
In this paper, we explored SFA for the extraction
of generative latent factors. We developed different
models and evaluated them on a variety of datasets
with different data-generating attributes. In this eval-
uation, we found that the extraction principle of slow-
ness is in general not contrary to reconstructability
from low-dimensional representations, while provid-
ing the corresponding space with additional proper-
ties beneficial for generative tasks as has been demon-
strated in Section 3.4. However, while slow features
live in a structured, continuous and complete space,
the specific nature of the extracted features is gov-
erned by the types of latent variables used in data gen-
eration and can negatively impact the overall quality
of the reconstruction in specific cases.
One of these cases is identified as the mixing of
continuous with categorical latent variables and is
subsequently addressed in Section 3.4.3 by develop-
ment of the What-Where Encode-Decoder model us-
ing two qualitatively different extraction paths.
Finally, to complete a possible generative model
based on SFA, a prior distribution had to be con-
structed. As construction of suitable prior distribu-
tions is in general a hard problem, the chosen ap-
proach leveraged known structural properties of SFA-
extracted features and was successfully applied for
the case of single samples of a synthetic dataset
when using a low-dimensional feature space in Sec-
tion 3.5.1. A possible ansatz to also generate se-
quences was discussed in Section 3.5.2.
Future Directions. We see potential in continued
investigation of SFA representations as foundation for
generative models, as it also has been shown to ex-
tract useful representations even in the case of high-
dimensional data. One limitation here might lie in the
use of very low-dimensional latent spaces: While ef-
fective prior distributions can be constructed, not all
interesting latent factors might be captured. There-
fore, the authors regard the possible generalization of
the identified construction principles to higher dimen-
sions as the most promising research direction at this
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ICPRAM 2021 - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods