concentrated on fundamental benchmark problems.
Applying the proposed approach with more scalable
solution methods to practical resource allocation and
collaboration problems will be a goal of future study.
In this study, we addressed a negotiation framework
based on asymmetric constraint optimization prob-
lems, where agents iteratively publish utility values
of their constraints and solve the problem with pub-
lished utility values. We studied applying a decentral-
ized complete solution method to solve both phases in
each negotiation round. The proposed approach em-
ploys two solution methods based on pseudo-trees to
select utility values to be published and to solve the
problem with the published utility values. As our first
investigation, we evaluated the criterion of the dedi-
cated optimization problems and aggregation opera-
tors, and demonstrated is influence and effect.
Since we employed a complete solution method
based on pseudo-trees, the scalability for complex
problems is limited. A focus of our future work
will be decentralized solution methods for large scale
problems in practical domains. Improvement of the
proposed criterion and termination condition consid-
ering agreement among agents with dedicated pricing
of privacy and utility will also be included our future
This work was supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI
Grant Number JP19K12117.
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A Study on Negotiation for Revealed Information with Decentralized Asymmetric Multi-objective Constraint Optimization