Automatic Annotations and Enrichments for Audiovisual Archives
Nanne Van Noord
, Christian Gosvig Olesen
, Roeland Ordelman
and Julia Noordegraaf
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, The Netherlands
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
University of Twente, The Netherlands
Audiovisual Archives, Automatic Speech Recognition, Computer Vision.
The practical availability of Audiovisual Processing tools to media scholars and heritage institutions remains
limited, despite all the technical advancements of recent years. In this article we present the approach chosen
in the CLARIAH project to increase this availability, we discuss the challenges encountered, and introduce
the technical solutions we are implementing. Through three use cases focused on the enrichment of AV
archives, Pose Analysis, and Automatic Speech Recognition, we demonstrate the potential and breadth of
using Audiovisual Processing for archives and Digital Humanities research.
Despite the massive progress made in the perfor-
mance levels and overall availability of Audiovisual
Processing (AVP) technologies, such as Computer Vi-
sion (CV) and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR),
the availability of these tools for heritage institutions
is still lagging behind. As a consequence, Humani-
ties researchers, in particular Media Studies scholars,
cannot fully benefit from the large amounts of dig-
itized and digital born heritage data that have been
successfully made available in the past decades in
the course of large digitization programs and initia-
tives via (research) data infrastructures. The fact
that AVP tools are underexposed in Digital Human-
ities (DH) is partly due to the predominance of text-
centric scholarship (Wevers and Smits, 2020). How-
ever, for the analysis of audiovisual resources (in-
cluding both video materials and images) textual rep-
resentations (e.g., transcripts, semantic annotations)
are often sparse or nonexistent. Moreover, AVP and
DH have different analytical foci and ambitions and
may, as a consequence, have difficulties in produc-
tively combining perspectives into a shared research
In recent years there have been several efforts
to bridge the gap between AVP, Media Studies, and
DH. For instance, the recent Sensory Moving Im-
age Archive (SEMIA) project
brought together re-
searchers from Media Studies and Computer Sci-
ence, with design practitioners, and experts from
AV archives to develop novel ways of exploring
AV archives based on syntactic features. Syntactic
features concern the visual appearance of the ma-
terial, without resorting to semantic categorisations
(e.g., colour or shape descriptors), which presents a
paradigm shift as compared to traditional metadata
but nonetheless connects well to existing and ongo-
ing research efforts. Similarly, the I-Media-Cities
a collaboration between 9 European film
heritage institutions developed a search interface of-
fering search and video annotation tools that allow re-
searchers to easily retrieve and categorize shots based
on various semantic and syntactic categories. Besides
such projects, DH scholars have explored the affor-
dances of various open source visual analysis soft-
ware suites - for instance ImageJ - for stylometric
research, as a means to study patterns in the works
of specific directors, genres, production companies,
painters or social media images (Manovich, 2013).
These works offer interesting points of comparison
because of their efforts to use AVP for DH research.
Yet, the results of these efforts have not led to an in-
crease in practical availability of AVP and their appli-
cability remains limited to a very small set of features
and types of collections (Kuhn et al., 2014).
A major challenge for making AVP tools available
is that the underlying algorithms need direct access to
Van Noord, N., Olesen, C., Ordelman, R. and Noordegraaf, J.
Automatic Annotations and Enrichments for Audiovisual Archives.
DOI: 10.5220/0010387706330640
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2021) - Volume 1, pages 633-640
ISBN: 978-989-758-484-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the data, yet due to strict IPR regulation this data of-
ten cannot leave the archives’ digital environment. A
side effect of this is that for the analysis of AV ma-
terial commercially available tools cannot be used, as
these are primarily cloud based. To tackle this chal-
lenge it is necessary that any AVP infrastructure can
be integrated with a local archival infrastructure, i.e.,
we need to bring the algorithms to the data, rather than
the data to the algorithms. This approach is incorpo-
rated in the design of the Common Lab Research In-
frastructure for the Arts and Humanities (CLARIAH),
a DH research infrastructure. However, approach-
ing the data access challenge in this manner creates
a new challenge, namely the availability of usable
AVP tools. Although in recent years we have seen
an increase in the publishing of open-source code in
AVP, this code is often only geared towards reproduc-
ing the results in the accompanying paper. Building
a tool that can be applied to novel datasets on top of
this code can be non-trivial. Dealing with this latter
challenge is one of the foci of the CLARIAH PLUS
project. In this paper we describe the steps taken so
far and the future plans to overcome this challenge
and to make AVP tools practically available for use
by DH scholars.
In the following we will give a brief introduction
of AVP and the CLARIAH AVP infrastructure in Sec-
tion 2. In Section 3 we discuss three use cases that
demonstrate the potential of AVP for archives and me-
dia research. In Section 4 we summarise our progress
until now and reflect on future steps.
The unlocking of audiovisual collections with AVP
approaches, while still limited in scope, has so far
proven valuable to DH researchers with an interest in
media history and social history (Arnold and Tilton,
2019; Wevers and Smits, 2020; Bhargav et al., 2019;
Lincoln et al., 2020). Similarly, among AVP re-
searchers the benefits of collaborative efforts with DH
researchers for analyzing visual, cultural resources
has also been put forward. For example, Ahmed El-
gammel, director of the Art & AI lab at Rutgers Uni-
versity, made such a case
when he argued in 2014
that visual art is an excellent testbed for studying and
replicating human perception in computers. Which
they demonstrate with a method for automatically dis-
covering artistic influence in a large database of paint-
ings (Saleh et al., 2016). Yet, despite a shared de-
sire for more collaboration, and various initiatives to
bridge the gaps between the fields, the practical avail-
ability of AVP tools and progress on shared research
agendas remains limited.
This lack of shared research agenda’s can partly
be explained by a difference in focus. In the field
of DH, the application of AVP tools to large image
datasets significantly scales up the level of analysis
from ’close’ to distant’ viewing (Arnold and Tilton,
2019), allowing scholars to observe patterns in the
data that are invisible in the traditional, interpretative
analyses of small sample sets. Whereas such usage,
thus, is a significant innovation in the field of the hu-
manities, in the field of AVP research the research
agenda is primarily driven by technical innovation of
the tooling itself, as a consequence of which such
application-oriented research in a specific domain is
not considered in scope. Conversely, from a tradi-
tional humanities perspective the types of analyses
performed by AVP researchers are considered much
more shallow on a conceptual level (for instance in
terms of historiography or theories of visual culture)
than the complex analyses of meaning that the inter-
pretative, hermeneutic method of close reading allows
for. Thus, what might be revolutionary in the field of
AVP often has little to no impact in the humanities,
as it is simply a reproduction of known metadata or
grounded in outdated theories and views. This is ex-
emplified by the criticism of Griselda Pollock
, Pro-
fessor of Art History on the method for discovering
artistic influences by Saleh et al. (2016), likening it to
the work of 19th century art historians and noting that
it can only lead to superficial resemblances at which
any artist would laugh”.
The analysis of visual resources with digital tools
is equally affected by the gap between AVP and DH.
Currently, digital tools for paper resources such as
magazines and periodicals are predominantly text-
centric, and have tended not to consider the strong
presence of visual elements in them. Due to the lack
of practically available AVP tools to digital humani-
ties, scholarly research has ’[...] grossly neglected vi-
sual content, causing a lopsided representation of all
sorts of digitized archives’ (Wevers and Smits, 2020).
In response to such observations a number of collab-
orations between AVP toolmakers and DH scholars
have emerged, such as the Distant Viewing Toolkit
(Arnold and Tilton, 2019), as well as the efforts de-
scribed in this paper. A key focus of these collabora-
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
Figure 1: Screenshot of the ’resource viewer’ of the Media Suite that enables browsing via time-coded speech transcripts.
tions is to take state of the art algorithms and make
them available as open source solutions, making it
possible for DH scholars to use them, and AVP re-
searchers to build on them.
2.1 CLARIAH and the Media Suite
CLARIAH is a distributed data & tools infrastructure
for the Humanities and Social Sciences, funded by
the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
in two subsequent projects, respectively CLARIAH-
CORE (2014-2018) and CLARIAH-PLUS (2019-
2024). In CLARIAH-CORE basic infrastructure and
tools were developed following user-centered design
principles and by carrying out research pilots so as
to develop a detailed understanding of researchers’
needs. Building on the experiences and insights
neously focuses on scaling up and facilitating the im-
plementation of the CLARIAH infrastructure in re-
search and teaching. CLARIAH’s data and tools are
stored at the partner institutions (so called CLARIAH
centers: knowledge centers, libraries, archives and
museums) that make the large data collections acces-
sible via online virtual research environments (VREs)
for users to access on their home computers.
An example of such a VRE is the Media
(Melgar-Estrada et al., 2019; Ordelman et al.,
2019), developed by a multidisciplinary team, includ-
ing media scholars, computer scientists, program-
mers and staff at the partner institutions. The Me-
dia Suite offers access to a highly diverse range of
collections, including films, TV, radio, newspapers,
oral history interviews, posters, and historical busi-
ness documents, preserved and digitized by among
others The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
(NISV), Eye Filmmuseum and the National Library
of the Netherlands. With regard to the collections of
NISV and Eye, it is the first time that these two col-
lections are opened for online viewing to a scholarly
audience (with a university login) outside of the insti-
As part of the endeavour to make these collections
available in the Media Suite in CLARIAH-CORE,
it was a key ambition to unlock the collections em-
bedded by adding data enrichments in addition to
institutional metadata. For instance, in the context
of the Media Suite pilot “MIMEHIST: Annotating
Eye’s Jean Desmet Collection” (2017-2018), we used
a combination of various approaches for the analy-
sis of text and images so as to facilitate browsing of
historical business documents from the collections as
visual as much as text resources (Olesen and Kisjes,
2018). This produced new classifications of the busi-
ness archive of cinema owner and film distributor
Jean Desmet (1875-1956) that complemented the Eye
Filmmuseum’s current finding aid while producing
new data for the Media Suite. Ultimately such enrich-
ments may support researchers in establishing links
between films and contextual documents, for instance
to explore recurrent (visual) motifs in both. Experi-
mental in nature, this project was in part a precursor
to the DANE environment and its ambition to deploy
AVP tools in the Media Suite, that we discuss in more
detail in the sections below.
Automatic Annotations and Enrichments for Audiovisual Archives
Figure 2: Schematic overview of the DANE architecture that illustrates the components that mediate the interaction between
clients (the consumers of the results), and the workers (the producers of the results).
2.2 CLARIAH AVP Infrastructure
As part of the CLARIAH infrastructure we have de-
veloped a processing environment that is optimised
for deploying AVP tools efficiently on (high perfor-
mance) computer clusters in a transparent and repro-
ducible way. This environment, called DANE (Dis-
tributed Annotation ‘n’ Enrichment)
, provides the
framework needed for processing AV data and is de-
signed to allow researchers maximum flexibility when
deploying AVP algorithms. In addition, it keeps track
of and provides researchers with clear insight into the
operations that are performed on the data, ensuring
that research can perform data and tool criticism at all
stages of the research process.
A core design principle for DANE was to make
the conversion process of an algorithm (or any piece
of code) to a worker (a component which performs the
data analysis) as effortless as possible. The aim here
was to encourage uptake by algorithm developers, en-
suring that state of the art of the algorithms continue
to be made available. Moreover, DANE is designed
to be able to function in environments where there are
fewer compute resources, or environments where ac-
cess to the data is rate limited, as is typical for AV
archives. To make this possible, the DANE architec-
ture (as shown in Figure 2) divides the tasks to be per-
formed over different workers that perform one spe-
cific type of analysis, where the work is assigned to
a worker by means of message broker queuing sys-
tem. The results of the analyses are communicated
back to the server by the workers, and made available
via an API to clients (e.g., other services or individual
In this section we will outline three use cases where
AVP tools are employed to enrich AV material, start-
ing with a use case that highlights the breadth of AVP,
and concluding with two use cases that focus on vi-
sual and audio analysis, respectively. Additionally,
these use cases also demonstrate the different levels
of technical complexity, ranging from tools intended
to be integrated in the Media Suite, to completely cus-
tom and novel analysis, to tailored analyses that align
with familiar methodologies.
3.1 Enriching AV Archives
Interfaces for AV archives, such as the Media Suite,
center on metadata. In addition to enabling search,
browsing, or viewing a single item, the metadata is
crucial for contextualising the AV material and thus
for the way its content may be interpreted. The ma-
jority of the metadata in AV archives is about the ma-
terial, and its production, rather than about the con-
tent. While most material has descriptors such as a ti-
tle and a synopsis, there is little to no metadata about
the visible or audible aspects of the material. As a
result it can be nearly impossible to find results for
certain queries in AV archives. For example, a re-
searcher might want to document the public debate
concerning refugees, and relate this to visual depic-
tions of refugees. Without enriched metadata the only
way to tackle such a project is to watch many hun-
dreds of hours of news and current affairs programs.
To enrich the AV collections in the Media Suite
with automatically generated (and time-coded) meta-
data an assortment of AVP tools had been added to
DANE, ranging from Semantic Object Detection, to
colour analysis, to Automatic Speech Recognition.
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
These tools generate two types of metadata: (i) struc-
tured data which can be integrated into the existing
metadata systems, and (ii) feature vectors which de-
scribe the data on a more abstract level, but which can
be integrated in new types of interfaces and search
systems. For instance, with an Object Recognition
model it is possible to recognise which objects are
present in an image, but the output of such a model
can also be used to perform more abstract visual
similarity queries (Smeulders et al., 2000; Babenko
and Lempitsky, 2016). This latter type of query en-
ables the modes of exploration which were central to
the SEMIA project, potentially even returning results
with different semantics, but which are similar on a
visual syntactic level. As part of this use case we aim
to integrate both types of results into the Media Suite,
on the one hand enabling text-based queries for visual
concepts (e.g., for detected object classes), and on the
other hand resolving visual similarity queries using
the extracted feature vectors.
In addition to adding benefits to the Media Suite
itself, automatically enriched metadata can also en-
able and empower downstream applications. By mak-
ing available the enriched metadata through an API it
will become possible for third-party developers and
researchers to find novel and innovative uses for the
data. For instance, in recent years we have seen an
increased uptake of the Generous Interface principles
proposed by Mitchel Whitelaw (2015), in interfaces
for exploring digital heritage collections. Building on
the concept of the Information Flaneur (D
ork et al.,
2011), Whitelaw argues that interfaces for Cultural
Heritage collections should move away from keyword
search and instead provide “rich, navigable represen-
tations of large digital collections; [that] invite explo-
ration and support browsing, using overviews to es-
tablish context and maintain orientation while reveal-
ing detail at multiple scales. The enriched metadata
extracted with AVP algorithms lends itself incredibly
well for Generous Interfaces, moreover especially for
the extracted feature vectors such interfaces may in-
deed be the only manner to incorporate them into an
A second downstream application that benefits
from AVP enriched metadata are Data Stories, a prac-
tice that emerged in the fields of Data Journalism and
Narrative Visualisation (Segel and Heer, 2010) where
written stores are combined with (interactive) data vi-
sualisations. A data story about the popular Dutch
chat show DWDD
demonstrates the potential of us-
ing AVP enriched metadata. Combining Automatic
Speech Recognition, Image recognition, and tradi-
tional metadata, this data story gives an overview of
the TV show while also revealing peculiarities which
might provide entry points for closer investigation.
While these examples highlight some of the ben-
efits of incorporating automatically enriched meta-
data into AV archives, their potential has not yet been
fully explored. Moreover, there are still many unan-
swered questions about optimal archiving procedures
and best practices for this type of data. However, we
hope that as enriched metadata become more estab-
lished and embraced by the wider archiving commu-
nity these challenges will be tackled as well.
3.2 Pose Analysis for Genre
Early cinema is heavily influenced by traditions and
practices from theatre (Szeto, 2014). Among oth-
ers, this influence can be observed in the movements
and poses of actors. Because subtle poses do not
come across on a large stage, theatrically trained ac-
tors were used to exaggerating their movements to
reach the audience. When actors and directors transi-
tioned from theatre to film such practices transitioned
along with them. In this use case we are investigating
the use of pose detection algorithms to characterise
movements in early cinema, to determine whether
it is possible to discern developments in film genres
and conventions of movement based on the poses of
the authors. For instance, a common assumption is
that Scandinavian, German and Italian dramas devel-
oped distinct acting styles that could be considered
more cinematic in their use of cinematic space, while
the acting styles of farces and comedies were consid-
ered as pertaining to popular, theatrical genres such as
Methodologically, current film historical research
on film acting’s development in relation to cine-
matic rhythm, editing, and space has relied heav-
ily on manual annotation approaches and human re-
enactment based on the Laban movement analysis
(LMA) method in combination with video annota-
tion software (Pearlman, 2009; Oyallon-Kololski and
Williams, 2018; Ruszev, 2018). As such research re-
quires fine-grained and labour-intensive annotation,
they often remain limited to single films, or smaller
corpora. This use case offers new entry points for
such research by allowing for exploring and browsing
poses in a larger corpus, such as the Desmet Collec-
tion; a diverse corpus consisting of multiple genres of
early cinema from various countries, that is available
through the Media Suite.
To explore the relationship between pose and
genre we rely on a mixture of supervised and unsu-
pervised techniques to determine whether pose infor-
Automatic Annotations and Enrichments for Audiovisual Archives
Figure 3: Visualisation of keypoint detection on a still from
the Desmet collection. The coloured boxes indicate de-
tected persons, and the detected keypoints are indicated by
dots and connected to other keypoints with coloured lines.
mation can be used as a predictor of genre, but also to
see whether clustering pose information would lead
to a natural separation between genres. To describe
pose information we extend the pose representation
of (Jammalamadaka et al., 2012) to include full body,
rather than only upper body keypoints. Keypoints are
annotations of specific points on a human body, typi-
cally focusing on joints or extremities (e.g., top of the
head, nose, elbow, hip, foot), that make it possible to
describe the pose that the body is in. For this project
we use the automatic keypoint detector of the Detec-
tron2 framework (Wu et al., 2019). This detector is
able to recognise up to 17 keypoints which makes it
possible to capture a wide variety of poses. While the
project is still ongoing, the initial analyses (as illus-
trated in Figure 3) show that this keypoint detection
approach is sufficiently robust for applying it to his-
torical material, highlighting the feasibility of using
AVP techniques for historical film analysis.
3.3 Speech Recognition for Interview
Since many years, Oral Historians have been
promised the virtues of automatic speech recognition
(ASR) in support of two important scholarly primi-
tives (Unsworth, 2000; Blanke and Hedges, 2013):
(i) annotation, creating verbatim transcripts of spo-
ken data (such as interviews) with the use of speech
recognition, and (ii) discovery, searching audiovisual
collections using indexed speech transcripts (Gust-
man et al., 2002; de Jong et al., 2008). In the past
decades, we have been working with Oral Histori-
ans on topics related to speech recognition in a vari-
ety of projects such as CHoral (Heeren et al., 2009),
Verteld Verleden (Ordelman and de Jong, 2011), and
Oral History Today (Kemman et al., 2013). More re-
cently, besides Oral Historians also scholars in other
fields that work with interview collections (e.g., with
patients in the medical domain) have expressed inter-
est in incorporating ASR in their methodology.
As a support tool for Oral Historians or more gen-
eral, scholars working with interview data, the use
of ASR should fit into the transcription and annota-
tion workflows that scholars are used to, including the
tools they use for analysis of the data. Also, ASR
should at least be able to provide approximately cor-
rect transcriptions, and should facilitate error correc-
tion when the quality is (partly) insufficient (e.g., with
respect to proper names or locations that are ’out-of-
vocabulary’). Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) refers to the
fact that speech recognition systems need to ”know”
a word (have a word in its vocabulary) before it can
be recognized.
Hence, the quality of the transcriptions is an
important requirement for scholars using automatic
speech recognition. Quality typically translates to
word error rate (WER): the number of errors divided
by the total number of words spoken. As the multi-
semiotic nature of audiovisual data adds dimensions
for inquiry that do not exist in written text (Gold-
man et al., 2005), scholars working with AV are used
to create manual transcriptions and annotations based
on their codebooks. The creation of accurate man-
ual transcriptions that account for all speech events as
well as other metadata (such as speaker identities and
changes) or codes from a scholar’s codebook (e.g.,
based on intonation of a speaker’s voice), can take up
to 50 times real-time, depending on the nature of the
data and the level of detail (Barras et al., 2001). Sup-
port from a tool such as ASR (but also speaker recog-
nition) could therefore be very helpful, especially as
the technology also provides time-labels that link the
transcript directly to the locations in the data.
We know from research in the field of Informa-
tion Retrieval that there is a near-linear relationship
between quality of transcriptions and search perfor-
mance (Garofolo et al., 2000), but also, that even
if transcriptions are approximately correct such tran-
scriptions provide a useful basis for searching. How-
ever, scholarly discovery may in cases depend on a
speech recognition system not making a notorious
type of error: substituting a spoken word for another
word as the spoken word is OOV. Typically this hap-
pens when applying speech recognition trained on a
general domain to a specific topic: typically topics
that could be discussed during an Oral History inter-
view. Especially names and locations, but also con-
tent words related to a special topic, will be OOV
and will consequently not be recognized, and in turn,
never be found during searching.
ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities
Making automatic speech recognition available
for Oral Historians and other Humanities scholars in
a research infrastructure setting (bringing the algo-
rithms to the data) to foster the analysis of audiovisual
resources, requires a deliberate technical design given
the above mentioned requirements. The design of the
DANE environment discussed in section 2.2 warrants
measures to adapt to these requirements: secure ac-
cess to and processing of audiovisual sources of in-
stitutional collections in bulk, efficient use of dedi-
cated machinery (e.g., local or cloud-based computer
clusters), dealing with dynamics with respect to ro-
bustness, latency, process management, and storage
of intermediate data, the implementation of adaptive
workflows to address the OOV problem, and keeping
track of provenance information (which version of a
speech recognition system was used).
In this article we have argued that there is a gap be-
tween what is possible in terms of Audio Visual Pro-
cessing and what is available to DH scholars, and that
to bridge the gap between these fields it is necessary
to make available established tools. On the one hand,
this will enable DH scholars to incorporate AVP ap-
proaches and technologies in their research, to gain a
fuller, more ’macroscopic’ perspective on audiovisual
media (Graham et al., 2015); on the other, the seman-
tically complex analyses of DH scholars can be used
as input to boost the development of semantically sen-
sitive AVP algorithms.
While a major step in this process is to make
AVP tools practically available, it is equally neces-
sary to create an environment in which tools can be
developed or customised to support answering newly
emerging research questions. By integrating DANE,
our proposed environment for deploying AVP tools,
in the Media Suite virtual research environment we
have been able to bring the algorithms to the rich
catalogue of datasets that is available in the Media
Suite. Moreover, the distributed and modular design
of DANE ensures flexibility in deploying new tools,
as well as an easy and well-documented process for
converting algorithms to tools. In embracing such an
approach we have taken the first steps in developing
an AVP environment within CLARIAH that enables a
continuous cycle of automatically annotating and en-
riching AV archives, opening the door for further col-
laboration between AVP researchers and DH scholars.
The research described in this paper was made possi-
ble by the CLARIAH-PLUS project (
financed by NWO.
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ARTIDIGH 2021 - Special Session on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities