to detect text-lines on a new domain of receipts. We
blur characters in some bboxes because of sensitive
information. We think fine-tuning with a small dataset
may help the model work better on new domains of
different languages, backgrounds, and styles.
In this paper, we propose newly constructing and
training strategies for a text-detection model based on
the Faster R-CNN architecture. We focus on three
important factors that influence the accuracy of text-
detection models. Firstly, we propose an anchor box
determining method by clustering the IoU of assumed
anchor boxes and bboxes. Secondly, we implement
Squeeze-and-Excitation blocks (SE blocks) and
ResNeXt blocks to create a very deep feature
extraction network so that the model using this
network outperforms the model using the ResNet 152
network, which has more trainable parameters.
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lines. We use the predicted angles to revise bboxes
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algorithm, so that the model can detect skewed and
upward/downward curved text-lines.
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detection, so we can integrate it with our text-line
recognition model to create an automatically text-
image recognizing system for receipt, invoice, and
form images. Our approach is also flexible to apply
for other datasets of complex backgrounds, different
styles, and languages.
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