Memory State Tracker: A Memory Network based Dialogue State
Di Wang and Simon O’Keefe
Department of Computer Science, University of York, Heslington, York, U.K.
Dialogue State Tracker, Memory Network.
Dialogue State Tracking (DST) is a core component towards task oriented dialogue system. It fills manually-
set slots at each turn of an utterance, which indicate the current topics or user requirement. In this work we
propose a memory based state tracker that includes a memory encoder which encodes the dialogue history into
a memory vector, and then connects to a pointer network which makes predictions. Our model reached a joint
goal accuracy of 49.16% on MultiWOZ 2.0 data set (Budzianowski et al., 2018) and 47.27% on MultiWOZ
2.1 data set (Eric et al., 2019), outperforming the benchmark result.
Task oriented dialogue systems, such as Apple Siri or
Amazon Alexa, address one of the major tasks in the
NLP field. While the complete accomplishment of a
dialogue system may still have a long way to go, a
step-by-step approach that includes Dialogue Repre-
sentation, State Tracking and Text Generation is been
proposed. The main component of the middle step is
State Tracking, which predicts at each turn of the dia-
logue what the topics or user requirements are. The
state is represented as values in certain predefined
slots. For example, given one of the sentences of a
dialogue: Is there any restaurant in the city center?
then the corresponding state values could be [Task:
Restaurant][Location: Center].
Various task oriented dialogue data sets have been
released, including NegoChat (Rosenfeld et al., 2014)
and Car assistance (Eric and Manning, 2017). Eric et
al. introduced the MultiWOZ 2.1 data set (Eric et al.,
2019), which is a multi-domain data set in which the
conversation domain may switch over time. The user
may start a conversation by asking to reserve a restau-
rant table, then go on to request a taxi ride to that
restaurant. In this case, the state tracker has to de-
termine the corresponding domain, slots and values
at each turn of the dialogue, taking into account the
history of the conversation if necessary.
In this paper, we introduce a memory based di-
alogue state tracker, which consists of two compo-
nents: a memory encoder which encodes the dialogue
history into a memory vector, and a pointer network
which points to the set of possible values of states in-
cluding words in the dialogue history and ontology of
the data set. The memory vector will be updated at
each turn of the dialogue, and it will then be passed to
the pointer network, where prediction is made based
on the current memory. For each dialogue there are
multiple slots to be filled, each with a set of possi-
ble value. Both the slots and their possible values are
predefined. The prediction is a two step procedure.
Firstly, predict the domains the current utterance lies
in, then for the specific domain, fill values into corre-
sponding slots.
2.1 Dialogue State Tracking
Dialogue state tracking (DST), or Belief tracking, was
introduced as an intermediate step in dialogue sys-
tems. In this step the task is to recognize user’s goal
as state, which will then be used to guide the sys-
tem response correspondingly(Bohus and Rudnicky,
2006). Table 1 shows an example of a dialogue with
the corresponding dialogue states at each turn of the
dialogue, which will be updated at every user utter-
DST systems can be classified into two types:
ontology-based and ontology-free. Ontology-based
DST (Ramadan et al., 2018; Zhong et al., 2018) re-
quires a set of pre-defined possible values for the dia-
Wang, D. and O’Keefe, S.
Memory State Tracker: A Memory Network based Dialogue State Tracker.
DOI: 10.5220/0010385705330538
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 1, pages 533-538
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: An example of dialogue states at each turn of the dialogue.
utterance dialogue state
User:I would like to find a cheap restaurant
that serves tuscan food
System: nothing is matching your request.
I’m sorry.
(restaurant, food, tuscan)
(restaurant, price range, cheap)
(restaurant, name, not mentioned)
(restaurant, area, not mentioned)
User:Could you help me find some cheap Italian
food then?
System: If you do not have a preference of area,
I recommend La Margherita in the west.
(restaurant, food, italian)
(restaurant, price range, cheap)
(restaurant, name, not mentioned)
(restaurant, area, not mentioned)
logue state, and the model selects the most likely one
from the ontology set. The Ontology-free DST (Xu
and Hu, 2018; Gao et al., 2019), on the other hand,
does not require such an ontology set, and will choose
the most likely phrase from the dialogue history and
vocabulary set.
The ontology-based DST will require a manually
defined set of values for all slots, which will be expen-
sive for large scale dialogue systems and makes it dif-
ficult to generalise the model. On the other hand, the
ontology-free DST is easy to generalise for large scale
dialogue systems, but can not utilize expert knowl-
edge in the model.
The two types of DST can be incorporated by us-
ing a gate function which determines if the current
slot should be filled by choosing from an ontology or
from the dialogue history (Qiu et al., 2019).
2.2 Multi Domain Dialogue State
The MultiWOZ 2.1 data set released by (Eric et al.,
2019) is one of the largest task oriented dialogue sys-
tem data sets so far. It includes 9 different domains,
and at each turn of a dialogue there can be more than
one domain active. As the dialogue continues the ac-
tive domain and corresponding slot may be changed.
Benchmark methods of dialogue state tracking on this
data set include FJST, HJST (Eric et al., 2019), refer-
ring to Flat Joint State Tracker and Hierarchical Joint
State Tracker respectively. FJST encodes the dialogue
history into a vector and predicts the state. HJST is
the same but uses a hierarchical encoder. TRADE
(Wu et al., 2019) uses a slot generator to generate slot
values from a dialogue history and vocabulary.
2.3 Memory Network
A memory network was firstly proposed by (Weston
et al., 2014) for the Question Answering task. The
core of a memory network is a memory vector which
will be updated with each new input. MemN2N
(Sukhbaatar et al., 2015) was the first end to end
memory network. TheDynamic Memory Network
(Kumar et al., 2016) proposes a method to update
the memory vector repeatedly with different attention
controlled by previous memory.
In this work, we adopt the idea of memory vectors,
, which will be updated by the dialogue history and
the previously predicted dialogue states.
In this section, we provide a detailed description
of the proposed Memory State Tracking model, as
shown in figure 1.
Each sentence in the input dialogue is first en-
coded to vector representation by sentence encoder.
Then each sentence vector is fed into a RNN struc-
tured Memory network in turn, and the memory net-
work will output a memory vector at each turn of the
dialogue. The final step is to make prediction based
on the memory vector, which is a three step proce-
dure for each state slot to be filled: firstly, through a
binary ‘mention’ gate to determine if the current state
is mentioned or not in the dialogue. If the gate pre-
dicts it is not mentioned, then the state slot will be
marked as “not mentioned”. If it is mentioned, two
predictors will make independent predictions of pos-
sible slot values in the ontology and dialogue history
respectively, and another gate function will be used
to decide which prediction will be used as the final
predicted value of the slot.
3.1 Encoder
We used two types of sentence encoding model as our
model’s encoder, the first one used Glove word em-
bedding(Pennington et al., 2014) and feed each word
into a GRU and used the last hidden state as the sen-
tence representation. The second one used BERT
model for language understanding (Devlin et al.,
2018) as the sentence encoder. For each turn of the di-
NLPinAI 2021 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Memory state tracking system. In this graph the Memory is working on the second turn of the dialogue as example,
and the Slot predictor is predicting for a specific (domain, slot) pair.
alogue, the input sequence is the current user request
and system response separated by [SEP] token, and
then padded to a fixed length and fed into the encoder,
the output s
is the vector representation of sentence i.
3.2 Memory Network
For each dialogue, a memory vector e
is used to rep-
resent all information from the dialogue history. At
each turn of the dialogue, the memory vector is up-
dated using an RNN structured network, where the
input is the sentence representation s
of the utterance
at current turn. At the beginning of the training pro-
cess, a hidden parameter H
is initialized with all val-
ues set to zero, then for each turn of the dialogue, the
memory is updated with
, H
= GRU(s
, H
) (1)
= g
· e
+ (1 g
) · e
where the e
is the ith memory representation of the
dialogue, representing the whole dialogue until the ith
is an attention score computed by a simple gate
function with two layer feed-forward neural networks
= sigmoid(W
, e
)) (3)
The purpose of this gate function is to measure how
important the current turn of the dialogue is. If the
gate function gives a high score it means the current
turn is informative, and by equation 2 it will update
the memory vector greatly, and vice versa.
3.3 Pointer Predictor
We adopt the Pointer network architecture (Merity
et al., 2016) as the predictor in our model. The pre-
diction model makes predictions based only on the
memory vector e
at each turn. The prediction is a
two step procedure. First we have a set of mention
gate functions for each of the slot to be filled:
i, j
= G
) (4)
which decide if the jth (domain, slot) pair is men-
tioned or not at ith. J is the set of all (domain, slot)
pairs to be filled, m
i, j
is the probability of the mention
gate, and G
is a fully connected layer with sigmoid
) = sigmoid(W
+ b
) (5)
Different from the three way gate in TRADE (Wu
et al., 2019), we do not add “don’t care” in this gate,
as the number of “don’t care” slots is relatively small
compared with “not mentioned”, and it can be pre-
dicted later in the categorical predictor.
If the mention gate predicts the jth (domain, slot)
pair is not mentioned, then the value of this slot will
be filled with “not mentioned”. If the gate predicts
that it is mentioned, the value will be filled by the
pointer network.
For (domain, slot) pairs that are predicted to be
“mentioned”, there are two independent predictors to
predict its values. One is a pointer network point to
words in the dialogue history
start, j
= argmax
+ b
)) (6)
end, j
= argmax
+ b
)) (7)
Memory State Tracker: A Memory Network based Dialogue State Tracker
where w
is the word embedding of the kth word in
the dialogue history. Index
start, j
represents the start
index of predicted slot values and Index
end, j
sents the end index, with words in between being the
final prediction of pointer network.
Another predictor is a categorical classifier that
chooses a word from possible values for current (do-
main, slot) pairs, with a feed-forward neural network.
A gate function is employed to determine which
predictor is used, with a structure similar to the men-
tion gate.
) = sigmoid(W
+ b
) (8)
This section discusses the experiment of our model
trained on the MultiWOZ 2.0 (Budzianowski et al.,
2018) and MultiWOZ2.1 (Eric et al., 2019) data sets,
including experiment setups, parameters and results.
4.1 Data Set
MultiWOZ 2.0 and 2.1 are large goal oriented di-
alogue system data sets, which consist of around
10,000 dialogues, 113, 556 turns of dialogues with
multiple domains including restaurant, hotel, hospi-
tal, taxi, police train, attraction, and bus. Table 1 is
an example of a dialogue about restaurant booking.
MultiWOZ 2.1 is a refined version of MultiWOZ
2.0, modifing around 2% of the slots.
4.2 Experiment Setup
In our work the hospital and police domains are ig-
nored as they contain only very few of the dialogues,
following (Wu et al., 2019). We use the validation and
test set supplied by the data set.
4.3 Model Details and Parameters
Our model is trained on a single GTX 2080 GPU with
Pytorch environment.
Word embedding dimension is set to 300 using
Glove embedding (Pennington et al., 2014). The max-
imum sentence length is set to 30, in order to train
the model in batches. This means words in an input
sentence after the 30th word will be discarded, if the
sentence is longer than 30, and if shorter, a special to-
ken of [PAD] will be added until the length of input
sentence is 30. Similarly, the max dialogue length is
set to be 10.
The training batch size is 128, hidden size of en-
coder and all feed-forward neural networks is 256.
We also used Gradient Clipping (Kanai et al., 2017)
with clip parameter 50, to prevent gradient explosion.
We used different learning rates for encoder and
pointer networks, which shows to have better perfor-
mance. The encoder learning rate is 0.001 and predic-
tor learning rate is 0.0001.
4.4 Experimental Results
We used joint goal accuracy to test our model. The
slot accuracy is the accuracy of each single state
value. For the joint accuracy, only if all the slots in
one turn are correctly predicted will the prediction be
marked as correct, otherwise it is incorrect.
Table 2 shows the joint goal accuracy of our model
on MultiWOZ2.0 and MultiWOZ2.1 data set, com-
pared with benchmark models. Our model beats these
baseline models in both data sets.
Table 2: Joint goal accuracy on MultiWOZ 2.0 and Multi-
WOZ 2.1 data set.
MWOZ 2.0 MWOZ 2.1
HJST(Eric et al., 2019) 38.4 35.55
FJST(Eric et al., 2019) 40.2 38.0
TRADE(Wu et al., 2019) 48.6 45.6
DST(Gao et al., 2019) 39.41 36.4
HyST(Goel et al., 2019) 42.33 38.10
MST(ours) 49.16 47.27
Table 3 shows the accuracy of each domain for Mul-
tiWOZ 2.1 data set.
Table 3: Domain-Specific Accuracy on MultiWOZ 2.1 data
Domain Joint Accuracy Slot Accuracy
Restaurant 66.41 98.22
hotel 48.13 97.14
Taxi 39.50 94.85
Attraction 66.47 98.43
Train 63.83 94.98
4.5 Ablation Test
Table 4 shows the ablation test on the MultiWOZ 2.1
data set. We tested the performance with different en-
coders, and with and without the memory mechanism.
The test shows that the choice of the encoder does not
make much difference, but the memory mechanism
does improve the model performance significantly.
NLPinAI 2021 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Ablation test on MultiWOZ 2.1 data set.
Feature Joint accuracy
GRU encoder(no memory) 46.55
Bert encoder(no memory) 46.62
Bert+Memory mechanism 47.27
In this paper we introduced a novel memory mech-
anism for a dialogue state tracking system. The core
contribution of our work is to incorporate the memory
architecture into the dialogue state tracking system.
We used a vector which will be updated at each turn
of the dialogue, so it will preserve useful historical
information in the model. This model outperforms a
set of benchmark models with joint goal accuracy on
both MultiWOZ 2.0 and MultiWOZ 2.1 data set.
In the domain-specific accuracy table, we can see
that the Hotel and Taxi domains are shown to be more
difficult compared with other domains. The Hotel do-
main has 11 slots to be filled which is the largest of
all domains, so it is reasonable that the Hotel domain
has a lower joint goal accuracy. For the Taxi domain,
as shown in the Appendix, the number possible val-
ues for its state slot is the highest among all domains,
which may lead to the low joint goal accuracy.
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Memory State Tracker: A Memory Network based Dialogue State Tracker
Table 5: Number of possible values for each (domain, slot)
pairs, for MultiWOZ 2.0 and MultiWOZ 2.1 data set.
Slot Name MultiWOZ2.0 MultiWOZ2.1
taxi-leaveAt 119 108
taxi-destination 277 252
taxi-departure 261 254
taxi-arriveBy 101 97
restaurant-people 9 9
restaurant-day 10 10
restaurant-time 61 72
restaurant-food 104 109
restaurant-pricerange 11 5
restaurant-name 183 190
restaurant-area 19 7
hotel-people 11 8
hotel-day 11 13
hotel-stay 10 10
hotel-name 89 89
hotel-area 24 7
hotel-parking 8 4
hotel-pricerange 9 8
hotel-stars 13 9
hotel-internet 8 4
hotel-type 18 5
attraction-type 37 33
attraction-name 137 164
attraction-area 16 7
train-people 14 12
train-leaveAt 134 203
train-destination 29 27
train-day 11 8
train-arriveBy 107 157
train-departure 35 31
NLPinAI 2021 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence