Experimental Application of
a Japanese Historical Document Image Synthesis Method
to Text Line Segmentation
Naoto Inuzuka and Tetsuya Suzuki
Graduate School of Systems Engineering and Science, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Saitama, Japan
Text Line Segmentation, Historical Document, Deep Learning, Data Synthesis.
We plan to use a text line segmentation method based on machine learning in our transcription support system
for handwritten Japanese historical document in Kana, and are searching for a data synthesis method of an-
notated document images because it is time consuming to manually annotate a large set of document images
for training data for machine learning. In this paper, we report our synthesis method of annotated document
images designed for a Japanese historical document. To compare manually annotated Japanese historical
document images and annotated document images synthesized by the method as training data for an object
detection algorithm YOLOv3, we conducted text line segmentation experiments using the object detection
algorithm. The experimental results show that a model trained by the synthetic annotated document images
are competitive with that trained by the manually annotated document images from the view point of a metric
We plan to use a text line segmentation method based
on machine learning in a transcription support sys-
tem for handwritten Japanese historical document in
Kana which we are developing. Because it is time
consuming to manually annotate a large set of docu-
ment images for training data for machine learning,
we are searching for a data synthesis method of anno-
tated document images.
In this paper, we report our synthesis method of
annotated document images designed for a handwrit-
ten Japanese historical document. The method makes
it easy to automatically generate a lot of annotated
document images.
The organization of this paper is as follows. In
section 2, we summarize related work. We then ex-
plain characteristics of a target handwritten Japanese
historical document and our synthesis method of an-
notated document images designed for the document
in section 3, and evaluate the synthesis method by text
line segmentation experiments in section 4. In section
5 we state concluding remarks.
2.1 A Transcription Support System for
Handwritten Japanese Historical
We briefly explain our transcription support system
for handwritten Japanese historical document in Kana
(Sando et al., 2018; Yamazaki et al., 2018) . Kana
is a kind of Japanese characters, and it is difficult to
read handwritten Kana used in historical documents
because of the following reasons.
It is difficult to segment characters because they
are cursive.
There exist similar shape characters with different
The characteristic point of the system is that the
system outputs optimal combinations of multiple re-
sults of character segmentation, multiple reading or-
der among segmented characters, and multiple results
of character recognition.
The system consists of three parts: a document
image analyzer, a constraint solver and a graphical
user interface (GUI) which integrates them. The doc-
ument image analyzer segments characters, decides
Inuzuka, N. and Suzuki, T.
Experimental Application of a Japanese Historical Document Image Synthesis Method to Text Line Segmentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0010330206280634
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2021), pages 628-634
ISBN: 978-989-758-486-2
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
reading order among the segmented characters, and
outputs multiple recognition results for each of the
segmented characters. The constraint solver solves
a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) based on the
output of the document image analyzer, and outputs
solutions of the CSP as transcription results. The
solver searches solutions which minimize the total
cost of occurrence costs of words and connective
costs between words with reference to an electrical
dictionary for morphological analysis (Ogiso et al.,
2010). The entire system can be used through the
The GUI and the constraint solver have been de-
veloped, but the document image analyzer have not
yet. The first step of the document image analysis
will be text line segmentation.
2.2 Training Data Generation for
Document Image Analysis
A problem in text line segmentation based on machine
learning is to construct training data. It is time con-
suming to manually annotate a large set of document
images. In this section, we briefly present three works
related to construction of training data for document
image analysis. None of them targets on historical
Japanese document image synthesis.
Capobianco et al. proposed a historical docu-
ment image generation tool (Capobianco and Marinai,
2017). The generation process is as follows. First,
a user extracts background images from some exam-
ples of document images using a tool. The user, then,
describes structure of a document in XML with refer-
ence to the document images. The generator takes the
extracted background images, document structure in
XML, fonts, and a dictionary as inputs and generates
document images. To construct pages with various
characteristics, it is possible not only to randomly de-
cide text line height and repetition times of items but
also to specify a possibility to generate a text line. In
addition, it is possible to rotate document images and
add noise on document images.
Pondenkandath et al. proposed a synthesis method
of historical document images using a deep neural
network (Pondenkandath et al., 2019). The method
transforms a given document generated by L
X to
a handwritten-like historical document image using
a deep neural network. The authors experimentally
compared CycleGAN and Neural Style Transfer for
image transformation, and concluded that CycleGAN
is more promising than Neural Style Transfer.
Aoike et al. constructed a layout data set of docu-
ments usable for machine learning and made it public
(Aoike et al., 2019). The target documents are digi-
tal data included in digital collections of the National
Diet Library of Japan. The layout data set was con-
structed by revising recognition results by a document
layout recognizer based on machine learning. To im-
prove accuracy, the recognizer was updated by ma-
chine learning using the revised layout data as train-
ing data every time 100 to 200 pages were manually
We explain characteristics of a target Japanese hand-
written historical document from the view point of
page layout, a model constructed for the document,
and a method which generates handwritten-like docu-
ment images from a given model.
3.1 Page Layout of a Japanese
Handwritten Historical Document
We chose the Tales of Ise (Reizei, 1994) as a target
Japanese handwritten historical document. It is rel-
atively easy to generate document images similar to
those of the document because it consists of vertically
written text lines and its page layout is simple.
The characteristics of its page layout are as fol-
C1. It includes notes representing the sources of po-
ems as shown in Fig.1 (1)
C2. Some text lines are folded at the bottom of pages
as shown in Fig.1 (2)
C3. Some text lines have readings or supplementary
explanations alongside them as shown in Fig. 1
C4. Some characters in adjoining text lines touch
each other as shown in Fig.1 (4)
C5. Center lines of some text lines are leaning as
shown in Fig.1 (5)
C6. There exist paragraphs with supplementary para-
graphs alongside them as shown in Fig.1 (6)
C7. There exist characters written in a cursive style.
3.2 A Document Model for the Target
We designed a document model for documents with
characteristics shown in section 3.1 except the char-
acteristic C7 (characters in a cursive style). In this
Experimental Application of a Japanese Historical Document Image Synthesis Method to Text Line Segmentation
Figure 1: Characteristics of the target document’s layout
adopted from (Inuzuka and Suzuki, 2020) (Circles and
lines are added in document images scanned from (Reizei,
section, we explain elements of the model: line rep-
resenting a text line, paragraph representing a para-
graph and format representing the entire format of a
A line element represents a text line and has the
following attributes: the body width, the height of the
text line, the center line, ruby characters, and the fold-
ing part of the text line shown in Fig.2. The cen-
ter line of a text line is represented as a polyline on
which characters of the text line are placed. It is for
the characteristic C5 shown in section 3.1. The verti-
cal space between characters is specified in format.
A sequence of ruby characters of a text line is also a
line placed alongside a character of the text line. It is
for the characteristic C3 shown in section 3.1. A fold-
ing part of a text line is also a line whose top margin
can be specified and the folding part is placed closely
to the text line. It is for the characteristics C2 and C4
shown in section 3.1.
A paragraph element represents a paragraph and
has the following attributes: four margins around the
paragraph (top, bottom, left, and right), three annota-
tions around the paragraph (top, left, and right), the
minimum space between first characters of adjoin-
ing text lines, and the sequence of line elements as
shown in Fig.3. Each of three annotations around a
paragraph is also a paragraph. They are for the
characteristics C1 and C6 shown in section 3.1. The
left and right annotations of a paragraph are placed
closely to the paragraph. Adjoining text lines of a
paragraph are placed closely with the specified mini-
mum space between their first characters. These are
for the characteristic C4 shown in section 3.1.
A format represents the entire format of a docu-
ment, and has the height and the width of each page,
Figure 2: A line element of the document model adopted
from (Inuzuka and Suzuki, 2020).
Figure 3: A paragraph element of the document model
adopted from (Inuzuka and Suzuki, 2020).
four margins (top, bottom, left, and right) of each
page and a sequence of paragraphs as shown in Fig.4.
3.3 A Document Image Synthesis
We implemented a document image synthesis system
in Python, which consists of four command line in-
terface commands: fonts, format, typeset, and
print. Fig.5 shows the document image synthesis
process by them.
The fonts command extracts at most n fonts
for each Japanese Kana from Kuzushiji-49(Clanuwat
et al., 2018) which is a data set of deformed Kana
with white on black. The command reverses white
and black in the extracted fonts, and removes white
lines at the top and the bottom of each font with black
on white. It finally outputs the resulting font data to a
python object file called a font data file.
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 4: A format element of the document model
adopted from (Inuzuka and Suzuki, 2020).
The format command generates a format based
on the document model described in section 3.2 as a
dictionary object in Python, and outputs it to a file
called a format file. It randomly generate various
paragraphs and text lines.
The typeset command takes both a font data file
and a format file as its input, and outputs the result
of typesetting to a file called a typesetting file. The
command puts a randomly selected character in Kana
with a randomly selected font of it in the font data file
according to a format specified by the format file.
The print command reads a typesetting file and
generates both document images and rectangles as an-
notations, each of which surrounds a text line.
4.1 Objective
To check the effectiveness of document images gener-
ated by the method described in section 3.3 as training
data in text line segmentation, we conducted text line
segmentation experiments using a machine-learning-
based object detection algorithm. The details are de-
scribed in the following.
4.2 Method
4.2.1 Image Data Sets
We prepared three sets of document images as fol-
I1. Document images binarized and extracted from
the reference (Reizei, 1994)
I2. Binary document images generated by our
method with roughly adjusted parameters
I3. Binary document images generated by our
method with carefully adjusted parameters
Document images in the data set I1 were prepro-
cessed as follows. They were binarized by Otsu’s
method (Otsu, 1979) and resized to 512-pixel width
and 512-pixel height. Annotations for them were
done manually. An annotation is a bounding box of a
text line as shown in Fig.6. In our experiments, each
folding part of text lines and each of ruby character
sentences were also treated as text lines.
Document images in the data set I2 are syn-
thetic document images generated by our method with
roughly adjusted parameters.
Document images in the data set I3 are synthetic
document images generated by our method with care-
fully adjusted parameters as follows.
At most 100 fonts were randomly selected for
each character in Kana.
The selected grayscale fonts were completely bi-
The selected font data were randomly shrunk or
expanded with some probability.
Margins in pages and width of text lines were
adjusted with reference to the reference (Reizei,
The vertical space between characters were ran-
domly set 0 to 10 pixels.
Fig.7 shows a document image generated under the
We divided the data sets I1, I2, and I3 as fol-
lows. The data set I1 was divided into three sets I1-
1, I1-2, and I1-3 for a machine-learning-based object
detection algorithm YOLOv3 (Redmon and Farhadi,
2018). I1-1, I1-2 and I1-3 are a training set, a valida-
tion set, and a test set respectively. The training set
and the the validation set of a data set were used in
training process. The test set was used to evaluate a
trained model in text line segmentation. The data sets
I2 and I3 were also divided as I1. Table.1 shows the
number of document images in I1, I2, I3, and their
subsets. The training set, the validation set and the
test set of each data set appear in a ratio 2:1:1.
4.2.2 Models
To create the following three models using YOLOv3,
we used a learning rate 0.001, a batch size 16, and
epoch 4000 in training process.
M1. a model trained by the data sets I1-1 and I1-2
M2. a model trained by the data sets I2-1 and I2-2
M3. a model trained by the data sets I3-1 and I3-2
4.2.3 Tests
We combined the trained models and the data sets for
text line segmentation as follows.
Experimental Application of a Japanese Historical Document Image Synthesis Method to Text Line Segmentation
Figure 5: The document image synthesis process amended from (Inuzuka and Suzuki, 2020).
Table 1: The number of document images in data sets.
Data set Subset for training Subset for validation Subset for test
(# of images) (# of images) (# of images)
I1 I1-1 (83) I1-2 (41) I1-3 (42)
I2 I2-1 (243) I2-2 (121) I2-3 (122)
I3 I3-1 (243) I3-2 (121) I3-3 (122)
Figure 6: An annotated document image (Rectangles are
added to a binarized document image scanned from (Reizei,
Case 1. The model M1 and the data set I1-3
Case 2. The model M2 and the data set I2-3
Case 3. The model M2 and the data set I1-3
Case 4. The model M3 and the data set I3-3
Case 5. The model M3 and the data set I1-3
Figure 7: A synthetic document image adopted from (In-
uzuka and Suzuki, 2020).
For example, we segmented text lines in document
images in I1-3 using M1 in case 1.
We used intersection-over-union (IoU) as an eval-
uation metric. IoU between two regions A and B is
defined as follows.
IntersectionOverUnion (IoU) =
|A B|
|A B|
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 8: An example of text line segmentation in case 1.
Figure 9: An example of text line segmentation in case 3.
We calculated IoU between the ground truth and a
predicted region for each document image, and av-
eraged them.
4.3 Results
Table 2 shows the resulting average IoUs.
In case 1, case 2 and case 4 where data sets for
training, validation and test are derived from a
data set, average IoUs are at least 0.892.
The average IoU in case 5 is 0.877 while that in
case 3 is 0.806. Parameter adjustment in our doc-
ument image synthesis method improved the av-
Figure 10: An example of text line segmentation in case 5.
erage IoU by 0.71 points.
The average IoU in case 1 is 0.897 while that in
case 5 is 0.877.
The number of detected rectangles in case 1 is 514
while that in case 5 is 682.
Fig.8, Fig.9 and Fig.10 show the resulting text line
segmentation in case 1, 3, and 5 respectively. Fig.6
shows text lines to be detected.
In Fig.8, Fig.9, and Fig.10, some detected text
lines lack their heads and/or ends.
In Fig.9 and Fig.10, some detected text lines are
redundant. For example, a part of a text line is
detected as a text line.
4.4 Evaluation
We evaluate the experimental results as follows.
The results in case 1, case 2 and case 4 show that
trained models works well.
The results in case 3 and case 5 show that param-
eter adjustment in our method improved results in
text line segmentation.
The results in case 1 and case 5 show that a model
trained by the synthetic annotated document im-
ages can be competitive with that trained by the
manually annotated real document images from
the view point of IoU.
We need another metric which evaluates both the
accuracy of an object detector and the number of
detected objects because more text lines were de-
tected in case 5 than in case 1 though the average
IoU in case 5 is competitive with that in case1.
Experimental Application of a Japanese Historical Document Image Synthesis Method to Text Line Segmentation
Table 2: Average IoU and the number of detected text lines.
Case Model Data sets for Data set for test Avg. IoU # of detected text lines
training and validation
Case 1 M1 I1-1 and I1-2 I1-3 0.897 514
Case 2 M2 I2-1 and I2-2 I2-3 0.892 1,676
Case 3 M2 I2-1 and I2-2 I1-3 0.806 574
Case 4 M3 I3-1 and I3-2 I3-3 0.903 1,320
Case 5 M3 I3-1 and I3-2 I1-3 0.877 682
If we use the document image synthesis method
and the object detection algorithm for text line
segmentation, we need post processes such as re-
moval of redundant detected text lines and expan-
sion of detected text lines.
We proposed an annotated Japanese historical doc-
ument image synthesis method, and experimentally
applied it to text line segmentation using a machine
learning-based object detection algorithm YOLOv3
where synthetic document images were used as train-
ing data for YOLOv3. The experimental results show
that a model trained by the synthetic annotated docu-
ment images can be competitive with a model trained
by the manually annotated real document images
from the view point of intersection-over-union. Pa-
rameters in our method are, however, needed to man-
ually adjust to generate such competitive document
Future work would be as follows. To confirm
applicability of our method, we need to apply our
method to same type of other historical documents
because we applied it to only a historical document.
Automatic parameter adjustment methods for docu-
ment image synthesis and post-processing for seg-
mented text lines will improve text line segmenta-
tion results. The post-processing, for example, would
be to remove segmented text lines included in other
segmented ones and to extend segmented text lines
to include missing parts of the text lines. Our docu-
ment image synthesis method will be also applicable
to character segmentation.
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ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods