This paper mainly studies the result of framing and
managing cybersecurity as a public good, rather than
specifically predicting the agents behavior in the envi-
ronment. Therefore, we only test replicative validity
(i.e. comparison to other models and determining the
internal stochastic variability in the model).
There are four levels of model performance for
replication validity (Axtell and Epstein, 1994). Since,
it would not be realistic to achieve the highest level
(i.e. the model behavior is in quantitative agreement
with empirical micro-structures, actual human behav-
ior) due to inherent uncertainty in human behavior
and the random events in reality, we satisfy the crite-
ria of the third level which is quantitative agreement
with empirical macro-structures. The results of this
simulation model are compared with empirical data
from previous studies (Falk and Fischbacher, 2001;
Fischbacher and Gachter, 2010; Lacomba and L
erez, 2015). The evidence shows that the agents be-
havior in this model under all the conditions (i.e. with
punishment, without punishment and reciprocity) is
in line with the empirical data.
This study shows that agent-based modeling of com-
plex socio-technical systems can be valuable for test-
ing fundamental theories which are difficult to in-
spect mathematically and experimentally. We pre-
sented a model to explore the interdependence of in-
dividual decisions in a repeated public goods game
that treats cybersecurity as a public good. This model
maps agents’ preferences to choices of contribution
and punishment. Repeated interactions among the de-
fenders that are able to remember their experience of
cyber attacks, punishments and contributions by oth-
ers lead to a convergence of individual preferences
and emergence of a cooperative behavior as a result.
Heterogeneity of agents is represented by heteroge-
neous social preferences with different reciprocal be-
havior, various level of resources and different source
of incentives. All these parameters affect on the prob-
ability of the contribution and punishment of non-
We acknowledge that numerous externalities in
the context of cybersecurity and difficulty in assess-
ing the cybersecurity value and cyber risks cause mis-
aligned incentives and information asymmetry which
all contribute to poor cybersecurity investment and
management. However, this study suggests that the
theory of public goods should play a more significant
role in how we treat cybersecurity in the fast devel-
oping societies to maintain robust and resilient digital
ecosystems. Moreover, it shows that the maintaining
the resilience of the systems promotes the collective
actions among the defenders to combat the future at-
tacks. This highlights the importance of experience
and strongly interdependent decisions that changes
the status of the environment radically.
This is the first implementation of a public goods
game in the context of cybersecurity to investigate
whether the theory of public goods complies with this
domain. This study is meant as a starting point for
research in quantitatively analysis of the doctrine of
public cybersecurity. In future, we investigate the dif-
ferent types of economic efficiencies in this domain
and explore the factors that define the efficient situa-
tions in this context.
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ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence