Automated Assessment with Multiple-choice Questions using Weighted
Francisco de Assis Zampirolli
, Val
erio Ramos Batista
, Carla Rodriguez
Rafaela Vilela da Rocha
and Denise Goya
Centro de Matem
atica, Computac¸
ao e Cognic¸
ao, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC),
09210-580, Santo Andr
e, SP, Brazil
Automated Assessment, Multiple Choice Questions, Parametrized Quizzes.
A resource that has been used increasingly in order to assess people is the evaluation through multiple-choice
questions. However, in many cases some test alternatives are wrong just because of a detail and scoring
nought for them can be counter-pedagogical. Because of that, we propose an adaptation of the open-source
system MCTest, which considers weighted test alternatives. The automatic correction is carried out by a
spreadsheet that stores the students’ responses and compares them with the individual answer keys of the
corresponding test issues. Applicable to exams either in hardcopy or online, this study was validated to a
total of 607 students from three different courses: Networks & Communications, Nature of Information, and
In the case of multiple-choice questions, it is ex-
pected that teachers and professors engage in extra en-
deavour to elaborate ones that fairly assess their stu-
dents’ competencies and skills. There are widely ac-
cepted methods to evaluate and classify a large num-
ber of candidates, for instance the Item Response The-
ory (Aybek and Demirtasli, 2017). As an example, let
us consider the Brazilian National High School Exam
(ENEM), elaborated by Instituto Nacional de Estu-
dos e Pesquisas Educacionais An
ısio Teixeira (INEP).
In January 2021 ENEM had almost 5.8 million stu-
dents enrolled for the classroom tests, but the absence
rate was 55.3% mostly due to the Coronavirus pan-
demic. The reader can see for de-
tails, but here we highlight that for the first time ap-
plicants could sit this exam online in some venues.
This was possible for 93,079 of the candidates but
precisely they contributed 70% to absence. Anyway,
INEP foresees that 100% of the tests will be online al-
Grant #2018/23561–1, S
ao Paulo Research Founda-
tion (FAPESP).
ready in 2026. In fact, it is following the same trend of
many others, e.g. the TOEFL language exam, which
is now online (, and such a trend boosts more
sophisticated studies devoted to the elaboration of ap-
plicable questions.
In (Burton, 2001) the author presents a study on
improvements for the reliability of multiple-choice
questions through deterring examinees from just
guessing the right answer. The paper states that pure
guessing can be discouraged by fractional marks at-
tributed to wrong answers, namely ‘negative mark-
ing’ or ‘penalty scoring’. However, the final perfor-
mance can be damaged by the examinee’s uncertainty
in case they have solved a question just partially. The
very author cites some works that debate such penal-
ties, but he focuses on achieving percentage values
of unreliability of a test by studying three scenarios:
Q, where the only random element is the drawing
of some items from Question Banks (QB) in which
scope and difficulty are equally levelled, and the final
mark is exactly the number of correct answers; G, in
which the only random element is the drawing of the
alternatives; QG, which uses both random elements.
All questions must be answered. For Q and QG one
must have QB with at least five times the number of
questions in the exam. In his model, the author con-
siders an exam with sixty questions and four alterna-
tives per question. By taking the average knowledge
Zampirolli, F., Batista, V., Rodriguez, C., Vilela da Rocha, R. and Goya, D.
Automated Assessment with Multiple-choice Questions using Weighted Answers.
DOI: 10.5220/0010338002540261
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 254-261
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of 50% the mean scores in cases Q, G and QG were
30, 37.5 and 37.5, respectively. He concludes that a
60-question four-choice test is rather unreliable, and
one of the main reasons is that G and QG allow guess-
ing, which is not the case of Q.
The authors in (Oliveira Neto and Nascimento,
2012) adapted the Learning Management System
(LMS) Moodle to make formative assessment during
the teaching-learning process with high quality feed-
back for a distance learning course of 40h per week
in Mathematical Finance. These evaluations can bet-
ter direct the student’s performance if the feedback
is quick and precise at pointing out their difficulties.
Moreover, the feedback can guide the teacher about
the adopted teaching process, and so the students’
understanding can be reinforced regarding some top-
ics that have not been assimilated yet. By analysing
the students’ answers in previous classes, the authors
have improved the QB with additional rules to tests,
error messages and links to either theoretical topics or
extra exercises.
In the elaboration of multiple-choice questions, it
is also important to consider suitable wrong options
among the alternatives, also called distractors. Un-
suitable distractors enable the examinee to guess the
correct answer by discard, as discussed in (Moser
et al., 2012), where the authors present a text pro-
cessing algorithm for automatic selection of distrac-
tors. A more recent work is (Susanti et al., 2018),
but devoted to automatic production of distractors for
the English vocabulary. In (Ali and Ruit, 2015) the
authors present an empirical study on flawed alterna-
tives and low distractor functioning. They conclude
that removal or replacement of such defective distrac-
tors, together with increasing the cognitive level, im-
prove detection of high- and low-ability examinees.
Our present work introduces an automatic gen-
erator and corrector devoted to exams that consist
of multiple-choice questions with weighted alter-
natives. It is adapted from the open-source sys-
tem MCTest available on GitHub. For such exams
MCTest stores the correction in a CSV-file and emails
it to the professor. This file contains each student’s
responses compared with the individual answer key
of the exam issue received by that student. Common
programs like Excel and LibreOffice open the file in a
spreadsheet with built-in formulas that give each stu-
dent’s final mark according to the weights, as we shall
detail in this paper.
As a related work we cite (Presedo et al., 2015),
in which the authors use Moodle to create multiple-
choice questions with weighted alternatives. Their
system also enables the user to give an exam in hard-
copy but with neither the student’s id nor variations
of the exam. Moreover, it requires the plugin Offline
Quiz ( offlinequiz). Moodle
enables Calculated question type, that we call para-
metric question in MCTest, in which the statement
and the alternatives accept wildcards but in Moodle
only for simple mathematical operations. By contrast,
MCTest enables nominal exams, numerous variations
and wildcards that accept complex formulas written in
Python and its libraries. Details on parametric ques-
tions with MCTest can be found in (Zampirolli et al.,
2021; Zampirolli et al., 2020; Zampirolli et al., 2019).
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the adapted MCTest for an automated assess-
ment with multiple-choice questions using weighted
answers; Section 3 shows the obtained results and dis-
cusses them; finally, Section 4 presents our main con-
clusions and opportunities for future work.
This work applies the open-source Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) MCTest available
on GitHub (
We have implemented MCTest in order to enable
weighting answers of multiple-choice questions. In
this section, we explain how to create exams that in-
clude such questions with weighted answers.
2.1 Creating Multiple-choice Questions
After downloading MCTest from GitHub, the sys-
tem administrator must install it on a server. Be-
fore creating a question, they have to include Insti-
tution, Course, Discipline and also associate a pro-
fessor as Discipline Coordinator. This one can cre-
ate discipline Topics and also add more professors.
See for details. Afterwards, any
of them can add a Class and also questions asso-
ciated to a Topic thereof. An example would be
setting [ED]<template-figure> at Choose Topic
in Figure 1. Namely, this topic belongs to a dis-
cipline called ED, a mnemonic to Example Disci-
pline. In that figure we have Short Description:
template-fig-tiger-en, which is optional but
makes it easier to locate questions in Question Banks
(QB), as we shall explain in Subsection 2.2. The field
Group is also optional for the user to define a group
of questions, so that in each exam MCTest will always
draw only one question from that group. The most rel-
evant field is Description, where we can insert para-
graphs in L
X and also combine them with a Python
code, as explained later in another example.
Automated Assessment with Multiple-choice Questions using Weighted Answers
Figure 1: Cutout of the MCTest subpage to create/update a question. In this first step we describe the statement and optionally
some parameters.
Notice that in Figure 1 we are invoking a graphic,
namely mctest fig01.png available at
opFM5. This image was stored in a server where
MCTest is installed, and we use the path ./tmp/mctest
fig01.png to retrieve it with the following command:
\write18{wget -c -O
The L
X compiler retrieves this image and includes
it in the question.
In Figure 1 one sees Type: Multiple-Choice
Question (QM), which could be toggled to
Dissertation Question (QT) in case of written
response, for instance if the student must write a
program code. In the field Difficult the user must
choose one among five levels of difficulty to that
question, whereas Bloom Taxonomy is optional, but
has six levels (Krathwohl et al., 1956; Anderson and
Krathwohl, 2001). As default the field Parametric
is toggled to No, but if the user changes it to Yes they
will be able to define wildcards to which MCTest can
attribute values either at random or as a result of
a mathematical operation (Zampirolli et al., 2019).
Finally, we have the self-explanatory fields Who
Created and Last Update, which are optional.
Figure 2 complements MCTests subpage of up-
dating a question. There we see the fields of an-
swers and optionally feedback. New answers can be
included right after filling out the last field Answer
Text and clicking on Submit. Already existing an-
swers can be marked with Delete, and they will be
discarded with Submit. MCTest draws a random or-
der for the alternatives each time it produces an issue.
See the red and blue numbers after the symbol # in
Figure 3. But in Figure 2 the user must always put the
correct answer in the first field.
The answers in Figure 2 can be weighted accord-
ing to what the professor considers from 0% to 100%
correct. This process will be detailed in Section 3, but
here we already mention that values outside the inter-
val [0, 100] are possible, for instance negative weights
that penalize wrong answers. However, we only know
this choice in case of competitions for a job opportu-
nity, a prize, etc. Since teaching is the main objec-
tive of an educational institution, then we have never
applied negative weights, as corroborated in (Burton,
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 2: Cutout of the MCTest subpage to create/update a
question. In this second step the user writes each answer
and decides on its feedback.
Figure 3: Cutout of MCTest to visualize the layout of a ques-
tion after clicking on Create-PDF (see Figure 1). The green
number is the question ID in the QB, and here the right
answer is C (located with #0). This and the red numbers
give the order in which MCTest drew the answers. Invoking
again Create-PDF will result in another random order of
the answers.
2.2 Creating Exams
Once the user has made or updated QB according
to the steps explained in Subsection 2.1, next they
can create an exam by choosing classes and ques-
tions. Figure 4 shows MCTests subpage Exam for
this purpose. There one must fill out Name of the
exam and Choose Classrooms to apply it. In order
to choose questions the user can resort to a search-
ing interface. As an example, in the field Search:
we included the token “-en” to see all the questions
that have it in their description. Here the field Par.
was toggled to sort them by showing first the non-
parametric questions. We also have the option to cre-
ate PDF, similarly to our explanation of Figure 1,
but here MCTest will show the whole exam as de-
picted in Figure 5. In this figure one sees other ques-
tions drawn by MCTest and the third one is paramet-
ric, described as template-sum matrix-en. The
correct answer is computed by a Python code that
goes together with the L
X statement, but located
between [[code: and ]] for MCTest to compile
them correctly. The right answer is computed with
[[code:0+1+2+3+1+2+3+4+2+3+4+5]]. See vision. for details about combining L
X and
Python for parametric questions and for creating ex-
The professor gets a PDF, like in Figure 5, and
can also print it if approved. As a matter of fact, the
PDF has many pages that reproduce what we show in
Figure 5, but each page has a different order of the
questions and of their respective answers. Of course,
these are the different issues, one for each student,
who will have to fill out the answer card of the exam
header shown in Figure 5. Afterwards, the professor
must digitize all exam first pages into a single PDF
and send it to MCTest by clicking on Upload-PDF of
the Exam subpage. Then MCTest will email a CSV-
file to the professor. This file contains the correction
of each exam, as we shall explain in Section 3.
If students are allowed to sit the exam online, then
instead of printing the PDF the professor can email
it to them. Of course, each student will receive only
their corresponding issue, not the whole PDF. In this
case each one must fill out an online form, and the au-
tomatic correction will happen similarly, as we shall
explain in Section 3. Also, in this case, MCTest emails
the aforementioned CSV-file to the professor.
MCTest has been used by professors at our institution
since 2011. Earlier versions of MCTest did not work
with weighted alternatives, which were first incorpo-
rated by the system in 2017. In this paper, we present
an experience report of a professor that started using
Automated Assessment with Multiple-choice Questions using Weighted Answers
Figure 4: Cutout of the MCTest subpage to create/update an exam. In this first step one chooses name, classes and questions.
MCTest in 2016 and motivated us to implement this
option in our system.
This professor started lecturing Computer Science
at our university in 2012. Until 2016 the largest
classes consisted of five to six dozens of students, and
at the time he was responsible for two of such classes
in the course Networks & Communications, the one
in the morning and the other in the evening. He was
consulted about applying MCTest to his classes, so
that the correction of the exams could be carried out
automatically, except for the written response part,
called QT in MCTest. This would reduce the correc-
tion time, but MCTest needed QB for that course, so
he would have to elaborate multiple-choice questions,
called QM. The recommended format was ten QM,
one long question of QT, each part devoted to half of
the total mark, and this he called model 1.
Of course, it is much simpler to prepare an exam
with four to five written response questions, which he
called model 2, but for circa 60 to 70 students the
correction time is considerable. Since both options
would make him spend an equivalent time, he decided
to let the students vote the model for the first exam.
However, in order to discourage guessing alternatives,
in both models questions were to be of middle to high
difficulty levels, but students could use a handwritten
summary on a single paper in model 2.
Surprisingly, morning and evening classes voted
for different models, 2 and 1, respectively. But these
results were repeated in the subsequent votings for
the second exam, and also in another course he lec-
tured both in 2016 and 2017: Nature of Information.
Classes were then growing to circa 80 students and
model 1 was becoming his preference, specially be-
cause one can easily change and increase already ex-
isting QB. By asking the students for their reasons to
reject either model, the evening classes claimed they
did not have time to prepare a handwritten summary,
and the morning classes complained that QM is un-
fair because a partially correct answer deserves a frac-
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 5: Cutout of the MCTest subpage to create/update an exam. In this second step the user checks whether the PDF meets
their expectations.
tional score. He then decided to propose model 1 with
4 alternatives per question and the following weights:
100% (the correct one), 0% (the absurd one), and 20%
(either of the partially correct ones). This because if
someone made “shots in the dark” when answering
the QM the expected score would still remain quite
low, namely 3.5 (compared with 2.5 if non-weighted).
This improvement in model 1 made it acceptable for
the morning classes, so that he started applying it even
for other courses, e.g. Compilers in 2019.
As commented in Subsection 2.2, MCTest stores
the correction in a CSV-file and emails it to the pro-
fessor, and Figure 6 shows an example thereof. Col-
umn A gives the PDF page of the scanned filled-out
answer card, B is the exam issue, C is the number
of alternatives per question (MCTest allows only the
Automated Assessment with Multiple-choice Questions using Weighted Answers
Figure 6: LibreOffice visualization of the CSV-file sent by MCTest.
Figure 7: Spreadsheet with weighted alternatives derived from MCTests CSV-file in Figure 6.
same number for the whole QM), D is the QM size,
E shows the number of corrupted questions (0 = non-
corrupted, i.e. the student chose one item per ques-
tion), and F the non-weighted score. Columns G to
P show the answers in red and also the correct one in
case of mismatch (“chosen”/“key”).
Columns Q to Z in green show information on
both the question ID in the QB and the order in which
alternatives were drawn for that student. In this exam-
ple, we had four alternatives per question, hence the
last four digits show their order. For instance, cell Q2
shows 11261203, where 1126 stands for the question
ID and 1203 means the drawn order. By looking at
Figure 2 this order indicates that A=1, B=2, C=0, D=3
are the 2nd, 3rd, 1st and 4th alternative, respectively.
Hence one can add a new tab to the spreadsheet,
and with simple formulas compute the final mark by
attributing weights to the alternatives, as depicted in
Figure 7. In this example the right alternative weighs
1, the partially-right ones weigh 0.2 each, and the
absurd one weighs 0. The yellow field in Figure 7
shows the score of each question, where any row cor-
responds to a single student’s answer card.
According to the professor’s account, simple so-
lutions as this one proposed in our work increase the
students’ acceptance of QM. For the users not very
familiar with spreadsheet formulas, we have left the
template of Figure 7 at:
Anyway, it is important to consider what we
briefly exposed at the Introduction. For this purpose,
the professor conceded one of his questions:
In the course we have seen that a graph G = (V, E)
can be planar though one needs to redraw it, as in
Figure 8(a), which is equivalent to a regular pentagon
with vertices 1 ·· · 5 1. By considering G in Fig-
ure 8(b) and S = V E +F, where F is the number of
faces, we have:
(a) (b)
Figure 8: A question with weighted alternatives used in the
experience report.
These were the alternatives (but the order varied
by issue): A. G is planar because S = 2 *3; B. S = 2
but G is planar not for this reason *2; C. G is not
planar because S = 3 #0; D. G is not planar although
S = 2 *1.
We have just presented a system and experience report
with 607 students in three courses between 2017 and
2019, based on the open-source MCTest available on
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
GitHub. With MCTest the professor can prepare an
exam either in hardcopy or online, and this second
modality is useful in case the class cannot gather in
a classroom. Here each student receives their PDF
issue by email and sends the answers through Google
Form. In either modality the professor gets all non-
weighted corrections in a spreadsheet, which can be
adapted to compute marks by weighting the answers,
as explained in Section 3.
In future works we are going to investigate the
students’ acceptance of weighted QM by considering
more participants and questionnaires. Our purpose is
to find out which styles of exam can simplify the pro-
fessor’s work, be acceptable by the classes and, at the
same time, result in a fair assessment of the students’
learning. To the best of our knowledge the literature
still lacks such a study.
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Automated Assessment with Multiple-choice Questions using Weighted Answers