Controlling Personal Data Flow: An Ontology in the COVID-19
Outbreak using a Permissioned Blockchain
Paulo Henrique Alves
1 a
, Isabella Z. Frajhof
, Fernando A. Correia
1 b
Clarisse de Souza
1 c
and Helio Lopes
1 d
Department of Informatics, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Law Department, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Ontology, Privacy, Data Protection, Governance, Blockchain.
Data protection regulations emerged to set rights and duties in managing personal data. Hence, they have
created a new challenge. Systems must comply with legal obligations whenever the processing of personal
data takes place. From the controller’s perspective, attending to such norms can be defying, as it demands a
detailed and holistic knowledge of the data processing activity. From the data subject point of view, controlling
and following the data flow is also complex, as many entities can be authorized to access and use one’s personal
data. To mitigate information asymmetry and comply with data protection regulations, we developed an
ontology to identify the entities involved in personal data processing. The ontology aims to build relationships
between them and to share a common understanding of rights and duties proposed by the Brazilian Data
Protection Law under the COVID-19 pandemic context. Moreover, the permissioned blockchain technology
emerged as a solution to manage privacy concerns and to allow the compliance to such Law. We also developed
a conceptual model using such technology and provided a data governance approach to set a standard so that
the reuse becomes more accurate.
The massive collection of personal data, due to
widespread goods and services connected to the inter-
net, turns the discussion of regulating personal data
into a high-priority item (Mulholland and Frajhof,
2020). Recently, Brazil enacted its Data Protection
Law (Law n. 13.709/2018 - Lei Geral de Protec¸
de Dados Pessoais - LGPD). Like other Data Pro-
tection Regulations, such as the GDPR in the Euro-
pean Union, and the Privacy and Data Protection Act
in Australia, the LGPD sets the rules and principles
for the processing of personal data environment. It
provides rights for data subjects (DS) and establishes
duties and responsibilities for data controllers (DCs)
and processors (DPs). Protection norms are important
when sensitive health data is being processed (Met-
nitz et al., 2020).
In pandemic scenarios, data sharing and commu-
nication among health institutions, public or private,
and state entities are vital to the decision-making pro-
cess. This data is used to define and develop pub-
lic policies to contain disease spread (Cori et al.,
2017). Previous pandemic outbreak experiences like
influenza, MERS-CoV, Zika
, and now Sars-CoV-2
(or COVID-19), demonstrate that data sharing be-
tween health institutions and other stakeholders is
fundamental to fight against broad contamination.
In Brazil, LGPD. imposes that whenever the pro-
cessing of personal data takes place, processors and
controllers must observe the law’s command, such as
its principles, processors and controllers duties, indi-
vidual rights, etc. From the controller perspective, at-
tending to such norms can be defying, as it demands a
detailed and holistic knowledge of the data processing
activity. From the DS point of view, controlling and
following the data flow is also complex, as many enti-
ties can be authorized to access and use one’s personal
data. Thus, the DS should be able to know if: the in-
Data Sharing in Public Health Emergencies. Avail-
able at:
yellow-fever-and-ebola.pdf Accessed at: 10/21/2020
Alves, P., Frajhof, I., Correia, F., de Souza, C. and Lopes, H.
Controlling Personal Data Flow: An Ontology in the COVID-19 Outbreak using a Permissioned Blockchain.
DOI: 10.5220/0010391901730180
In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) - Volume 2, pages 173-180
ISBN: 978-989-758-509-8
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
formed purpose of data use is being observed; the per-
sonal data has been shared with other non-informed
partners; and once the purpose of the DC is reached,
if the data is still being used, or shared, with a differ-
ent purpose.
Answering these questions and providing the re-
quired transparency is also challenging from a tech-
nology perspective. Blockchain technology emerges
as a possible solution to build a unified, distributed
and trusted database. The data immutability provided
by the consensus mechanisms ensures the unified his-
torical information. Also, the data distribution among
the worldwide network participants guarantees high
data availability. Finally, permissioned blockchain
applications (PBAs) allow personalized data sharing;
the DSs are able to set access rules and set which data
should be public, private, or accessed under case by
case authorization (Velmovitsky et al., 2020).
Given the lack of policies and standards to share
pandemic data, and recognizing the importance of
sharing such data reliably and safely, we propose an
ontology to organize roles, entities, and relationships
in favor of users’ privacy and data protection.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
focuses the data regulation background. Section 3
presents the related works in the current literature re-
garding pandemic data sharing, ontologies, and PBA
governance. Section 4 presents our ontology, which
aims to provide a model that would be used by citi-
zens, health organizations and solution architectures
to identify the main concerns when personal data is
shared. In Section 5 a blockchain data model is pro-
posed to create an environment for controlling per-
sonal data flow according to LGPD. In Section 6 we
include a data governance framework based on GAF
(Governance Analytical Framework) (Hufty, 2011) to
improve the COVID-19 scenario definition and ap-
plied the governance concepts on a PBA. Section 7
presents conclusions and future perspectives.
The constant and intense collection of personal data
by a myriad of services and goods, and the pan-optical
vigilance exercised over our behaviour when analyz-
ing these collected data, highlights the importance of
ensuring ways to protect one’s personal data. That
is, individuals must be informed about which data is
being collected and for what ends, and have control
and knowledge about its uses. This reflects the idea
of a right to informational self-determination. Such
right is put as an evolution in the information society
of the classic perspective of a right to privacy as the
“right to be let alone” (Rodot
a, 2008), put by the U.S.
Supreme Court Justices Samuel D. Warren and Louis
D. Brandeis (1890). The right to informational self-
determination means giving one the power to control
the flow of his/her own information, and it is one of
LGPD’s basis (art. 1, II).
In this sense, we have highlighted four fundamen-
tal ideas from the LGPD, which will be applied in
the proposed scenario. Firstly, the purpose limitation
principle, which imposes that data processing must
be legitimate, specific, and explicitly informed to the
DS. Secondly, the data minimization principle, which
means that only the strictly necessary data shall be
used to satisfy the intended and informed purpose
(art. 6, III). Thirdly, the law recommends the use of
anonymization or pseudonymization techniques as a
governance and good practice measure to ensure data
security (arts. 12, 13, 46, 6, VII, VIII). Fourth, data
processing must happen in a transparent manner, with
the disclosure of clear, precise, and easily accessible
information related to the data processing (art. 6, VI).
Furthermore, the law establishes different legal
basis, beyond consent (arts. 7 and 11), which autho-
rizes the legitimate processing of personal and sensi-
tive data (which includes health data). Regardless of
the legal basis used to process data, all DCs and DPs
shall comply with the law’s principles, DS’s rights,
and other safeguards (art. 7, § 6).
In pandemic scenarios, data protection norms are
of the utmost importance (Bradford et al., 2020;
Almeida et al., 2020), especially because of the fun-
damental right status of data protection right (Mendes
and Keller, 2020; Mulholland, 2018). Thus, an ontol-
ogy definition is necessary to allow a common under-
standing of rights and duties foreseen in the LGPD.
Also, it can mitigate information asymmetry and en-
hance a right to informational self-determination.
This section aims to present the works related to: (i)
identity management (Lee, 2017), data regulation and
blockchain (Truong et al., 2019), blockchain ontology
(Tasca et al., 2017; Palmirani et al., 2018), data gov-
ernance (Alves et al., 2020) and health data manage-
ment (Ekblaw et al., 2016; Jabbar et al., 2020; da Fon-
seca Ribeiro and Vasconcelos, 2020).
Lee (2017) presented the Blockchain-based ID as
a Service (BIDaaS) for digital identity and authen-
tication management. The proposed architecture is
based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for users,
companies, and partners, presenting the benefits of
using PKI for these system actors. However, identity
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
management under data regulation, such as data pro-
tection regulation (e.g. LGPD), was not mentioned.
Hence, issues related to consent and the access autho-
rization revocation, for example, were not introduced
to guarantee accountability as well. Therefore, in or-
der to improve the PKI and access authorization, we
developed a model that also adds a user certificate to
set the rules for using personal data, allowing access
revocation (as presented in the following sections).
Truong et al. (2019) proposed a design concept
for a GDPR-compliant personal data management
based on the Hyperledger Fabric (HF) permissioned
blockchain. Even though the authors presented a hy-
brid on-chain and off-chain architecture to empower
users to revoke the consent and erase personal data,
an ontology to describe the relationships between data
regulation, DSs, DCs, and DPs is missing. The paper
also limits its analysis on the legal basis of consent
and the possibility of revoking it. Hence, given this
lack, we proposed a new ontology for PBAs and for
other features foreseen in the LGPD (purpose limita-
tion and data minimization principles).
There are blockchain ontologies proposals for
different purposes, and two presented an approach
towards blockchain technology and data regulation
concerns. Firstly, Tasca et al. (2017) proposed
a component-based blockchain ontology that ap-
proached the main connectors and subcomponents.
However, data privacy is a brief topic under the se-
curity and privacy theme and lacks in-depth evalu-
ation. Secondly, Palmirani et al. (2018) presented
the PrOnto, a GDPR ontology, that provides a legal
knowledge modeling based on ve modules: (i) data,
(ii) actors and roles, (iii) processing, (iv) legal rules,
and (v) legal basis. Although the authors presented
the modules in detail, the ontology is superficial and
only few relationships were explained.
Alves et al. (2020) addressed the privacy’s chal-
lenges to comply with data regulation in a PBA. The
solution classifies the GAF concepts in the COVID-19
pandemic outbreak. However, the authors did not ex-
plain how data rectification, for example, would work,
and the GAF concepts lack details. In this sense, we
first addressed the presented absences and added a
certificate in this architecture to deal with data rec-
tification, data access, time limitation for data use,
among others. Second, we drove into the GAF con-
cepts to clarify the ontology application on a PBA.
In regards to health management data, Ekblaw
et al. (2016) and Jabbar et al. (2020) proposed a
Blockchain Smart Contract (BSC) approach for elec-
tronic medical records management to deal with the
highly regulated health sector. The BSCs allow data
sharing in this private P2P network. Even though this
solution enables immutable logs, distributed informa-
tion, and accountability, it has no association with
data protection regulations. Furthermore, they devel-
oped their application under a public blockchain plat-
form. Thus, some data had to be stored off-chain to
preserve data privacy. In this sense, we proposed an
entirely PBA that provides resources to comply with
data protection and privacy concerns.
Even though (da Fonseca Ribeiro and Vasconce-
los, 2020) have proposed a PBA for Electronic Health
Records using HF, they did not discuss concerns re-
garding data regulation. Moreover, the proposed so-
lution lacks data sharing details. Thus, we addressed
these absences, offering a conceptual blockchain
model solution based on an ontology for data protec-
tion and privacy management under LGPD.
In summary, those related works showed the main
concerns regarding identity management, data reg-
ulation, blockchain, ontology, data governance, and
health data management. However, none of them pre-
sented a unified solution and approached LGPD – this
is the gap we propose to address in our work.
Ontologies are representations of a specific domain
that aims to create a shareable and reusable model.
They are also considered a useful instrument for re-
ducing conceptual ambiguities and inconsistencies in
a specific domain (Staab and Studer, 2010). In this
sense, an ontology proposed for blockchain technol-
ogy for a specific context, e.g., sharing personal and
sensitive data, should also be created. This would al-
low people to get a complete understanding of the ef-
fects of sharing personal data, as well as their rights,
under data protection regulations. DSs must know the
purpose of data processing, who are the controllers,
what are the responsibilities of the DP and DC, how,
and if, they can revoke access to their information and
limit its use (content and time length of data process-
ing). Disclosing these information is mandatory (art.
9, LGPD). The traceability of the data flow is essen-
tial to turn effective the right to informational self-
determination, data protection, and privacy.
In order to control the flow of personal data and
decrease informational asymmetry, it must be known
(i) the data source and content, (ii) who inserted the
data, (iii) when the data were added, (iv) whether
the data were changed, and (v) the processing pur-
pose. Hence, the ontology development should con-
sider these concerns to correctly represent this envi-
ronment’s needs by providing proof of the data in-
Controlling Personal Data Flow: An Ontology in the COVID-19 Outbreak using a Permissioned Blockchain
tegrity and provenance. Furthermore, to build a com-
plete ontology, the entities involved should also be
considered, as well as the possibility of data audit-
ing. Governments, health organizations, researchers,
citizens, and media should also be able to consult and
check the data.
In this sense, our ontology aims to identify the en-
tities and their relationship for further technological
support development and to satisfy the regulation re-
quirements. Figure 1 depicts our proposal for pan-
demic data management, and we will present the on-
tology concepts in the sequence.
Citizen: is the entity responsible for: (i) query
information from the data provider, and third parties
who received the shared data, and (ii) request valida-
tion regarding data and metadata information, such as
who and when the data were added to the database.
The Citizen entity is also safeguarded by their rights
and composed by personal data.
UserRights: is the entity that represents what cit-
izens can request, such as the copy of stored and pro-
cessed data, the restriction of processing, the context
usage, data deletion, and data correction, for example.
PersonalData: is the entity that represents per-
sonal and sensitive data collected according to LGPD
legal basis. It also includes a list of data that the user
agrees to share, a list of organizations that are able
to use such data, and the legal basis. We considered
personal data as presented by art. 5, I and II, LGPD
DataController: entity can process the citizens’
data when authorized by one of the legal basis fore-
seen in arts. 7 and 11. Thus, DataController is com-
posed by OrganizationDuties and UserRights.
Article 5, I: “information relating to an identified or
identifiable natural person”; Article 5, II. “Personal data re-
lated to racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, polit-
ical opinion, membership of a union or organization of a
religious, philosophical or political character data, health or
sexual data, genetic or biometric data, when associated to a
natural person”.
Art. 7: (i) user consent; (ii) to attend a legal or regu-
latory obligation by the DC; (iii) by the public administra-
tion, for shared purposes and for the execution of a public
policy foreseen in law or other legal instrument; (iv) re-
search, implementing data anonymization, when possible;
(v) to attend an agreement requirement involving the DS or
by his/her request, (vi) to exercise rights foreseen in judi-
cial, administrative or arbitral procedure, (vii) to protect the
life or physical state of the DS; (viii) to provide health safe-
guard in procedures executed by health professionals; (ix)
DCs legitimate interests, and (x) credit protection. More-
over, art. 11 sets the legal basis for processing sensitive per-
sonal data, authorizes data processing when based on the
following hypothesis: (a) with the user consent; (b) with-
out the user consent in the hypothesis (ii), (iii), (iv), (vi),
(vii) foreseen above, and (b.1) to protect one’s health, ex-
clusively in procedures performed by healthcare workers,
OrganizationDuties: is the entity responsible for
the Legal Basis application, defining which one is ap-
plicable according to the processing context. For ex-
ample, as stated by LGPD principles and DS’ rights,
the DataController shall respect DataMinimization,
PurposeLimitaion, DataDeletion among others, as
well as security and data governance concerns. Once
Citizens share their data, s/he contributes to populate
the database on behalf of society. Any society mem-
ber should be able to consult the anonymized public
analysis regarding the pandemic situation, even if s/he
did not share his/her data.
InterfaceForConsultation: entity is the Data-
Controller bridge to share data with the Citizen. The
DataController receives the treated information from
the DataProcessor and discloses data to citizens.
DataProcessor: is the entity responsible for pro-
cessing data strictly in accordance to the DataCon-
troller commands and returning the processed data
from the DataSource to the DataController. The lat-
ter can exercise the DataProcessor role or delegate to
a third party.
AuditingOrg: is the entity responsible for audit-
ing the information originated in the DataSource and
exercising compliance regarding the roles and data
addition circumstances, e.g., this entity will evaluate
unauthorized data insertion.
DataSource: entity represents the database tech-
nology. To provide transparency and traceability, it is
usually required to check the data provenience. Thus,
the database should deliver resources to track data, as
well as to provide this information to the AuditingOrg.
DataTransparency and DataTraceability: entities
represents trackable attributes to provide data trans-
parency and traceability.
Also, according to art. 9, LGPD, the DataCon-
troller must provide some basic information (BI) so
that the Citizen is able to comprehend the data pro-
cessing and contact the DC. Thus, the DataController
must provide information in a straightforward man-
ner, structured in a clear, adequate, and ostensive
form, referring to the: (BI-01) specific purpose of the
treatment, (BI-02) form and duration of the process-
ing, (BI03) DC identification and contact information,
(BI-04) DC and DP obligations, and (BI-05) DS rights
(art. 18). This ontology is designed to empower peo-
ple to check and claim for data privacy and protec-
tion, provides knowledge of collective rights (health
and social rights), and high-quality information. Also,
health services or health authority; (b.2) to protect the DS
from fraud in identity and authentication registration proce-
dures in electronic systems, preserving DS rights, and ex-
cept when it is necessary to protect DS’s fundamental rights
and principles which requires data protection.
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 1: Ontology for Data Privacy Management and LGPD Compliance.
DCs and DPs are able to efficiently provide account-
Permissioned blockchain platforms are applied when
the environment requires privacy concerns related to
business secrecy and sensitive data. Such technology
can be an entirely private ecosystem or a hybrid en-
vironment. The former allows invited entities only to
read and write data. The latter enables flexible rules
(da Fonseca Ribeiro and Vasconcelos, 2020).
Therefore, health data management solutions have
used PBAs to improve transparency and availability
and provide better performance than permissionless
blockchains (Kuo et al., 2019; Agbo and Mahmoud,
2019; Pongnumkul et al., 2017; Liang et al., 2017).
With a restricted number of members (nodes), a new
block’s acceptance is faster in a permissioned than in
a permissionless platform.
Data Registry. As blockchain technology enables
immutable registries, the data stored builds the history
of transactions, data modifications, access authoriza-
tions, and transfer values (tokens), all depending on
the parameters stored on the block metadata. This
history is important to evaluate if privacy and data
protection concerns were respected. Such evidence
may present: (i) the conditions in which the data was
shared; (ii) to whom it was shared; (iii) until when
this authorization is valid, and (iv) when authoriza-
tion was revoked (when consent is the legal basis).
Authorization Layers. BSCs play a vital role in
this environment. As data is immutable when stored
in the blockchain, the BSC allows the creation of im-
mutable contract rules specified in a programming
language. Also, such technology enables users and
stakeholders to get a snapshot of the environment. For
instance, in a pandemic scenario, the DC and DP are
able to use anonymized (or pseudonymized) sensitive
data to create reports and public health actions to con-
trol the outbreak spread.
Depending on the selected platform, the
blockchain technology may enable the creation
of specific channels to share data privately, even
when there are other network participants’ presence.
This enables two main features: the DS can share
his/her data with distinct DCs and DPs, and the DSs
are able to select which sensitive data to share. For
instance, the DS can share their data with a specific
research organization selecting only one certain
comorbidity instead of the entire health history.
Privacy x Immutability x Revocation. One of
the issues regarding blockchain technology applica-
tions when dealing with sensitive and personal data
is the trade-off between immutable registries and the
rights foreseen in the LGPD . Immutability guaran-
tees the BSC conditions under which the data was
processed. However, if consent is used as the legal
basis, for instance, DSs can request the revocation
of her/his consent regarding the usage of his/her data
(art. 8, § 5). This can be challenging in this environ-
ment. Furthermore, when another legal basis is used
to justify data processing, DSs have the right to object
if the LGPD is not respected (art. 18, § 2). Once the
DS authorizes a DC and DP to use their blockchain
data, it cannot be undone by the technology.
In order to work around this issue, the usage of
authorization certificates allows the DS and the DC to
set expiration date, the purpose limitation, and inform
which DC and DP can access the DS’s data. Also, the
DS and the DC can issue as many certificates as they
need, including the revocation certificates when ap-
plied. Moreover, the usage of authorization certifica-
tion in addition to the symmetric cryptography algo-
rithm, such as PKI, as depicted in Figure 2, empower
DSs. They are able to issue their certificates individ-
ually for each one of the DCs and DPs. Also, the DC
can issue a certificate to make the DS aware of the
usage of his/her data.
Furthermore, the discussion of data storage archi-
Controlling Personal Data Flow: An Ontology in the COVID-19 Outbreak using a Permissioned Blockchain
Figure 2: Blockchain conceptual model for data sharing.
tectures plays a vital role in maintaining data pri-
vate and facilitating the exercise of DS’s rights. In
blockchain solutions, data can be stored in different
ways: plain text, hashed, a link for external storage,
and so on. Thus, depending on the solution’s design
and the complement of other computing concepts, im-
mutability can be used in favor of the DSs. More-
over, the blockchain platform’s data storage architec-
ture and the BSC design are paramount to define the
proper software architecture and data structure.
Blockchain Model for Data Sharing. We devel-
oped a conceptual model for blockchain data sharing
to empower users to manage: (i) which data should
be shared; (ii) whom should have access; (iii) for how
long, and (iv) controlling the purpose of data usage.
This model goes towards compliance with the five BI
that the DC must provide to the DS (art. 9, LGPD).
Furthermore, PKI enables the DS to share his/her
data with a specific DC. First, the personal data, en-
crypted by the DC and DP public key, generates a ci-
pher data and only allows the private key owner to
decrypt the shared data. Second, the DS shall issue
the authorization certificate using his/her private key
informing: (1) his/her public key, for further localiza-
tion on the blockchain; (2) the hashed data; (3) the
authorized DC and DP public key; (4) the purpose,
and (5) the expiration date. These two artifacts - ci-
pher data and the DS issued certificate - are sent to the
blockchain-based system. This system sends to the
blockchain the hash of the cipher data and the hash of
the certificate. The hash comparison guarantees that
the information evaluated is the same as the original.
In summary, the block generated is composed of
the transaction hash, the timestamp - both generated
by the blockchain -, cipher data hash, certificate hash,
and the DS public key. Thus, the DC which access the
DS shared information shall inform the original au-
thorization certificate issued by the DS and the trans-
action hash. Next, the blockchain-based system will
check if those information are compatible with the
one stored on the blockchain. The verification is com-
posed of three steps: (i) certificate expiration date and
the DS, DC, and DP public key; (ii) the transaction
hash must be present on the blockchain, and (iii) the
presented certificate hash is the same as the one stored
in this block. If all the verification steps are positive,
the blockchain-based system (BBS) sends the DS ci-
pher data to the requester. Thus, the requester is able
to decipher the cipher data using his/her private key.
In general, the data governance concept is related
to big companies and how they manage a high vol-
ume of data. Also, data management is crucial to
the interaction and decision-making between parties
that have to solve a mutual problem. Even though
the World Health Organization (WHO) publicly dis-
closed COVID-19 data, the transparency and trace-
ability concepts were not respected. It is not possible
to access who inserted the data, whether the data was
properly anonymized, and what was the legal basis
that authorized the processing, for example. More-
over, centralized platforms are subject to data unavail-
ability due to internet connection or hacker attacks
In a pandemic outbreak, data unavailability is espe-
cially worrying and may present severe consequences
in controlling and managing the disease spread.
Many authors discuss the challenges and oppor-
tunities in the pandemic scenario, highlighting the
importance of data governance and quality (Almeida
et al., 2020; Shaw et al., 2020; Janssen and van der
Voort, 2020). They argue that information quality de-
pends on excellent data: management, standardiza-
tion, and availability. Furthermore, GAF is another
Hackers put Brazilian government on alert.
Available at:
massive-hackers-attack-brazilian-government- on-alert/
Accessed on: 11/12/2020.
ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
well-known approach and it is based on ve princi-
ples: (i) problems, (ii) actors, (ii) social norms, (iv)
processes, and (v) nodal points. This framework pro-
poses the construction of a scenario by describing the
social problems into those five principles to model the
governance. Thus, this approach was used to model
the COVID-19 data governance scenario.
Moreover, we chose the HF platform to support
the developed blockchain model, based on the pre-
sented ontology. PBA fits with the ontology con-
cepts. It allows for the creation of governance rules
to manage entities and data, i.e., this technology en-
ables DSs to have their rights respected, or at least
have resources to request them.
As mentioned in Section 5, blockchain provides
transparency, traceability, data immutability, and
availability, by definition. Moreover, PBA adds a role
layer that allows data management between selected
entities. In this sense, such technology can be used to
store and share pandemic data, not only as a transpar-
ent link between DSs, DCs and DPs, but also as a data
tracker and provider to third parties. Also, PBA al-
lows data auditing and can be used as a data source for
research purposes. Self-enforcement BSCs enhance
trust between the DS and the DC and DP.
Therefore, BSCs play an indispensable role; they
are responsible for roles assignment and can be used
as a snapshot of activated norms. They are also crucial
for feeding data on the blockchain. We have used the
same GAF permissioned blockchain architecture pro-
posed in (Alves et al., 2020). It is also based on HF, as
applied by Alketbi et al. (2020). Hence, we have used
the following GAF principles: Actors are represented
by HealthInstitution, i.e., the DC and/or DP; and Cit-
izen (DS). The HealthInstitution may process data or
delegate this to a third party. Such actor is also re-
sponsible for providing its identification (public key),
the purpose of processing and expiration access date
for each data request. Nodal Points: are represented
by BBS and Chain, which interacts directly, or indi-
rectly, with HealthInstitutions and Citizens. They are
data access points: BBS can apply graphical analysis,
and the Chain is the blockchain. Social Norms: are
represented by Certificate, BSCs, and DataPipeline.
These entities set up and verify the rights to access
and write data, which will define the conditions that
the data would be accessed. Also, BSCs allow citi-
zens to check the collected data and confirm, for ex-
ample, the compliance to data minimization principle.
Processes: are represented by Transaction, Block,
and ConsensusProtocol entities, which manage data
in order to check the primary attributes; they are used
to create the link between the blocks. Problem: is
represented by the LegalProse, which is used to de-
scribe the scenario in abstraction level in plain text on
the BSCs. It also specifies the organization’s duties
and user rights.
Thus, a PBA structured under GAF allows data
governance to deal with data accountability and trust-
worthy data sharing in pandemic situations. Accord-
ing to the access rules established on the permis-
sioned blockchain, data available to public consulta-
tion allows governments to provide fast response in a
pandemic outbreak. Furthermore, unified governance
will enable institutions to share data following previ-
ously agreed rules. Data provenance is available for
citizens, researchers, government, and health institu-
tions, which may improve the identification of data
inconsistency worldwide by information comparison.
In this paper, we presented the ontology that we have
designed to aid DSs, DCs and DPs, to enhance some
of the LGPD provisions. We also discussed a con-
ceptual model for data sharing based on a permis-
sioned blockchain. This was improved by the use of
PKI and digital certificates that provide resources to
grant, check, delete, correct, or revoke (when applica-
ble) personal data. Finally, we developed an architec-
ture based on GAF concepts and HF in the COVID-19
outbreak scenario.
However, other limitations should be considered.
As there is a vast literature regarding cryptography,
our discussion may lack an in-depth analysis of this
topic. Moreover, blockchain interoperability is an-
other topic often discussed, and this may affect our
architecture directly. Nonetheless, there is no estab-
lished agreement regarding models and connectors to
interoperate in blockchain systems; the usual solution
is developing an Application Programming Interface
(API) for each platform.
In addition, the architecture designers should also
consider the different blockchains’ performance, i.e.,
the number of transactions per second, before defin-
ing the most suitable platform. There are many other
permissioned platforms, and they perform differently.
We chose HF because it is an open-source project,
with many literature reviews.
Furthermore, we have discussed the only thr
LGPD. Thus, this approach could be adapted for other
data regulation scenarios. Therefore, the presented
limitations will be treated as the roadmap for future
works in order to improve the current approach.
Finally, other important future work is related to
an empirical analysis of the proposed ontology. We
decided to intensely discuss the ontology, governance,
Controlling Personal Data Flow: An Ontology in the COVID-19 Outbreak using a Permissioned Blockchain
entities, attributes, and relationships before starting
the next step: the qualitative evaluation.
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ICEIS 2021 - 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems