Variational Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection in Event Data in
Online Process Mining
Philippe Krajsic
and Bogdan Franczyk
1,2 b
Business Information Systems Institute, Leipzig University, Grimmaische Straße 12, Leipzig, Germany
Business Information Systems Institute, Wrocław University of Economics, ul. Komandorska 118-120, Poland
Keywords: Anomaly Detection, Business Process Management, Deep Generative Model, Process Mining, Variational
Abstract: The analysis of event data recorded by information systems is becoming increasingly relevant. An increasing
data-centric analysis of processes by using process mining techniques has a direct impact on the management
of business processes. To achieve a positive impact on business process management, a high quality data basis
is important. This paper presents an approach for the application of variational autoencoder for the filtering
of anomalous event data in an online process mining environment, which help to improve the results of
process mining techniques and thus positively influence business process management. For anomaly detection
in an unsupervised environment, mass-volume and excess-mass scores are used as metrics. The results are
compared on the basis of established algorithms such as one-class support vector machine, isolation forest
and local outlier factor. These insights are used to highlight the benefits of this approach for process mining
and business process management.
Process Mining (van der Aalst, 2016) is a new
analytical discipline for identifying, monitoring and
improving real processes, where existing data is
extracted from event logs provided by information
systems. As real processes (e.g. logistics, loan
application, payment) become more and more
dynamic and complex, it is crucial to be able to
analyze these processes in real time and to react
adequately to deviations and inconsistencies. The
real-time reaction to inconsistencies within the
processes highlights new potentials, such as more
efficient process design, which goes hand in hand
with reducing and preventing losses. The associated
analysis and cleansing of these event logs is
becoming increasingly important. Existing analysis
methods typically assume that the input event data is
completely free of incorrect data and infrequent
behavior, which does not usually correspond to
reality (van der Aalst et al., 2004) (Leemans et al.,
2013). Incorrect data in event streams can lead to
incorrect results during further processing. For
example, the accuracy of drift detection can be
negatively affected by stochastic vibrations due to
inaccurate event streams (Maaradji et al., 2017)
(Ostovar et al., 2016). Approaches that have been
conducted in this area using filtering techniques to
eliminate erroneous events from event data show an
improvement in the quality of process mining
techniques which leads to an optimization of the
analysis of the processes (Wang et al., 2015) (Conforti
et al., 2017). The majority of these approaches on event
data based anomaly detection addresses batch
processing, i.e. the processing of historical data. In
order to take full advantage of the possibilities offered
by anomaly detection methods, it is necessary to
transfer these methods to an online setting. This
enables the use of anomaly detection methods and
subsequent process mining techniques in operational
support and allows processes to be influenced in real-
time due to deviations in process flow.
To address this challenge this paper proposes a
new approach to detect anomalies and infrequent
behavior in an online process mining setting using
deep generative models, especially variational
Krajsic, P. and Franczyk, B.
Variational Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection in Event Data in Online Process Mining.
DOI: 10.5220/0010375905670574
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 1, pages 567-574
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
autoencoders. The contribution of this work to
information system research can be summarized as
follows: (i) demonstration of the use of a deep
generative model, like the variational autoencoder
used in this work, for unsupervised anomaly detection
in process event data, (ii) its embedding into an online
process mining environment for real-time operational
use and (iii) highlighting the benefits of high-quality
event data using variational autoencoder for process
mining and business process management.
The remainder of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 provides a background on process
mining and event data and a look at related work in
the area of anomaly detection approaches in event
data in a process mining context. Section 3 presents
the developed approach for anomaly detection in
event data using a variational autoencoder. This
section contains the methodology for the selection of
the technology, the formal description of the
variational autoencoder and the integration of the
variational autoencoder in an online process mining
environment. Section 4 presents the approach for
anomaly detection. In Section 5 a preliminary
technical experiment of the presented variational
autoencoder is conducted. Section 6 evaluates the
presented approach with regard to the benefits for
process mining and related areas. The final section 7
concludes the paper and presents future work.
In the management of business processes, new
technologies have emerged in recent years that
increase the quality of business processes. In the
following, the extension of business process
management with data-driven process mining and the
event data that is central to it are briefly presented.
Subsequently, existing approaches from the literature
are presented, which describe the filtering of
anomalies and incorrect behavior from event data and
thus increase the process quality.
2.1 Business Process Management and
Process Mining
Business Process Management (BPM) is a broad
discipline and a systematic approach to planning,
controlling, monitoring and improving business
processes. The focus here is on the organization of a
company's business processes with the aim of
coordinating and improving them through
appropriate planning and weighting in order to
increase both effectiveness and efficiency in the
manufacture of products and services (Gabler, 2020).
The main focus of the current BPM literature is on the
control flow perspective. With the ongoing
development in data processing, this perspective does
not lose its importance but has to be complemented by
other data-centric components in order to lead to a real
improvement of business processes (van der Aalst et
al., 2016). An important step towards a symbiosis of
model-driven and data-driven BPM is the use of the
event data available in the information systems of the
organizations. The idea behind the integration of data-
centric analysis methods is to minimize the variability
of the processes by early detection of anomalies and
misbehavior in the event data.
From this necessity the process mining
technology has emerged. The explorative, automated
recognition of business processes is the focus of
process mining. Furthermore, it bridges the gap
between traditional model-based process analysis
(e.g. business process improvement) and data-centric
analysis techniques (e.g. machine learning) (van der
Aalst, 2016). It also offers new ways of extracting
knowledge from data generated and stored in the
databases of (enterprise) information systems to
generate event data and can be used in a variety of
areas, such as automatically discover process models,
checking compliances with reference models or
determining the cause for different process variants.
Due to these characteristics and application
possibilities process mining offers additional
potentials that can be used in the context of BPM. For
example, processes can be enhanced with additional
information such as cycle times and resource
utilization, which can be used to improve the process
and contribute to the strategic objectives of the
organization. Process Mining enables organizations
to take a deeper look into their end-to-end processes.
As a result, process mining methods are now used in
all phases of the BPM life cycle to improve the actual
processes with the help of the available event data
(van der Aalst et al., 2016).
2.2 Event Data
Process Mining evaluates event data that was
recorded during the execution of a process. An event
is any data that is recorded during the execution of a
process and is considered the smallest unit within a
process. The granularity of an event depends on the
application domain as well as the way it is recorded.
For example, an event can describe which activity of
a process was executed at what time. In the same way,
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
it can also describe the different stages of the
execution of an activity, e.g. events refer to the
scheduling, starting, suspending, continuing or
completing of an activity (van Zelst et al., 2018). An
event is an assignment of values to a set of attributes.
In order to optimally use the potential of process
mining technology for operational support, it is
important to perform an analysis of the generated
event data in real-time. Such real-time event streams
are chronologically ordered sequences of unique
events (van Zelst et al., 2018).
The event data extracted from the information
systems (e.g., ERP systems) forms the basis for all
further process mining activities. Therefore, the
accuracy of this event data is essential for a high
process quality.
2.3 Related Work
Regarding the approaches to filtering methods of
event data in the context of process mining, the
current state of research can be described as follows:
With regard to detection and filtering of anomalies in
event logs, there are some approaches described in the
literature. In (Wang et al. 2015) a reference model is
used to detect inappropriate behavior and repair the
affected log. The approach proposed in (Conforti et
al., 2017) is based on an automaton which is modeled
on the frequent process behavior recorded in the logs.
(Sani et al., 2017) proposes an approach that uses
conditional probabilities between activity sequences
to eliminate events that are unlikely in a particular
sequence. In (Nolle et al., 2018) an approach using
autoencoders for event classification is proposed. A
stand-alone approach for filtering anomalies in event
streams is offered in (van Zelst et al., 2018). It
proposes an event processor that allows to effectively
filter out unwanted events from an online event
stream, based on probabilistic automaton.
With regard to the application of deep generative
models in a business process environment the work
of (Taymouri et al., 2020) should be mentioned that
proposes an adversarial training framework based on
an adaptation of generative adversarial networks to
the realm of sequential temporal business event data.
Approaches that address the filtering of event data
in an online setting are very limited (van Zelst et al.,
2018). These mostly use statistical methods that make
a priori assumptions about the underlying relationship
of the variables used (Ahn et al., 2020). This leads to
the difficulty that underlying probability distributions
and variable relationships have to be adjusted for each
use case. Furthermore, statistical models are often not
suitable for processing high-dimensional data (Ahn et
al., 2020). For these reasons, the advantages of deep
generative models and its application in the field of
anomaly detection in business event data are
considered in this work.
In order to optimize these weaknesses in the
processing of event streams, a method is to be
established that enables self-learning and
unsupervised filtering of anomalies from event
streams for an improved process flow. Therefore, the
selection of the variational autoencoder used in this
work is described in the following. Based on this, a
formal description of the variational autoencoder and
the integration of the variational autoencoder in an
online process mining setting is given.
3.1 Deep Generative Models
In addition to the disadvantages of statistical
techniques, the required specialized process
knowledge and the extraction of suitable features
from the examined data also poses a relevant
challenge. The development of new models in the
areas of deep learning and time series analysis make
it possible to reduce precisely this need. With the help
of special deep learning methods a specific selection
of data features is possible. This includes methods
such as convolutional neural networks, recurrent
neural networks, generative adversarial networks and
variational autoencoder. Especially in the context of
anomaly detection in event streams, the superiority of
deep learning techniques compared to statistical
techniques is shown (Gamboa, 2017) (Ahn et al.,
2019) (OMeara et al., 2018). So called deep
generative models (DGM) are a special form of deep
learning techniques. DGM use deep neural networks
to parameterize the conditional distributions of the
observed data. The advantage of these models is that
they can be used for a variety of applications and, in
contrast to discriminative models, can learn from both
labelled and unlabelled data (Bishop, 2006). DGM
include in particular the generative adversarial
network (GAN) and variational autoencoder (VAE).
The main difference of GANs compared to VAEs is
that they are implicit, i.e. the likelihood of the
samples produced cannot be evaluated directly
(Goodfellow et al., 2016). Therefore, GANs are
usually trained solely with adversarial procedures.
Variational Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection in Event Data in Online Process Mining
These implicit probabilities make it inherently difficult
to treat their parameters in an appropriate manner. It is
therefore unclear how to prioritize weightings and
learn approximate posterior distributions. Out of these
mentioned disadvantages of the GANs, VAEs are to be
used for anomaly detection in process event streams
addressed in this work.
3.2 Formal Description of VAE
The approach of an VAE was first introduced by
(Kingma and Welling, 2014). In order to make the
functioning of the VAE comprehensible, it will be
briefly described here. For a more formal description
of the VAE, please refer to (Kingma and Welling,
Figure 1 shows an exemplary architecture of a
VAE. VAE are latent variable models (Doersch,
2016) (Kingma and Welling, 2019). Such models are
based on the idea that the data generated by a model
can be parameterized by a number of variables that
create some specific characteristics of a given data
point. These variables are called latent variables. One
of the main ideas behind VAE is that instead of trying
to explicitly construct a latent space (space of latent
variables) and to sample from it in order to find
samples that could actually produce correct outputs
(as close as possible to our distribution), an encoder-
decoder-like network that is divided into two parts is
constructed (Kingma and Welling, 2019):
Probabilistic Encoder: The encoder inputs a
datapoint and outputs a hidden representation ,
and has weights and biases . The encoder must learn
an efficient compression of the data into this lower-
dimensional space . We denote the encoder
The lower-dimensional space is stochastic, so the
encoder outputs parameters to
|, which is a
Gaussian probability density. The probabilistic
| produces the mean and standard
deviation of a normal distribution. We can sample
from this distribution to get noisy values of the
representations .
Probabilistic Decoder: Like the encoder, the
decoder is another neural net. The decoder inputs the
representation and outputs the parameters to the
probability distribution of the data, and has weights
and biases . The decoder is denoted by
|. To
find out how much information was lost during
decoding we measure the reconstruction log-
|. This measures how effectively
the decoder has learned to reconstruct an input
given its latent representation .
Figure 1: Example architecture of a variational autoencoder
(Kingma and Welling, 2019).
The loss function of the VAE is calculated by the
reconstruction loss or expected negative log-
likelihood of the -th datapoint in the first term and
the Kullback-Leibler divergence (Kullback and
Leibler, 1951) in the second term:
The lost function is a method of evaluating how
well the VAE models the given data and calculates
how much information is lost during the
reconstruction of the data. A bad reconstruction of the
data automatically leads to high costs in the loss
function and thus to a high reconstruction error. The
aim is to keep this reconstruction error as low as
possible so that 
3.3 Using VAE in Online Process
In this section the integration of the VAE in an online
process mining setting is described. A suitable
embedding in the process mining workflow leads to
better process mining activities through filtered event
streams and thus to an optimized BPM. The
advantage of integrating the VAE into a lambda
architecture (Marz and Warren, 2013) results from
the processing of streaming data as well as historical
data, which are relevant when using process mining
techniques. A more detailed description of the use of
a lambda architecture for anomaly detection in event
streams is offered in (Krajsic and Franczyk, 2020).
Figure 2 illustrates the embedding of the VAE (event
filter) in an online process mining setting. A batch
layer with the provision of historical data and the
speed layer with the processing and filtering of
streaming data from the real-time process are merged
by the serving layer in which both offline and online
process mining take place and lead to the discovery
and analysis of process models.
x x‘
Input Reconstructed input
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: Integrated VAE in an online process mining
setting (Krajsic and Franczyk, 2020).
The real-time event data filtered by the VAE and
used during online process mining is then transferred
to the historical data storage which can later be used
as historical data for new process mining tasks.
In this representation of an online process mining
environment, the VAE thus serves as a buffer
between the streaming data from the speed layer and
the historical data from the batch layer and ensures a
clean data basis before merging the two layers, which
leads to the discovery or analysis of process models
in the serving layer through online and offline process
mining activities.
Since the detection of anomalies is a classification
problem, the desired output of a corresponding
classification method is a class label. Through the use
of neural networks it is possible to get such an output
without training the neural network with class labels.
This unsupervised learning corresponds more to the
procedures in real world examples, since data that is
to be generated and checked in real time is usually not
Before the VAE can be used for the unsupervised
anomaly detection, the underlying model must be
trained with normal, non-anomalous data. Once the
VAE has been trained with the training data set and
verified using test and validation data set, it can be
used for anomaly detection. The anomaly detection
process is described in more detail as follows.
For the purpose of anomaly detection, a latent
space is initially created using the VAE. A clustering
algorithm and different anomaly detection algorithms
are applied to this latent space. For clustering the k-
means algorithm (Lloyd, 1982) is used. For the
purpose of anomaly detection Isolation Forrest (IF)
(Liu et al., 2008), Local Outlier Factor (LOF)
(Breunig et al., 2000) and One-Class Support Vector
Machine (OCSVM) (Schölkopf et al., 2000) are used
as anomaly detection algorithms.
4.1 Method of Anomaly Detection
In this unsupervised anomaly detection setting no
ROC or Precision-Recall curves can be generated for
evaluation purposes, because there is no possibility to
check the results against a ground truth. For this
purpose, other evaluation options, such as mass-
volume and excess-mass (EM-MV) based criteria, are
suitable (Goix, 2016). The EM-MV method can be
formally described as follows (Goix, 2016):
The goal of this method is to estimate the density
level curves of the probability distribution under
observation, assuming that anomalies occur at the tail
end of this distribution. We introduce as a given
constant ,
In the presented case the function is the probability
density estimated by the VAE in latent space. To be
able to determine the degree of anomaly, a score
function is introduced:
with data in
The MV and EM curves of can be written as
.. 
where any ∈0,1 and 0. With this knowledge
the chosen method can be evaluated by calculating
the distance between the level sets of and for EM
and MV: 
 and 
 (Goix, 2016). is defined as 
0.9, 0.999 and as 0,
0.9 where
The measure is then determined based on the area
under the 
and 
curves. For 
this area
should be maximized and for 
The goal of the VAE in this work is to detect
anomalies in process event data. Thereby the VAE is
trained with normal process data, in an unsupervised
way, and finally applied to process data that contain
additional abnormal data. The VAE then attempts to
detect anomaly events by determining their EM and
MV scores.
In order to illustrate the functionality of the VAE
presented here, a technical experiment will be
conducted and its results will be presented in this
section. Based on the representation of latent space
generated by the VAE, the k-means clustering
algorithm is applied to form clusters from the data.
Based on this, the EM-MV method is applied with
Variational Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection in Event Data in Online Process Mining
different anomaly detection algorithms to detect the
anomalies in the event data. The data used for this
experiment is taken from an loan application dataset
(4TU.ResearchData, 2013). The dataset is a
collection of artificial event logs representing a
simple loan application process, used in the form of a
CSV file for the experiment.
5.1 Experimental Setup
Simulating a rapid deployment process, no hyper-
parameter tuning was performed for this technical
experiment. In an first preliminary implementation
the dimension of the latent space of the VAE is set to
2. Furthermore, the VAE was trained on batches of
size 64 for 100 epochs. Adam was used as an
optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014). The learning rate
for the model is set to 0.001 with the default settings
of the adam optimizer. The selected data set was
partitioned into training, test and validation data set,
with the test set being 20% and the validation set
being 10% of the full data.
For the experiment anomalous event data was
added to the test and validation data set. For this
purpose anomalous sequences were generated and
integrated into the loan application data set for test
and validation purposes. The generated noisy event
logs are effected by the following mutations: Event
Skipping, Event Swapping or Event Duplicating.
5.2 Experimental Results
In the following the results of the technical
experiment are presented. Based on the latent space
representation from the VAE we apply k-means
clustering algorithm with a five clusters based on the
number of different activities in the observed event
log. We can apply the EM-MV method on the basis
of the clusters. Three different anomaly detection
algorithms, IF, LOF and OCSVM, are used. Table 1
gives a comparison of excess-mass (EM) and mass-
volume (MV) scores for the different anomaly
detection methods.
The goal of this approach is to maximize the EM
score and minimize the MV score. As can be seen
from Table 1, the OCSVM best meets this criteria.
Table 1: EM and MV scores based on VAE latent space.
Figure 3: Representation of latent space.
Based on this results OCSVM is used as an
algorithm for anomaly detection purposes on the
generated latent space.
The OCSVM is an unsupervised learning
algorithm that is trained only on non-anomalous data.
To detect outliers the boundaries of these data points
are learned to classify those data points as anomalies
that lie outside these boundaries.
Figure 3 shows the latent space of the data space
generated by the VAE. Data points within the latent
space marked in green were recognized by the
OCSVM algorithm as inconspicuous. The yellow
marked data points, on the other hand, are structurally
different due to their arrangement in latent space and
lie outside of the boundaries defined by the OCSVM
and are therefore classified as anomalous event data.
By filtering out the data points marked as
anomalies, the data quality of the underlying event
data used for process mining can be improved.
The use of methods for filtering erroneous events and
infrequent behavior from the event data collected in
information systems leads to an improvement of the
results in the analysis of processes.
The characteristics and advantages offered by the
VAE have a considerable influence on the application
area of process mining presented here and its
comprehensive field of business process
management. The advantages and potential benefits
for process mining and business process management
are outlined below.
( 10
6.738 1.152
LOF 5.760 1.308
5.349 1.377
Algo rithm
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Process Mining. The partially superficial approaches
to the analysis of the underlying event data made a
beneficial extraction of suitable process knowledge
more difficult. In this context, process mining
activities are not limited by the availability of data but
by the quality of the underlying event data. This issue
has received little attention in previous process
mining research. Especially the application of process
mining techniques to real world applications is made
difficult by data quality challenges. For the extraction
of meaningful process knowledge from the event data
and high-quality process mining results, the
improvement of the data basis is therefore
indispensable. The presented approach contributes
significantly to a filtering of faulty event data for an
increased data quality. As an upstream step in the
processing of real-time event data streams, it enables
a higher quality of the data basis for downstream
process mining activities by filtering out erroneous
event data and incorrect behavior.
Business Process Management. Increasing the
quality of the underlying event data for an efficient
application of process mining techniques not only
leads to an improvement of the results of the process
mining activities but also has a direct impact on the
higher level business process management and the
implementation of and compliance with the strategic
process and business goals. The inclusion of a high-
quality data-centered view in the classic control flow
perspective as a fixed pillar of BPM and workflow
management research leads to a more realistic view
through the inclusion of real world event data than the
idealized as-is and target processes of an organization
obtained in workshops and interviews (van der Aalst,
2011). In addition, the inclusion of filtered real world
event data and the application of process mining
techniques leads to the introduction of improved
process analysis and process automation solutions
that would have been difficult to achieve with model-
based approaches. These developments in process
mining, supported by high-quality event data, make it
possible to replace the previous restrictions in BPM
systems with partially hard-coded, custom-made
processes (van der Aalst et al., 2016) with flexible,
near-real-time processes and thus provide the
organization with near-real-time operational support
for BPM.
In this work, it was shown how variational
autoencoder can be used for filtering erroneous event
data and how this can affect process mining and the
higher-level business process management.
For real-time process support, the VAE was
integrated into an online process mining environment
that filters incoming events for incorrect data and
behavior. To demonstrate the functionality of the
VAE, the VAE was applied to an artificial loan
application process. The results of the conducted
technical experiment have shown that the VAE
enables the unsupervised detection of anomalies in
process event data.
A preliminary limitation of the presented
approach is that the model does not consider long-
term dependencies in process data, which means that
certain incorrect behavior cannot currently be
detected. Furthermore, a transfer of the achieved
results to the governance of business processes and
derivation of recommendations for action is
necessary. From the perspective of business process
management, it would be necessary to conduct
extensive case studies in order to be able to quantify
the exact potential and added value of the approach
The limitations mentioned above will be taken
into account in future work. These include the
integration of methods for the analysis of long-term
dependencies, such as long short-term memory or
transformers. This enables the recognition of more
complex patterns and behavior. To quantify the
business potential of the presented approach, case
studies will be conducted with partners from science
and practice to verify the added value of the approach
under real world conditions.
This work was supported by the German Federal
Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF,
01/S18026A-F) by funding the competence center for
Big Data and AI “ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig“.
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