Mining Students’ Comments to Build an Automated Feedback System
Jihed Makhlouf and Tsunenori Mine
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
Educational Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Comments Mining, Automatic Feedback,
Educational Technology.
Giving the appropriate feedback to students is an important step toward helping them improve and get the most
out of the course. Most of the time, students receive this feedback during the lesson time, or when there is a
physical interaction with their professors. However, it is considerably time-consuming for the professors to
provide individualized feedback to students. In an attempt to address this issue, we prepared a questionnaire
and asked students to fill it using their freely written comments. We used these comments to generate the
appropriate feedback according to each comment and build an automated feedback system. In this paper, we
describe the data collection and compare different machine learning and natural language processing tech-
niques to build the models. Experimental results show that our proposed models achieved promising results
while applying one of the most recent language models significantly improved the performances, attaining
0.81 accuracy.
Improving the quality of students’ education has al-
ways been an objective that educational institutions
are constantly seeking to achieve. Efforts have been
made to find different ways to understand the learn-
ing experience of the students and how to improve
it. Particularly, in classroom-based environments, it
is crucial to deeply understand the students for the
purpose of intervening and providing them with the
appropriate guidance (Goda and Mine, 2011; Goda
et al., 2013). Thankfully, with the constant advances
in information technology, more educational software
systems are being adopted by different educational in-
stitutions. The usage of these systems is the source of
countless occasions of gathering intuitive data about
students. This gathered data can later be analyzed,
treated and used to build advanced models that help
educational institutions improving the learning ex-
perience of their students (Macfadyen and Dawson,
2010; Dietz and Hurn, 2013; Siemens and Long,
Due to the differences in the educational software
designs, students’ data have different forms and types.
This leads to the usage of a multitude of educational
data mining techniques. Similarly, researchers are
able to model different aspects of the students’ learn-
ing, behavior and performance (Baker and Yacef,
2009; Romero and Ventura, 2010). One of the re-
search themes using data gathered from educational
software is predicting students’ performance. Indeed,
many performance prediction models were elaborated
and used by teachers and instructors to aim their inter-
vention toward students who need it the most. How-
ever, to effectively produce robust models, it is im-
portant to define the methods and means of assessing
students’ performance. Moreover, the assessment of
the students’ performance is a prolonged procedure
that should be used to improve the quality of the stu-
dents’ learning (Hume and Coll, 2009). Furthermore,
the assessment is beneficial for both the teachers and
the students. On one hand, it can help the teacher to
monitor the students’ learning and adapt to their level
of understanding. On the other hand, the assessment
data can be useful for students when they get the feed-
back from their instructor.
In fact, providing feedback to students is known
to help them learn from their performance assessment
(Biggam, 2010). It is even more helpful if the students
could receive an individualized feedback. However,
it is very challenging for professors to keep track of
all the students’ learning state and performance across
the whole academic semester or year, since they have
to explain the content of the course while carefully
observing the students’ learning activities and reac-
tions toward the course (Goda and Mine, 2011; Yam-
tim and Wongwanich, 2014). Therefore, it is difficult
and time-consuming to individualize the professors’
Makhlouf, J. and Mine, T.
Mining Students’ Comments to Build an Automated Feedback System.
DOI: 10.5220/0010372200150025
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2021) - Volume 1, pages 15-25
ISBN: 978-989-758-502-9
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
feedback manually. One solution to this issue is to
automate the feedback.
The aim of this paper is building an automated re-
ply system that gives the proper feedback to the stu-
dents’ freely-written comments about their learning
experience and activities. Therefore, the main contri-
butions of our work are as follows:
We gathered students’ freely written comments
using a questionnaire, after each lesson. Then, we
manually provided feedback to the students based
on the comments;
We proceeded to clustering the feedback mes-
sages, and used the clusters as labels to build pre-
diction models that classify the students’ com-
ments and give the appropriate feedback;
We compare different approaches of dealing with
textual data and we investigate the effect of using
a state-of-the-art language model on the perfor-
mances of our models. Experimental results show
that we can achieve promising results, attaining
0.81 in accuracy;
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section
2 is a review of the related work that used educational
textual data and questionnaires. Section 3 is dedi-
cated to the methodology of collecting, cleaning, and
processing the data, and building the classifier mod-
els. Section 4 contains the experimental results of the
models. In Section 5, we discuss the results of the ex-
perimental phase. Finally, in Section 6, we provide a
conclusion and introduce some further improvements
of the research topic.
2.1 Feedback and Assessment
It has been demonstrated that proper feedback can
lead to a better learning of the students (D’antoni
et al., 2015; Biggam, 2010; Barker, 2011; Chin and
Osborne, 2010). Different factors, such as the timing
and content of the feedback, and the characteristics of
the learner, contribute to the effectiveness of the feed-
back (Zhu et al., 2020; Shute, 2008). The timing of
the feedback can be delayed or immediate. Different
studies found that, in classroom settings, immediate
feedback is more effective in improving the learning
of the students (Anderson et al., 2019). While over-
all the effect of the timing on the effectiveness of the
feedback is still unclear (Shute, 2008).
The feedback itself can be as simple as report-
ing the correctness of the student in a task or elabo-
rated, which contain explanations about the concepts
and the mistakes made by the students (Kroeze et al.,
2019). Compared to simple feedback, the more de-
tailed and elaborated feedback has been found to be
more effective and helpful to the students, especially
in the more complex and advanced topics (Shute,
2008; Maier et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2020). Further-
more, for the elaborated feedback, many studies were
interested in the effectiveness of generic (context-
independent) and contextualized (context-dependent)
feedback. Some researchers found that contextu-
alized feedback contributed to improving the qual-
ity of students’ writing quality, especially in short-
response tasks (Butcher and Kintsch, 2001; Jordan,
2012). Also, studies have shown that generic feed-
back helped the student engage in a more coherent
reflection and understanding of science topics (Davis,
Besides the factors that influence their effective-
ness, the feedback has different sources, forms, and
structures. In fact, the feedback can be originating
from classroom settings or from online classes. More-
over, the feedback can be related to exercises, peer-
reviews, group feedback, students self-assessment,
and so on (Biggam, 2010; Barker, 2011; D’antoni
et al., 2015). The feedback can be issued manually
or automatically. Moreover, the field of automated
feedback is continuously improving by the use of ma-
chine learning and natural language processing (Ha
et al., 2011; Dzikovska et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2016;
Zhu et al., 2020).
2.2 Questionnaires
To exploit the full potential of data-driven education,
it is necessary to gather and store insightful data. For-
tunately, with the growing usage of advanced infor-
mation technologies in teaching, the educational data
is more diverse and can be gathered from different
sources and saved in different forms.
In fact, some sources of insightful data are ques-
tionnaires and surveys. While they have already been
used for a long time, advanced data analysis and mod-
eling using the data solely from the questionnaires
are smaller compared to other sources of educational
data. Some researchers conceived a questionnaire that
quantifies the affects and traits of students like person-
ality, motivation and attitude. They used the gathered
data to build predictive models of the students’ lan-
guage aptitude of English taking into account reading,
writing and speaking (Bachtiar et al., 2011).
Other researchers used a big selection of course-
evaluation questionnaires targeted to undergraduate
students. They used the data recovered from the ques-
tionnaires to build a linear regression model to de-
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
tect which aspects have an influence on the evaluation
of the course and its respective teacher (Jiang et al.,
More recently, other researchers collected high
school students’ reflections during a game-based
learning. They manually annotated the textual data
to give a single rating score to each of the students’
reflections. Later, they used natural language em-
bedding with machine learning to build a regression
model that predicts the rating of students’ reflections
(Carpenter et al., 2020).
2.3 Questionnaires and Students’
Studies about using data gathered from questionnaires
to build predictive models are not plentiful, and it
is more rare to find research topics that used only
the textual data collected from surveys and question-
naires. For example, some researchers gathered stu-
dents’ textual answer data from the term-end ques-
tionnaires. They mixed it with other types of data,
such as homework evaluation, test scores and atten-
dance and extracted the writing characteristics of high
performance students (Minami and Ohura, 2013).
In another research topic, scientists collected textual
data from a course rating survey. This survey con-
sisted of open-ended comments. The authors later
used the textual data to detect the most crucial aspects
of the comments and how they affect the course eval-
uation (Sliusarenko et al., 2013).
In a different background, other researchers pro-
duced a questionnaire in which students are asked to
input their self-reflection of their learning activities
using free comments. The students had to fill in the
questionnaire after each lesson. Using this question-
naire, the authors introduced the PCN method which
stands for Previous, Current, Next (Goda and Mine,
2011). It provides the ability to acquire temporal in-
formation of each student’s learning activity relatively
to the corresponding lesson. The first subset P (Pre-
vious) covers all the student’s activities prior to the
lesson. It can be in the form of preparation of the ac-
tual lesson or a review of the previous lesson. The
second subset C (Current) is related to all activities
made during the class. It particularly covers the stu-
dent’s understanding of the content of the lesson, the
problems that he / she have faced and the activities
that involve teamwork or communication with peer
classmates. Finally, the subset N (Next) encapsulates
the students’ comments about plans to review the ac-
tual lesson and prepare for the next lesson. The au-
thors discovered that the PCN method encouraged the
students to enhance their self-reflection while teach-
ers collect insightful data about the students’ own ap-
preciation of their learning activities. The students’
answers to the questionnaires were read by the pro-
fessors who subsequently give their feedback to each
The implementation of the PCN method was fol-
lowed by multiple research projects aiming at pre-
dicting the students’ performance and grades by an-
alyzing their textual data. The authors could prove
the efficiency of using the students’ comments to
achieve robust prediction performances in different
approaches (Goda and Mine, 2011; Goda et al., 2013;
Sorour et al., 2014; Sorour et al., 2015; Sorour et al.,
2017). In a following work we could model the stu-
dents’ learning experience by using their comments
(Makhlouf and Mine, 2020).
2.4 Scope of this Work
The prediction models of students’ scores are help-
ful to assess the students’ performance. However,
the students’, in their side, won’t benefit properly
from this system unless the professors give them
the appropriate feedback. However, these tasks are
time-consuming, and the professors find themselves
quickly overwhelmed by the number of students’
comments to review, yet to give the proper feedback.
Therefore, in this paper we investigate the following
research questions:
RQ1: How can we automatically give feedback to
students based on their freely-written comments?
RQ2: To which extent can we apply a state-of-the art
language model to a closed domain?
3.1 Data Acquisition
We gathered the students’ comments using a ques-
tionnaire based on the PCN method. We asked the
students to fill in the questionnaire after each les-
son. In this research topic, we collected the comments
from the 2017 and 2018 programming courses for un-
dergraduate students. Each course was composed of
7 lessons. Therefore, we collected comments from 14
different lessons. Moreover, each lesson is 3 hours
long. Every row in the dataset files corresponds to
one student reply to the questionnaire after a partic-
ular lesson. During these two courses we had 109
different students enrolled. Each student reply to the
questionnaire is composed by 5 comments answering
5 predefined questions following the PCN method.
Mining Students’ Comments to Build an Automated Feedback System
Table 1 lists the decomposition of the 5 questions
into the 3 subsets P, C and N. In the first subset P
(Previous) we ask the students about the learning ac-
tivities to prepare for the lesson. The second subset C
(Current) is composed by 3 questions. Students start
by reporting their problems and which parts of the les-
son they did not understand. In the second question,
they outline which parts they discovered and under-
stood. Finally, they state the activities they had with
their classmates. In the last subset N (Next), the stu-
dents provide their plans to review and prepare for the
next lesson. Therefore, each student’s comment is re-
lated to one question. So, the first step we do with
the dataset is that we divide each student’s submis-
sion into 5 individual comments. Then, we proceed
to an initial cleanup of empty comments. By the end
of this phase we have 2558 comments all questions
3.2 Manual Data Annotation
An important step toward building the automated re-
ply system is to manually give feedback to students’
comments. Therefore, we asked two students in their
master program to give feedback to the undergradu-
ate students’ comments. It is very important to keep
in mind that the feedback does not require absolute
mastery of the course content. The reviewers won’t
provide detailed explanations because very few stu-
dents’ comments have in depth description of situa-
tions related to advanced topics of the course. Also,
the objective is not to answer the students’ questions
but rather to provide them with guidance and encour-
agements while assessing their learning activities.
3.3 Initial Data Analysis and Clustering
Our dataset is collected from the two classes of the
same topic, which is programming for undergradu-
ate. Each class has 7 lessons. Although we asked
students to submit their answers to the questionnaire,
some of them did not keep it up, and missed some
questions or the whole questionnaire in some lessons.
It can be caused by different reasons such as being ab-
sent or forgetting. This situation causes the number of
comments to be inconsistent between lessons. Figure
1 shows the number of comments collected for each
lesson. Lessons 1 to 7 constitute the 2017 course,
while lessons 8 to 14 belong to the 2018 course. It
is fair to say that students in the 2018 course were
more consistent in writing their comments contrarily
to their peers of the 2017 course. In fact, we had 46
comments per lesson on average in the 2018 course,
which drops to 30 comments per lesson on average in
the 2017 course. The overall average is 38 comments
per lesson across the entire dataset.
After the collection of the dataset, and the split
of the questions, we proceed to one more round of
cleaning up. We removed incoherent comments, and
comments without a feedback for whatever error. 14
more comments were discarded as we end up having
2544 comments in the final dataset.
Figure 1: Number of comments per lesson.
When submitting the questionnaire, the students had
to answer different questions. Therefore, answers
are different and some questions might require more
details than others. Consequently, we analyzed the
length of the students’ comments to check if there is
any noticeable difference. In Figure 2, we show the
distribution of the length of the students’ comments
depending on the question. We can clearly notice
that the teamwork question is where the students de-
scribe the least. It might be an indicator of low coop-
eration between students. The rest of the comments
have slightly similar lengths. The comments related
to ”Preparation”, ”Findings”, and ”Next Plan” ques-
tions are more similar while the comments associated
with the ”Problems” question have longer maximum
and shorter median lengths.
After the manual data annotation, we found that
we have too many different replies (120), therefore,
a direct classification model will not be effective. So
the first step was to cluster the comments and affil-
iate to them the proper response which will be used
as the class label later on. The most straightforward
way of clustering the comments is to use the question
types first. Once the comments were separated by the
question types, we checked the feedback provided by
the reviewers. We found that many feedback were
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Questions and comments following the PCN method.
Subset Question Example of comments
P What did you do to prepare for this lecture? I read the syllabus.
Do you have anything you did not understand?
Any questions?
I had problems installing and running the envi-
C What are your findings in this lesson? I understood the basics of programming.
Did you discuss or cooperate with your friends? I talked with my friends about errors in my com-
N What is your plan to do for the next lecture? I will do my best to avoid my errors and submit
the report.
Figure 2: Comments length per question.
Figure 3: Number of comments per feedback message.
similar but formulated differently, therefore they were
counted as different feedback messages. So, we pro-
ceed to manually regrouping and clustering the com-
ments based on the meaning of the feedback messages
provided. With this clustering, we managed to reduce
drastically the number of unique feedback comments.
Also, in the process, we made sure that the feedback
are not shared in between questions, which means
each feedback message is unique in the dataset, even
outside of its corresponding question. From the 120
feedback messages, we only kept 22 unique feedback
messages. Figure 3 exposes the number of comments
for each class. We easily notice that there are some
predominant classes, and that reflects the type of com-
ments that the students provided as well. For exam-
ple, many students reply with ”None”, ”Nothing” or
”Nothing in particular” when they answer the ques-
tion ”Did you have any problems?”. At such times,
the feedback given by the reviewer was to encourage
them to self-reflect more. Even if there are predom-
inant classes within the questions types, there is not
any class that has the absolute majority of data points.
To investigate the distribution of the feedback classes
between the questions types we count the number of
feedback classes for each question type, before and
after the clustering.
In fact, Table 2 shows the distribution of the num-
ber of feedback classes for each question type. In av-
erage, we have 24 feedback classes by question before
the clustering. After the clustering, we have 4.4 feed-
back classes for each question. Questions related to
the ”problems” and ”findings” had the highest num-
ber of feedback classes both before the clustering and
after, followed by the ”preparation” questions. Ques-
tion related to ”teamwork” and ”plans” had smaller
class number. The number of feedback classes were
influenced by the diversity of the students’ comments.
For example, in the ”Teamwork” question, students
mostly say that they did not cooperate with class-
mates. Therefore, the feedback messages were usu-
ally encouraging them to ask help from friends or
work together when it is possible. Accordingly, we
had only 10 different feedback messages before the
clustering. We regrouped them into 3 different feed-
back classes.
Mining Students’ Comments to Build an Automated Feedback System
Table 2: Number of the feedback classes by question.
Subset Question Before After
P Preparation 26 5
Problems 30 6
C Findings 34 5
Teamwork 10 3
N Plans 20 3
3.4 Features Pre-processing
Since the textual data is written in the Japanese lan-
guage, the text pre-processing steps have to be done
accordingly. Moreover, since it is a programming
course, the comments frequently contained special
characters and punctuation. Also, English texts ap-
pear either within the comments written in Japanese,
or sometimes a full comment written in English.
The first step in the pre-processing phase is to re-
move line breaks, redundant or extra blank spaces.
Special characters and punctuation are kept for later
usage. After that, English texts were transformed to
all lower case. For the Japanese text, it was firstly
normalized to avoid problems between half-width and
full-width writings and similar issues. This step was
done using the neologdn normalizer for the Japanese
language. Just by normalizing the feedback messages
we could spare some feedback classes due to small
issues in text encoding during the review phase.
After cleaning up and normalizing the text, we
proceed to some pattern detection. In fact, there are
two main patterns that we noticed. The first one is re-
lated to the ”Preparation” question. Many students
write the duration of their preparation. Some stu-
dents write in minutes, while others write in hours.
So the main idea was to replace any occurrence of the
time of preparation by a special token called ”study-
Time”. The second pattern was the incorporation
of source code inside the comment. Since it was a
programming course, we had to detect the syntax of
the programming language within the comments us-
ing the special characters kept in the previous pre-
processing phases, and replace the source code by the
special token ”Code”. After the pattern replacement,
we clean again our comments from the unused spe-
cial characters. Finally, we use MeCab for the pars-
ing and POS (Part Of Speech) tagging. MeCab is
a dictionary-based Part-of-Speech and Morphological
Analyzer for the Japanese language.
3.5 Features Engineering
In one of our previous research works, we found that
the context of the question is helpful to improve the
model’s performances. Therefore, we include the
context of the question inside the comment by adding
a simple padding containing the type of the question
in the beginning of each comment. For example, if the
student commented: ”I reviewed the content and prac-
ticed at home” when answering the question ”What
did you do to prepare for this lecture?”, then we trans-
form the comment by adding a padding as follows:
< preparation> I reviewed the content and practiced
at home”. Similar padding with different content will
be applied to the rest of the questions.
One more step of feature engineering is to prepare
the textual data to be used by the machine learning
methods. In fact, to be used in a model, the textual
data should be encoded into numerical values. We try
several widely adopted techniques for encoding tex-
tual data into vectors. The first is TF-IDF (Term Fre-
quency Inverse Document Frequency) and the sec-
ond is Doc2Vec. The vectors produced by these two
methods are used by the machine learning classifiers.
On the other hand, we investigate the application of
one of the recent state-of-the-art deep learning lan-
guage models called BERT.
3.5.1 TF-IDF
The TF-IDF is composed by two parts. The first part
is the Term Frequency, which is simply the count of
each word occurrence often normalized by dividing
by the length of the respective document. The second
part is the Inverse Document Frequency which is mea-
sured by dividing the total number of documents by
the number of documents that contain the word. The
Inverse Document Frequency was firstly proposed by
Karen Sparck Jones in 1972 (Sparck Jones, 1972). To
generate the TF-IDF matrices we used the scikit-learn
Python machine learning library (Pedregosa et al.,
3.5.2 Doc2Vec
Doc2Vec is an unsupervised machine learning algo-
rithm that generates vectors for sentences or para-
graphs or documents (Le and Mikolov, 2014). It
was inspired from it famous predecessor Word2Vec
that generates vector representations of words using
texts (Mikolov et al., 2013). Generating the Doc2Vec
weights can be done using two different methods:
Distributed Bag of Words (DBOW) and Distributed
Memory (DM). Generating the Doc2Vec sentence
representations was accomplished using the gensim
Python library (
rek and Sojka, 2010).
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
3.5.3 BERT
BERT is the abbreviation of Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers. It is a language
model released in 2018, that achieved state of the art
performances in different natural language process-
ing tasks (Devlin et al., 2018). BERT makes use
of Transformer, an attention mechanism that learns
contextual relations between words (or sub-words)
in a text. BERT is very useful since fine-tuning
a pre-trained BERT model does not require heavy
changes in the neural network architecture. Loading
the pre-trained BERT model was done using the Hug-
gingFace’s Transformers python package (Wolf et al.,
3.6 Process Summary
A summary of the methodology of this work is shown
in Figure 4. After gathering the students’ comments,
we proceed to manually giving feedback to each com-
ment. Then, we cluster the feedback messages and
their respective comments. Later, we split our data
into 80% training and 20% testing. We used a strati-
fied split to keep the proportions of the classes in each
split. Afterward, we apply the pre-processing and
padding to the comments. When training the mod-
els we investigate different approaches. When using
TF-IDF and Doc2Vec, we searched through 3 ma-
chine learning algorithms and their respective hyper-
parameters. The objective was to find, for both tech-
niques, which machine learning method gives the best
results. We choose to try Random Forest and Sup-
port Vector Machines based on a study that showed
them having strong performances in different ma-
chine learning problems (Fern
andez-Delgado et al.,
2014). We also decided to include eXtreme Gradi-
ent Boosting due to its popularity and impressive re-
sults in machine learning contests. Comparing these
methods was done using a cross validated grid search.
Once we determine the best performing methods, we
compare them to the usage of BERT language model.
4.1 Fine Tuning
During the fine-tuning phase, we explore 6 alterna-
tives by running a cross-validated grid search. Table 3
exposes the results of the fine-tuning phase. When us-
ing TF-IDF for text encoding we found that the Ran-
dom Forest classifier achieved the best average accu-
racy attaining 0.77, followed by the SVM with 0.76,
Figure 4: Summary of the process.
and lastly came XGBoost attaining 0.75 average ac-
curacy. On the other hand, when we use Doc2Vec
text representation, XGBoost had the best average ac-
curacy score reaching 0.73. Random Forest came sec-
ond with a score of 0.72 and worse performance was
achieved by SVM with 0.70 average accuracy score.
4.2 Validation
After finding the best performing machine learning
algorithm for each textual encoding method, we com-
pare them to the usage of BERT. We train the models
on the training data and validate our results using the
unseen testing data.
Since we are analyzing Japanese text, we loaded
a pre-trained model trained on Japanese Wikipedia.
The pre-trained model was provided by Tohoku Uni-
. After that, we add an output layer to the
deep neural network to adapt it to the classification
problem that we have and the number of classes of
our feedback.
The results of the validation phase are shown in
Table 4. We can see that the usage of BERT language
Mining Students’ Comments to Build an Automated Feedback System
Table 3: Average accuracy score after the cross validated grid search.
Random Forest Support Vector Machines eXtreme Gradient Boosting
TF-IDF Encoding 0.77 0.76 0.75
Doc2Vec Encoding 0.72 0.70 0.73
model improved significantly the performances of our
classification model. It outperformed the other tech-
niques. It achieved 0.81 accuracy. When checking
the performance class-wise, we can see that it also
achieved robust performances in the weighted pre-
cision attaining 0.78, the weighted recall by reach-
ing 0.81 and also the weighted F1 score obtaining
0.79. The two other methods achieved results simi-
lar to each other with a slight advantage for TF-IDF
encoding with the usage of Random Forest algorithm.
However, when we measure the Macro F1 score, all
models do not perform very well. In fact, the TF-
IDF model attained 0.50 while the two other models
achieved a score of 0.53. Indeed, this is caused by
the imbalance between the feedback classes and the
number of data points in each class.
4.3 Performance Analysis
To better understand the results of our models, we
look at the prediction performances by class. Fig-
ure 5 shows the Weighted F1 scores achieved by each
model for each feedback class.
Figure 5: F1 scores for each class by all models.
We can see that the performance is not consistent
across all classes. To investigate the effects of the
number of comments of each class on the models
performances, we ordered the feedback classes by
the number of comments. The performance in gen-
eral is decreasing with the reduction of the number
of comments. However, in many cases the models
still performed well even with small number of com-
ments. Moreover, when the number of comments is
below 20, the models have an F1 score of 0 except
the Doc2Vec model in class 18. Also, the models had
a sudden drop in the performance where the number
of comments are relatively high, particularly in class
9. This inconsistency in the performances can be ex-
plained by the number of comments in general. Also,
the imbalance between the classes, especially the im-
balance between the classes within the same question,
has an effect on the performances of the models.
We can fairly say that the usage of the language
model did improve the performances of the classifica-
tion. However, the class imbalance made it difficult
to achieve close-to-perfect results. In fact, we can
notice from Figure 5 that the models perform simi-
larly. The BERT-based model performs slightly bet-
ter. The low scores are from classes that have a few
data points. When this happens, all models suffer al-
most similarly and their performance drops, except
for some cases. This can be explained by the fact
that most of the students have similar comments when
they submit the questionnaire. On the other hand, the
reviewer did not have much the choice except giving
similar feedback to similar comments, with some few
exceptions of comments that do not follow the same
distribution. Moreover, we could have increased this
effect during the clustering phase. In fact, most of
the merging and clustering gave more data points to
the dominant classes within the question type, and a
little less for the classes that already have a few data
points. Nonetheless, the clustering phase was crucial
to reduce the number of classes and allow, in differ-
ent ways, the smaller classes to get a little bit more
regrouped. For example, students who did provide a
detailed explanation of what they did not understand
including some code are very few. But they can be
regrouped with other student comment to which the
proper feedback was to encourage them to ask ques-
tions in the classroom when they meet the professor.
The overall results suggest that we can achieve
the objective of the first research question. In fact,
the models performances demonstrated that we can
automate the process of giving feedback to students’
CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 4: Validation scores on unseen data.
Metric Accuracy Weighted Precision Weighted Recall Weighted F1 Macro F1
TF-IDF RF 0.75 0.74 0.75 0.74 0.50
Doc2Vec XGB 0.74 0.74 0.73 0.73 0.53
BERT-based 0.81 0.78 0.81 0.79 0.53
freely-written comments. Moreover, when we look at
the performances of the BERT-based model, we can
fairly say that it did better than the rest of the models.
Therefore, the application of this state-of-the-art lan-
guage model in a closed domain with relatively small
dataset is beneficial. These findings give us a posi-
tive answer to our second research question about the
usage of deep learning language models.
Giving students an immediate guidance and feedback
is a challenging task outside of the classroom set-
tings (Goda and Mine, 2011; Goda et al., 2013). But
thanks to the advances in educational technology and
the adoption of educational software systems, profes-
sors and students can reach each other more easily.
Following the PCN method (Goda and Mine, 2011),
we implemented a questionnaire that asks students 5
predefined questions about their learning activities.
Students provide their freely written comments and
receive the feedback from their professor. However,
the task of sending feedback to students is very time-
consuming. Therefore, it was necessary to find ways
to help the professor deal with this growing flow of
In this study, we collected students’ comments,
then we had 2 reviewers give feedback to the com-
ments. After that, we conducted a manual clustering
to regroup similar comments depending on the feed-
back. Therefore, we reduced the number of classes
and proceeded to build the classification models. We
tried 3 different methods to build the classifiers. The
first two used two popular text representation meth-
ods: TF-IDF and Doc2Vec, and building a machine
learning classifier. The third method consist of using
BERT language model. Empirical results suggest that
using the language model improved the model’s per-
However, the experimental results have shown
that there is still a problem that stops our classifiers
from having better results. The class imbalance exists
in the dataset in general, but also within the different
questions. Therefore, it is a clear limitation of our
work. We need to gather more students’ comments.
Another limitation might be related to the clustering
phase. In fact, the authors clustered the feedback mes-
sages according to the meaning, while the priority was
to reduce the number of classes as much as possible.
But, they did not take into account the semantic differ-
ence between the feedback messages inter-questions.
One solution could be clustering the feedback mes-
sages regardless of the question type. Another solu-
tion would be to cluster the feedback messages while
maximizing semantic difference instead of minimiz-
ing the number of classes. Also, a workaround to
solve the class imbalance is applying data oversam-
pling or undersampling.
While this work settled the premises of a robust
feedback model, improvements can be achieved and
are subject to further studies. In fact, the question-
naires used following the PCN method showed that
students’ explicit freely-written comments hold many
valuable information. In our work, we used manual
clustering. Since the models showed good perfor-
mances we can fairly say that the clustering was help-
ful. However, we could investigate to which extend
the clustering phase can influence the results. There-
fore, one interesting topic is inspecting the quality of
the manual clustering by, perhaps, comparing it to an
automatic clustering technique. We can also emphasis
on the semantic distance between the feedback mes-
Also, beyond the models’ performance metrics, it
is necessary to investigate the effect of the automated
feedback in these particular settings which are the stu-
dents’ comments. We can collect the students’ self-
assessment comments and see if there is any improve-
ment in their learning attitude, their expressiveness,
and their aptitude for self-reflecting.
Finally, we are planning to improve the actual
models and use them to build a chatbot that engages
the students in and interactive discussion. In fact,
chatbots have been used in educational settings and
have shown promise in engaging the students across
different aspects (Smutny and Schreiberova, 2020). In
this research work, we fulfilled the building blocks of
such a system. We are planning to further investigate
its usage as a chatbot while helping students acquire
the skills for a proper self-assessment.
Mining Students’ Comments to Build an Automated Feedback System
This work is partly supported by JSPS KAK-
ENHI, Grant Numbers: JP18K18656, JP19KK0257,
JP20H04300, and JP20H01728.
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Mining Students’ Comments to Build an Automated Feedback System