Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using French Pre-Trained Models
Abderrahman Essebbar, Bamba Kane, Oph
elie Guinaudeau, Valeria Chiesa, Ilhem Qu
and St
ephane Chau
Research and Innovation Direction, ALTRAN Sophia-Antipolis, France
Natural Language Processing, Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis, Sentiment Analysis, Pre-Trained Models,
Sentence Pair Classification, Attention Encoder Network, Aspect Sentiment Classification, SemEval.
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is a fine-grained task compared to Sentiment Analysis (SA). It aims
to detect each aspect evoked in a text and the sentiment associated to each of them. For English language, many
works using Pre-Trained Models (PTM) exits and many annotated open datasets are also available. For French
Language, many works exits in SA and few ones for ABSA. We focus on aspect target sentiment analysis and
we propose an ABSA using French PTM like multilingual BERT (mBERT), CamemBERT and FlauBERT.
Three different fine-tuning methods: Fully-Connected, Sentences Pair Classification and Attention Encoder
Network, are considered. Using the SemEval2016 French reviews datasets for ABSA, our fine-tuning models
outperforms the state-of-the-art French ABSA methods and is robust for the Out-Of-Domain dataset.
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) helps busi-
nesses to become more and more customer-centric.
It is used as a tool to deep understand customers by
analyzing their feedback and expectations. It allows
to point out the satisfactory aspects and those that
need to be improved based on the customer experi-
ence (Pang and Lee, 2008).
Over the past few years, ABSA has been devel-
oped for several applications : movie reviews, cus-
tomer reviews on electronic products (e.g. cameras,
computers), services, restaurants etc.
ABSA is part of Natural Language Processing
(NLP) and it is well known to provide more informa-
tion about the context than a simple sentiment anal-
ysis (SA). There has been a large amount of work in
SA over the last decade and it continues to rapidly
grow in new directions (Lin and Luo, 2020). A ma-
jor issue in this field is that a customer review can
express sentiments towards various aspects of a prod-
uct or service. For example, a restaurant review can
talk positively about the food, and also talk negatively
about the price of the menu. Thus, SA is not enough.
ABSA aims to split the text into Aspects (at-
tributes or components of a product or service) and
then give to each aspect a Sentiment level: positive,
negative or neutral.
An example of restaurant review showing the two
aspects category and target (or term) (Apidianaki
et al., 2016): [Pourtant les plats sont bons et la deco
est sympa (However, the food is good and the decora-
tion is nice)]
: positive]
polarity : positive]
There are different ABSA tasks:
The Opinion Target Extraction which aims at ex-
tracting the target (i.e the words reflecting the as-
The Aspect-Category Detection which aims at
detecting the different types of aspects that are
evoked in a text.;
The Aspect Sentiment Classification (ASC) for
which the objective is to associate a sentiment po-
larity (positive, negative or neutral) to each iden-
tified aspect.
In this paper, we focus on ASC.
For this kind of tasks, Pre-Trained Models (PTM)
appear to be very promising solutions but until now
they have not been used for ABSA in French Lan-
guage. The main contributions of this research work
Proposition of the first work on ABSA using
French language PTM whereas many ABSA
Essebbar, A., Kane, B., Guinaudeau, O., Chiesa, V., Quénel, I. and Chau, S.
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using French Pre-Trained Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0010382705190525
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 1, pages 519-525
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
works are done for English language ;
Adaptation of three fine-tuning methods ;
Comparison with the state-of-the-art methods us-
ing the first french SemEval2016 dataset for
Restaurant and Museum(Apidianaki et al., 2016)
The paper is structured as follows: a review of ABSA
state-of-the-art methods is presented in section 2,
while in section 3 the french PTM are introduced. In
section 4, a benchmark study of the results is exposed,
together with the dataset used for SemEval2016 chal-
lenge in French language.
2.1 Conventional Methods
In this section, we present the state- of-the-art for
ASC using conventional classifiers like Convolutional
Neural Network (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory
(LSTM), Conditional Random Field (CRF):
(Brun et al., 2016) proposed a method composed
by two steps : 1) at word level, a CRF is trained to
classify terms in aspect categories; 2) at sentence
level, aspect categories are associated to a sen-
tence according with a probability . This method
is the winner for French language SemEval2016
Challenge (slot 1 and slot 3) (Pontiki et al., 2016).
(Kumar et al., 2016) used information extracted
from dependency graphs learned on different
domains and languages of SemEval2016 and
showed very efficient results on different lan-
guages including French language .
cek, 2016) focused only on aspect cate-
gories and modeled the task as a multi-label clas-
sification with binary relevance transformation,
where labels correspond to the aspects.
(Ruder et al., 2016) proposed a method using mul-
tiple CNN filters for sentiment and aspect detec-
(Tang et al., 2016b) applied a deep Memory Net-
work (MemNet) which uses multiple attention to
compute the importance of each context word .
Target-Dependent LSTM (TD-LSTM): (Tang
et al., 2016a) used LSTM networks to model both
the left context and the right context with the re-
spect to given target. Then the left and right
target-dependent representations are concatenated
to predict the sentiment polarity of the target.
Target-Connection LSTM (TC-LSTM): method
uses a LSTM for which semantic relatedness of
target with its context words are incorporated
(Tang et al., 2016a). A target vector is calculated
by averaging the vectors of the words that com-
pose the target.
(Kooli and Pigeul, 2018) propose the CNN-
LSTM-CRF model for aspects detection and the
MEMNet model for detecting the sentiment asso-
ciated with the aspects. these separate methods
are applied on French SemEval2016 data.
The previous standard LSTM based models cannot
detect which is the important part for ASC. When
classifying the polarity of one sentence given the as-
pect, the aspect information is important. We may
get opposite polarities if different aspects are consid-
ered. The use of target information only is not suf-
ficient. The application of attention mechanism can
extract the association of important words for an as-
pect (Wang et al., 2016), and can capture the key part
of sentences in response to a given aspect.
Attention-based LSTM with Aspect Embedding
(ATAE-LSTM): model appends the target em-
beddings with each word embeddings and uses
BiLSTM with attention to get the aspect and the
associated sentiment (Wang et al., 2016).
Interactive Attention Network (IAN): model aims
to learn the representations of the target and
context with LSTM and attentions interactively,
which generates the representations for targets
and contexts with respect to each other (Ma et al.,
Attentional Encoder Network (AEN): model pro-
posed by (Song et al., 2019) avoids recurrence
and employs attention based encoders for model-
ing context and aspect.
2.2 PTM Methods
The evolution of word representation used in NLP
started with non-neural methods, neural word em-
bedding techniques, context word embedding meth-
ods and actually the trend is large pre-trained lan-
guage models like Bidirectional Encoder Represen-
tations from Transformers (BERT) and others (Qiu
et al., 2020). The PTM provide a context to words that
have previously been learning the occurrence and rep-
resentations of words from unannotated training data.
BERT is a pre-trained English language model
that is designed to consider the context of a word from
both left and right side simultaneously (Devlin et al.,
2018). BERT is not based on LSTM to get the word
NLPinAI 2021 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: PTM parameters comparison (from (Le et al., 2019)).
context features, but instead uses transformers pro-
posed by (Vaswani et al., 2017), which are attention-
based mechanisms that are not based on recurrence.
BERT embedding generates word vectors of se-
quence in order to facilitate the training and Fine-
Tuning for a specific task without having to make
a major change in the model and parameters. This
concept is simple and improves results for many
NLP tasks such as SA and Question Answering
(Q&A) systems, Part-Of-Speech (POS), Named En-
tity Recognition (NER) and NLI (Natural Language
For SA, BERT outperforms previous state-of-the-
art models by simply fine-tuning on Stanford Senti-
ment Treebank and Internet Movie Database binary
classification, which are widely used dataset for SA
For ABSA, BERT with fine-tuned methods us-
ing Fully-Connected (FC) called also BASE, AEN
or Sentence Pair Classification (SPC) shows improve-
ments compared to conventional methods (Song et al.,
2019) (Gao et al., 2019)
3.1 Existing French PTM
Based on the impact of PTM on NLP tasks in English,
some work has recently released PTM for other lan-
guages and mainly in French language :
mBERT: is a multilingual BERT with many lan-
guages including french language (Pires et al.,
CamemBERT: is the first monolingual PTM for
French Language which is based on RoBERTa
model (Facebook) (Martin et al., 2020).
FlauBERT: is the monolingual PTM which is
based on BERT model (Google)(Le et al., 2019).
It was trained on almost twice as fewer text data
than CamemBERT model.
1 analysis.html
The different PTM parameters are described in Table
(Blard, 2020) proposed CamemBERT model for
SA using French movies reviews scraped from the
website . SA accuracy is improved
for about three points compared to state-of-the-art
methods. The fine tuning using CamemBERT also
reduces the training dataset size.
(Le et al., 2019) applied FlauBERT model for SA
on books, DVD and music French reviews . Their re-
sults show good performance even with small dataset.
Like BERT, the monolingual French PTM
CamemBERT and FlauBERT improved the state-of-
the-art performances for different NLP tasks (POS,
NER, NLI, SA, Q&A). There results are also better
compare to multilingual mBERT.
3.2 Our Proposition: Fine-tuning PTM
for ABSA
Following, we propose three ABSA fine-tuning meth-
ods using French language PTM (mBERT, Camem-
BERT and FlauBERT):
PTM-FC (Pre-Trained Model - Fully-
Connected): Figure 1 shows the corresponding
architecture. This fine-tuned method does note
take into account the target information.
PTM-SPC (Pre-Trained Model - Sentence Pair
Classification): is used for many tasks (Devlin
et al., 2018) and deals with determining the se-
mantic relations between two sentences by taking
two texts (sentence and targets) as input and out-
puts a label representing the type of relation be-
tween them. Figure 2 shows the corresponding
architecture model.
PTM-AEN (Pre-Trained Model - Attention En-
coded Network): uses a PTM with AEN fine-
tuning part. This method was proposed by Song et
al. with English reviews (Song et al., 2019). The
corresponding architecture is presented on Figure
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using French Pre-Trained Models
Figure 1: PTM-FC model architecture.
Figure 2: PTM-SPC model architecture.
In this section, we evaluate the performances of dif-
ferent French PTM: CamemBERT, FlauBERT and
mBERT. Moreover, for each PTM, we compare dif-
ferent fine-tuning methods: FC, SPC and AEN. We
evaluate all the results and compare them with con-
ventional methods (TD-LSTM, TC-LSTM, ATAE-
LSTM, MEMNet and IAN).
4.1 SemEval2016 Dataset
For SA, there are many open dataset in French Lan-
guage. ABSA dataset are very expensive and time-
consuming to annotated manually. We apply our fine-
tuned models on SemEval2016 french datasets about
restaurants and museums (Apidianaki et al., 2016)
(Pontiki et al., 2016).
The dataset description is given in table 2. The
Restaurant dataset consists of 333 French reviews
Figure 3: PTM-AEN model architecture (from (Song et al.,
annotated with targets, aspect categories and polari-
ties (negative, neutral, positive) for training and 120
reviews for testing. There are 1660 annotated sen-
tences for training and 696 for testing. The Museum
dataset consists of 162 french reviews annotated with
668 sentences for testing. Table 3 describe the differ-
ent aspect and category for both datasets.
Table 2: French data description (ABSA SemEval2016).
TRAINING Texts Sentences Aspects
Restaurant 335 1669 1797
TESTING Texts Sentences Aspects
Restaurant 120 696 708
Museum 162 686 582
Table 3: Aspect and category for Restaurant and Museum
From each dataset, we construct a new dataset (Table
4) with different inputs: the text review with T, denot-
NLPinAI 2021 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
ing the aspect target and their corresponding polarity
: positive, negative and neutral. Table 4 describes an
Table 4: Example of input data.
Review Aspect Target Polarity
une $T$ correcte carte neutral
le $T$ est tr
es bon! menu du jour positive
$T$ minable ! accueil negative
4.2 Training
For training and evaluation, the used hyperparameters
are given in Table 5.
Conventional methods with word embedding rep-
resentation uses a French Wikipedia2Vec with 300-
dimensional embeddings trained on words from
Wikipedia in French language
The French PTM with context word representa-
tion use the BASE (uncased) version for all our ex-
The evaluation utilizes two measures: the accu-
racy (Acc) and the macro-F1 score (F1).
Table 5: Used hyperparameters.
Parameter PTM Conventional
Dropout rate 0.1 0.1
Batch size 16 16
Max seq length 80 80
Epochs number 5 5
Optimizer Adam Adam
Learning rate 2.e
4.3 Results for ABSA with Fine-tuned
French PTM
The comparison of our models with state-of-the-art
ASC methods on SemEval2016 french restaurants re-
views is presented in Table 6.
The French PTM (mBERT, CamemBERT and
FlauBERT) perform better compared to conventional
methods which demonstrates the effectiveness of fine-
tuning PTM on the ASC task.
We tested also the proposed models in a pre-
viously unseen Out-Of-Domain (OOD) Museum
French reviews dataset. Table 3 shows that for
both Museum and Restaurants reviews, testing
data has only in common three aspects (RESTAU-
RANT,LOCATION, SERVICE) and three categories
Table 6: ASC for French SemEval2016 (Restaurants).
CamemBERT-SCP offers the best performance for ABSA
(all the PTM-FC performs only SA).
Method Acc (%) F1 (%)
Conventional Methods
TC-LSTM 68.38 49.53
ATAE-LSTM 68.66 48.98
TD-LSTM 69.92 54.49
MEMNet 71.73 54.42
IAN 71.87 52.48
(Kooli and Pigeul, 2018) 74.23 -
(Brun et al., 2016) 78.82 -
Fine-tuned PTM
mBERT-FC 79.06 67.16
mBERT-SCP 81.06 67.78
mBERT-AEN 80.22 66.70
CamemBERT-FC 83.5 70.88
CamemBERT-SCP 84.12 72.49
CamemBERT-AEN 83.98 71.54
FlauBERT-FC 84.68 73.88
FlauBERT-SCP 83.30 68.90
FlauBERT-AEN 84.06 71.70
Table 7: ASC for French SemEval2016 (Museums).
CamemBERT-SCP and FlauBERT-SCP offers the best per-
formance for ABSA (all the PTM-FC performs only SA).
Method Acc (%) F1 (%)
Conventional Methods
TC-LSTM 63.06 40.33
ATAE-LSTM 64.26 42.26
TD-LSTM 65.64 44.90
MEMNet 66.49 43.29
IAN 68.38 43.87
(Kooli and Pigeul, 2018) 66.70 -
Fine-tuned PTM
mBERT-FC 76.98 56.88
mBERT-SCP 76.80 53.76
mBERT-AEN 76.26 52.97
CamemBERT-FC 79.97 55.57
CamemBERT-SCP 81.62 59.09
CamemBERT-AEN 81.27 59.53
FlauBERT-FC 81.16 63.55
FlauBERT-SCP 80.24 62.80
FlauBERT-AEN 81.29 58.55
detailed results for museum dataset are shown in table
7. In this context also, the fine-tuned PTM methods
results outperform the conventional methods.
As for others NLP tasks, the monolingual PTM
CamemBERT and FlauBERT improve generally
ABSA results around 3 points compared to mul-
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using French Pre-Trained Models
tilingual mBERT (except for the one case in ta-
ble 7 for which mBERT-FC is actually better than
CamemBERT-FC in term of F1-Score).
For ABSA task, FlauBERT and CamemBERT
models shows comparable results as for others NLP
tasks (Le et al., 2019). Flaubert shows then great
interest since, as observed in Table 1, FlauBERT
model was trained with half text data size compared
to CamemBERT model.
The AEN model has the more complex structure
and is not bringing significant improvements compare
to SPC model.
For English language, the PTM BERT has shown
great improvement on NLP tasks compared to the
state-of-the-art. For ABSA, the improvement is
Data augmentation has shown the improvement of
the performances with additional training on the re-
view text. Many authors use data augmentation like
BERT-PT (BERT Post-Training) with review reading
comprehension (Xu et al., 2019) leading to improved
performances. Adding Auxiliary Question BERT-AQ
(Sun et al., 2019)) could also be a complementary way
to improve aspect detection.
French PTM shows improvements of text represen-
tation in many NLP tasks including sentiment analy-
sis at sentence-level. We propose the use of PTM for
In this paper, we give an overview of the state-
of-the-art methods for ABSA on French language.
We propose and implement three fine-tuning methods
(FC, SPC and AEN) using the French SemEval2016
Experimental results showed that these methods
outperforms conventional models with a word embed-
ding representation. These results also indicate the
higher performance of monolingual French models
(FlauBERT and CamemBERT) compared to multilin-
gual model (mBERT).
The PTM-SPC model shows generally great per-
formances and is less complex compare to the PTM-
AEN model. Our fine-tuned French PTM for ABSA
are also robust for OOD Museum dataset.
For future work, we plan to explore other fine-
tuned models and also to use data augmentation tech-
niques with French PTM in order to improve the per-
formances of our models.
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Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using French Pre-Trained Models