in our approach. Our tooling could evolve to support
such an approach, however low-level scenarios being
more operational, they must support strict sequencing
which is not the case of our current approach.
In this paper, we proposed an integration of automated
verification of sequence diagrams inside the Capella
Open Source industrial platform used as modelling
front-end. For the verification back-end, we used the
reliable NuSMV model checker and the PyNuSMV li-
brary as flexible development and integration library
to produce a precise mapping based on hMSC se-
mantics. Our work could be validated on a drone
case study. It confirmed the tool capabilities although
with some limitations when dealing with bigger or un-
bounded models.
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highlights interesting ways to extend our work while
keeping the same approach: supporting the verifica-
tion of implied scenarios and of containment relation-
ships. On the implementation side, in order to make
our work easier to deploy and reduce the need to sup-
port different target platform, we also plan to imple-
ment the verification as a web service. We also plan to
further validate the performance and usability of our
improved tooling in other domains such as automotive
and railways.
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