the system uses M
as the parameter for the
maximum value of RU
. To simplify the discussion of
the paper, we set 100 to M
. In this paper, we use the
mail quarantine log, the incident log, the malicious
activities, and the learning state, and we call each of
these is a user concerning content.
To calculate the RU
, the system calculates that
100 (the parameter M
) divides by the total number
of the user concerning contents in advance, and it
treats the calculated number as the maximum value of
the risk of each user concerning contents. In this pa-
per, we use four user concerning contents, therefore,
the maximum value of each risk comes to 25. Then,
the system calculates each risk of the user concerning
As the risk of malicious messages, the system ap-
plies the ratio of malicious messages to total receiving
messages. Therefore, the system obtains the risk of
malicious messages by the multiplication of the ratio
of malicious messages and 25 (the maximum value of
the risk).
Then, as the calculation of risk of the incident log
which the user caused, the system checks all incident
logs. Generally, the incident log includes the contents
of the incident and its severity. According to the level
of severity, the system calculates the risk of incidents
caused by the user. The system divides the maximum
value of the risk of a user concerning content by the
total number of such levels. Then, by multiplication
of the calculated number and the level of the severity,
the system calculates the risk value of the incidents.
For example, as shown in Figure 1, when an organi-
zation defines the 4 levels of severity, the system cal-
culates the sum of 1, 2, 3, and 4, and divides 25 by
A Dynamic Access Control System based on Situations of Users
Maximum Value of the Risk
of a User Concerning Content
Risk Value of
X Severity
Figure 1: Calculation example of the risk of incidents.
Then, the risk value of each incident level ob-
tained by the multiplication of the calculated number
and the level of the severity. If the incident report con-
cerning the user is detected, the risk value of the inci-
dent is added regardless of the number of incidents.
The malicious activity of the user directly indi-
cates the credit of the user. If the user conducted ma-
licious activity, even if it is once, the system adds the
maximum number of the risk.
Generally, an organization conducts the education
of basic knowledge about information security to em-
ployees. The system simply judges the risk of users
by checking whether he/she attended the lecture or
not. The style or contents of education depends on
the organization. Therefore, the system calculates
that 25 divides by the total number of educations con-
ducted by the organization, and it obtains the risk of
the learning state by multiplication of the calculated
number and number of the absence of the user.
The system obtains the RU
by the sum total of the
user concerning contents. (0 RU
The second factor is the importance of resources.
Generally, an organization assigns importance to each
file treated in the office. Based on the importance, the
access authority is assigned. For example, only a re-
sponsible person can treat a confidential file, which
has very high importance. The system defines the I
as the importance of the resource r, and sets its mini-
mum value to zero and maximum value to M
. Simi-
lar to M
, we set 100 to M
in this paper. The system
converts the value of the importance of the resource r
decided by the organization to I
by adjusting a ratio.
Finally, the system earns RC
by Equation (1).
= RU
× I
(0 RC
10000) (1)
By using obtained RC
, the system decides the ac-
cess control of communication c. To decide the access
control, network administrators have to set and adjust
two parameters, i.e., th
and th
, in advance according
to the security policy of the organization.
The th
is the threshold to treat communication as
holding a certain risk. Only when RC
is less than
, communication c is permitted access similar to
regular permission.
The th
is the threshold to judge whether the sys-
tem permits communication or not. If the RC
higher than th
, the system decides that the commu-
nication c has high risk, and judges to restrict it. Only
when a responsible person permits communication,
the system resumes permission of the communication.
If the RC
is higher than th
and less than th
, the
system permits communication for a certain period.
The system defines the permitting time PT
as a pe-
riod for permitting communication c, and it calculates
the permitting time by Equation (2).
× T (2)
In this equation, the T is the parameter to adjust the
permitting time according to the work style of the or-
ganization. The value of T is different for each or-
ganization. For example, in an organization in which
users need to exchange big size data, the network ad-
ministrator set a big value to the T .
3.2.2 Example of Evaluation
We introduce the example of an evaluation. As shown
in Figure 2, we assume two users. In the organization,
the severity of the incident is assigned to 4 levels sim-
ilar to Figure 1.
The user A receives 1,500 messages including 30
malicious messages, and he has no concerning inci-
dent log and malicious activity. In addition, he com-
pletely attended the learning by the organization. In
this situation, the RU
comes to be 0.5.
On the other hand, the user B receives 800 mes-
sages including 40 malicious messages, and he caused
the incident in which severity is 4. Moreover, he con-
ducted the malicious activity in advance, and he was
absent from three lectures. The risk of the user B is
high, and the RU
comes to be 51.25.
When the user A and the user B access the file a
and the file b, the system calculates the risk of such
communication. For example, the organization as-
signs I
= 90 and I
= 10.
In this case, the risk of communication RC is cal-
culated, as shown in Figure 2. In addition, the organi-
zation sets value of each parameter as shown in Table
Table 1: Value of parameters.
Parameter Value
T 6000
Finally, the system decides that the communica-
tion from the user A to the file a and the file b is per-
mitted and the communication between the user B and
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
User A
User B
Total Malicious
1,500 30
800 40
Severity 4
5 / 5
All Attended
2 / 5
3 Absences
= 025 x (30 / 1500) + 0+
= 0.5
25 x (40 / 800) + 25+ 5 x 3+ = 51.25
File a (Confidential)
= 90
File b
= 10
When the User A accesses File a Communication Aa
= 0.5 x 90 = 45
= 0.5 x 10 = 5
= 51.25 x 90 = 4612.5
= 51.25 x 10 = 512.5
Threshold th
= 500 , th
= 4500 , Parameter T = 6000
, RC
< th
< RC
< th
< RC
= 1 / 512.5 x 6000 = 11.7
Figure 2: Example of the evaluation.
the file b is permitted for 11 minutes. The communi-
cation between the user B and the file a is restricted
by the system.
3.3 Architecture
Figure 3 shows the architecture of the proposed sys-
tem. The system consists of seven modules and one
3.3.1 Log-on/out Detector
First of all, when a user connects to the VPN server in
the office, the log of the connection is sent to the Log-
in/out Detector module. If the received log indicates
the log-in of the user, the module sends the log-in in-
formation which includes the user’s information to the
User’s Risk Calculator module. On the other hand, if
the log indicates the user’s log-out, the module sends
the log-out information to the Termination Manager
3.3.2 User’s Risk Calculator
User’s Risk Calculator calculates the risk of users.
When the module receives the user’s log-in informa-
tion, it investigates the human resource information
and his/her client information by using the directory
service server.
Then, the module finds out the mail quarantine
log in the mail gateway for a certain period, e.g., 1
month, to investigate the reception of malicious e-
mails against the user’s e-mail address. Moreover, it
receives the security log concerning the user from the
database in the network. The security log includes the
previous incident report, malicious activity, and learn-
ing state of the seminar about information security.
By using the obtained information, the module
calculates the risk of the user. Finally, it sends the risk
of the user in addition to the human resource informa-
tion and client information to ACLs Risk Calculator.
3.3.3 ACL’s Risk Calculator
ACLs Risk Calculator calculates the risk of access
controls concerning the user’s client. When it re-
ceives client information, it finds concerning access
controls that permit access to the resources about the
client from the applied ACL. Moreover, it investigates
the importance of each resource in which each access
control permits access from the clients.
After the investigation of resource importance, the
module calculates the risk of each access control.
Then, if the calculated risk of access control exceeds
the threshold th
, the module generates the new ACL,
which does not include the access control permitting
access to the resources.
In addition, the module investigates the recent ac-
cess situation to the resources from the client by using
mirrored packets stored in Packet Collector. Even if
the risk of access control does not exceed the thresh-
old, the system restricts the communication when the
client has not accessed the resources.
If the risk of access control is less than the thresh-
old th
, the module calculates the permitting time in
order to permit the communication for a short period
when the user tries to communicate.
Finally, the module registers the generated new
ACL and the permitting time to Dynamic ACL DB
and sends it to Configurator, and then, Configurator
configures the network equipments in the organiza-
3.3.4 Packet Collector
Packet Collector module receives mirrored packets in
the network and stores them in the database. When
A Dynamic Access Control System based on Situations of Users
Mail Quarant ine
Connect ion
Mirrored Pac k et s
/ Restriction Log
User’s Risk
Human Resourc e
/ Client Info
Security Log
ACL’s Risk
Resourc e
Human Resourc e
/ Client Info
/ Users Risk
Temporary ACL
Deleting ACL
Inserting ACL
Confirmat ion
Inserting ACL
Deleting ACL
Temporary ACL
Proposed System
Organization Network
Respons ible
Confirmat ion
Figure 3: Architecture of the proposed system.
ACLs Risk Calculator finds the packets concern-
ing the client, Packet Collector finds them from the
database and sends the found packets to ACLs Risk
Calculator module.
In addition to the mirrored packets, the module re-
ceives restriction logs of network equipments. The
logs include the communication restricted by the pro-
posed system, and a part of them will be permitted for
a short period. When the communication is restricted
by the ACL generated by the proposed system, the
module sends the log of such communication to Tem-
porary ACL Generator module.
3.3.5 Temporary ACL Generator
Temporary ACL Generator module receives packets
which restricted by the proposed system, and then,
it inquires the condition of permission about such
packet to Dynamic ACL DB.
If the permitting time is registered, the module
sends the ACL including permission of the restricted
communication to Configurator and it measures the
time. After the permitting time passes, the module
sends the new ACL to Configurator again in order to
restore the ACL.
On the other hand, if the permitting time is not
registered, such communication is judged should be
restricted by the proposed system. If the communica-
tion is usually permitted for users at office, the system
asks a responsible person whether permit or not. If
permitted, the module sends new ACL to Configura-
tor module.
3.3.6 Termination Manager
When Log-in/out Detector module confirms the log-
out of a user, it sends such log-out information to
Termination Manager module. Termination Manager
module finds the access controls concerning the user
from Dynamic ACL DB, and then, it deletes found
access controls from Dynamic ACL DB and sends a
new ACL to Configurator module to restore the orig-
inal ACL.
In this section, we discuss about verification of the
proposed system. As a verification experiment, we
compare the proposed system to simple separated net-
work and flat network in the assumed scenario. We
assume the scenario that a user, who is judged to have
a high risk and his home device is infected by mal-
ware, telecommutes by connecting to the internal net-
work via VPN. In addition, the attacker remotely con-
trols the infected host to attack organization’s internal
ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
4.1 Security Effectiveness
From the viewpoint of security effectiveness, we dis-
cuss resource protection and harmful effects on other
devices. Figure 4 shows the accessible area from a
When an organization does not apply the sepa-
rated network, the user can communicate with all
other terminals. In this case, all terminals have the
risk of attack via the internal network connection. In
addition, the attacker can access resources to which
the user has access authority and resources with no
authentication, therefore, a lot of resources have the
risk of leakage.
On the other hand, if the separated network is
constructed, the proposed system supposes such net-
works, the attacker can access to the only user con-
cerning servers and terminals. In other words, the
number of terminals which has the risk to be targeted
by the attack decreases. Besides, only the resources
that authorize the user are communicated by the user’s
terminal. The separated network can reduce the risk
of attacks.
By the proposed system, accessible resources and
terminals are strictly limited. Only ordinarily used re-
sources that have moderate importance are accessible
by the user. The high important resources are pro-
tected by access controls.
When the user works at the office as usual, we
have several chances to detect the malicious activi-
ties controlled by external attackers targeting impor-
tant resources by the IDS or the network quarantine
logs and so on. However, when the terminal in the of-
fice is remotely controlled from the user’s home, it is
difficult to distinguish whether it is conducted by the
genuine user or the attacker. Therefore, the communi-
cation limitation according to the situation of the user
is effective.
Accessible Area
Resource Other Equipment
Access Control
Separ ated
Sep arated Network
with Dynamic Access Control
All other
Servers, Terminals
Servers, Terminals
All Resources
(with no Authentication)
Figure 4: Accessible resources and equipments from a user.
4.2 Accessibility Effectiveness
From the viewpoint of accessibility effectiveness, the
proposed system can provide effective access con-
trol. Generally, to ensure security, organizations re-
strict the communication to important information by
telecommuting. Such restriction is conducted under
uniform conditions against all users in the organiza-
tion. It can protect important information, however,
the convenience of users decrease.
There are low-security awareness users in the or-
ganization, therefore it is effective against such users.
However, for high-security awareness users, it is an
onerous restriction. In the assumed scenario, the in-
fected terminal is restricted to access the important in-
formation, however, other terminals are similarly re-
stricted to conduct communication.
The proposed system judges access controls ac-
cording to the situation of users, therefore, it can ap-
ply flexibly access controls. For example, the high-
security awareness user can access the resources from
home almost the same as the office. On the other
hand, a low-security awareness user is restricted to
access the resources, however, the methods of tempo-
rary permission of communication and permission by
a responsible person can improve the convenience of
users and business continuity.
In this paper, we proposed a dynamic access control
system based on the situation of users. The COVID-
19 changes the human work style, and working from
home comes to be a more generic style. To ensure
the organization’s network security to which a lot of
clients connect from home, we have to flexibly change
the access controls in the network according to the sit-
uation of users. The proposed system makes such dy-
namic access control possible by evaluating the risk of
the user and the importance of communication desti-
nation resources. Based on the evaluation results, the
system dynamically changes the permission of com-
munication, i.e., no change, permitting for a certain
period, restricting. We can reduce the risk of attack
against important resources, and ensure the security
of organization networks.
In future works, we will implement the system and
deploy it to a large-scale experimental network for
evaluation of the system. In addition, we will extend
the system to focus on the access authority of files.
When a server stores a high important resource, the
proposed system may restrict the communication be-
tween a user and the server even if the user wants to
A Dynamic Access Control System based on Situations of Users
access the other low important resource because the
proposed system focuses only on the network access
controls. To solve such a problem, we will extend
the proposed system to conduct more flexible controls
by collaborating network access and user’s access au-
thority to resources.
Part of this work is supported by the Cabinet Office
(CAO), Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Pro-
motion Program (SIP), “Cyber Physical Security for
IoT Society” (funding agency: NEDO).
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ICISSP 2021 - 7th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy