Find the Way in the Jungle of Quality of Service in Industrial Cloud: A
Systematic Mapping Study
Malvina Latifaj, Federico Ciccozzi
and S
everine Sentilles
School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, M
alardalen University, Sweden
Industrial Cloud Computing, Quality of Service, Quality Attributes, Systematic Mapping Study.
The rapid development of Industry 4.0 and Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems is leading to the exponential
growth of unprocessed volumes of data. Industrial cloud computing has great potential for providing the
resources for processing this data. To be widely adopted, the cloud must ensure satisfactory levels of Quality
of Service (QoS). However, the lack of a standardized model of quality attributes hinders the assessment
of QoS levels. This paper provides a comprehensive systematically defined map of current research trends,
results, and gaps in quality attributes and QoS in industrial cloud computing. An extract of the main insights is
as follows: (i) the adoption of cloud technologies is closely related to performance indicators, however other
quality attributes, such as security, are not considered as much as they should; (ii) solutions are most often not
tailored to specific industrial application domains; (iii) research largely focuses on providing solutions without
solid validation, unsuitable for effective and fruitful technology transfer.
Industrial cloud computing, which aims to provide in-
dustrial digital information integration and collabo-
ration between enterprises based on a shared under-
standing of concepts (Wlodarczyk et al., 2009), is
considered to be a favorable solution to cope with lim-
itations of hardware and software for multiple enter-
prises. Dependability and software quality are crucial
factors in the success of industrial applications (Guo
and Deze, 2019). Thus, appropriate quality of service
(QoS) level must be attained for cloud platforms to
supply the necessary resources for processing indus-
trial data.
However, the quality attributes needed to assess
QoS have no formal definition and there does not ex-
ist a complete list of them (Chung et al., 2012; Mai-
riza et al., 2010). There have been some attempts to
the standardization of these attributes, but the clas-
sification schemes are inconsistent with each other
terminologically and also categorically, and therefore
their definitions still lack consensus. The absence of
a generic model of quality attributes that can be used
as a reference for specific domains leads to the lack
of a fundamental set of quality attributes to be used
to evaluate QoS in industrial cloud computing, which
is necessary due to the peculiarities of the latter. The
existing literature does not provide the necessary ev-
idence that could help in identifying the appropriate
quality attributes to evaluate QoS in industrial cloud
computing. To fill this gap, we conducted a system-
atic mapping study in the context of QoS in industrial
cloud computing. The overall goal was to identify and
classify the quality attributes that are used to evaluate
QoS in industrial cloud computing and the ways to as-
sess them. The main contributions of this study are
as follows:
an overview of the publication trends on the topic;
a classification of the quality attributes used to
evaluate QoS in industrial cloud computing and
the quality metrics used to assess them;
a classification of the factors that have an impact
on QoS in industrial cloud computing;
a classification of the domains in which QoS in
industrial cloud computing is investigated;
a classification of the primary studies’ objectives
and a description of the means by which these ob-
jectives are achieved.
The target audience of this paper includes re-
searchers and practitioners in the field of cloud com-
puting, seeking a better insight on the QoS specif-
ically dealing with quality attributes, or willing to
adopt cloud technologies but needing a reference for
the evaluation of related QoS.
Latifaj, M., Ciccozzi, F. and Sentilles, S.
Find the Way in the Jungle of Quality of Service in Industrial Cloud: A Systematic Mapping Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0010380401510160
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2021), pages 151-160
ISBN: 978-989-758-510-4
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides a background on QoS and
industrial cloud computing and Section 3 presents the
study design. Section 4 reports on the vertical anal-
ysis results, while Section 5 reports on the horizontal
analysis results. Section 6 provides a discussion of the
main results and Section 7 discusses threats to valid-
ity. Section 8 introduces the related work and Section
9 concludes the paper.
Cloud computing is a cutting-edge technology that
makes possible the sharing of resources between mul-
tiple users. The popularity that cloud computing has
obtained over the last decades, attributable to the
advantages it provides compared to traditional ap-
proaches, has stimulated consumers to adopt it. More-
over, during the last few years, the digital informa-
tion produced by industry has increased rapidly and
the need for collaboration mechanisms is higher. En-
terprises try to handle this flow of information us-
ing their existing structures, but they have bound-
aries on their capabilities. Even though cloud com-
puting can tackle the complexity of these collabora-
tive approaches, none of its deployment models can
overcome all the occurring obstacles. For that rea-
son, the concept of Industrial Cloud Computing was
introduced as a solution in the form of a platform
to exchange, process, and analyze digital informa-
tion (Wlodarczyk et al., 2009). But, to stay compet-
itive as technology evolves, a certain QoS should be
developed to meet the customers’ expectations. QoS
in cloud computing indicates the levels of perfor-
mance, reliability, and availability offered by an ap-
plication and by the platform or infrastructure that
hosts it” (Ardagna et al., 2014, p. 1), and its main ob-
jective is to make the services acceptable for users.
Dromey (1995) states that to increase the software
quality, there should be a defined quality model that
can make clear and direct links amongst the high-level
quality attributes and specific product characteristics.
Quality attributes are indeed fundamental elements
of quality models and have a crucial impact on soft-
ware development, but they have been left in the back-
ground compared to functional requirements, and the
results are scattered (Chung et al., 2012). This leads
to quality attributes not being addressed correctly and
software of poor quality. The reasons as to why qual-
ity attributes, which are so pivotal to the quality of
software systems, can be so hard to address correctly
are as follows: (i) their nature is subjective as different
stakeholders interpret and evaluate them differently,
leading to ambiguity, (ii) their achievement is rela-
tive, as there might always be different ways to reach
a satisfactory level, (iii) they can be interactive and
dependent on one another, so there can not be a local-
ized solution. This set of issues makes it difficult to
deal with and even more challenging to measure and
verify quality attributes. To objectively measure these
quality attributes, we use quality metrics (Fernando
et al., 2014). Through this quantitative measurement,
the actual QoS can be compared to the expected QoS
and future steps for improvement can be determined.
In this section, we present the design of our study. To
form a good understanding of the state-of-the-art on
QoS in industrial cloud computing with a focus on
quality attributes, we carry out a systematic mapping
study according to the guidelines of Petersen et al.
3.1 Research Goal and Questions
The fundamental goal of this study is to: achieve a
classification of the quality attributes addressed the
most in industrial cloud computing and to provide
researchers and practitioners with a mapping of key
QoS attributes and methods to assess them. This
will enable them to make informed decisions in the
context of QoS for industrial cloud computing and
will highlight research gaps, laying the groundwork
for future research. The research questions (RQx) to
be answered by this study are the following:
RQ1. What Are the Publication Trends Regarding
the Quality of Service in Industrial Cloud Com-
puting Research?
Rationale and outcome: Identify the existing state of
research on QoS in industrial cloud computing and
assess the density of scientific publications.
RQ2. What Are the Most Addressed Quality At-
tributes and Related Aspects in Industrial Cloud
Computing Research?
Rationale and outcome: The concept of QoS is rather
broad and it includes a multitude of quality attributes,
therefore it is important to identify (i) a set of soft-
ware quality attributes addressed in industrial cloud
computing, (ii) a set of factors that affect quality at-
tributes and the overall QoS, and (iii) the industrial
domains in which cloud computing is used.
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
RQ3. What Are the Most Common Quality
Metrics Used to Assess Quality Attributes in
Industrial Cloud Computing Research?
Rationale and outcome: Identify the metrics used
to assess the quality attributes in industrial cloud
computing and map them to the latter.
RQ4. What Are the Research Objectives of the
Primary Studies in Relation to QoS in Industrial
Cloud Computing and How Are These Objectives
Rationale and outcome: Obtain a classification of the
objectives of the primary studies in relation to QoS,
and ways on how these objectives can be achieved.
3.2 Search and Selection
The search and selection process is a decisive multi-
step process that provides wide coverage of the topic
under investigation. Figure 1 illustrates the complete
process and provides information on the size of our
corpus during the entailed four steps.
Figure 1: Search and selection process.
Step 1: Initial Search. To obtain the initial set
of primary studies, automatic searches were carried
out on two of the largest and most complete elec-
tronic databases in software engineering that are well-
established and include a wide spectrum of peer-
reviewed publications: IEEE Xplore Digital Library
and SCOPUS. The search was performed considering
the title, abstract, and keywords of studies and it was
conducted on 25 February 2020.
The search string is constructed using the
PICOC Petticrew and Roberts (2008) criteria and it is
the following:
“cloud” AND “industr*” AND (“quality of ser-
vice” OR “QoS” OR “quality model” OR “software
qualit*” OR “quality propert*” OR “quality at-
tribut*” OR “non functional” OR “extra functional”
Step 2: Merging and Impurity Removal. A
multi-database search provides a broader spectrum
of studies and minimizes publication bias, but simul-
taneously leads to duplicates and repetitive studies.
For IEEE Xplore and Scopus, we identified 193
duplicates based on an exact match of title, authors,
and publication year; we removed the duplicates. No
studies with different versions were identified.
Step 3: Application of Selection Criteria. The
selection criteria are crucial elements to the selection
process and therefore, an explicit definition of these
criteria should be provided to allow the replication
of the study. An initial set of selection criteria was
defined and the papers were screened based on title,
abstract, and keywords. However, there was a set of
150 primary studies that were uncertain with respect
to the inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were
refined and the final criteria are introduced in the
following paragraph.
Inclusion Criteria
I1. The study reports on an approach that aims to
define, measure, analyze, evaluate or improve QoS in
the scope of cloud computing.
I2. The study investigates quality attributes, quality
metrics, or quality models and their impact on QoS
in cloud computing.
I3. The study reports on the use or need of cloud
technologies in industry (e.g., banking) or it is
published at an industrial venue.
I4. The study is written in English and is available in
full text.
I5. The study is peer-reviewed.
Exclusion Criteria
E1. The study does not focus on any specific quality
E2. Secondary or tertiary study.
E3. The study is published as tutorial paper, short
paper, poster paper, editorial, book, keynote, tutorial
summary, tool demonstration, panel discussion, tech-
nical report, or other non-peer-reviewed publications.
E4. The study is not in the computer science context.
Step 4: Backward Snowballing. The initial
corpus of primary studies obtained after the ap-
plication of the selection criteria is complemented
with a fully-recursive backward snowballing activity,
according to the guidelines by Wohlin (2014). Out of
790 results, only eight publications were included in
our corpus for a total of 42 primary studies that can
be found in the appendix in the replication package
The main reasons for the exclusion of publications
were as follows: i) the publications retrieved from
the reference list of a specific study, do not report on
QoS, or quality attributes and metrics, therefore not
Find the Way in the Jungle of Quality of Service in Industrial Cloud: A Systematic Mapping Study
satisfying I1 and I2, ii) the publications do not report
on the use or need of cloud technologies in industry,
therefore not satisfying I3.
3.3 Data Extraction and Synthesis
As a means of extracting and classifying the rele-
vant information from the primary studies, we con-
structed the classification framework illustrated in Ta-
ble 1. The parameters of the classification frame-
work were defined based on (i) the research questions,
and (ii) the keywording method. After the definition
of the classification framework, the full text of the
primary studies was read to collect information ac-
cording to the categories of the defined framework,
and additional information that did not fit in any cat-
egory but was considered relevant. The categories
with the most additional information were the qual-
ity attributes, quality metrics, and means of reaching
the objectives. These categories had to be refined, as
the keywording process’s initially defined parameters
were not representative enough of the primary studies.
At the end of this process, no studies were excluded.
The data synthesis activity is conducted according
to the recommendations by Cruzes and Dyb
a (2011),
and it is divided into two main phases: vertical analy-
sis in which we analyze the extracted data from the
primary studies in order to collect information re-
garding each defined parameter of our classification
framework by applying the line of argument synthe-
sis recommended by Wohlin et al. (2012), and hor-
izontal analysis in which we cross-tabulate the data
among the different categories defined for each re-
search question, to find similarities, noteworthy dif-
ferences, and recurring patterns.
The purpose of the vertical analysis is to provide
quantitative results regarding each category in iso-
lation. These results are provided in the following
subsections in a textual and graphical form.
RQ1 Publication Trends.
Regarding the distribution of primary studies by
type of venue, the most common publication type is
conference papers (21), followed by journal papers
(15) and workshop papers (2). Four primary studies
pertain to industrial venues (P1, P2, P4, and P5),
and only one venue hosts more than one primary
study (P1 and P5 published at IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Informatics).
Moreover, according to the extracted data, the main
contribution types are model (18) and method (18),
with the rest distributed as follows: framework (4),
tool (2), process (1) and metric (1).
With respect to the research type, among our
primary studies, there were only occurrences of
solution proposal (40) and evaluation research (3)
papers, where the majority were solution proposals
that proposed novel ways on how to define, measure,
analyze, evaluate, or improve QoS in industrial cloud
computing. P28 and P37 are evaluation research
papers, while P38 is both a solution proposal and an
evaluation research paper.
In terms of validation, the majority of primary
studies validate their approaches by means of eval-
uation (24), but these approaches are not validated
formally nor empirically. A set of 11 primary
studies conducts a more extensive validation of
the proposed approaches through analysis, while a
smaller set of primary studies focus on validation
by example (4). Only two primary studies fall in
the persuasion validation category and only one
primary study falls in the blatant assertion category.
The absence of experience papers may suggest a
lack of maturity in this research area, as existing so-
lutions have not been validated by the community yet.
RQ2 Quality Attributes and Related As-
Quality Attributes. Figure 2 illustrates the de-
tails of our quality attributes categorization by
presenting the quality attributes mentioned in more
than one primary study. Our investigation identified
18 considered quality attributes in total. Nine of them
are mentioned only once through all the primary
studies and seven of these attributes are mentioned
in P35, which is also the study that identifies most
quality attributes (14/18). This paper contributes
with a framework that aims to evaluate the quality
of cloud services by systematically measuring QoS
attributes and using them as a basis for ranking
cloud providers. The majority of the primary studies
addresses performance as a relevant quality attribute
in industrial cloud computing. The overall results
indicate a significant gap between performance and
all other quality attributes. This suggests that the
adoption of cloud technologies in industry is very
related to the performance indicators offered by these
Factors: Figure 3 provides an illustration of the
factors that affect quality attributes. Being that
cloud technologies operate on the grounds of virtu-
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Table 1: Classification framework overview.
RQ Category Possible values
RQ2 Quality
performance (P), security (SE), efficiency (E), reliability (RL), availability (A), scalability (SC), us-
ability (U), elasticity (EL), stability (ST), privacy (PR), trust (T), responsiveness (RS), transparency
(TP), interoperability (I), adaptability (AD), sustainability (SUS), suitability (SUI), accuracy (AC)
Factors virtualization (V), data storage (DS), network (N), energy (E), other (O)
Domain gaming (G), mobile (M), power trading (PT), big data (BD), sensor cloud (SC)
RQ3 Quality
response time (RT), resource utilization (RU), make span (MS), latency (L), request completion
time (RCT), waiting time (WT), CPU utilization (CU), failure rate (FR), throughput (TH), execution
time (ET), rejection probability (RP), request arrival rate (RAR), delay (D), jitter (J), performance
deviation (PD), mean time to failure (MTTF), packet delivery ratio (PDR), guarantee ratio (GR),
drop rate (DR), time to adapt to upgrades (TAU), access rate (AR), request loss probability (RLP),
scheduling time (ST), system overhead rate (SOR), mean time between failures (MTBF) , bandwidth
(B), deadline miss ratio (DMR), job loss ratio (JLR)
RQ4 Objectives improve (I), evaluate (E), select provider (SP), measure (M), define (D)
Means scheduling (S), security mechanisms (SM), load balancing (LB), error-prone conditions (EPC), al-
location (A), edge servers (ES), queuing model (QuM), request traffic control (RTC), workload
variability (WV), SPs coalition (SPC), ranking cloud services (RCS), quality model (QlM), dynamic
optimal routing (DOR), VM live migration (LM)
Figure 2: Quality attributes.
alization, it is not surprising that quality attributes
are frequently affected by virtualization solutions.
Virtualization is followed by data storage archi-
tecture which is not surprising either, considering
the fact that enterprises use cloud to store sensitive
data, and that raises numerous security concerns.
Furthermore, six studies mention that cloud providers
often have to trade-off between offered levels of QoS
and energy consumption. Network architecture is
also mentioned in six primary studies and is mostly
investigated in cloud gaming, because the majority
of computational operations are performed in the
cloud, and, in high-action games, network latency is
the greatest concern. A total of four primary studies
(P1, P4, P11, P35) fall into the other category as they
focus on providing quality models and mechanisms
to rank service providers and are not affected by
specific factors.
Domains. From the set of 42 primary studies, 32
of them investigate QoS in cloud computing by
providing insights on the use or need of cloud tech-
nologies in industry, but without a clear indication of
specific industrial domains. The other ten primary
studies identify ve industrial domains, as illustrated
in Figure 4. Overall, the results indicate that even
though cloud technologies are very beneficial to
Figure 3: Factors. Figure 4: Domains.
various industries and enterprises, research on their
use in specific industrial domains still lacks maturity.
RQ3 Quality Metrics.
Our investigation identified 28 relevant quality
metrics. Figure 5 illustrates the quality metrics that
are mentioned in more than one primary study. Top
three quality metrics are response time, followed by
resource utilization and make span. Response time
is repeatedly emphasized for the impact it has on
the performance of cloud technologies. Thus, being
that performance is the quality attribute mentioned
the most in our primary studies this result is not
surprising. It is worth mentioning that, while all
other studies only suggest the use of specific metrics,
P35 proposes new approaches for assessing quality
attributes through an extensive set of formulas, but
with no specific terminology regarding the quality
metric, thus they are not included as part of the
quality metrics list.
RQ4 Objectives and How to Reach Them.
Objectives. Regarding the objectives of primary
studies the results indicate that the most common
objective is to improve the QoS offered by the service
Find the Way in the Jungle of Quality of Service in Industrial Cloud: A Systematic Mapping Study
Figure 5: Quality metrics.
providers as it is crucial for the adoption of cloud
technologies. Even though a considerable difference
is observed between the number of studies that try to
improve and evaluate, research efforts on the latter do
not go unnoticed. A total of nine primary studies fall
into this category. Three primary studies investigate
approaches on how to select the most suitable cloud
provider according to specific requirements and only
two primary studies fall into the define category,
where the authors aim to define quality attributes
and a quality model. The low number of primary
studies in this category highlights the fact that the
community is still lacking agreement when defining
QoS and quality attributes.
Figure 6: Objectives.
Means. Our investigation identified 14 approaches
that can help researchers achieve the objectives spec-
ified above. As shown in Figure 7, the five top ap-
proaches are: scheduling, security mechanisms, load
balancing, error-prone conditions, and allocation.
These results imply that the most effort has been put
into scheduling, which is not surprising since, with
the increasing amount of data that is being processed
in the cloud, effective scheduling mechanisms are
crucial to providing satisfactory levels of QoS. Fur-
thermore, being that security was the second most
mentioned quality attribute in industrial cloud com-
puting (see Figure 2), it was expected that the secu-
rity mechanisms would be ranked among the top ap-
Figure 7: Means of reaching the objectives.
The purpose of the horizontal analysis is to iden-
tify possible connections between the categories
of our classification framework. To do that, we
cross-tabulated the extracted data across different
categories and analyzed the relevant insights.
Quality Attributes and Metrics. Figure 8 provides
evidence on the quality metrics that are used to assess
specific quality attributes. We have only included the
metrics that have more than one occurrence among
the primary studies and the quality attributes assessed
by them. Only five quality attributes are assessed by
quality metrics that are mentioned in more than one
primary study. The majority of quality metrics are
used to assess performance and only a few metrics
are used to assess other quality attributes. This was
in part expected, considering the significant gap in
occurrence between performance and other quality
attributes identified during the vertical analysis.
Figure 8: Quality attributes and metrics.
Factors and Quality Attributes. Figure 9, provides
evidence that performance is mostly affected by the
virtualization solutions of the cloud provider. Dif-
ferent virtualization solutions provide varying levels
of performance due to the technologies and strategies
used. Another factor that has a significant impact on
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
performance is the network infrastructure, as a poor
infrastructure is bound to negatively affect the appli-
cation’s performance. Furthermore, security is mostly
affected by the data storage architecture. Considering
the higher exposure that data encounters on the cloud
than on-premises, it is surprising to see that only one
primary study mentions the impact that the virtual-
ization solutions have on security. This result sug-
gests the lack of research on how to mitigate security
threats when providing virtualization solutions. Ef-
ficiency is affected by the energy management solu-
tions offered by the cloud provider, as the high con-
sumption of energy for cloud data centers is raising
economic and environmental concerns.
Figure 9: Factors and quality attributes.
Objective of Study and Means of Reaching It. Fig-
ure 10 illustrates the relation between the objectives
of primary studies and means of reaching them. From
the results it can be seen that the most mentioned ap-
proach to improve QoS is scheduling, followed by
security mechanisms and load balancing. Through
scheduling, the resources can be utilized efficiently,
and the overall performance of the system can expe-
rience a significant improvement. In order to evalu-
ate QoS, the majority of primary studies use simula-
tion of error-prone conditions, such as VM and server
failure, followed by edge servers, queuing model and
workload variability. The most common approach to
help select a provider is by ranking the cloud services
based on the users’ requirements and providers’ capa-
bilities. This approach is also used to measure QoS of
different cloud providers.
Contribution Type and Validation Type. Figure
11 illustrates a high concentration of primary studies
that use evaluation to validate the proposed models
and methods. As a consequence, the scientific ev-
idence that they provide cannot be considered par-
ticularly strong. However, models surpass methods
when it comes to more extensive and systematic val-
idation, such as analysis. This suggests that mod-
els have been provided with higher quality evidence
Figure 10: Objectives and means.
in terms of their applicability. Metrics, tools, and
processes have only been validated through analysis,
while frameworks have an even distribution with one
occurrence in each category, except for blatant asser-
Figure 11: Contribution and validation type.
In order to describe and interpret the significance of
our findings, this section discusses the obtained re-
sults of the vertical and horizontal analysis introduced
in the previous section.
Regarding publication trends (RQ1), the major-
ity of primary studies are published at conferences,
followed by journals and workshops, which is com-
mon in the software engineering literature. Further-
more, the research on this topic can be categorized as
solution-seeking, with 95% of the primary studies
being solution proposals. Among them, the major-
ity contribute with a model or method. We believe
that more effort should be put on the evaluation and
validation of solutions in industry. More specifically,
more attention should be put on formal or empirical
validation to properly assess the limitations and ben-
efits of the proposed solutions.
Regarding quality attributes (RQ2), the results
provide evidence that one particular quality attribute
Find the Way in the Jungle of Quality of Service in Industrial Cloud: A Systematic Mapping Study
is addressed more frequently than others: perfor-
mance, addressed in 80% of the primary stud-
ies. More effort should be directed to other qual-
ity attributes since desired levels of QoS are usu-
ally achieved through a combination of quality at-
tributes (Software & Systems Engineering Standards
Committee, 1998). Furthermore, different primary
studies report on different factors that affect quality
attributes and, consequently, the overall QoS. Virtual-
ization is covered in more than 50% of the primary
studies, and it is mostly mentioned as a factor affect-
ing performance. This result was expected as virtu-
alization is a ground technology that enables the use
of cloud computing and improves the utility of phys-
ical machines. Furthermore, a notable number of pri-
mary studies investigate data storage architecture as
a factor affecting QoS and more specifically, security.
This was expected as numerous enterprises are mov-
ing their data to the cloud because of its simplicity,
but fear the security aspect. We believe additional re-
search must be conducted in how virtualization solu-
tions affect security because each virtualization layer
can be a target to malicious attacks and compromise
the entire cloud infrastructure. Moreover, our study
revealed that only 24% of the primary studies re-
ported on QoS with respect to a particular domain,
therefore, it is our belief that more research efforts
should be spent on investigating QoS in specific in-
dustrial domains.
Regarding quality metrics (RQ3), the majority
of primary studies focuses on three quality metrics:
response time, resource utilization and make span.
These results do not imply that the remaining quality
metrics have not received enough attention from the
research community, but only that they have a more
restricted application in the assessment of quality at-
tributes mentioned in the selected primary studies.
The aforementioned quality metrics are, to a large ex-
tent, used to assess performance. However, 18% of
quality metrics have two occurrences in the primary
studies, while 43% have only one. Furthermore,
only one primary study contributed by proposing met-
rics for the assessment of specific quality attributes.
This makes us believe that more research should be
conducted on the definition of more specific and en-
hanced quality metrics. Moreover, the mapping be-
tween quality attributes and quality metrics showed
that 67% of the quality attributes mentioned in the
primary studies were not assessed by any quality met-
ric. We foresee a need for further research targeting
these quality attributes with the goal of proposing and
identifying quality metrics to assess them.
Regarding objectives (RQ4) of the primary stud-
ies, we found that the majority were interested in
improving QoS. We could discuss how the research
community could have focused more on other ob-
jectives such as measuring or defining QoS, rather
than on its improvement, but being that QoS is cru-
cial for the adoption of cloud technologies, we un-
derstand the rationale behind this. Moreover, the ap-
proaches that strive to improve QoS involve the wide
use of scheduling techniques and mechanisms. How-
ever, our suggestion would be to focus on providing
scheduling solutions that take into consideration mul-
tiple QoS attributes rather than a single one. Further-
more, we observed a noteworthy focus on using secu-
rity mechanisms to improve QoS.
External Validity. One major threat that could limit
the generalizability of our study is having a set of
primary studies that is not representative enough of
the research on this topic. To mitigate this threat, we
conducted an automatic search on two of the largest
and most complete electronic databases in software
engineering, which was complemented with a fully-
recursive backward snowballing activity to eventually
enrich the initial corpus of primary studies. Another
threat that can jeopardize the external validity of our
study is the exclusion of primary studies in languages
other than English. Regardless, being that English is
the de-facto standard language used for scientific pa-
pers, this threat is negligible. Moreover, we only tar-
geted peer-reviewed publications as they are expected
to provide scientific work of certain quality assessed
by peers, thus excluding gray literature.
Internal Validity. To mitigate biases regarding the
degree of influence of external variables on the de-
sign of the study, we rigorously defined and validated
a detailed study protocol that follows the guidelines
proposed by Petersen et al. (2015), Kitchenham and
Charters (2007), and Wohlin et al. (2012). Further-
more, we defined a classification framework for the
extraction of data from the primary studies, that was
iteratively revised. The keywording process was also
used to transform qualitative data into quantitative
data, while quantitative data was analyzed using de-
scriptive statistics, making the data analysis validity
threats minimal. Finally, a complete replication pack-
is available for the independent replication of our
Construct Validity. To mitigate the threat of hav-
ing a set of primary studies that is not representa-
tive enough of the population defined by the research
questions, we conducted an automatic search on two
electronic databases and complemented the search
CLOSER 2021 - 11th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
with a fully-recursive backward snowballing activity.
Furthermore, we conducted preliminary searches and
refined the search string based on the analysis of a set
of sample studies. Finally, all relevant studies were
screened according to deterministic and clear selec-
tion criteria.
Conclusion Validity. Our study has been con-
ducted using widely accepted systematic methods
documented in the study design. The study design
and the replication package can be used by other re-
searchers to verify and replicate our work. We are
aware that they may design a classification framework
with different categories and data items than ours,
thus leading to different results. However, we miti-
gated this potential threat by: (i) documenting how we
constructed the classification framework, (ii) refining
the categories and data items throughout the entire
data extraction process, and (iii) making the replica-
tion package publicly available for transparency and
This section discusses other existing systematic stud-
ies related to QoS in cloud computing. However, as
to our best knowledge, there is no existing systematic
mapping study on QoS in industrial cloud computing
with a focus on quality attributes. Therefore, in the
following, we provide only an overview of the few
existing studies related to our topic.
Lehrig et al. (2015) conducted a systematic lit-
erature review in the cloud computing context with
respect to three quality attributes (scalability, elas-
ticity, and efficiency), to recommend relevant def-
initions and metrics. Their findings can be used
to evaluate the QoS of cloud technologies and as a
starting point to derive new quality metrics. Ab-
delmaboud et al. (2015) conducted a systematic map-
ping study to offer insights on the state-of-art of QoS
approaches in cloud computing. Most of the studies
focus on Infrastructure-as-a-Service and Software-as-
a-Service. The challenges and gaps identified in the
study confirm that more research must be conducted
on QoS approaches. Prakash et al. (2019) conducted
a literature review and a comparative study of QoS
management techniques in cloud computing. They
present a list of eight quality attributes and their re-
spective metrics that can help with the improvement
of performance in cloud systems and compare various
QoS techniques. Nevertheless, they state that there
are still lots of possibilities on how QoS in cloud com-
puting can be further enhanced.
The related works presented in this section high-
light the fact that the existing research conducted
at the intersection of cloud computing and QoS is
generic and does not focus on the industrial side of
cloud computing, which we instead focus on.
This paper reports on a systematic mapping study
on QoS in industrial cloud computing with the goal
of identifying and classifying the most commonly
addressed quality attributes and related metrics, and
highlighting the research gaps. The initial set of po-
tentially relevant studies consisted of 1063 publica-
tions. The selection of the primary studies through a
rigour and well-documented process led to a final set
of 42 primary studies. For the extraction of relevant
information from the set of studies, we defined and
incrementally refined a classification framework that
can also be used for future research. For data synthe-
sis, we carried out a vertical and horizontal analysis.
The main results of this study are the following:
Research on QoS in industrial cloud computing
largely focuses on providing solution proposals
that contribute with novel models and methods.
There is a need for more solid validation of pro-
posed solutions that can contribute to the maturity
of the research area and the adoption of these so-
lutions in practice.
The adoption of cloud technologies in industry is
closely related to the performance indicators of-
fered by these technologies. However, research
on other quality attributes is quite limited.
Despite the undeniable importance of security in
cloud technologies, the results suggest a lack of
research on security as a quality attribute and on
how to mitigate the security threats when provid-
ing virtualization solutions.
The most mentioned quality metrics in industrial
cloud computing are response time, resource uti-
lization and make span, that to a large extent are
used to assess performance.
The approaches are in most cases not targeting
explicitly a specific industrial domain, potentially
hampering the identification of relevant quality at-
tributes and metrics for specific applications.
There is strong scientific research on the im-
pact the virtualization solutions have on QoS
and specifically, performance, that can help cloud
providers make more informed QoS-aware archi-
tectural decisions.
The focus of research in this area seems to be ori-
ented towards the improvement of QoS by using
Find the Way in the Jungle of Quality of Service in Industrial Cloud: A Systematic Mapping Study
better scheduling techniques to tailor quality at-
tributes according to users’ expectations.
To summarize, these conclusions provide evi-
dence that there have been research efforts on this
topic, but the focus of the current literature still leaves
open research challenges. Overall, we believe that our
study will be helpful to the research community for
the following reasons: (i) the catalog of quality at-
tributes and metrics can be useful for evaluating QoS
in industrial cloud computing, and (ii) the catalog of
factors affecting QoS can help make more informed
decisions regarding cloud architecture with respect to
how it affects specific quality attributes.
This work was supported by Vinnova through the
ITEA3 BUMBLE project (rn. 18006).
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