Measuring the Novelty of Natural Language Text using the
Conjunctive Clauses of a Tsetlin Machine Text Classifier
Bimal Bhattarai
, Ole-Christoffer Granmo
and Lei Jiao
Department of Information and Communication Technology, University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway
Novelty Detection, Deep Learning, Interpretable, Tsetlin Machine.
Most supervised text classification approaches assume a closed world, counting on all classes being present
in the data at training time. This assumption can lead to unpredictable behaviour during operation, whenever
novel, previously unseen, classes appear. Although deep learning-based methods have recently been used
for novelty detection, they are challenging to interpret due to their black-box nature. This paper addresses
interpretable open-world text classification, where the trained classifier must deal with novel classes during
operation. To this end, we extend the recently introduced Tsetlin machine (TM) with a novelty scoring mech-
anism. The mechanism uses the conjunctive clauses of the TM to measure to what degree a text matches the
classes covered by the training data. We demonstrate that the clauses provide a succinct interpretable descrip-
tion of known topics, and that our scoring mechanism makes it possible to discern novel topics from the known
ones. Empirically, our TM-based approach outperforms seven other novelty detection schemes on three out of
five datasets, and performs second and third best on the remaining, with the added benefit of an interpretable
propositional logic-based representation.
In recent years, deep learning-based techniques have
achieved superior performance on many text clas-
sification tasks. Most of the classifiers use super-
vised learning, assuming a closed-world environ-
ment (Scheirer et al., 2013). That is, the classes pre-
sented in the test data (or during operation) are also
assumed to be presented in the training data. How-
ever, when facing an open-world environment, new
classes may appear after training (Bendale and Boult,
2016). In such cases, assuming a closed world can
lead to unpredictable behaviour. For example, a chat-
bot interacting with a human user will regularly face
new user intents that it has not been trained to rec-
ognize. A chatbot for banking services may, for in-
stance, have been trained to recognize the intent of
applying for a loan. However, it will provide mean-
ingless responses if it fails to recognize that asking for
a lower interest rate is new and different user intent.
The problem with neural network-based supervised
classifiers that use the typical softmax layer is that
they erroneously force novel input into one of the pre-
viously seen classes by normalizing the class output
scores to produce a distribution that sums to 1.0. In-
stead, a robust classifier should be able to flag input as
a novel, rejecting to label it according to the presently
known classes. Recently, many important application
areas make use of novelty detection such as medi-
cal applications, fraud detection (Veeramreddy et al.,
2011), sensor networks (Zhang et al., 2010), and text
analysis (Basu et al., 2004). For a further study of
these classes of techniques, the reader is referred to
(Pimentel et al., 2014).
Outlier decision boundary
Outlier detection Novelty detection
trained example
known class
novel example
Figure 1: Visualization of outlier detection and novelty de-
Figure 1 illustrates the problem of novelty detection,
i.e., recognizing when the data fed to a classifier is
novel and somehow differs from the data that was
available during training. In brief, after training on
Bhattarai, B., Granmo, O. and Jiao, L.
Measuring the Novelty of Natural Language Text using the Conjunctive Clauses of a Tsetlin Machine Text Classifier.
DOI: 10.5220/0010382204100417
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 2, pages 410-417
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
data with known classes (blue data points to the right
in Figure 1), the classifier should be able to detect
novel data arising from new, and previously unseen
classes (yellow data points to the right in the figure).
We will refer to the known data points as positive ex-
amples and the novel data points as negative exam-
ples. Note that the problem of novelty detection is
closely related to so-called outlier detection (Chan-
dola et al., 2009; Pincus, 1995). However, as exempli-
fied to the left in Figure 1, the latter problem involves
flagging data points that are part of an already known
class, yet deviating from the other data points, e.g.,
due to measurement errors or anomalies (red point).
Problem Definition: Generally, in multiclass classi-
fication, we have a set of example data points X =
), x
, where i = (1,2,3,...,N) indexes the
positive examples, s is the dimensionality of the data
point x
, and y
is the label of x
, assigning it a class.
For any data point x
, also referred to as a feature vec-
tor, a classifier function ˆy = F (x; X) is to assign the
data point a predicted class ˆy, after the function has
been fitted to the training data X. Additionally, a nov-
elty scoring function z(x; X ), also fitted on X, calcu-
lates a novelty score, so that a threshold σ can be used
to recognize novel input. In other words, the classi-
fier is to return the correct class label while simulta-
neously being capable of rejecting novel examples.
Under the above circumstances, standard super-
vised learning would fail, particularly for methods
based on building a discriminant function, such as
neural networks. As shown to the left of Figure 1,
a discriminant function captures the discriminating
“boundaries” between the known classes and cannot
readily be used to discern novel classes. Still, a tra-
ditional way of implementing novelty detection is to
threshold the entropy of the class probability distribu-
tion (Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2017). Such methods
are not actually measuring novelty but closeness to
the decision boundary. Such an approach thus leads
to undetected novel data points when the data points
are located far from the decision boundary. Another,
and perhaps more robust, approach is to take advan-
tage of the class likelihood function, which estimates
the probability of the data given the class.
Paper Contributions: Unlike traditional methods,
in this paper we leverage the conjunctive clauses
in propositional logic that a TM builds. The TM
clauses represent frequent patterns in the data, and
our hypothesis is that these frequent patterns charac-
terize the known classes succinctly and comprehen-
sively. Thus, we establish a novelty scoring mech-
anism based simply on counting how many clauses
match the input. This score can, in turn, be thresh-
olded manually to flag novel input. However, for
more robust novelty detection, we train several stan-
dard machine learning techniques to find accurate
thresholds. The main contributions of our work can
thus be summarized as follows:
We devise the first TM-based approach for nov-
elty detection, leveraging the clauses of the TM
We illustrate how the new technique can be used
to detect novel topics in text, and compare the
technique against widely used approaches on ve
different datasets.
The perhaps most common approach to novelty de-
tection is distance-based methods (Hautamaki et al.,
2004), which assumes that the known or seen data
are clustered together while novel data has a high dis-
tance to the clusters. The major drawback of these
methods is computational complexity when perform-
ing clustering or nearest neighbor search in a large
dataset. Early work on novelty detection also includes
one-class SVMs (Sch
olkopf et al., 2001), which are
only capable of using the positive training examples
to maximize the class margin. This shortcoming
is overcome by the Center-Based Similarity (CBS)
space learning method (Fei and Liu, 2015), which
uses binary classifiers over vector similarities of train-
ing examples transformed into the center of the class.
To build a classifier for detecting novel class distri-
butions, Chow et al. proposed a confidence score-
based method that suggests an optimum input rejec-
tion rule (Chow, 1970). The method is relatively ac-
curate, but it does not scale well to high-dimensional
The novelty detection method OpenMax (Bendale
and Boult, 2016) is more recent, and estimates the
probability of the input belonging to a novel class.
To achieve this, the method employs an extra layer,
connected to the penultimate layer of the original net-
work. However, the computational complexity of the
method is high, and the underlying inference cannot
easily be interpreted for quality assurance. Lately, Yu
et al. (Yu et al., 2017) adopted the Adversarial Sam-
ple Generation (ASG) framework (Hautamaki et al.,
2004) to generate positive and negative examples in
an unsupervised manner. Then, based on those exam-
ples, they trained an SVM classifier for novelty detec-
tion. Furthermore, in computer vision, Scheirer et al.
introduced the concept of open space risk to recog-
nize novel image content (Scheirer et al., 2013). They
proposed a “1-vs-set machine” that creates a decision
Measuring the Novelty of Natural Language Text using the Conjunctive Clauses of a Tsetlin Machine Text Classifier
space using a binary SVM classifier, with two parallel
hyperplanes bounding the non-novel regions. In Sec-
tion 4, we compare the performance of our new TM-
based approach with the most widely used approaches
among those mentioned above.
In this section, we propose our approach to novelty
detection based on the TM. First, we explain the ar-
chitecture of the TM. Then, we show how novelty
scores can be obtained from the TM clauses. Finally,
we integrate the TM with a rule-based classifier for
novel text classification.
3.1 Tsetlin Machine (TM) Architecture
The TM is a recent approach to pattern clas-
sification (Granmo, 2018) and regression (Dar-
shana Abeyrathna et al., 2020). It builds on a classic
learning mechanism called a Tsetlin automaton (TA),
developed by M. L. Tsetlin in the early 1960s (Tsetlin,
1961). In all brevity, multiple teams of TA combine to
form the TM. Each team is responsible for capturing a
frequent sub-pattern in high precision by composing a
conjunctive clause. In-built resource allocation prin-
ciples guide the teams to distribute themselves across
the underlying sup-patterns of the problem. Recently,
the TM has performed competitively with the state-
of-the-art techniques including deep neural networks,
for text classification (Berge et al., 2019), and aspect-
based sentiment analysis (Yadav et al., 2021). Further,
the convergence of TM has been studied in (Zhang
et al., 2020). In what follows, we propose a new
scheme that extends the TM with the capability to rec-
ognize novel patterns.
Figure 2 describes the building blocks of a TM.
As seen, a vanilla TM takes a vector X = (x
of binary features as input (Figure 3). We binarize
text by using binary features that capture the pres-
ence/absence of terms in a vocabulary, akin to a bag
of words, as done in (Berge et al., 2019). However,
as opposed to a vanilla TM, our scheme does not out-
put the predicted class. Instead, it calculates a novelty
score per class.
Together with their negated counterparts, ¯x
= 1 x
, the features form a literal set, L =
, ¯x
,..., ¯x
}. A TM pattern is formu-
lated as a conjunctive clause C
or C
, where j =
(1,...,m/2) denotes an index of a clause, and the su-
perscript describes the polarity of a clause. In more
detail, the total number of clauses, m, is divided into
two parts, where half of the clauses are assigned a
positive polarity and the other half are assigned a neg-
ative polarity. Any clause, regardless of the polarity,
is formed by ANDing a subset of the literal set. For
example, the j
clause with positive polarity, C
can be expressed as:
(X) =
. (1)
where L
L is the set of literals that are involved in
the expression of C
(X) after training. For instance,
given clause C
(X) = x
, it consists of the literals
= {x
} and outputs 1 if x
= x
= 1. The output
of a conjunctive clause is determined by evaluating it
on the input literals. When a clause outputs 1, this
means that it has recognized a pattern in the input.
Conversely, the clause outputs 0 when no pattern is
recognized. The clause outputs, in turn, are combined
into a classification decision through summation and
thresholding using the unit step function u:
ˆy = u
. (2)
That is, the classification is performed based on a
majority vote, with the positive clauses voting for
y = 1 and the negative for y = 0. The classifier
ˆy = u (x
+ ¯x
), e.g., captures the
A clause is composed by a team of TA, each TA
deciding to Exclude or Include a specific literal in
the clause. The TA learns which literals to include
based on reinforcement: Type I feedback is designed
to produce frequent patterns, while Type II feedback
increases the discriminating power of the patterns (see
(Granmo, 2018) for details).
3.2 Novelty Detection Architecture
For novelty detection, however, we here propose to
treat all clause output as positive, disregarding clause
polarity. This is because both positive and nega-
tive clauses capture patterns in the training data, and
thus can be used to detect novel input. We use this
sum of absolute clause outputs as a novelty score,
which denotes the resemblance of the input to the
patterns formed by clauses during training. The re-
sulting modified TM architecture is captured by Fig-
ure 3, showing how four different outputs (i.e., two
per class) are produced by the TM. These outputs
form the basis for novelty detection.
The overall novelty detection architecture is shown
in Figure 4. Each TM (one per class) produces two
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Novelty Score
Figure 2: Optimization of clauses in TM for generating novelty score.
Text Input
Binary Encoded Input
Class 1 Class 2
Novelty Score
Novelty Score
Novelty Score
Novelty Score
Figure 3: Multiclass Tsetlin Machine (MTM) framework to
produce the novelty score for each class.
novelty scores for its respective class, one based on
the positive polarity clauses and another based on the
negative polarity clauses. The novelty scores are nor-
malized and then given to a classifier, such as de-
cision tree (DT), k-nearest neighbor (KNN), support
vector machine (SVM), and logistic regression (LR).
The output from these classifiers are “Novel” or “Not
Novel”, i.e. 0 or 1 in the figure.
For illustration purposes, instead of using a ma-
chine learning algorithm to decide upon novelty, one
can instead use a simple rule-based classifier, intro-
Known Class Novel Class
Novelty Score Novelty Score
Output (0 or 1)
Figure 4: Novelty detection architecture.
ducing a classification threshold T . Then the novelty
score for the input sentence can be compared with T
to detect whether a sentence is novel or not. That is, T
decides how many clauses must match to qualify the
input as non-novel. The classification function F (X)
for a single class can accordingly be given as:
F (X) =
1, if
(X) > T,
1, if
(X) < T,
0, otherwise.
Measuring the Novelty of Natural Language Text using the Conjunctive Clauses of a Tsetlin Machine Text Classifier
In this section, we present the experimental evaluation
of our proposed TM model and compare it with other
baseline models across five datasets.
4.1 Datasets
We used the following datasets for evaluation.
20-newsgroup Dataset: The dataset contains 20
classes with a total of 18,828 documents. In
our experiment, we consider the two classes
“” and “talk.politics.guns” as
known classes and the class “”
as novel. We take 1000 samples from both known
and novel classes for novelty classification.
CMU Movie Summary Corpus: The dataset con-
tains 42,306 movie plot summaries extracted from
Wikipedia and metadata extracted from Freebase.
In our experiment, we consider the two movie cat-
egories “action” and “horror” as known classes
and “fantasy” as novel.
Spooky Author Identification Dataset: The
dataset contains 3,000 public domain books from
the following horror fiction authors: Edgar Allan
Poe (EAP), HP Lovecraft (HPL), and Mary Shel-
ley (MS). We train on written texts from EAP and
HPL while treating texts from MS as novel.
Web of Science Dataset (Kowsari et al., 2017):
This dataset contains 5,736 published papers, with
eleven categories organized under three main cat-
egories. We use two of the main categories as
known classes, and the third as a novel class.
BBC Sports Dataset: This dataset contains 737
documents from the BBC Sport website, orga-
nized in five sports article categories and collected
from 2004 to 2005. In our work, we use “cricket”
and “football” as the known classes and “rugby”
as novel.
4.2 A Case Study
To cast light on the interpretability of our scheme, we
here use substrings from the 20 Newsgroup dataset,
demonstrating novelty detection on a few simple
cases. First, we form an indexed vocabulary set V ,
including all literals from the dataset. The input text
is binarized based upon the index of the literals in V .
For example, if a word in the text substring has been
assigned index 5 in V , the 5
position of the input
vector is set to 1. If a word is absent from the sub-
string, its corresponding feature is set to 0. Let us
consider substrings from the two known classes and
the novel class from the 20 Newsgroup dataset.
Class: (known)
Text: Presentations are solicited on all aspects
of Navy-related scientific visualization and virtual
Literals: “Presentations”, “solicited”, “as-
pects”, “Navy”, “related”, “scientific”, “visual-
ization”, “virtual”, “reality”.
Class: talk.politics.guns (known)
Text: Last year the US suffered almost 10,000
wrongful or accidental deaths by handguns alone.
In the same year, the UK suffered 35 such deaths.
Literals: “Last , “year”, “US”, “suffered”,
“wrongful”, “accidental”, “deaths”, “hand-
guns”, “UK”, “suffered”.
Class: (Novel)
Text: The top 4 are the only true contenders in
my mind. One of these 4 will definitely win the
division unless it snows in Maryland.
Literals: “top , “only”, “true”, “contenders”,
“mind”, “win”, “division”, “unless”, “snows”,
After training, the two known classes form conjunc-
tive clauses that capture literal patterns reflecting the
textual content. For the above example, we get the
following clauses:
= “Presentations” “aspects” “Navy”
“scientific” “virtual” “reality” “year”
“US” “mind” “division”
= ¬(“suffered” “accidental” “unless”
= “last” “year” “US” “wrongful”
“deaths” “accidental” “handguns” “Navy”
“snows” “Maryland” “divisions”
= ¬(“presentations” “solicited”
“virtual” “top” “win”)
Table 1: Novelty score example when known text sentence
is passed to the model.
Class C
Known +6 -3 +3 -5
Novel +2 -1 +1 -2
Here, the clauses from each class captures the fre-
quent patterns from the class. However, it may also
contain certain literals from other classes. The posi-
tive polarity clauses provide evidence on the presence
of a class, while negative polarity clauses provide ev-
idence on the absence of the class. The novelty score
for each class is calculated based on the propositional
ICAART 2021 - 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Accuracy of different machine learning classifiers to detect novel class in various dataset.
20 Newsgroup 72.5 % 82 % 78.0 % 72.75 % 69.0 % 82.50 %
Spooky action author 53.42 % 57.89 % 63.15 % 52.63 % 58.68 % 63.15 %
CMU movie 61.05 % 64.73 % 62.10 % 55.00 % 58.94 % 68.68 %
BBC sports 84.21 % 85.96 % 75.43% 70.17 % 73.68 % 89.47 %
Web of Science 64.70 % 67.97 % 69.93 % 67.10 % 62.09 % 70.37 %
formula formed by the clauses (Figure 2). In general,
for input from known classes, the novelty scores are
higher. This is because the clauses have been trained
to vote for or against input from the known class. For
example, when we pass a known class to our model,
the clauses might produce scores as in Table 1 (for
illustration purposes).
The scores are then used as features to prepare a
dataset for employing machine learning classifiers to
enhance novelty detection. As exemplified in the ta-
ble, novelty scores for known classes are relatively
higher than those of novel classes. This allows the
final classifier to robustly recognize novel input, as
explored empirically below.
4.3 Empirical Evaluation
We divided the task into two experiments, i.e., 1)
Novelty score calculation 2) Novelty/Known Class
classification. In the first experiment, we employ the
known classes to train the TM. The TM runs for 100
epochs with a hyperparameter setting of 5000 clauses,
a threshold T of 25, and a sensitivity s of 15.0. Then,
we use the clauses formed by the trained TM model to
calculate the novelty scores for both known and novel
classes. We adopt an equal number of examples to
gather the novelty score from both known and novel
classes. In the second experiment, the novelty score
generated from the first experiment is forwarded as
input to standard machine learning classifiers, such
as DT, KNN, SVM, LR, NB, and MLP to classify
whether a text is novel or known.
The experimental results for all datasets are shown
in Table 2. As seen, multilayer perceptron (MLP)
(hidden layer sizes 100,30 and ReLU activation with
stochastic gradient descent) is superior for all of the
datasets. In our experiments, the 20 Newsgroups and
BBC sports datasets yielded better results than the
three other data sets, arguably because of the sharp
distinctiveness of examples in the known and novel
classes. We further believe that the novelty scores
are clustered based on known and novel classes; thus,
distance-based methods seem effective in classifica-
tion. We plotted the novelty score of thousand text
samples from known and novel classes using our
framework, which shows how scores differ signif-
2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 0
1 0 0
2 0 0
3 0 0
4 0 0
5 0 0
S c o r e
S a m p l e
K n o w n c l a s s
N o v e l c l a s s
Figure 5: Visualization of differences in novelty score for
known and novel classes.
icantly for each sample as visualized in Figure 5.
Moreover, we can see from the graph that when the
texts from the novel and known classes are discrimi-
native, the TM produces distinct novelty scores, thus
improving the ability of machine learning classifiers
to detect novel texts. In all brevity, we believe that the
clauses of a TM capture frequent patterns in the train-
ing data, and thus novel samples will reveal them-
selves by not fitting with a sufficiently large number
of clauses. The number of triggered clauses can there-
fore be utilized to measure novelty score. Also, the
clauses formed by trained TM models should only to
a small degree trigger on novel classes, producing dis-
tinctively low scores.
We compared the performance of our TM frame-
work with different clustering and outlier detection
algorithms, such as Cluster-based Local Outlier Fac-
tor (CBLOF), Feature Bagging (neighbors, n = 35),
Histogram-base Outlier Detection (HBOS), Isolation
Forest, Average KNN, K-Means clustering, and One-
class SVM. The evaluation was performed on the
same preprocessed datasets for a fair comparison.
To make comparison more robust, we preprocessed
the data for the baseline algorithms using count vec-
torizer, term frequency-inverse document frequency
(TF-IDF), and Principle component analysis (PCA).
Additionally, we utilized the maximum possible out-
lier fraction (i.e., 0.5) for these methods. The perfor-
mance comparison is given in Table 3, which shows
Measuring the Novelty of Natural Language Text using the Conjunctive Clauses of a Tsetlin Machine Text Classifier
Table 3: Performance comparison of proposed TM framework with cluster and outlier-based novelty detection algorithms.
Algorithms 20 Newsgroup Spooky action author CMU movie BBC sports WOS
LOF 52.51 % 50.66 % 48.84 % 47.97 % 55.61 %
Feature Bagging 67.60 % 62.70 % 64.73 % 54.38 % 69.64 %
HBOS 55.03 % 48.55 % 48.57 % 49.53 % 55.09 %
Isolation Forest 52.01 % 48.66% 49.10 % 49.35% 54.70 %
Average KNN 76.35 % 57.76 % 56.21 % 55.54 % 79.22 %
K-Means clustering 81.00 % 61.30 % 49.20 % 47.70 % 41.31 %
One-class SVM 83.70 % 43.56 % 51.94 % 83.53 % 36.32 %
TM framework 82.50 % 63.15% 68.15 % 89.47 % 70.37 %
that our framework surpasses the other algorithms on
three of the datasets and performs competitively in the
remaining two. However, in datasets like Web of Sci-
ence, where there are many similar words shared be-
tween known and novel classes, our method is sur-
prisingly surpassed by the distance-based algorithm
(i.e., Average KNN). One-class SVM closely follows
the performance of our TM framework, which may be
due to its linear structure that prevents overfitting on
imbalanced and small datasets.
In this paper, we studied the problem of novelty de-
tection in multiclass text classification. We proposed
a score-based TM framework for novel class detec-
tion. We first used the clauses of the TM to pro-
duce a novelty score, distinguishing between known
and novel classes. Then, a machine learning classifier
is adopted for novelty classification using the novelty
scores provided by the TM. The experimental results
on various datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of
our proposed framework. Our future work includes
using a large text corpus with multiple classes for ex-
perimentation and studying the properties of the nov-
elty score theoretically.
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