Customer Relationship Management Improvement using IoT Data
Christian Ploder
, Reinhard Bernsteiner
, Thomas Dilger
and Sarah Huber
Management, Communication and IT, Management Center Innsbruck, Universit
atsstrasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Internet of Things, Customer Relationship Managment, Customer Centered Approach.
The Internet of Things (IoT) increasingly gains importance and costumers ale willing to pay for. Studies
show that by 2020, more than 30 billion devices will be connected and the IoT platform market will grow to
$ 7.6 billion in 2024. The purpose of this paper is to determine how IoT data could have a positive impact
on customer relationship management (CRM). An empirical study has been conducted based on qualitative
research methods with twelve experts in 2020 specialized in innovation marketing or CRM who have already
participated in IoT projects in the retail industry. The results demonstrate that companies will be able to
satisfy the customer’s needs in a more precise way and that it is possible to predict the customer’s behavior by
analyzing generated data. Furthermore for most companies it is sufficient to implement a standardized CRM
system because of their lack of knowledge in software development and interfacing opportunities. In this way,
collected IoT data of the individual can be aggregated with already generated data from all other channels.
Through this alignment, a holistic customer understanding about the purchased products, services, and wishes
will be acquired and marketing activities can be targeted accordingly.
Due to technological developments and the increas-
ing inter-connectedness of the world population, the
Internet of Things (IoT) has become reality (Abdul-
Qawy et al., 2015). Devices such as smartphones,
household appliances, machines, containers, vehi-
cles, and people or even entire cities are increasingly
connected to the internet. Equipped with sensors,
they can communicate with each other (Hanselmann,
2015). They report their status, receive instructions,
or take action on their own based on the information
they receive. According to estimates by the Ameri-
can market research institute Gartner Inc., the number
of networked things in 2020 will be about 26 billion
worldwide. Due to the forecasted enormous growth,
the IoT is attracting significant attention among ex-
perts (Lo and Campos, 2018).
Moreover, the IoT can fundamentally change the
way of interaction between humans and their environ-
ment. The ability to electronically monitor and con-
trol objects in the physical world enables automated,
data-driven decision-making to optimize systems and
processes’ performance, and improve the quality of
life. Furthermore, the IoT can significantly change in-
formation technology’s reach by interconnecting the
real physical world with the digital world (Lo and
Campos, 2018). In order to keep pace with this de-
velopment, companies have to exploit new technolo-
gies and need agile structures that adapt to changes.
Next to developing their technological infrastructure
in line with this trend, companies have to investigate
customer requirements. This valuable knowledge can
be implemented for instance to improve the area of
project management in order to deliver even better re-
sults to customers (Ploder et al., 2020). Besides, mar-
keting benefits from the technological development.
Being always in touch with the customer after signing
a contract or selling a networked device enables new,
service-supported business models (De Cremer et al.,
2017). Every customer expects something different in
terms of customer experience, interaction, and busi-
ness relationships (Nguyen and Simkin, 2017).
Numerous research studies have been conducted
on the technical aspects of IoT (Atlam et al., 2018). It
could get difficult to gain a comprehensive knowledge
of what exactly IoT means and its possible implica-
tions for Content Relationship Management (CRM).
It seems that the potentials of acquired IoT data are
insufficiently promoted. Besides, thinking in terms
of customer problems, system alliances will take on
a whole new meaning. Although there is a quite
Ploder, C., Bernsteiner, R., Dilger, T. and Huber, S.
Customer Relationship Management Improvement using IoT Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0010378101150122
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2021), pages 115-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-504-3
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
extensive literature focusing on technological use of
IoT regarding business, marketing opportunities and
customer relations have not yet been sufficiently ex-
plored. Technological innovations offer numerous
new opportunities for the society which marketers in
the B2C sector should focus on (Jara et al., 2012).
Even tough traditional marketing principles remain
present, technological innovations allow businesses
and consumers to move closer together. Nguyen and
Simkin (2017) found a few research gaps in IoT Mar-
keting, such as integrating IoT channels and commu-
nication strategies or consumer engagements. As this
development will continue, companies need to adapt
to the latest trends and respond to customer requests
as quickly as possible (Oglesby, 2018). Therefore,
this paper shows how IoT technologies can improve
CRM. It is intended to serve as ‘food for thought’ re-
garding future IoT scenarios in CRM and how best
practices could apply to different areas. Therefore,
the research question applies to customer goods and
retail industry and is the following: How can IoT data
improve Customer Relationship Management?
After the introduction in section 1, section 2 out-
lines the theoretical concepts followed by explaining
the empirical study design in section 3. The results
are presented and discussed in section 4 followed by
a conclusion in section 5. Finally, Section 6 states
the limitations of the proposed approach and hints at
future research directions.
To gain a piece of comprehensive knowledge about
the terms used for this paper, this section shows def-
initions and explanations of the most important ones
for the given research: digital marketing, IoT, CRM
in digital marketing. To combine the terms in answer-
ing the research question, the last subsection is about
the use of IoT in CRM.
2.1 Digital Marketing
Kotler, Kartajaya, and Setiawan (2010) became the
first authors discussing the evolution of Marketing
and starting with Marketing 1.0, which concentrates
on a product, followed by Marketing 2.0, focusing
on the customer, up to a humanistic Marketing 3.0,
which turns a customer into a human being. As a con-
sequence of these influences, successful businesses
have to develop products, services, and corporate cul-
tures that reflect human values. Currently, compa-
nies are transitioning into Marketing 4.0, which will
deepen and broaden customer-centric marketing. It
does not imply that traditional advertising media such
as print, posters, or television advertising will disap-
pear immediately from one day to another. A com-
bination of offline but more online marketing will re-
tain its functions, such as publicizing a brand in the
first place. Nonetheless, the significant stimuli for
sales promotion are already being generated by on-
line channels and will increasingly continue to do so
in the future. That signifies a shift of power towards
consumers (Kotler et al., 2017).
Simultaneous to this development, Marketing
conditions have continuously changed since the broad
introduction of the Internet in the early 1990s. The ap-
plications and opportunities associated with this first
period of the Internet are also designated as Web 1.0.
In 2004, O’Reilly (2009) started to use Web 2.0 to
describe people taking part in the Internet. According
to Kreutzer (2016), the main characteristic of Web 2.0
is about active user participation. Hence, the poten-
tial of collective intelligence can be exploited to the
greatest extent through the possibility of changing the
contents by oneself and presenting one’s creations.
So-called user-generated content, i.e., content created
and published by the internet users themselves, is a
core element of Web 2.0. Several examples include
forums and internet blogs for various topics.
2.2 Internet of Things
Concerning the hype about the concept of the IoT in
recent years, it is not surprising to see many attempts
to define the term. No official or unambiguous def-
inition has been found in the literature (Dorsemaine
et al., 2015). According to Atzori et al. (2010), dif-
ferent definitions exist because companies, research
institutions, or stakeholders, depending on their inter-
ests or backgrounds, either see IoT from an internet-
oriented or thing-oriented perspective, and accord-
ingly find definitions in varying ways. Kevin Ashton,
director of Auto-ID Center at MIT (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology), and his collaborators are
considered the inventors of the term IoT but used a
rather long and sophisticated definition (Ashton et al.,
2000). Since then, numerous terminologies have been
published due to the technological development in
IoT (Abdul-Qawy et al., 2015). Stephan Haller of
SAP Research defines the IoT in a concise and pre-
cise way: A world where physical objects are seam-
lessly integrated into the information network, and
where the physical objects can become active partic-
ipants in business processes. Services are available
to interact with these ‘smart objects‘ over the Inter-
net, query their state, and any information associated
with them, taking into account security and privacy is-
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
sues.” (Haller et al., 2009, p. 15). The authors (Atlam
et al., 2018, p. 928) add that “IoT can be considered
both a dynamic and global networked infrastructure
that manages self-configuring objects in a highly in-
telligent way”. Whenever IoT is mentioned in this
paper, the definition always refers to Stephan Haller’s
description as it includes all essential elements and
is comprehensible. Despite the multitude of different
definitions of the IoT, all have one aspect in common:
integrating the physical world into the virtual world.
Moreover, most authors agree that the IoT is designed
to provide an IT infrastructure that facilitates data ex-
change between things in a secure and reliable man-
ner (Weber, 2010). Nicholas Negroponte explains the
use of IoT, combined with the right technology such
as RFID as: ”It’s about embedding intelligence, so
things become smarter and do more than they were
proposed to do” (Vidalis and Angelopoulou, 2014, p.
15). Hence, the IoT is not only the interconnection of
an object with the internet. (L
opez et al., 2011, p. 285)
restrict the definition as follows: ”A ‘smart object’
is any object or product that is –by way of embed-
ded technologies –aware of its environment and state,
and it may have the ability to make its own decisions
about itself and its uses, communicate state informa-
tion, and achieve actuation under its control.” To rep-
resent a smart object in the context of the IoT, it is not
sufficient that it is only readable, recognizable, local-
izable, and addressable (Ibarra-Esquer et al., 2017). It
is not enough to store data. Data have to be processed
to react dynamically to changes (Minteer, 2017). Be-
sides, a smart object should be able to respond au-
tonomously (van Deursen et al., 2019). Consequently,
it has to be equipped with software to act indepen-
dently online without human intervention. That, in
turn, requires that the smart device access the Inter-
net (Fortino and Trunfio, 2014). If these prerequisites
are fulfilled, it can be seen as a smart object in the IoT
and could be used to support CRM.
2.3 CRM in Digital Marketing
A consistent orientation of all entrepreneurial activi-
ties towards the market is crucial to distribute the of-
fered products and services (Herhausen, 2011). Bruhn
(2016) describes Marketing as analyzing, planning,
implementing, and controlling internal and external
company activities that aim to achieve sales by align-
ing company performance with customer benefit in
the sense of consistent customer orientation. Accord-
ing to Bloching et al. (2012), traditional advertising
efficiency has been declining for years across all seg-
ments. The main factors are the multiplication of cus-
tomer segments, products and brands, media and dis-
tribution channels, and international competition’s in-
tensification in our globalized world (Bloching et al.,
2012). Whereas digital marketing causes compara-
tively low costs and generates a better-targeted au-
dience (Dodson, 2016). Due to IoT’s technical
abilities, it will be even easier to recognize neces-
sary factors of consumer demand in a more detailed
way (Nguyen and Simkin, 2017). It empowers com-
panies to understand customers and personalize tech-
nical products and services (Hoffman and Novak,
2018). Conversely, increased customer satisfaction
leads to stronger customer loyalty, which has a pos-
itive influence on the company (Kumar and Reinartz,
Customer Centricity is a sales and marketing con-
cept focusing on the customer rather than on the
product (Shah et al., 2006). The value chain is de-
signed in the following way: The expectations, needs,
and wishes of the individual are the starting points
for marketing activities (Gummesson, 2008). Hu-
man needs are a lack of something that they need
because of nature. Purchase intentions are decisions
of particular satisfaction seekers who also want to
acquire something under given conditions. A pur-
chase is then the actual acquisition of the specific
satisfying person (Lo and Campos, 2018). As a
new customer, the person will provide new initial
data. As a returning customer, the person allows
an even more personal relationship between the cus-
tomers and the company (Waisberg and Kaushik,
2009). At the point of post-sale, long-term efforts be-
come visible of how a company deals with customers
who have already bought products (Reynolds, 2002).
Cost benefits of keeping a customer is a reason why
customer-centricity is not only about first-time pur-
chases, but more about long-term customer relation-
ships that may last a lifetime (Shah et al., 2006).
2.4 Use of IoT in CRM
Location-based technologies (Ko
uhne and Sieck,
2014) enable the use of the customer’s current loca-
tion for marketing purposes. Location-Based- Ad-
vertising (LBA) “is a new form of marketing com-
munication that uses location-tracking technology in
mobile networks to target consumers with location-
specific advertising on their mobile devices” (Telli
Yamamoto, 2010, p. 125). In contrast to location-
based marketing, proximity marketing makes it pos-
sible to locate customers precisely to inches and de-
liver content even more effectively than location-
based marketing (van Deursen et al., 2019). For
example, this allows a retailer to reach customers
who are just passing their store. Geofence or GPS,
Customer Relationship Management Improvement using IoT Data
Bluetooth Low Energy beacons, and WLAN are the
most common technologies used in proximity market-
ing (Rieber, 2017). Some department store brands are
using Apple’s iBeacon technology and a mobile mar-
keting platform to provide customized promotions
when downloading the brand’s app. The customer
can be informed about products or special promotions
in the retail store via beacons during shopping. By
reading the QR code or the NFC tag on the prod-
uct, he can receive detailed background information
about the specific product, such as what the product
is made of, size, ingredients, warranty, instructions
for use and cleaning (Kruse Brand
ao and Wolfram,
2018). Another possibility is NFC tags, which are
small transponders that provide information on the
mobile phone. It is sufficient to place the telephone
within a range of a few inches of the transponder. In
contrast to a QR code, the NFC tag can also be hid-
den and therefore built into objects (Kruse Brand
and Wolfram, 2018).
Every experience that a customer gains with a
smart product, a supplier’s staff, a store, or a call
center is a moment that can influence the brand di-
rectly (Nguyen and Simkin, 2017). For instance,
Google provides the smart thermostat Nest, which
takes over the intelligent temperature control (Gre-
gory, 2015). It learns when the owners are at home
and in which room they are. The temperature in each
room is then adjusted accordingly, so the customer
always feels comfortable. Besides, it saves energy
costs and in the same time, the environment is pro-
tected trough a lower energy consumption. Brands
like Google use Customer Experience Management
(CXM) as a critical differentiation to attract cus-
tomers and engage and retain them. Thus, CXM no
longer implies merely selling a product but creating
added value and a close exchange between a brand
and its customers - a shift from pure product sales to
provided services (Gregory, 2015).
To answer the given research question in section 1, the
qualitative approach of Mayring (2010) was consid-
ered the most appropriate methodology to get insights
into this research area, since the combination of IoT
and marketing as well as CRM activities are not suf-
ficiently explored. Due to this reason, an exploratory
study is the best way to extract not only new insights
but also recommendations.
According to Flick (2007), the focus of an expert
interview is less on the interviewee as a person than
on his or her capacity as an expert for a particular field
of action. Considering the expert’s knowledge, their
individual definition of IoT and practical experiences,
expert interviews can give more in-depth insights into
IoT Marketing and Services’ current state.
For the purpose of this study, experts were se-
lected based on the following criteria: (1) limited to
consumer goods and retail industries, (2) employed at
an international company, (3) age group 25 to 50, and
(4) academic background and involved in data-driven
marketing projects. The recruitment of the experts
was done via telephone based on multiple searches.
In the end, 12 interviews have been conducted, mainly
in Europe. The experts’ professional field and gained
experience in either a customer goods segment or re-
tail industry are given for all of them.
To stimulate the expert’s creativity initially, they
were asked to read three business scenarios before-
hand provided by the researchers. Furthermore, the
scenarios gave the interviewees the possibility to re-
fer to those examples while answering the following
interview questions. Those were created based on the
identified gaps in the literature. To gain as much infor-
mation as possible from the interviews and to keep the
flow of the expert’s speech uninterrupted, the ques-
tions were not asked in a strict order.
The experts were asked questions around the fol-
lowing topics: (1) their definition of IoT, (2) Current
known and future application fields of IoT technology
for CRM activities as well as benefits and challenges
of it, (3) Characteristics of a good CXM and how
to engagement consumers, (4) IoT support possibili-
ties in marketing and CRM. Thereby, participants was
given enough freedom to elaborate on their knowl-
edge and experiences. In the end, the experts were
also ask to reflect on the interview and state any addi-
tional comments.
After recording all the interviews, they have been
transcribed using the software Trint
in a denatural-
ized manner. This simplified process focused on the
content. The researchers aimed to standardize the
data and correct interview noises or minor grammat-
ical errors (Oliver et al., 2005). Applying the induc-
tive method, categories were not created before the
material was viewed, but were derived directly from
the material, without referring to theoretical concepts
used in advance (Mayring, 2010). For evaluating all
information obtained, the professional analyzing tool
was chosen. Dominating topics were
identified that seemed relevant for the analysis and
were extracted by filtering the material. For this pur-
pose, coding of the text was necessary, which took
place on creating a keyword index.
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Furthermore, the authors suggest verifying the codes
after working through 10-50% of the material. The
authors reviewed the categories for appropriate pro-
portions and possible designations after 30%. Subse-
quently, individual types were summarized. Accord-
ing to Krippendorffs Alpha, to measure the reliability
of the intercoding, a test was carried out and showed
a result of 70,31. Mayring (2010) and Krippendorff
(2004) require values of at least 67. Since the inter-
coder only got a brief introduction to the topic and the
coding system, this can be considered sufficient reli-
ability testing as the coefficient is above the recom-
mended 0,67 (0,73). After explaining data collection,
the next section will show the results of the study.
During the data analysis of the twelve expert inter-
views more than 450 codes have been detected with
the inductive research strategy based on qualitative re-
search methods Mayring (2010). Based on the codes,
the experts statements were classified into 17 differ-
ent categories and afterwards grouped under the three
main topics of (1) Internet of Things, (2) IoT Mar-
keting/ CRM and (3) Future Implementations. Ta-
ble 1 shows the frequencies of the aforementioned
Table 1: Coding Process Results.
Main Topics / Categories Frequency
Internet Of Things
Analyzing Data 29
IoT Data vs. Big Data 29
IoT Definition 21
IoT Marketing/CRM
Customer Experience Management 47
Data Collection & Tracking 37
Measurability & KPIs 37
Targeting 37
Purpose Marketing Activities 32
Engagement & Review 27
Changing Customer Journey 25
Customer Needs & Behavior 23
Customer-Centric Service 17
Future Implementations
Future of Retail 48
Future of Wearables 29
General Future Perspective 20
Recommended Actions 20
Future of Dash Buttons 19
In the following subsections serve for a detailed ex-
planation of frequent mentions in the interviews. The
categories of Analyzing Data, Customer Experience
Management and Future of retail were chosen based
on relevance to the research topic and frequency of
occurrence. Therefore every quote is related to a par-
ticular Interviewee (I) with a text mark for traceability
reasons (number).
4.1 Analyzing Data
According to I2 (31), companies evaluate already
generated data insufficiently, although enough infor-
mation is available. Time pressure is an often cited
reason. In some cases, there is also a lack of qual-
ifications to evaluate data correctly mentioned (I2,
33). Another interviewee sees a challenge in analyz-
ing data ”if you combine the data from two different
sources. That’s not exactly the value that you get. You
have to make sense of what is coming out from both,
and then you can do something new” (I9, 11). ”I have
to say maybe 95 percent or 99 percent of the advertis-
ing I see is not even relevant for me. I would rather
have less advertising but the ones which I maybe care
about” (I9, 7). The reason is ”if you have terabytes
and terabytes of data it’s practically useless because
you cannot build any correlations” (I9, 21). I9 (31)
mentions that data would not tell the employees how
they want to be processed and analyzed, of course.
According to I9 (29), ”the worst thing that a company
or individual can do is first to collect the data and then
start thinking what do I need to do with all of this be-
fore collecting the data. Before doing anything, you
need to be clear on what your end product is”. There-
fore, it is necessary to think about the right questions
before businesses start to collect data for later use in
marketing activities. For instance, which products are
purchased at what time and in what quantity (I5, 16).
Moreover, the analysis of consumer behavior
should propose order suggestions based on the pref-
erences of customers ”because I decided to organize
a barbecue quickly, I drove past the store and bought
Jever. Then Alexa could suggest Jever to me the next
time I order a beer. And that’s why branding is so
important because I don’t say to Alexa order a six-
pack of Jever ; I’d probably say order a six-pack of
beer ”(I4, 20).
4.2 Customer Experience Management
”Customer Experience Management is successful if
the customer is enthusiastic” (I2, 21). An essential
point for Interviewee 10 (19) is an appropriate cus-
tomer experience for the product. ”I don’t want to be
forced to have an excessive customer experience for a
trivial product” (I10, 19). In addition, ”it is simply im-
Customer Relationship Management Improvement using IoT Data
portant that the communication is not exaggerated. If
you are constantly approached with consumer goods,
I think there will be a flattening out or a sealing off
of the consumer. That’s why it will be imperative that
the customer experience also considers providing the
right amount at the right time to address the customer.
Maybe you can do that again with wearables” (I10,
19). By ”talking to my Alexa the company hopefully
knows which tonality I prefer, and subsequently, the
company could send an email that matches my tonal-
ity and not the initial slogan” (I4, 32). For I3 (29), the
correct use of already generated customer data is not
only an advantage, but also desired: ”Now I down-
load the Smart Home App for my dishwasher with the
same e-mail address. In the best case, this would al-
ready provide a link based on your order data, which
you also submitted. Do you agree that we use the
data for the order?” (I3, 29). This enables companies
to address customers precisely and make assessments
based on where they live, and the social-economic
background could be taken into account (I3, 29). I3
(21) further explain using the example of a malfunc-
tioning, smart dishwasher, service staff could already
see in their CRM system which model the customer
has, how often it has been used and which program
is used most often. The networked technology allows
sensors to detect that a dirty pump. Now the customer
can decide whether he wants to solve the problem
himself or whether a technician should take a look.
Even more innovative solution companies could con-
sider finding the failure before the customer recog-
nizes that something is not working and subsequently
inform the customer to offer various options (I3, 21;
I7, 29). However, I1 (35) says that companies should
demonstrate transparency on the one hand, but on the
other hand, they should not scare the customer by let-
ting them know that they have detailed data stored (I3,
27). Therefore, I3 (27) recommends the continuous
checking of data and touch points for improvements,
which could lead to new product developments and
eliminate user research.
4.3 Future of Retail
”I’m not sure if we will have an Amazon Go similar
story in Germany now due to the regulations. But I
think it will move in this direction” (I12, 3). The food
sector is predesignated for this kind of concept since
customers need not much consultation: ”In general, I
think that consulting will become less due to the pos-
sibility of getting information through the web, new
technologies, smartphones, wearables, etc. or during
the buying process” (I12, 3). Conversely, it could be-
come more difficult for expensive products in need of
explanation (I12, 3). The time factor (17, 5; I1, 3;
I4, 5) and the convenience for customers (I7, 3; I2,
3) were mentioned as advantages of IoT retail, but at
the same time, companies can also save costs through
less personnel (I8, 3). I8 (3) believes that this con-
cept might be interesting for several companies in the
game, i.e., not only for marketplace providers but also
for payment providers. Benefits from all the customer
information would attract shop operators and compa-
nies like PayPal or Mastercard. I10 (3) thinks that
Apple Pay could establish itself as a future payment
option in stores since contactless payment with mo-
bile phones is simple and secure. ”I believe that the
barrier to such services, mostly based on sensor tech-
nology and networking with RFID technology, will
decrease and that acceptance will increase and then
spread very quickly. I would almost say that this will
be disruptive” (I20, 3). The expert adds that intro-
ducing this technology in countries such as Asia or
the US will be relatively quickly established. Still, in
Europe, it might take longer in terms of data security.
Also, technical equipment and operation overhead are
currently still expensive.
However, most of the experts agreed that re-
tail’s future is moving towards concepts like Amazon
Go. ”I think convenience will prevail in everything,
whether privacy or anything else” (I6, 3). Further-
more, ”the pain at the checkout is high enough” (I6,
3). I2 (5) could imagine a similar concept for petrol
stations. Nowadays, people are very busy; if they are
on the highway, they want to be at their destination
quickly. The interviewees see an advantage in an au-
tomatic recording system that can identify the license
plate number and debit the credit card amount. The
fashion industry could also benefit from the use of IoT
technologies (I6, 5; I7, 9). I6 (5) states an example:
”I can take a look into virtual shopping carts, so to
speak, at what people trying on, what they don’t like”
(I6, 5). Accordingly, businesses can examine whether
they do no longer order individual clothes cuts.
Based on the literature research and the qualitative
empirical study, the authors investigated how IoT data
can be used for CRM and which impacts occur in the
relationship between companies and customers.
All of the interviewed experts agreed on the retail
industry’s future moving towards self-service, such as
Amazon Go. Furthermore, it is crucial to implement
a standardized CRM system, aggregate collected IoT
data of the individual, and align them with already
generated data from all other channels. A holistic
IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
customer understanding about the purchased prod-
ucts, services, and wishes will be acquired through
the alignment of all data.
Once the customer purchases an IoT device, com-
panies can retrieve data and contact the customer. Lo
and Campos (2018) laid out that thereby, companies
will be able to more easily satisfy the customer’s
needs. Besides, it is even possible to predict the cus-
tomer’s behavior based on the analysis of collected
data. In that sense, it is essential to focus on operating
in a customer-centric way throughout all activities as
already found by Shah et al. (2006). Delivering an in-
dividual customer experience, the customer-centricity
approach supports the creation of new business mod-
els within the context of IoT. To that extend, the use
of IoT in CRM allows for more tailored services and,
thus, more revenue to generate. Businesses need to
align omni-channel and cross-channel for their com-
munication to reach their respective customers Lo
and Campos (2018). This is because the customer
decides about the channel of interaction. In other
words, companies should not only maintain contact
with their customers via all touch points but also pay
close attention not to disadvantage customers based
on their communication preferences. The retail indus-
try especially can create a more comprehensive and
improved ecosystem and enable bi-directional real-
time interaction with consumers inside and outside
the stores Nguyen and Simkin (2017). Through the
fact that most customers are permanently online via
their smartphones, retailers should use this device as
a touch point for all interactions to exploit the poten-
tial of IoT integration. Therefore, as found in the in-
terviews location-based beacon technology is an op-
tion for retailers to interact with their customers when
entering the store directly. Based on the beacon tech-
nology, the customer can be informed about products
or special promotions in real-time at the retail store.
From a customer’s perspective, that helps to encour-
age a purchasing decision. Altogether, this shows
how IoT data can be applied to improve CRM.
Since twelve experts were interviewed for this empir-
ical study, the consent may not reflect the entire popu-
lation’s opinion or understanding of IoT applications
in CRM. Therefore, the results are not generally valid,
as most of the experts come from Europe. Due to the
subjective selection of experts, a distortion of the re-
sults may occur. Furthermore, it cannot be excluded
that the experts have a positive perspective on the sub-
ject due to their attitude and proximity to the survey
topic. Besides, it wasn’t easy to classify the answers
of the interviewees into the respective categories. As
there were frequent overlaps of the content, it wasn’t
easy to draw clear boundaries. This paper focuses on
future marketing and CRM processes and tries to pro-
vide the first impulse for IoT in marketing. Never-
theless, there is a need for a much more deepened
understanding of the effects of IoT. Particular atten-
tion should be paid to communication and marketing
strategies designed for IoT purposes aiming to reach
customers according to their needs. Further quanti-
tative research should be conducted to identify how
consumers perceive tailored promotions and services
instead of traditional marketing measures.
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IoTBDS 2021 - 6th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security