A High Accuracy Text Detection Model of Newly Constructing and
Training Strategies
Kha Cong Nguyen
and Ryosuke Odate
Research and Development Group, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Text Detection, Text Recognition, Anchor Boxes, Clustering, Feature Extraction, Non-Maximum
Abstract: Normally, text recognition systems include two main parts: text detection and text recognition. Text detection
is a prerequisite and has a big impact on the performance of text recognition. In this paper, we propose a high-
accuracy model for detecting text-lines on a receipt dataset. We focus on the three most important points to
improve the performance of the model: anchor boxes for locating text regions, backbone networks to extract
features, and a suppression method to select the best fitting bounding box for each text region. Specifically,
we propose a clustering method to determine anchor boxes and apply novel convolution neural networks for
feature extraction. These two points are the newly constructing strategies of the model. Besides, we propose
a training strategy to make the model output angles of text-lines, then revise bounding boxes with the angles
before applying the suppression method. This strategy is to detect skewed and downward/upward curved text-
lines. Our model outperforms other best models submitted to the ICDAR 2019 competition with the detection
rate of 98.87% (F1 score) so that we can trust the model for detecting text-lines automatically. These strategies
are also flexible to apply for other datasets of various domains.
Recently, document recognition for information
retrieving and digitally storing has garnered a large
amount of interest from the deep learning and
computer vision communities due to the important
information included in documents and the huge
amount of scanned and captured document
accumulated during many decades. To recognize
documents, the first task is text detection. Text
detection locates and extracts text regions from
documents that encompass many complex layouts
such as text regions, tables, figures, and even noised
regions. This task has a big influence on the
performance of its consequent text recognition task.
Currently, we receive many requests for
developing an automatically text-image recognizing
system for scanned receipts, invoices, and form
documents. By applying cutting-edge technologies
such as the method composing Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
and Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) or
the method combining CNN, RNN, and Attention-
based sequence prediction (Attn) (Jeonghun, 2019),
we achieved high recognition rates for text-line
recognition. The remaining bottleneck is a high
accuracy text-line detection model where we can trust
machines for text-line detection mostly. Besides, the
method needs to be effective and flexible to apply for
detecting text on datasets including complex
backgrounds, various styles, and languages.
In this paper, we propose a text-line detection
model, based on the Faster R-CNN architecture for
object detection (Ren, 2015). In this model, a CNN is
used to extract feature maps at multiple deep levels,
and a set of anchor boxes with different scales and
aspect ratios is employed to locate text regions on the
feature maps. Finally, a selection algorithm like Non-
Maximum Suppression (NMS) is utilized to select a
bounding box (denoted bbox shortly) with the highest
confidence score of containing a text region (Bodla,
2017). It discards other bbox candidates that are
overlapping the selected bbox.
Nguyen, K. and Odate, R.
A High Accuracy Text Detection Model of Newly Constructing and Training Strategies.
DOI: 10.5220/0010343406350642
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2021), pages 635-642
ISBN: 978-989-758-486-2
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Overview of our proposed text-detection network.
The aforementioned architecture of the text
detection model is typically used by other research
groups for text detection, but there are three our main
contributions: applying clustering methods to
produce the best fitting anchor-set for training the
model; implementing CNNs for feature extraction
that keep the almost similar number of trainable
parameters and computational complexity; proposing
a training strategy for detecting skewed and
downward/upward curved text-line regions.
The remaining of this paper is organized as
follows. In Section 2, we present the related work of
text detection. Then, in Section 3, we describe the
overview of our text detection network and the
detailed implementation with an emphasis on our
main contributions. We show the experiment result of
each contribution and comparison with other best
models in Section 4. Finally, in Section 5, we
conclude and summarize the main points in this
This section presents the related work of text
detection, including conventional methods and CNN-
based methods. Conventional methods produce not
good results on documents of complex backgrounds,
so we mainly focus on advanced methods employing
2.1 Conventional Methods
Before CNNs became popular, conventional methods
for text detection had adopted text-component
extraction by edge detection or extremal region
extraction, and then text components were conjoined
by geometric relations to make text-lines. The typical
methods here include the method by (Dinh, 2007), the
Stroke Width Transform method (SWT) by
(Epshtein, 2010), and the Maximally Stable Extremal
Region method (MSER) by (Huang, 2014). Those
methods, however, are outdated when dealing with
documents of complex backgrounds, low resolution,
stroke distortion, or touching text-lines.
2.2 CNN-based Methods
With the great advances of CNN, a wider variety of
text detection methods has been explored. (Zhou,
2017) proposed a faster and accurate model for scene
text detection. The method utilizes an CNN that can
directly produce either rotated rectangular or
quadrangular bboxes of text regions. The loss
functions for training to predict rotated rectangular
bboxes are a region overlapping loss and a cosine
similarity loss. The loss function for training to
predict coordinates of quadrilateral bboxes is a
regression loss – smooth L1 loss.
For methods using the same architecture as our
work, (Zhong, 2019) applied direct regression
(Wenhao, 2017) for Faster R-CNN to predict
quadrilateral bboxes of arbitrarily oriented text-lines.
Unlike regular Faster R-CNN using regression
training to predict offsets between pre-defined anchor
boxes and rectangular bboxes of text regions, the
method predicted core points and the offsets from
these points to quadrilateral bboxes of text regions.
The method is effective for predicting quadrilateral
bboxes but for rectangular bboxes, it works worse
than the conventional Faster R-CNN method because
the network needs to learn to output core the points
besides the offsets. That is proved by the comparison
between our method and the second rank method
submitted to the ICDAR competition (Huang, 2019)
as shown in Section 4.
In this section, we present the overview of our text
detection network and the detailed implementation of
each component in the proposed network.
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Sixteen estimated anchor boxes (red points) based on clustering the training bounding. Horizontal and vertical axes
are width and height of bboxes respectively.
3.1 Overview of Proposed Network
Figure 1 displays an overview of our proposed text-
detection network. The training inputs of the network
include text images, coordinates of ground-truth
rectangular bboxes, the class of bboxes (value of 1,
indicating that they contain text regions), and rotated
angles when applying a rotating data-augmentation
method randomly. We use a ResNet architecture
network to extract features of input images after four
container layers, defined as conv2_x, conv3_x,
conv4_x, and conv5_x by (Kaiming, 2016). This is
known as the Feature Pyramid Network. We apply the
newest techniques such as the split-transform-merge
strategy (Xie, 2017) and Squeeze-and-Excitation
(SE) (Hu, 2018) to bottleneck residual blocks of
ResNet. The details of feature extraction networks are
presented in Section 3.3.
Next, at each considering point of feature maps,
we match pre-defined anchor boxes to ground-truth
rectangular bboxes. The methods to determine the
anchor boxes are presented in Section 3.2. Anchor
boxes overlap ground-truth rectangular bboxes more
than a certain threshold of IoU (defined in Section
3.2), are assigned a positive label (value of 1). In our
configuration, the threshold is set up to 0.5. Only
positive label bboxes are considered when training
offsets and angles regressively. Others are marked by
negative labels (value of zero, indicating that they do
not contain text regions) and ignored. The network is
trained to produce the probabilities of anchor boxes
containing text regions. Besides, we perform
regression training to make the network produce
offsets between pre-defined anchor boxes of a
positive label and their corresponding ground-truth
bboxes. From pre-defined anchor boxes and their
predicted offsets, the network can produce predicted
bboxes in the testing phase. We also train regression
for oriented angles of bboxes. The loss (𝐿
) to train
the network to yield the probabilities of bboxes
including text regions is the binary cross-entropy loss
function. The regression losses for training the
network to predict coordinates (𝐿
 
) and angles
( 𝐿
 
) of bboxes are L1 loss functions. To
balance loss values, we add a weight w = 0.01 to the
loss of angle regression practically. w has a small
impact to the performance of model. The total loss
) is calculated as Eq. (1).
 
𝑤 𝐿
 
The network may produce many bboxes for each
text region. We finally revise proposed bboxes with
predicted angles before applying Non-Maximum
Suppression to discard overlapped bboxes of smaller
confident scores that show whether they include text
or not. This step is described in Section 3.4
3.2 Anchor Box Determination
Anchor box sizes are one of the most influential
factors in the performance of text detection models.
We perform a statistic from training data to determine
which anchor boxes are the most suitable to allocate
text regions. First, training bboxes are rescaled with
scaled ratios of whole images when applying data
augmentation methods such as resizing or cropping.
Then, we can choose one of the following methods to
produce the best fitting set of anchor boxes.
A High Accuracy Text Detection Model of Newly Constructing and Training Strategies
1) Method 1: clustering training bboxes into groups
based on both their width and height
We apply the K-mean algorithm to the Euclidian
distance between training bboxes and centroids for
clustering training bboxes into k groups. The center
point of each group is an anchor box for training the
network. The larger number of anchor boxes helps the
network allocate text regions more precisely,
however, it also increases the execution load of the
network. Therefore, we need to trade-off between the
number of anchor boxes and the preciseness of the
2) Method 2: clustering by Intersection of Union
Method 1 does not put priorities on bigger bboxes
and smaller bboxes. We propose a method, which
clusters training bboxes into groups, based on
Intersection of Union (IoU) metrics as Eq. (2)
between them and centroids of groups.
    
    
Figure 2 shows the distribution of determined
anchor boxes by two methods. The first method treats
every bbox with the same priority, so even at thinly
scattered areas, it also proposes anchor boxes.
Otherwise, the second method proposes more anchor
boxes in the highly-dense areas and fewer anchor
boxes in other areas. Therefore, it can estimate anchor
boxes better than the first method. We select the
second method to estimate the anchor boxes when
comparing our method with others in Section 4.
3.3 Networks for Feature Extraction
Normally, a network to extract feature maps for
locating bboxes is designed in the ResNet architecture
(Kaiming, 2016). The ResNet architecture is easy for
mapping feature maps to input images when
allocating text regions because it down-samples input
features two times after each container layers. This is
more complicated when using other deeper
architectures like Inception ResNet (Szegedy, 2016)
where each down-sampling block adds a different
offset to output sizes. ResNet is constructed by many
residual blocks as shown in Figure 3 (a). Each
residual block is built in a bottleneck architecture
which includes three convolutional layers: 1×1
convolution, 3×3 convolution, and 1×1 convolution.
The first convolutional layer reduces the
dimensionality and the last one restores it. The
number of filters of the first convolutional layer is
called bottleneck width (denoted d). Another feature
of the residual block is the addition of the input to its
output, known as skip connection or residual
connection, to produce the input for its next layer.
That makes the network can backpropagate the
gradient to early layers so that it can avoid the
gradient vanished problem and allows the network to
learn deeper in comparison with traditional
convolutional neural networks like VGG net
(Simonyan, 2014).
One of the upgraded versions of ResNet is
applying the split-transform-merge strategy of the
Inception ResNet model to each original residual
block to create a new type block named ResNeXt as
shown in Figure 3 (b) (Xie, 2017). The block keeps
the topology, the computation complexity, and spatial
output sizes the same as the original residual block.
In this block, a new dimension named cardinality
(denoted as C) is introduced. It is the number of
aggregated transformation paths. In Figure 3 (a), we
can estimate the number of trainable parameters of
the residual bottleneck block is 256×64 + 64×64×3×3
+ 64×256 where d = 64. We can split and transform
the original residual block to the corresponding block
Figure 3: Different residual blocks. Each layer is shown as (number of input channels, filter size, number of output channels).
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
as shown in Figure 3 (b) with the same number of
training parameters: C × (256 ×d + 3×3×d×d +
d×256) where C=32 and d = 4.
Furthermore, (Hu, 2018) has recently proposed a
Squeeze-and-Excitation block (SE block) that can be
combined with the ResNeXt block and bring a
significant improvement to the performance of the
original ResNet for classification. Therefore, we also
apply this idea to the ResNeXt block. The
combination is shown in Figure 3 (c) in which the
ResNeXt block (red box) is integrated into the SE
block. The SE block carries out two operations:
squeeze and excitation. The squeeze operation is
aggregating feature maps across their spatial
dimensions. The excitation operation is to capture
channel-wise dependencies which improve channel
interdependencies of features but change at least the
computational cost. The squeeze operation is
performed by the global pooling layer, and the
excitation operation is executed by fully connected
layers following by their activation layers as shown
in Figure 3 (c). The first fully connected layer and its
ReLU activation layer are to reduce the channel
dimension so that they limit model complexity and
enhance generalization. The second fully connected
layer and its sigmoid activation layer are to restore the
3.4 Detecting Skewed, Upward and
Downward Curved Text-lines
The Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) algorithm is
used to select one bbox of the highest confident score
of text including classification when having many
predicted bboxes overlapped each other at one
position. The algorithm removes other bboxes that are
overlapping the selected bbox more than a threshold.
In our network, we set the threshold of 0.25. That,
however, prunes bbox candidates of skewed,
upward/downward curved text-lines wrongly.
Especially, when these text-lines are close to each
other vertically. Therefore, we apply a training strate-
gy to make the network produce angles of text-lines.
Then, the angles are utilized to revise the bboxes of
text-lines before applying the NMS algorithm.
To do that, we take advantage that the provided
training dataset often includes straight text-lines. We
apply the rotation augmentation method to produce
skewed text-lines as shown in the input part of Figure
1. The limitation of rotated angles is in a range [-10
] from the fact that text-lines are not rotating so
much practically. The rotated angles are used to train
the text detection network regressively. The
regression learning allows the network to predict
angels of text-lines besides bbox coordinates and
confident scores of text including classification.
Figure 4: Revision of predicted bboxes. Black line bboxes
are revised with predicted angles. Other color line bboxes
are originally predicted bboxes by our network without
revision. Blue numbers are predicted angles.
In Figure 4, black line bboxes are revised with
their predicted angles while other color line bboxes
are predicted directly by our text-detection network.
The directly predicted bboxes of upward/downward
curved text-lines are easy to be removed by the NMS
algorithm because they are overlapping others. We
need to revise the bboxes of these text-lines before
applying the NMS algorithm. In our proposed
network, only predicted bboxes of angles that are
larger than one degree, are revised their angles. The
directly predicted bboxes, corresponding to revised
bboxes that are remaining after applying the MNS
algorithm are kept as results.
We assume
and 𝑥
are the top-left
and bottom-right corner coordinates of a predicted
bbox. and
 𝑥
 𝑥
/2, 𝑦
 𝑦
 𝑦
are a predicted angle (blue numbers in Figure 4)
and the center point of the bbox respectively. We
carry out rotating the bbox with ⍺
to get top-left
and bottom-right corner coordinates
of the revised bbox as Eq. (3).
∗ cos
 𝑦
∗ cos
 𝑥
∗ cos
∗ cos
We do three experiments on the receipt dataset in the
ICDAR 2019 competition on scanned receipt OCR
and information extraction (Huang, 2019). The
dataset includes a training set of 626 English receipt
images and a testing set of 361 English receipt
images. The images come along with rectangular
A High Accuracy Text Detection Model of Newly Constructing and Training Strategies
bbox coordinates of text-lines and ground-truth text.
We just use ground-truth text to set text including
labels for training.
We also compare our best model with the top rate
methods submitted to the ICDAR 2019 competition.
There is a total of 29 submissions to the ICDAR 2019
competition for detecting text regions of the above
dataset. The top-4 methods are summarized as follows:
1) The first-ranking method named “SCUT-
DLVC-Lab-Refinement” (ICDAR-MT1): The
method uses a refinement-based Mask-RCNN
model for text detection.
2) The second-ranking method named “Ping An
Property & Casualty Insurance Company
(ICDAR-MT2): This method applies an
anchor-free detection framework with FishNet
as the backbone.
3) The third-ranking method named “H&H Lab
(ICDAR-MT3): This method is based on
EAST (Zhou, 2017). They add a multi-
oriented corner network to EAST to make
network learning easier.
4) The fourth-ranking method named “GREAT-
OCR Shanghai University” (ICDAR-MT4):
This method uses a novel text detector called
Progressive Scale Expansion Network
Our models are trained in 100 epochs and batch
sizes of 8 images. We use the precision, recall, and
harmonic mean (F1 score) as the ICDAR competition
to evaluate the performance of our models. Predicted
bboxes overlapped ground-truth bboxes more than
0.5 are evaluated as correct bboxes.
4.1 Evaluating Methods to Determine
Anchor Boxes
The first experiment is to evaluate methods to
determine anchor boxes for training the network. As
shown in the first part of Table 1, clustering training
bboxes, based on both their width and height is not
good enough for determining anchor boxes. On the
other hand, clustering by IoU between assumed
anchor boxes and training bboxes proposes more
anchor boxes at the densely distributed regions of
bbox sizes, so it estimates the more fitting set of
anchor boxes. When the number of anchor box is
small, the efficiency of two methods is not evident,
but it is clear when using more number for anchor
boxes. The larger number of anchor boxes we use, the
better performance we get. However, it seems that the
efficiency increases slowly when using a large
number of bboxes. Because of the limitation of GPU,
we just train with a maximum of 96 anchor boxes.
Table 1: Contribution of different improvements to the performance of the text-detection network.
Experiments Models
F1 score
Anchor box
methods and
number of anchor
(Section 4.1)
ResNet 101 backbone + 16 anchors by method 1 +
without bbox revision
97.61 97.45 97.53
ResNet 101 backbone + 16 anchors by method 2 +
without bbox revision
97.58 97.72 97.65
ResNet 101 backbone + 36 anchors by method 1 +
without bbox revision
97.71 97.57 97.64
ResNet 101 backbone + 36 anchors by method 2 +
without bbox revision
97.89 97.83 97.86
ResNet 101 backbone + 96 anchors by method 2 +
without bbox revision
98.15 97.91 98.03
Backbone networks
for feature
(Section 4.2)
ResNet 152 backbone + 96 anchors by method 2 +
without bbox revision
98.19 98.29 98.24
ResNeXt 101 backbone + 96 anchors by method 2 +
without bbox revision
98.17 98.25 98.21
SE ResNeXt 101 backbone + 96 anchors by method 2 +
without bbox revision
98.83 98.49 98.66
Bbox revision by
predicted angles
and comparison
with other
submitted methods
(Section 4.3)
SE ResNeXt 101 backbone + 96 anchors by method 2 +
bbox revision (our best model)
98.79 98.95 98.87
ICDAR-MT1 98.64 98.53 98.59
ICDAR-MT2 98.60 98.40 98.50
ICDAR-MT3 97.93 97.95 97.94
ICDAR-MT4 96.62 96.21 96.42
ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 5: Some text detection results. We use text bounding boxes of different colors to display them better.
4.2 Asserting Efficiency of Backbone
The second experiment is to assert the efficiency of
different backbone networks for feature extraction. As
shown in the second part of Table 1, combining SE
blocks and ResNeXt blocks in SE-ResNeXt backbone
of 101 layers (~ 64 million trainable parameters) for
extract features improves the performance of the text
detection model significantly in comparison with
using ResNet of 152 layers (~75 million trainable
parameters) and ResNeXt of 101 layers (~ 60 million
trainable parameters, the same as using ResNet of 101
layers). The ResNeXt backbone of 101 layers also
shows improvement for the performance of the model,
but it still cannot outperform the original ResNet
network of 152 layers.
4.3 Comparison of with/without Bbox
Revision and Other Methods
The last experiment is a comparison of bbox revision
and without bbox revision. As shown in the second
and third part of Table 1, the revision of bboxes with
their predicted angles before applying the MNS
algorithm also shows the contribution to the
performance of the text detection model. This model
shows a better result than the best model without bbox
revision in Section 4.2. It is effective for detecting
skewed, curved downward/upward text-lines.
By integrating all improvements in this model, it
outperforms other models submitted to the ICDAR
competition. Our best model achieves the text
detection rate of 98.87% (F1 score), more than 0.28%
in comparison with the best method submitted to the
ICDAR 2019 competition.
4.4 Discussion of Detection Results
Figure 5 shows some text-detection results. Our
model can work well with receipt images of
complicated backgrounds and can detect skewed,
upward/downward curved text-lines. We also test our
best model with some of our taken Japanese receipts.
The model, just trained with the English receipt
dataset in the ICDAR 2019 competition, is also able
A High Accuracy Text Detection Model of Newly Constructing and Training Strategies
to detect text-lines on a new domain of receipts. We
blur characters in some bboxes because of sensitive
information. We think fine-tuning with a small dataset
may help the model work better on new domains of
different languages, backgrounds, and styles.
In this paper, we propose newly constructing and
training strategies for a text-detection model based on
the Faster R-CNN architecture. We focus on three
important factors that influence the accuracy of text-
detection models. Firstly, we propose an anchor box
determining method by clustering the IoU of assumed
anchor boxes and bboxes. Secondly, we implement
Squeeze-and-Excitation blocks (SE blocks) and
ResNeXt blocks to create a very deep feature
extraction network so that the model using this
network outperforms the model using the ResNet 152
network, which has more trainable parameters.
Finally, we train the text detection network with
artificially skewed text-lines, then they can predict
angles of skewed and upward/downward curved text-
lines. We use the predicted angles to revise bboxes
before applying the Non-Maximum Suppression
algorithm, so that the model can detect skewed and
upward/downward curved text-lines.
The model achieves a high accuracy of text-line
detection, so we can integrate it with our text-line
recognition model to create an automatically text-
image recognizing system for receipt, invoice, and
form images. Our approach is also flexible to apply
for other datasets of complex backgrounds, different
styles, and languages.
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ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods